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Saint Anselm Church 12670 Dunks Ferry Road Philadelphia, PA 19154
Parish Center School Phone 215-637-3525 215-632-1133 Fax 215-637-4915 215-632-3264 Parish Website: School Website:
MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Twenty-Ninth Sunday Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM in Ordinary Time Sunday 8:00; 10:00 AM; 12:00 Noon October 19, 2014 Weekday PARISH CENTER HOURS Monday – Friday 8:30 AM 8:00 AM (Saturday) Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM PASTORAL & ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Reverend Thomas J. Dunleavy.……………..Pastor.……………...... ext. #11…………[email protected] Reverend David M. Friel.……………………Parochial Vicar……...ext. #14…………[email protected] Reverend John E. Fitzgerald ……………….Resident……………….ext. #23…………[email protected] Deacon Gerald J. Whartenby ………………Pastoral Associate...... ext. #12…………[email protected] Deacon Dennis P. Warner.…………………..Pastoral Associate...... ext. #17…………..deacon.warner@ Mrs. Geraldine Murphy……………………..Principal…………………………………[email protected] Mrs. Diane Leonetti..………………………...Director of Music…....ext. #29…………..dleonetti@ Mr. Dennis Mueller..………………………...Religious Education...ext. #15…………..dmueller@ Mrs. Theresa Grillo..………………………...Business Manager...... ext. #13…………..tgrillo@ Mrs. Kathleen Zaremski..…………………...Parish Secretary……..ext. #16…………[email protected] Mrs. Joanne Jackson………………………...Receptionist…………..ext. #10.………....jjackson@ Mrs. Ronnie Harkins ………………………..Receptionist…...... ext. #10….……....rharkins@
BAPTISMS Couples planning to marry are asked to contact a Parish priest to make arrangements for a wedding. Baptisms are every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Parents are asked C ONFESSION SCHEDULE to call the Parish Center and speak with the Priest or Deacon who is on call and who will assist them in Saturdays 3:30-4:30 PM registering their child for Baptism. The Church assists the parents by offering instruction on the meaning, importance, and responsibilities of the sacrament of DEVOTIONS Baptism. A Pre-Jordan Baptismal Program for helping parents prepare for the spiritual birth of their child is held Rosary 8:00 AM Daily on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Spirituality 6:30 PM Monday Center following the Noon Mass. Divine Mercy 3:00 PM Monday (Chapel) Eucharistic Exposition 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM Monday - Chapel WEDDINGS Benediction 6:50 PM Monday (Chapel)
Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Monday Charismatic Prayer Mtg. 7:00 PM Tuesday Miraculous Medal Novena 8:00 AM Mass Saturday
#1-016 Recognizing & Celebrating the Seven Essential Characteristics found in a Vital Parish
Our seven-week series in preparation for our Parish Assembly on Thursday, November 6th, continues. A member of our Pastoral Council will speak at every Mass after Communion this weekend Word.
Teaching the Word of God is foundational to the Church’s mission. All persons need to have the Good News of Jesus Christ preached and presented in an effective and persuasive manner, so that they may grow in the gift of faith. In addition, the teachings of the Catholic Church based upon the Word of God need to be presented in various ways within the parish community. A vital parish commits itself to the religious education and spiritual formation of adults and children to bring them to a deepening conversion to Christ.
Appropriate resources are made available by the parish to support their efforts. The parish is to provide ongoing formation in the Faith for all members of the parish. In support of parents, who have the God-given responsibility as the first teachers in the Faith, the parish is to provide wherever possible a parish elementary school and a Parish Religious Education Program.
The spreading and teaching of the word takes place in many formal and informal ways within the parish: adult, youth, and children’s education and spiritual formation; the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA); sacramental preparation for the sacraments of initiation and marriage; family formation; renewal efforts,; and Sunday homilies. These and other means of passing on the message of Jesus Christ are all aspects of “Word” within the community of faith.
