Understanding The Book Of Revelation
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Understanding the Book of Revelation By Elder Bruce R. McConkie Of the Council of the Twelve Ensign, Sept. 1975, 85-89
One of our most fascinating exercises in scriptural been so unqualified as that of the rest of the New interpretation is to study the book of Revelation, to ponder Testament. Luther was at first strongly averse from the its truths, and to discover—to our surprise and amazement book, though, later, he printed it with Hebrews, James, and —what this commonly misunderstood work is all about. Jude in an appendix to his New Testament. Zwingli If you have already fallen in love with John’s regarded it as non-biblical, and Calvin did not comment presentation of the plan of salvation as it is set out in the upon it.” (J. R. Dummelow, The One Volume Bible Apocalypse, you are one of the favored few in the Church. Commentary, p. 1069.) If this choice experience is yet ahead for you, the day and Who is the author of the book of Revelation? hour is here to launch one of the most intriguing and To this there is an unqualified answer. It was John rewarding studies in gospel scholarship in which any of us —John the Beloved, he who wrote the Gospel of John and ever engage. the three epistles that bear his name. This runs counter to Our purpose in this article is to lay a foundation the conclusions of most Christian intellectuals, but it is a and generate an interest in what is probably the most verity which has been confirmed to us by latter-day unique of all our books of scripture. The real joys of gospel revelation. learning will come to us when we begin to drink from the More than six centuries before John was born, the fountain of truth as here recorded by the ancient Revelator. Lord revealed to Nephi many of the things in the book of In my judgment the Gospel of John ranks far Revelation. Nephi saw John in vision, and an angel ahead of those of Matthew, Mark, or Luke; at least John’s identified him as “one of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” record of the life of our Lord is directed to the saints; it Nephi heard and bore record “that the name of the apostle deals more fully with those things that interest people who of the Lamb was John,” and that he was the one appointed have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and who have the and foreordained to write the very visions now found in the hope of eternal life. But even ahead of his gospel account book of Revelation. (See 1 Ne. 14:19–29.) stands this wondrous work, the book of Revelation; or at Have other prophets seen and written what John saw and least so it seems to those who are prepared to build on the wrote? foundations of the gospels and epistles and to go forward Yes! And their accounts shall be revealed to us in forever in perfecting their knowledge of the mysteries of due course. When Nephi saw many of the same things, he the kingdom. was commanded not to write them, and was told by an For our purposes now, let us use the question and angel: answer method to give an overview of what this unknown “The Lord God hath ordained the apostle of the book, Revelation, is all about. Lamb of God that he should write them. What is the book of Revelation? “And also others who have been, to them hath he Before we can understand this book we must shown all things, and they have written them; and they are have one thing clearly lodged in our minds—it is a book of sealed up to come forth in their purity, according to the holy scripture. It is the mind and will and voice of the Lord. truth which is in the Lamb, in the own due time of the Lord, It came by revelation. The Lord spoke, his servant heard, unto the house of Israel.” (1 Ne. 14:25–26.) the word was written, and we now have the written record We suppose that many of these things are for our profit and blessing. preserved on the brass plates, and we know that when the In our study of the book of Revelation, we must sealed portion of the Book of Mormon comes forth, “all start out with the clear understanding that—aside from things shall be revealed unto the children of men which changes and errors of translation—it is as though the ever have been among the children of men, and which same words were written in the Book of Mormon or the ever will be even unto the end of the earth.” (2 Ne. 27:11.) Doctrine and Covenants. That is, they are true and are the How was the book of Revelation given? very words the Lord wants us to have on the matters with John was on the island of Patmos. It was Sunday. which they deal. Such is the view of the Latter-day Saints The promised hour had come. The heavens opened, relative to this most misunderstood of all scriptural angelic ministrants attended, voices were heard, and accounts. visions were seen. John was overshadowed by the power How is this book viewed by other Christians? of the Holy Ghost. Under that holy influence he wrote: There is no uniformity of belief whatever, except “The Revelation of John, a servant of God, which that none of those outside the Church envision it for what it was given unto him of Jesus Christ. … truly is. It is commonly classed with a great mass of “Who hath sent forth his angel from before his apocalyptic writings, by which is meant that it is considered throne, to testify unto those who are the seven servants to be a symbolical presentation designed to encourage the over the seven churches. early Christians, in their days of spiritual depression, by “Therefore, I, John, the faithful witness, bear setting forth the ultimate triumph of God and his cause record of the things which were delivered me of the angel.” over the manifest evils of the day. (Rev. 1:1–5 JST.) Many theologians doubt its canonicity. Some even Was the account clear and plain when it was first written? consider it to be apocryphal in nature. All concede Yes, as much so as any scripture. As the angel insurmountable difficulties in its [page 86] interpretation. As said to Nephi: Dummelow says: “Its reception in modern times has not “The things which he [John] shall write are just we are apt to get a contentious spirit, and correct and true; and behold they are written in the book which knowledge is necessary to cast out that spirit. thou beheld proceeding out of the mouth of the Jew; and at “The evil of being puffed up with correct (though the time they proceeded out of the mouth of the Jew, or, at useless) knowledge is not so great as the evil of the time the book proceeded out of the mouth of the Jew, contention. Knowledge does away with darkness, the things which were written were plain and pure, and suspense and doubt; for these cannot exist where most precious and easy to the understanding of all men.” knowledge is.