List of Publications from the Zoology Department
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List of Publications from the Zoology department
Publications in National Journals Sl.No DETAILS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED 1. Subramanian. K.A, Francy Kakkassery and Manjo.V.Nair (2011). The status and distribution of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the Western Ghats. In: Molur, S., Smith, K.G., Daniel, B.A and Darwall, W.R.T. (Compilers). The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in The Western Ghats. Pages63-74. IUCN, Cambridge, UK & Zoo Outreach, Coimbatore, India 2. Binoy C.F. and George Mathew (2014). Distribution and community structure of butterflies in the Silent Valley National Park, Kerala, India. In. Forest Entomology: Emerging issues and dimensions. Mujeeb Rahman and Mary Anto (Eds.), Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi. Pp- 161-171. 3. Binoy C.F., Rosni M.V. and K.A Karmaly. (2013). Faunal composition, nesting behaviour and feeding habits of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. Scientia, 9 (1): 42-50. (ISSN : 0976 – 8289) 4. Binoy C.F. and Benny P.A. (2013). Effect of habitat modification on biodiversity – A study with reference to insects in Thrissur District, Kerala, India. Scientia, 9 (1): 51-57. (ISSN : 0976 – 8289)
5. Revathy V.S. and Binoy C.F. 2010. Relative toxicity (LC50 and LT50) of some organophosphate insecticides used against the Rice bug, Leptocorisa acuta Thunb. (Hemiptera: Coreidae). Entomon 35(1):65-68. (ISSN : 0377 – 9335) 6. Binoy C.F . 2009. Insect diversity and habitat destruction – A case study with reference to beetles (Insecta:Coleoptera) in Thrissur District, Kerala. Millenium Zoology, 10(1): 16-19. (ISSN : 0973 – 1946) 7. Binoy C.F. 2009. Biodiversity hotspots – A conservation perspective. Millenium Zoology, 10(1): 71-77. (ISSN : 0973 – 1946) 8. John Vimala K& Joseph John K(2009)Effect of endosulphan on the histopathplpgy of the vital tissues of Swiss Albino mice Mus musculus . .J .Pharmacol.Biol.Sci. Vol 4 pp 15-22(ISSN 0973-6808) 9. John Vimala K& Joseph John K(2009) Effect of endosulphan on ATPase Lactic Dehydrogenease and Succinic Dehydrogenase activies in the vital tissues of Swiss Sl.No DETAILS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED Albino mice Mus musculus. Journal of Tissue research. Vol 6 231-256 10. Joyce, J., Roby T.J., Ramachandran, K.K., & Nair, P.V. (2014) Species abundance distribution of selected communities in the Myristica swamp forest of southern Kerala. Current science. Vol.107, No.3, pp. 447-453. (ISSN No. 0011-3891) Impact Factor:0.833 11. Joyce, J., Ramachandran, K.K, Roby, T.J. & Nair, P.V. (2014) A preliminary checklist of amphibians in and around the Myristica swamp forests of Kulathupuzha, South Western Ghats. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, Vol.2 (1): pp.11-18. (ISSN 2320-7078) 12. Roby, T.J, Nair, P.V. & Joyce, J. (2014) GIS techniques for mapping highly fragmented ecosystems- A case study on the Myristica swamp forests of Southern Kerala, India, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, Vol. 3(ISC-2013), pp.110-119. ISSN 2277-2502 13. Roby. T.J., Joyce, J. &Nair, P.V. (2014) Checklist of flora of Myristica Swamps – A critically endangered fresh water ecosystem of Southern Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Indian Forester, 140 (6): pp. 608-616. ISSN No. 0019-4816 (Print), ISSN No. 2321- 094X (Online) 14. Roby, T.J ., Joyce J. & Nair, P.V. (2014) Conservation status of Vateria indica (Linn.) and prediction of potential habitat areas with emphasis on Myristica Swamps of Southern Western Ghats, India. Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences. Vol 2 (1):pp. 60-71.( Online ISSN 2321-1040) 15. Surabhi M. and Joyce J. (2014). Spider assemblages of Marthoma college campus, Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta Dt., Kerala. Scientia. Vol.10, No. 1, 144-154. ISSN : 0976 - 8289 16. Vishnu Priya, S., Joyce, J. & Roby, T.J. (2013) Meristic and morphometric analysis to delineate intra specific populations of fishes in different habitats - A case study on Etroplus maculatus in Kuttanad region. Scientia, Vol.9, No. 1, 170-182. ISSN : 0976 - 8289 17. Adambukulam S.P & Kakkassery F.K.. . (2013) Taxonomic and diversity studies on odonate nymphs by using their exuviae. Journal of Entomology & Zoology Studies: ISSN 2320-7078. 1 (4). 47-53
18. Adambukulam S.P & Kakkassery F.K . (2013) Taxonomic studies of the last instar Sl.No DETAILS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED nymph of Lathrecista asiatica asiatica (Fabricius 1798) (Family: Libellulidae, Order: Odonata) by using its Exuvia. Journal of Entomology & Zoology Studies 1 (5):. 103-109 ISSN 2320-7078.