Consistent with these basic expectations is that: 1) The parish school has a strong Catholic identity. This is demonstrated by a Catholic faculty committed to a Catholic life and education, and the celebration of Sacraments and devotions. Parish subsidy to the school should not be an excessive percentage of the school’s entire budget, and the parish income should not have an excessive percentage of its entire budget directed towards the school operating budget. The school is to have teachers who are properly degreed, qualified and competent, and remunerated where feasible in a manner consistent with guidelines recommended by the Pastors’ Committee. 2) Provide an effective program of religious education and formation for all children and youth in grades K through 12th Grade. 3) Provide programs of sacramental preparation for candidates, sponsors of the candidates, and for parents of candidates. 4) Have a professionally degreed, qualified director of religious education. 5) Provide an adequate number of catechists and support personnel, properly educated, for the program of religious education. 6) Provide regular and effective ministry to single people and young adults. 7) Provide Faith Formation of Adults as well as catechetical instruction and ongoing Faith Formation for all members of the parish (e.g.) Scripture Study, Faith Sharing, Moral and Doctrinal Formation, Social Justice Teachings, Seasonal Programs, etc.) 8) Have an effective parish process for the implementation of the R.C.I.A. through the establishment of a parish R.C.I.A. team.
Reflection & Prayer In light of the above, ask yourself the following questions, give thought and prayer to your reflection. As a Catholic and as a parishioner of Saint Anselm Church, is the Word of God an important part of my life? Does the teaching of God’s Word and the Adult Faith Formation programs at Saint Anselm strengthen and support me as I try to live a Catholic lifestyle? Are there ways that I can better learn, live and spread the Word of God?
#2-016 Dear Parishioners,
Parish Assembly Sign-up You are invited to participate in our Parish Assembly in Our Lady of Victory Hall (Gym) on Thursday, November 6th, 7:00 to 9:00 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM for desserts/coffee/socializing). Please RSVP / sign-up by using the card at the end of the pews.
Preparing for the Parish Assembly The Parish Assembly will provide us with an opportunity to reflect on our mission as a parish. Before the Assembly, we ask God to help us discern our strengths and weaknesses in light of seven essential elements which are characteristics found in vital Catholic parishes. All of these seven elements are characteristics in Saint Anselm Parish. However, some are stronger than others or there may be aspects of some that need to be further developed or strengthened. The Parish Assembly will enable us to do as a Parish what we do when we examine our conscience or when we scrutinize our souls during the season of Lent. Both of these spiritual exercises invite us to go to God in prayer and ask two things. We ask God to help us recognize what is upright, strong, and good so that it may be strengthened. We also ask God to send forth his Spirit to help us see what is weak, defective and sinful so that it may be healed and made upright, strong, and good. Familiarity with these spiritual exercises can be used to understand that the preparatory work for the Parish Assembly, as well as the Assembly itself, will enable us as the people of Saint Anselm Parish to do the same. Please pray that as a Parish community we will have the courage to take an honest look at ourselves. Pray that the Holy Spirit of God will help us to recognize our strengths and weaknesses so that Saint Anselm Parish may continue to grow and be the Church Jesus calls us to be.
The seven essential elements at work in a vibrant parish are: Evangelization Worship Word (Teaching) Community Service Stewardship Leadership
Prayer for the Saint Anselm Parish Assembly Ever-living God, you gather us together as the parish of Saint Anselm to be fashioned by the teaching and love of Christ.
Bless us as we prepare for our parish assembly. Let your Holy Spirit open and enlighten our minds and guide all our actions that we may be renewed in faith and united in love.