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, (1 Ne. 14:23.) pp. 287–288.) In this connection, however, we must always As a matter of fact, the Prophet, acting by the remember that prophecy, visions, and revelations come by spirit of inspiration, did give some rather extensive the power of the Holy Ghost and can only be understood in interpretations of many of these difficult passages. An their fullness and perfection by the power of that same examination of these interpretations is far beyond the Spirit. purview of this article, but they are set out in extenso in my Are we expected to understand the book of Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, vol. 3, pp. 429– Revelation? 595. Certainly. Why else did the Lord reveal it? The In this connection we may well note the Prophet’s common notion that it deals with beasts and plagues and declaration, to those properly endowed and enlightened, mysterious symbolisms that cannot be understood is just that the book of Revelation “is one of the plainest books not true. It is so far overstated that it gives an entirely God ever caused to be written.” (Teachings of the Prophet erroneous feeling about this portion of revealed truth. Most Joseph Smith, p. 290.) of the book—and it is no problem to count the verses so How can we understand the book of Revelation? included—is clear and plain and should be understood by Our position in this respect is strong. The path the Lord’s people. Certain parts are not clear and are not [page 88] of understanding is clearly marked. Here are understood by us—which, however, does not mean that seven basic guidelines: we could not understand them if we would grow in faith as 1. Know that the book of Revelation deals with we should. things that are to occur after New Testament times, The Lord expects us to seek wisdom, to ponder particularly in the last days. his revealed truths, and to gain a knowledge of them by John is not writing of events of his time. He is not the power of his Spirit. Otherwise he would not have concerned with ancient history. The initial pronouncement revealed them to us. He has withheld the sealed portion of in the book is that it concerns things that must shortly the Book of Mormon from us because it is beyond our come to pass, things that are to happen after New present ability to comprehend. We have not made that Testament times, things that shall transpire in the last spiritual progression which qualifies us to understand its days. To give an overall perspective, some past events are doctrines. But he has not withheld the book of Revelation, mentioned, but all such presentations are clearly labeled. because it is not beyond our capacity to comprehend; if we In discussing the war on earth between good and evil, it is apply ourselves with full purpose of heart, we can catch mentioned that there was also a war in heaven of a similar the vision of what the ancient Revelator recorded. The kind. In opening the successive seals of a book, to set apostles in Palestine did not know about the Nephites forth what is to be, brief mention is of necessity made of because they did not seek such knowledge. (See 3 Ne. what has transpired in past days. But the whole thrust of 15:11–24.) We would have many additional revelations the book pertains to future events. and know many added truths if we used the faith that is in Joseph Smith said: “The things which John saw our power to exercise. had no allusion to the scenes of the days of Adam, Enoch, What, then, of the beasts and plagues and hard Abraham or Jesus, only so far as is plainly represented by portions of the book? John, and clearly set forth by him. John saw that only An answer to this question gives rise to an which was lying in futurity and which was shortly to come interesting point. It is our observation that those who to pass.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 289.) concern themselves about these hidden and mysterious Also: “John had the curtains of heaven withdrawn, and by things, generally speaking, are the ones who have not yet vision looked through the dark vista of future ages, and come to an understanding of the many plain and clear contemplated events that should transpire throughout doctrines found in this and in all other books of scripture. every subsequent period of time, until the final winding up As to these difficult portions of the book of scene.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 247.) Revelation, Joseph Smith said: “I make this broad 2. Have an overall knowledge of the plan of declaration, that whenever God gives a vision of an image, salvation and of the nature of God’s dealings with men on or beast, or figure of any kind, He always holds Himself earth. responsible to give a revelation or interpretation of the We find in the book either passing allusions, brief meaning thereof, otherwise we are not responsible or commentary, or fairly extended consideration of such accountable for our belief in it. Don’t be afraid of being doctrines as: preexistence and the war in heaven, the damned for not knowing the meaning of a vision or figure, creation of the earth, the Lord’s dealings with men in if God has not given a revelation or interpretation of the successive dispensations, our Lord’s atonement and subject.