MGMT 699-851Technology and Financial Services
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MGMT 699-851Technology and Financial Services INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Alok Chakrabarti Distinguished Professor of Management and Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
E-mail: [email protected]
Objective: The objective of the course is to review the various aspects of use of information and communication technology and their impact on financial services. We will explore the use of the technology in managing the various aspects of the financial services, such as banking, brokerage, insurance, and risk arbitrage. We will examine the value creation in the use of technology in customer relations management and outsourcing. Pedagogical methods: As a distance-learning course, much will depend on your motivation to keep up the reading and be punctual in submitting assignments. We will use electronic means to discuss the materials and you will be expected to participate in the discussions. To have a mutually successful learning experience, I will urge you to: 1. Keep up with the readings 2. Submit the assignments on schedule 3. Engage in discussions by reading the assignments submitted by other students. NJIT Honor code
It is expected that each member of the class will be guided by the NJIT Honor code. I ask each one of you to read the Honor code and understand it. It is very important for international students to read and understand the honor code, as the US system may be different from many other countries in terms of enforcing the honor code. I am quoting the Article 3 of the Honor Code that everybody should be familiar with
.1III. Article 3 violations Against the Academic Honor code .1A. Section 1. Violations of Academic Integrity and Range of Sanctions 1. Violations of academic integrity are grouped into four general categories, based upon the degree of seriousness of the offenses. Descriptions of the violations and the range of sanctions within these categories are provided below. In addition to these sanctions, those stated in the Professional Conduct
Code may be applied concurrently. 2. Repeated offenses of academic integrity (for the same level of incident) shall be treated at the level above (in seriousness) the original (or previous) offense. 3. The disciplinary action(s) imposed by the Committee on Professional Conduct will not appear on the student's transcript, except in cases of suspension or expulsion. In the case of suspension, the transcript notation will be removed when the student is eligible to return to the university. 4. The university reserves the right to adjudicate alleged violations either during the academic term when the incident occurs, or after that term, and may revoke a degree which was awarded before the violation was adjudicated.
B. Section 2. Categories Based on Seriousness of the Offense
1. Level 1. These are the most serious violations for which sanctions range from suspension to expulsion from the university. Student organizations engaged in a violation(s) may face revocation of official recognition from the university. These violations of academic integrity generally, but don't necessarily have to, entail advanced planning, may include conspiring with others or involve a substantial part of credit awarded in the course (normally one third or more). Examples may include, but are not limited to: Premeditated, conspiratorial cheating on any examination. Taking an examination for another student. Unauthorized obtaining or transmitting of examination material before an examination. Plagiarizing, in full, written, oral or graphic work which was authored or prepared by another.
Minimum: Suspension; Maximum: Expulsion.
2. Level 2. These are serious violations for which sanctions range from failure in the course and disciplinary probation to suspension from the university. Student organizations may face temporary suspension from the university. These violations of academic integrity generally, but don't necessarily have to, entail advanced planning or involve a significant part of credit awarded in the course (normally one quarter to less than one-third). Examples may include, but are not limited to: a. Premeditated cheating on an examination. b. Plagiarizing, in part, written, oral or graphic work which was authored or prepared by another . c. Failing to acknowledge that the work submitted for credit is the work of a collaboration. d. Permitting one's work to be submitted by another student for his/her credit. e. Giving or receiving unfair aid in the completion of an assignment.
Minimum: Failure in course and disciplinary probation Maximum: Suspension
3. Level 3. These are significant violations for which sanctions range from failure in the specific work submitted and disciplinary probation to failure in the course and disciplinary probation (disciplinary probation is assigned by the Dean of Student Services). Examples may include: a. Cheating on an examination (not premeditated). b. Altering any work after it had been graded, and re-submitting it for further credit. c. Copying laboratory projects; falsely reporting, or tampering with laboratory data. d. Failing to acknowledge that the work submitted for credit is the work of a collaboration. e. Giving or receiving unfair aid in the completion of an assignment. f. Permitting another student to copy work during an examination. g. Submission of the same work for more than one course without the permission of the
instructor(s). h. Using material prohibited from the examination, e.g. calculator when prohibited by instructor.
Minimum: Failure in the specific work submitted and disciplinary probation; Maximum: Failure in the course and disciplinary probation.
4. Level 4. These are significant violations for which sanctions range from disciplinary probation to failure in the specific work submitted and disciplinary probation (disciplinary probation is assigned by the Dean of Student Services). These violations of academic integrity may occur because of ignorance or inexperience on the part of the individual(s) committing the violation and involve a minor part of the credit awarded in the course. Examples include: a. Copying homework assignment(s) and submitting same for credit. b. Failure to properly acknowledge or document references on submitted work which represents a minor part of the credits to be awarded in the course. c. Impeding student access to reference material, i.e. keeping reference material. d. Failing to report students violating the NJIT Honor Code. e. Giving or receiving unfair aid in the completion of an assignment.
Minimum: Disciplinary probation; Maximum: Failure in the specific work submitted and disciplinary probation.