* Name in Bold and Underlined are that of department faculty; Names in Bold are that of research scholars attached to the department. Names underlined are students of the department. International Sl.No DETAILS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED 1. Ralf Britz, Francy Kakkassery and Rajeev Raghavan (2014) Osteology of Kryptoglanis shajii, a stygobitic catfish(Teleostei: Siluriformes) from Peninsular India with a diagnosis of the new family Kryptoglanidae. Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters, Vol. 24, No. 3193-207. Impact Factor: 2.275 2. Binoy C.F. (2015). Hymenopteran Parasitoids Associated With Some Important Stored Product Pests In Kerala, India. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, Vol. 4, No 2, 509 – 513. (ISSN No 2277-3687) 3. Binoy C.F., Mary Sruthy Wilson, Kiran V. Ollukkaran and Bini C.B. (2014). Foraging Pattern Of Insect Pollinators In Pentas Lanceolata (Forssk.) Deflers and Catharanthus Roseus (L.) G. Don in Thrissur District, Kerala, India. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 3 (5): 1731-1737. (ISSN No 2277-3687) 4. John Vimala K & Joseph John K(2009)Effect of endosulphan on the major nutrients in the vital tissues of Swiss Albino Mice Mus musculus .Int .J .Pharmacol.Biol.Sci Vol 5 p p 225- 240 (ISSN 0973-6808) 5. John K Vimala (2012) Effect of endosulphan on Lactic dehydrogenase activities in the vital tissues of Swiss albino mice IJPCBS Vol 2(3) 275-279 ISSN 2249-9504 6. Roby, T.J., Joyce ,J. & Nair, P.V. (2013) Syzygium travancoricum (Gamble) -a critically endangered and endemic tree from Kerala, India- threats, conservation and prediction of potential areas; with special emphasis on Myristica swamps as a prime habitat. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology. Vol. 2 (6): 1335-1352. ISSN 2278-3687 (O)
* Name in Bold and Underlined are that of department faculty; Names in Bold are that of research scholars attached to the department. Names underlined are students of the department. Papers in Proceedings Sl.No DETAILS OF PUBLICATIONS 1. Shancy Francis and Britto Joseph K. 2014. Sublethal Effect Of Cypermethrin In Muscle Protein Of Tilapia (Oreochromis Mossambicus) Proceedings of the National Conference on Modern Trends in Zoological Research ISBN No. 978-81-909551-8-8, Department of Zoology, St.Aloysius College, Elthuruth 25-26 March 2014. 2. Binoy C. F. and Revathy V.S. (2015). Evaluation of Relative Toxicity of some Organophosphate Insecticides against the Hairy Caterpillar, Pericallia ricini Fab. (Lepidoptera:Arctiidae), in National Conference on Applied Mathematics, held at St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur in association with Kerala Mathematical Association, 27-28 February, 2015 3. Binoy C.F., Mary Sruthy Wilson, Kiran V. Ollukkaran and Bini C.B. (2014). Insect Pollinators of Pentas lanceolata (Forssk.) Deflers and Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don in Thrissur District, Kerala. In Proceedings of National seminar on ‘Modern Trends in Zoological Research’ conducted by Dept. of Zoology, St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth, 25-26 March 2014. ISBN No. 978-81-909551-88 4. Binoy C.F. (2013). Insect Taxonomy and Classification : Past, Present and Future. Proceedings of the Workshop on Insects’ Taxonomy, March 15-16, Research & PG Dept. of Zoology, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur, Kerala. PP 1-19. 5. Binoy C.F. (2011). Activity budget of the butterfly Leptosia nina Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in National Seminar on Harmful/Beneficial Insects of Agricultural Importance held at St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri, on 17-18 February 2011. 6. C.F. Binoy and George Mathew (2010). Effect of forest disturbance on rainforest butterflies: A case study from Silent Valley National Park, Kerala, India, in National seminar on Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Function and Services held at Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore, on 28-29 December 2010. 