May this faith community bring to fulfillment the work which Jesus has entrusted to our parish. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
A Thank You from the I.H.M. Sisters Dear Saint Anselm Parishioners, To paraphrase the words of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, “We give thanks to God for you and we remember you each day in our prayers”. How could it be otherwise when you have been so generous and good to us. It is with sincere gratitude that we thank you for the large sum of money that our sisters brought home from your parish for chances sold (and free will offerings made) for the benefit of our (Camilla Hall) construction and renovation program. The kind and generous people of St. Anselm Parish added the generous amount of $1.540.00 to this fund. With hearts filled with the Spirit’s joy and sincere gratitude, we ask God to bless you. Gratefully Sister Anne Veronica, I.H.M. #3-016 Camilla Hall Administrator Oktoberfest Thank you These activities will also satisfy “community Our Oktoberfest, which was held on October service” obligations at school. If you would like to 11th, manifested so much good. The Oktoberfest participate in any of the activities listed here, call Fr. committee chaired by Denise Gentile and Maryann Dunleavy or Fr. Friel. Martin did a great job planning and preparing. The time, talent, and energy of the army of volunteers Concerns for the Homebound (including our High School and Grade School During the Parish Visitation, we discovered students) enabled all that was planned to be executed some parishioners who have become homebound due successfully and the clean-up quick and easy. All to age or infirmity and who are no longer able to who attended and participated in the Oktoberfest attend Sunday Mass. We offered to bring Holy when the weather was less than ideal made the event Communion to these people in their home. They friendly and fun. The children’s activities delighted were thrilled. the kids. The entertainment was festive and joyful. We are concerned that there are other The food was delicious, especially the home-made parishioners who are homebound and living in homes potato salad. that we did not visit this year. If you know of I am grateful to each and every person who someone – a neighbor or a family member – who is volunteered and/or participated in the Oktoberfest. A no longer able to attend Mass due to age or infirmity, wonderful spirit was alive and well in our community please call the Deacon or one of the priests. We will at the Oktoberfest. What a joy to see and experience be happy to bring them Holy Communion. it. October Count Block Collection & Census Envelope At all weekend Masses throughout the month The Block Collection is an important source of October, the number of people attending Mass will of revenue for the parish. Updating the census is be counted. This October Count is being conducted very important for our statistical reports and in cooperation with the Archdiocesan Office for programming. Please make your return as soon as Research and Planning. The count will be taken possible. Thank you. during the first collection.
Youth Mentoring Program Announced Mass Intentions 2015 Our Youth Mentoring Program invites the Monday, November 3rd youth of our parish to share their gifts, to apply their 9:00 – 11:00 AM Church Hall Catholic faith to their daily lives, and to develop a after 11:00 AM Parish Center strong personal relationship with Jesus. Actively participating in Church ministry can We will follow the procedures as in previous years. change the life of a young person. This happens when adults take part in ministry with our youth, So that and our young people are given an opportunity to + the opportunity to arrange for Announced Mass lead. Intentions may be available to more people As adults, we have the responsibility of + people who are homebound making our young people feel welcome. We need to + people who are working and are not able to be work with them side by side, encourage them, and here on Monday, November 3rd at 9:00 AM, give them a voice in our parish community. there will be a limit of three requests per family and, Our youth, in Grades 8 thru 12, are invited to of the three requests, the person will be limited to participate in our Parish as: only one request for a Saturday evening or Sunday Lectors Mass Intention. CARES (After School Program) This limit will last from Monday, November Mass for the Deceased Parishioners 3rd until Monday, November 17th. During this time, Christmas Bazaar the homebound and people who work may come to Church Decoration the Parish Center and arrange for Mass Intentions. th (Thanksgiving, Advent & Christmas) Beginning on Tuesday, November 18 any Thanksgiving Liturgy person who already has arranged for three Mass Intentions may request more weekday Mass Parish Advent Penance Service Intentions if they wish. Live Nativity Tableau (Christmas Eve) Please limit each Intention to one name unless it is for a deceased couple or for the Deceased Members of “The Doe Family”.