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 291.) glorious resurrection, what is required to overcome the Also: “It is not very essential for the elders to have world and gain exaltation, the gross darkness of the knowledge in relation to the meaning of beasts, and heads apostasy which followed New Testament times, the setting and horns, and other figures made use of in the up of the church of the devil and the reign of the anti- revelations; still, it may be necessary, to prevent Christs, the restoration of the gospel and the latter-day contention and division and do away with suspense. If we gathering of Israel, concourses of plagues and desolations get puffed up by thinking that we have much knowledge, to be poured out in the last days, final destruction of the great and abominable church, the Second Coming and to dwell among men; that he worked out the infinite and eternal Millennial reign, resurrection and eternal judgment, and atonement and has now returned in glory to that throne from final celestialization of the earth. whence he came; and that he will raise all men to a kindred glory These are but part of the great events described and a like dominion if they will overcome the world and walk as and of the doctrines taught. Manifestly, those who already he walked. know the prophetic mind relative to such things will be able But why this particular book? What does it add to the to focus the added light found in the book of Revelation on reservoir of revealed truth which is not found elsewhere? them and thus perfect their understanding of the Lord’s In the answer to these queries we find the real doings. genius of John’s apocalyptic writing. Gospel truths are and 3. Use various latter-day revelations which should be variously worded, variously described, and expand upon the same subjects in similar language. variously adorned with literary attraction—all to the end For instance: that they will appeal, in one form or another, to every heart Section 45 of the Doctrine and Covenants that can be touched. The book of Revelation takes an contains comparable truths relative to latter-day plagues approach to the plan of salvation that is found nowhere and the Second Coming. [D&C 45] else in all of our inspired writings. The language and Section 76 expands upon the doctrines relative to imagery is so chosen as to appeal to the maturing gospel salvation and exaltation. [D&C 76] scholar, to those who already love the Lord and have Section 77 contains revealed answers to specific some knowledge of his goodness and grace. questions raised in otherwise incomprehensible portions of After the baptism of water, after being born of the John’s writings. [D&C 77] Spirit, after charting a course of conformity and obedience, Section 88 speaks of some of the same angels the true saint is still faced with the need to overcome the and sounding trumpets of which John wrote. [D&C 88] world. Nowhere in any scripture now had among men are Section 101 has considerable data relative to the there such pointed and persuasive explanations as to why Second Coming and Millennium. [D&C 101] we must overcome the world, and the attendant blessings Ether 13 sets forth analogous truths relative to the that flow therefrom, as in this work of the Beloved John. New Jerusalem and the new heaven and new earth. [Ether As the Saints pursue the course of progression 13] and perfection, they look for a better world. Amid the evils 4. Study the sermons of Joseph Smith relative to and downdrafts of this life they have a need to look upward the book of Revelation. and ahead, to look at the overall course ordained by their As already noted, the Prophet preached rather Creator; they need to think in terms of millennial and extensively about this book, giving inspired commentary celestial rewards. Where is all this set forth so effectively and interpretation as led by the Spirit. as in the latter part of these writings of John? 5. Use the Inspired Version of the Bible. Nowhere else do we find the detailed data relative Acting by the spirit of prophecy and revelation, to the plagues and scourges of a sick and dying world. [page 89] Joseph Smith corrected portions, but not all, of Nowhere is the overthrow of satanic power so pitilessly what is amiss in the King James Version of the Bible. In described. Truly the teachings of this inspired work are the book of Revelation corrections, for instance, the angels some of the greatest incentives to personal righteousness of the various earthly churches become the servants now found in holy writ. (presiding officers) of those units. The lamb with seven Has not the day come when the maturing gospel horns and seven eyes becomes a lamb with 12 eyes and scholar can dip into this great treasury of revealed truth 12 horns. thus perfecting the symbolism to identify Christ and come up with a knowledge of those things that will and his apostles. Chapter 12 is so revised as to identify the assure him of peace and joy in this life and eternal life in woman as the church of God and the Child that she the world to come? brought forth as the kingdom of our God and of his Christ. And so forth. 6. Reserve judgment on those things for which no interpretation is given. An example of this is the so-called number of the beast, which is stated to be the number of a man, which, if it could be identified, would show who was involved in the great deceptions imposed upon mankind. This is an answer that we do not know. The wise course is to avoid being entangled in the specious speculation of an uninspired world. 7. Seek the Spirit. This is the crowning counsel. The things of God are known only by the power of his Spirit. Prophecy and revelation come by the power of the Holy Ghost. Only those endowed by that same power are able to understand the full meaning of the inspired accounts. What is the chief message of the book of Revelation? There can be no question about the answer to this query. It has the same purpose as all the scriptures, though the approach is different and the setting original. The message is that Jesus is Lord of all; that he descended from his Father’s throne