7. John Vimala K and Roger Francis (2014) Evaluation of wound healing activity of Coconut (Cocos nucifera) leaf petiole’s tomentum on swiss albino mice Proc.UGC sponsored National Seminar New Frontiers in molecular biology 12-13 Dec Kothamangalam (ISBN 978-81-929102-0-8) 8. Joyce J., Roby, T.J., Ramachandran, K.K.. & Nair, P.V. (2014) Invertebrate diversity of Myristica swamp forests in Southern Kerala, In: Invertebrates’ systematics and biology. Eds. Shaju Thomas and Gigi K. Joseph, Nirmala Academic and Research Publications, Muvattupuzha. pp. 51-56. ISBN NO.978-81-929844-0-7. 9. Saranya, P.V & Joyce J. (2014) A preliminary checklist of spiders in Mezhatur region, Sl.No DETAILS OF PUBLICATIONS Thrithala, Palakkad dt. Kerala, Proc. National Conference on Modern Trends in Zoological Research, conducted by Department of Zoology, St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth Pp -228- 231. ISBN No. 978-81-909551-8-8. 10. Mariya, J. & Joyce J. (2014) A preliminary overview of butterfly assemblages in Thaikad and Chiranellur areas, Thrissur dt Kerala. Proc. National Conference on Modern Trends in Zoological Research, conducted by Department of Zoology, St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth. Pp -250-253. ISBN No. 978-81-909551-8-8. 11. Roby T.J., Joyce J., Nair, P.V. , & Ramachandran K.K. (2014) Diversity sampling in small, fragmented and unique ecosystems- a case study. Proc. of National Seminar on ‘Biodiversity Conservation – Trend and Need” (NSBC -2014), March 5-7, 2014, St Thomas’ College, Thrissur. 12. Joyce J., Roby, T.J., Ramachandran, K.K. & Nair, P.V. (2013). Invertebrate diversity of Myristica swamp forests in Southern Kerala, Proc. National Seminar on Invertebrate Taxonomy- current trends and future prospects, 12-13 Novmber, 2013. (National level seminar organized by Post graduate Department of Zoology, Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha, Kerala) 13. Roby, T.J., Nair, P.V. & Joyce J. (2013). GIS techniques for mapping highly fragmented ecosystems- A case study on the Myristica swamp forests of southern Kerala, India. Proc. of IIIrd International Science Congress, Coimbatore, India, December 8-9, 2013. 28. 14. Joyce, J., Roby, T.J., Ramachandran, K.K. & Nair, P.V. (2013) Butterfly diversity as an ecological indicator in a fragmented ecosystem, the Myristica swamp forests of southern Western Ghats. Proc. Biological Conference 2013, March 11-13, 2013. 60. (National level conference organized by the department of Zoology, university of Calicut, Kerala, India). 15. Roby, T.J., Joyce, J., Ramachandran, K.K. & Nair, P.V. (2013) Biophysical characterization of Myristica swamp forests in southern Kerala. Proc. Biological Conference 2013, March 11- 13, 2013. 65-66. (National level conference organized by the department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India) 16. Joyce J., Ramachandran, K.K, Roby, T.J. & Nair, P.V. (2011) Species Abundance Distributions as A Diagnostic Tool For Ecological Studies- a Case Study. In the Proceedings of National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainable Management. August 25-26 2011.Organized by the Department of Zoology Christain College Chengannur (Sponsored by UGC, KSCSTE, KSBB) .20-29 17. Adambukulam S.P & Kakkassery F.K. (2014) Exuvia Collection: A tool for monitoring Sl.No DETAILS OF PUBLICATIONS Dragonfly Population and Diversity. In: Invertebrates’ systematics and biology. Eds. Shaju Thomas and Gigi K. Joseph, Nirmala Academic and Research Publications, Muvattupuzha. ISBN NO.978-81-929844-0-7. * Name in Bold and Underlined are that of department faculty; Names in Bold are that of research scholars attached to the department. Names underlined are students of the department.
