Course Guidelines & Expectations
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C H S B u s i n es s E d u c a t i o n D ep a r t m e n t Computer Advertising CHS
April 8, 2018
Special points of interest: VisiCot the Couconrseino Guidelines & Expectations homepage and click on . As the school year Teachers to find out more about Mr. Friend and the 2015-2016 begins, the classes he Computer Advertising teaches!! class at Coconino High School will be working Prepare now for the dili- gently to improve future!! their skills and knowledge. School begins at 7:50 am and gets out at 2:20 Mr. Friend will be pm. teaching this class in The Business Labe- Room 406. Inside this issue: Following are some simple common sense guidelines Tardy Policy which will make life 2 a little easier in the lab:
PLEASE: No food or drink at ANY time! (Bottled water OK)
Respect the equipment! Participation Points Respect all people “What do we want the 2 here! students at Co- conino High School to learn this year?” Internet for Bathroom Usage assignments only! 2 Turn off all electronics!
Lab Contract With your cooperation in 3 following the above rules, the 2015-2016 school year will be very successful.
Grading Scale 3 About Computer Advertising Teaching Methods
Syllabus signm ents Te using home taugcompu Fri ters in and are in encou raged to make use of “Thum b Driv es” so work may be finis hed at home if nece ssar y. If you are tardy/absent...... then
Businesses expect their employees to be on time accumulated. for work. The same is expected here. After a few “Spend your time wisely while here at late arrivals to work, you run the risk of losing your Coconino and be rewarded with a high job. Create good habits by being on time now. You’re school diploma along with the knowledge young adults and will be treated as such. The company and skills that can accompany it!” policy regarding being late is:
Not being in the classroom when the bell rings is considered tardy and will be so marked.
After 10 minutes, late arrivals are considered absent and this will also be so marked.
Loss of credit occurs when 10 marks are Participation Points At the beginning of each term, every student in Mr. Friend’s business classes REASON POINTS LOST will receive 100 participation points. This means you start with an “A”. These points Tardy 20 are given to e n c o u r a g e serious attitudes, behaviors and actions Disturbing education of others 20 toward your work in this program. Wrong place on computer 20
Should you choose not to develop a Use of personal electronics 20 seri- ous approach toward this class you run the risk of losing points for the following rea- sons: Topics of Study
Advertising using Microsoft software Presentation Skills Word Processing: margins, tabs, rulers, format- ting, how to use spell check and be successful! Designing ads for products File management: saving and be able to find the Desktop Publishing file years later. Stock Market Project Spreadsheet development . . . And more Course Objectives:
Students will :
Create documents using advanced word processing and spreadsheet functions Integrating software applications, incorporating multimedia applications, and acquiring business terminology and vocabulary in the process Use critical thinking skills, reading and writing using technical writing, and research of files utilizing the Internet. Manage set-up and maintenance activities, and use of telecommunications with emphasis on etiquette and ethics. Prepare ads for specific products Create a portfolio containing samples of work produced in the course. Work independently and collectively as they progress through projects and other assign- ments Grading Scale The grading in this class is based on class The grading scale is as follows: assignments, quizzes, projects and unit A 90-100 tests. Every page is worth 10 points and can be redone to achieve a higher grade. B 80-89 Every spelling or formatting error is 2 points off. With this in mind, proofreading C 70-79 becomes a major part of your success in this D 60-69 course. F 59&below
Teaching Methods
assignments, I circulate throughout the The Business classes are taught using a room and assist them with their work and hands-on method where the student learns answer any questions that arise. primarily by doing the assigned work on the computer. Students will also be doing work in pairs and every so often in groups of four to five. Demos are given by the teacher on the This way they develop the interpersonal overhead and then the students apply what skills that employers expect to see in they have learned. employees in today’s workplace. While the students are working on their C o m p u t e r Advertising Week Activities
Course intro & overview, computer login, Edmodo, 1 File management, Internet searches, Quote & Question of the Day, Keyboarding skillbuilding, Officer Vesely
2 Microsoft Publisher: Cereal Box Project, Stock Market Project: Choosing stocks and intro to Excel.
3 Microsoft Publisher: Cereal Box Project, Stock Market Project: Downloading template to track stocks and calculate profit/loss and current value.
4 Microsoft Publisher: Cereal Box Project, Stock Market Project: creating meaningful graphs, SRO Vesely
5 Microsoft Publisher: Cereal Box Project & Stock Market Project completed
Prepare for the future now!! ….About Mr. Friend of 1992-1993 school year to Mr. Friend grew up in Park living in Jackson, he and his Flagstaff where they now Ridge, IL, a suburb of Chi- wife Christine traveled ex- live. He is beginning his cago. He graduated from 24th year at Coconino High t e n s i v e l y b y b i c Maine South High School in School and will be teaching y c l e throughout Europe, 1969 and then attended the School-to-Work, Small Scandi- navia, United University of Missouri in Business Design and Com- Kingdom, New Zealand, and Columbia, Missouri, gradu- puter Technology. the South Pa- cific. ating in 1973 with B.S. de- Interests include camping gree in Business and Public He and Christine re- and hiking with family, alpine Administration. turned to school at the Uni- and Nordic skiing, bicycling, versity of Wyoming where Upon graduation he then playing and listening to music he obtained another B.S. in spent the following year and swimming. Business Education and traveling throughout North Christine completed two He and his wife Christine America by various means, years towards her degree in have two daughters, Mer- eventually ending up in Art/English. cedes 26 and Madeline 24 Jackson Hole, Wyoming. both graduates of NAU. There he spent the next 16 From 1990-1992 they years working as a ski in- lived in Holbrook, AZ where Mr. Friend taught business subjects and coached varsi- ty baseball and football at structor in the winter and a Holbrook High School. carpenter/home builder in the other months. While They moved at the start M
r. Friend enjoys the outdoors with his wife and two daughters. A tremendous amount of time energy, and expense has gone into the L a b c o n t r a c creation of a very professional and up -to-date lab. In order to ensure that the lab environment (computers, work stations and student conduct) remains t at the highest levels pos- sible, the following rules will be strictly enforced: B u s i n e s s L a b - C o c o n i n o H i g h 1. Proper attitudes and behavior are to be shown at ALL times! Students S c h o o l need to have a notebook and pen or pencil daily in order to be successful in this class.
2. Please turn off all electronic devices while in class. There will be time at the end of class to check them.
3. AB S O L UT E L Y NO FO O D O R DRINK AL L O W E D AT ANY TI M E ! ! D (Bottled water is OK) e a 4. Malicious destruction, defacing of equipment or property, or the r removal of any components from the Business Lab will be treated as a serious act of vandalism! P a r 5. Use of the Internet will be for class assignments only and will follow e the acceptable use policy as set forth by the Flag- staff Unified School n District. t ( I am hopeful that by following these basic rules, your son or daughter will s participate in a worthwhile learning environment and receive a marketable ) skill which enhances their education and future career opportunities.
a After reading this entire packet sent home with your daughter/son, n d please sign below and have them return it to me. Sincerely yours,
G Student Signature Date u Robert W . Friend a School-to-W ork Coordinator r Date d Business Teacher Parent i Signature a n ( Coconino H.S. s ) : Parent Email: I would like to welcome you and your son Please put your email address in the box below as this or daughter to will enable me to communicate with you about the Business class activities and how your child is progressing Lab at Coconino High in the class. Thanks!! School. This lab contains 30 computer stations with two laser printers networked to a server from the library.