Grading: Grading will be based on the following: 50% Written Case Analysis Cases are graded on a 10 point scale Project work will be a group project (grade is a group grade) 20% Class Participation Comment on other team’s case analyses Comment on discussion questions 30% Assignments Tips for Case Analysis: You will form groups 3 to 4 students in each group and submit written analysis of the cases on the scheduled date. The group formation should take place as soon as possible. For the sake of class participation, you will comment on other group’s posted analysis. In your analysis of cases, you should: 1. Focus on the key issues, salient points 2. Provide your analysis of the issues using the concepts from the course 3. Take a position and justify your position 4. You should also go beyond the facts and do some research to strengthen your analysis. You can and should use the web and other resources to augment the information provided to you. 5. Do not repeat the facts of the case. Refer to the fact to support your argument or point of view. You can reasonably assume that the reader of your analysis has also read the case and can refer to it. 6. A good analysis takes about 10 to 12 pages. PROCEDURE FOR CASE SUBMISSION
The class will be divided into several groups consisting of three or four students per group. You will post your analysis under your group. Only group members will be able to access that part. After the due date, I will unlock the area, so that other groups can also have access to the analysis posted. They can then comment on the analysis. This means that after the due date you will not be able to post analysis. Therefore, punctuality is important. Discussion of each other’s analysis is important.
Final Exam: There will not be a final examination. We will have several assignments. These assignments will be graded. You should be punctual in submitting the assignments
Materials to be used in the class:
1. Books There is no book to buy
2, CASES: You will need to buy the cases directly from Harvard Business online as described below. 3. Reading materials: Other reading materials will be posted on the WEBCT.
Harvard Business Online I have created a course area on the Harvard Business Online website where you can order the required materials for this course.
Click on the link below to order the course materials.
If you have not registered with Harvard Business Online, you will be required to do so. This URL will provide you with a list of required materials for use in this course. The products are listed at the bottom of this email.
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CASES TO BE PURCHASED FROM HARVARD Infosys: Financing an Indian Software Start-Up 800103
Nasdaq Japan: E-Merging Markets 802056
Preparing for the Google IPO: A Revolution in the IMD185 Making? Cybersettle 902158
Citibank Hong Kong: Capital Arbitrage in the 298029 Emerging Markets
ING Direct: Considering E-brokering 902M11
Schedule of Assignments:
There are EIGHT modules in this course. You go through these modules at your own pace. Please post your questions, comments and related issues on webCT. You will be evaluated on your participation. I have also provided the assignments of cases and the due dates for written analysis of these cases. Use the tips that I have given you as guidelines for analyzing these cases. You must follow the NJIT Honor code and testify that all work submitted is your own.
Case Assignments Due Dates (all cases are group projects)
MODULE1: Importance of Information and communication technology in financial services Readings: Wilhelm, William, Internet and Financial Market Structure, Oxford Economic Policy Summer 2001 Vo.l 17 No 2 pg 236
Wind, Yoram, The challenge of customization in financial services, Association of Computing Machinery: Communications of the ACM June 2001 Vol. 44 No 6 pp39
MODULE 2: Value creation and business models
1. Power point lectures on insurance industry posted in the WEBCT 2. Sannes, Ragnvald,, Self-service banking: Value creation and information Exchange, Information Sciences: Special Series on Information Exchange in Electronic Markets, Vol. 4 No. 3 2001 3. Laukkanen, Tomi and Lauronen, Jari, Consumer value creation in mobile banking services, International Journal of Mobile Communication, Vol 3. No. 4 2005
MODULE 3: Data mining and Use of IT for competitive advtange 1. Butler Group, Business intelligence in financial services: Strategies and technologies for managing risk and enhancing value 2. Gartner Group, Using Business intelligence for competitive advantage 3. Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G. and Smyth, P., From data mining to knowledge discovery in databases, AI Magazine Fall 1996 4. Yeo, A.C. and Smith, K.A., Implementing a data mining solution for an automobile insurance company: Reconciling theoretical benefits with practical considerations, Annals of Cases on Information Technology, Vol. 5 2003
MODULE 4: Derivatives, Options, Program Trading: Background readings 1. Siems, Thomas F., 10 Myths about Financial Derivatives, Cato Policy Analysis No. 293 September 1997 2. Derivatives Concepts A-Z 3. Options basic tutorial
MODULE 5: Risk evaluation and arbitrage 1. Harvard Business School Press, Note on Bond evaluation September 2004, Product # 9-205-008 2. Harvard Business School Press, Note on Risk Arbitrage, August 2004 Product # 92003-001 3. CULP, C. L. AND MACKAY, R.J. Regulating derivative: The current system and proposed changes, CATO Institute,
1. Shuck, John, Shifting sources of value in Financial services outsourcing, The Everest Group 2005 2. Federal Reserve Bank, New York, Outsourcing financial services activities: Industry practices to mitigate risks, October 1999 3. White paper on Insourcing versus outsourcing
MODULE 7: Customer Relationship Management 1. Tamoury, Doug and Ireland, Kit, Why CRM projects fail: Common strategic and tactical mistakes 2. How to manage tomorrow’s customer today, Customer Management, September- October 2004 3. Robson, Andrew, CRM: The concept and the technology, The Perfect Image Group UK 2005 4. Brewton, James, Implementing a CRM Scorecard: Creating a CRM Strategy Map, CRMetrix 2004
MODULE 8: Global Issues and Trends in Financial Services 1. KPMG, Frontiers in Finance for decision making in financial services, June 2004 KPMG, BaselII : Challenges for the banking industry