Publications by Post-Doctoral Fellows during the plan period independent of department staff Sl.N DETAILS OF PUBLICATIONS o 1. Jose Kallarackal and Roby T.J. (2011). Responses of trees to elevated Carbon dioxide and climate change, Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol.21, Issue.5, 1327-1342.Impact factor: 2.365 2. Somen C.K., Rakesh R.R. and Roby T.J. (2014). Distribution, Population Status and Conservation of Inga cynometroides (Bedd.) Bedd.ex Baker; a Critically Endangered Tree Species from Kerala part of Western Ghats, India, Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Vol. 2(4), 13-18. 3. Mathew G., George, E and Anto, M. 2011. Role of Butterfly gardens in promoting biodiversity conservation and ecotourism. In: Athropods and their conservation in India (Insects and Spiders) V.P. Uniyal and Aseem Shrivastava (Eds.). ENVIS Bulletin: Wildlife and Protected Areas. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun. Printed in 2013 Vol.14 : 87-97. 4. Anto, M. and Mathew, G. 2014. Butterflies and Forest Management in the Western Ghats- the indicator approach. In: Forest Entomology: Emerging Issues and Dimensions. Mujeeb Rahman, P & Mary Anto (eds) Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi. pp. 189-201. 5. Rajmohana K. and Mary Anto. 2014. Telenomous dilatus sp.n. (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae)- an egg parasitoid of swallowtail butterflies from South India. Halteres, Volume 5,73-78. ISSN0973-1555 (Print) ISSN2348-7372(Online) In PROCEEDINGS 1. Anson C J and Roby T J. (2014). GIS Based Information system of Traditional Knowledge Linked GI Products of Kerala: Special focus on the Producer Sustainability of Aranmula Mirror, Kuthampully Saree and Pokkali Rice. Proceedings of 26 th Kerala Science Congress, Pookode, Wayanad. 28- 31January 2014. 4201-4210. 2. Magesh G., Roby T.J. and A.R.R. Menon. (2010). Bio resource quantification and mapping of the Western Ghats. Proceedings of the 22th Kerala Science Congress, 29th -31st January 2010. 369- 370. 3. Somen C.K, Rakesh R.R. and Roby T.J. (2013). Vegetative propagation of Aporosa bourdilloni stapf. and Inga cynometroides (Bedd.) Bedd. Ex. Baker; two Rare, Endangered and threatened trees of Western Ghats. National Sl.N DETAILS OF PUBLICATIONS o Seminar on Forestry and Agriculture. 7-8 November 2013 (organized by Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala.) 4. Somen C.K, Rakesh R.R. and Roby T.J. (2013), Distribution, Population Status and Conservation of Inga cynometroides (Bedd.) Bedd.ex Baker; a Critically Endangered Tree Species from Kerala part of Western Ghats, India. Proceedings of IIIrd International Science Congress, Coimbatore, India, December 8-9, 2013. 28. (Organized by International Science Congress Association). 5. Anto, M. and Mathew, G. 2004. Population monitoring of the Southern Birdwing butterfly, Troides minos in the Peechi –Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary.. In Proc. of the National Seminar-cum-Workshop on the Butterfly diversity of the Western Ghats, October 8-9, 2004 NSS College. Manjeri. pp 48-51. 6. Anto, M. 2009. Conservation of the Southern Birdwing butterfly, Troides minos Cramer in the Peechi –Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. In Proc. of 2nd National Conference of the Western Ghats Forum, Coimbatore, 1-2 December 2005 pp 20-21. 7. Anto, M. 2009. Larval host plant utilization of medicinal plants of Aristolochiaceae by Troidine butterflies in the Western Ghats, India. In Proc. of 4th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Kuching, Malaysia. December 1-5, 2009. 8. Anto, M. 2009. Birdwing Butterflies: Descent from the Canopy – Is it Resource based? In Proc. of 5th International Canopy Conference, Bangalore, India pp 121-122.