2Nd 9 Weeks Benchmark Review 09-10

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2Nd 9 Weeks Benchmark Review 09-10

2nd 9 weeks benchmark review 2013-2014 Name:

Georgia Performance Standard Questions SS8H3 a.Explain the immediate 1. How did the French and Indian War lead to the American and long-term causes of the Revolutionary War? American Revolution and their impact on Georgia – include the 2. How did the French and Indian War affect Georgia’s growth French and Indian War (7 Years’ and development? War), Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, and the Declaration of Independence 3. What was the Proclamation of 1763?

4. What are the elements of the Intolerable Acts?

5. Why did many Georgians remain loyal to Great Britain?

6. Who were Georgia’s signers of the Declaration of Independence?

SS8H3b. Analyze the significance 1. Define loyalist. of people and events in Georgia on the Revolutionary War, including Loyalists, patriots, Elijah Clarke, 2. Define patriot. Austin Dabney, Nancy Hart, Battle of Kettle Creek, siege of Savannah.

3. What did Austin Dabney do during the Revolution?

4. What did Nancy Hart do during the Revolution?

SS8H4a: Analyze the strengths 1.What was the main weakness of the Georgia Constitution of and weaknesses of both the GA 1777? constitution of 1777 and the Articles of Confederation and explain how the weaknesses in the 2.Why was the national government given few powers in the Articles of Confederation led to a Articles of Confederation? need to revise the Articles. SS8H4b: Describe the role of 1.Who represented Georgia at the Constitutional Convention? Georgia at the Constitutional Convention of 1787; include the role of Abraham Baldwin and 2.The Constitutional Convention created a bicameral national William Few, and reasons why legislature. How many houses does it have? Georgia ratified the new Constitution 3. What meeting was held in order to revise the Articles of Confederation?

SS8H5a: Explain the 1.The University of Georgia is the nation’s first land grant establishment of the University of university. What is a land grant university? Georgia, Louisville and the spread of the Baptist and Methodist churches. 2.What were the 2 largest religious groups in Georgia in the late 1700s?

SSH5b: Evaluate the impact of 1. What was the purpose of the headright system? land policies pursued by Georgia, including the headright system and land lotteries and the Yazoo land fraud? 2.What land was given away by the land lottery?

3. Explain the Yazoo Land Fraud.

SS8H5c: Explain how 1. Explain the relationship between the cotton gin and the growth technological developments, of slavery. including the cotton gin and railroads, had an impact on Georgia’s growth. 2. What city was developed to connect Georgia’s rail lines to the rail lines in Chattanooga?

3. How were items shipped long distances before railroads?

4. What railroad companies were predominant in the mid 1800’s?

SS8H5d.: Analyze the events that 1.Who was Alexander McGillivray? led to the removal of the Creeks and Cherokees; include the roles of Alexander McGillivray, William 2.Who was William McIntosh? McIntosh, Sequoyah, John Ross, Dahlonega Gold Rush, Worcester v. Georgia, Andrew Jackson, John 3. Who was Sequoyah? Marshall, and the Trail of Tears 4. Where was America’s first gold rush?

5. Describe Andrew Jackson’s attitude toward Indians, including groups of Indians he used in the War of 1812 and how he treated the Cherokee.

6. What was the Trail of Tears?

7. Explain the significance of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

SS8H6a.: Explain the importance 1. What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act? of key issues and events that led to the Civil War – include slavery, states’ rights, nullification, Missouri 2. Describe the major components of the Compromise of Compromise, Compromise of 1850 1850. and the Georgia Platform, Kansas- Nebraska Act, Dred Scott case, election of 1860, the debate over secession in Georgia and the role 3. What role did Alexander Stephens play in the government of Alexander Stephens. of the Confederate States of America?

4. What was the significance of the Dred Scott Case?

SS8H6b. State the importance of 1.What is the bloodiest one-day of the Civil War? key events of the Civil War – include Antietam, Emancipation 2.The two major cities in Georgia that were the subjects of Civil Proclamation, Gettysburg, War campaigns were ______and Chickamauga, the Union blockade ______. of Georgia’s coast, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, Sherman’s 3. Why did southern port cities, such as Savannah, have to March to the Sea, and remain open during the Civil War? Andersonville

4. Why did Gen. Sherman decide not to burn Savannah when he reached the city at the end of his March to the Sea?

5. What was Sherman’s purpose is destroying civilian targets on the march to the sea?

6. What was Andersonville? 7. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

SS8CG1.: Explain the basic 1. Define separation of powers. structure of the Georgia state constitution. Explain the concepts of separation of 2. Define checks and balances. powers and checks and balances. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens. 3. What are the qualifications to vote in Georgia? Explain voting qualifications and elections in Georgia. Explain the role of political parties in government 4. What are the two major political parties in America today?

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