#4-016 Candidacy for 1 st Confession & 1 st Communion #5-016 Next Sunday October 26th during the 10:00 Vincentian Message… AM Liturgy, students in our CCD Program and school will be celebrating a rite of candidacy for the In the Gospel today, Jesus says: “Repay to sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what During this Liturgy the children are belongs to God.” When God is the center of our celebrating their call to be followers of Jesus. They lives, there is no problem with giving others their are expressing their desire to be connected to Jesus due. and to have communion with him so that a spirit of love, peace, and goodness will continue to grow Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent within them. DePaul, you are helping your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless and frightened to know that Remembering Deceased Police Officers, they belong to God. Firefighters and Paramedics – Saint Anselm Church has a custom of commemorating those police officers, firefighters and paramedics who died in the line of duty or by other causes. Anyone who would like one of these persons prayed for by name is asked Join Friends Helping Friends to call the Parish Center. A commemoration of these Tuesday, October 21, 2014 people will be done during the 8:00 AM Mass on Boscov’s Sunday, November 2nd. A 25% off Shopping Pass is now available at the Parish Center for $5.00 only! Enjoy early Christmas Shopping and SAVE! There will be free refreshments and you can register to win Remembering those who died this past year and prizes, including three $500 Shopping Sprees. whose funerals were at Saint Anselm – There will Proceeds benefit the Saint Vincent DePaul be a commemoration of these people on November 1st Society. during the 5:00 PM Saturday evening Vigil Mass. The names of these people will be recorded in a special book that will be placed in a remembrance area that will be set up in the Church during the St. Vincent DePaul Clothing Drive month of November. October 25, 2014 God bless you, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Father Dunleavy Saint Anselm Schoolyard This is it! Load the car!! Look for us at the GreenDrop Truck in the school’s parking lot. Pass it along and benefit the work of the Society Happy 25th Anniversary to the of St. Vincent DePaul. Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary is celebrating 25 years of service at Saint Anselm Parish. Our Saint Anselm Legion of Mary was founded by Father Charismatic Day of Prayer for World Peace Francis Foley in October, 1989. Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM We now thank our pastor, Father Dunleavy, for St. Katharine Drexel all his support and, thank you to all our Mission Center and Shrine Auxiliaries for your prayerful support. All is in Registration: $12.00 the hands of Mary; her Legion marches on! (continental breakfast included; brown bag your lunch) To RSVP or for further information, call Grade School Students $ 28.00 Rosemarie Silvano, 215-245-9172 or email Total $10,431.15 [email protected] Second Collection Today Mission Sunday Mass Schedule Sunday, October 19 8:00 AM Joseph Scanlon r/b His Family 10:00 AM The People of St. Anselm Parish Pray For Our Sick… 12:00 PM Darren & Ralph Citrino Lorraine Apice, wife of Edward Apice r/b Ralph & Margaret Citrino Wilma Appolo, friend of Caroline Czepial Tom Barr, brother of Margie & Jerry Barr Monday, October 20 John Carr, brother of Robert Carr 8:30 AM John Edward Welsh r/b Bobbie Welsh Joe Cimenaro, friend of Pete DiGiuseppe Tuesday, October 21 Margaret & Mark Citrino 8:30 AM Rosemary Whalen r/b Bill Fitzgerald Bob Clark, husband of Pat Clark Joan Clark, friend of Mary Lou Klein Wednesday, October 22 Debbie Collins, niece of Peg Brecker th 8:30 AM Msgr. William Doolin, 11 Anniversary Bill Dalton, husband of Joan Dalton Thursday, October 23 Michael DiMauro, brother of Carmella Morris 8:30 AM Derek Del Quadro Joey Dougherty, brother of Debbie Peruso r/b Jennifer & Todd Cantrell Eric Eisemann, relative of Agnes & Gerard Smith John Fritz, husband of Anna Fritz Friday, October 24 Nicki Goodwin, friend of Bill & Lauren Love 8:30 AM John & Jane Keifer Carol Grimes, mother of Melissa Baker Moore r/b Tony & Ann Marie Wengraitis Bob Jeral, husband of Helen Jeral Andrea Keegan, wife of Shaun Keegan Saturday, October 25 Joseph Keenan, Sr., friend of John & Dolores Walsh 8:00 AM Richard Presel, Birthday Ed Lafferty, husband of Peg Lafferty r/b His Wife & Family Nicholas Lamina, son of Joseph & Carol Lamina 5:00 PM Francis X. Druding, Sr. r/b His Family Jessica Lepp, grand niece of Andy & Jean Dobron Sunday, October 26 Marie Macready, mother of Joyce Macready 8:00 AM John & Margaret Mary Palermo Neil Madden, friend of Kristilynn Melloy r/b John Palermo Erin Martin, granddaughter of Tom & Anita Murphy 10:00 AM The People of St. Anselm Parish Nora Mastyl, sister of Kathy Nice 12:00 PM Mary Zaremski r/b Kathleen Jeanne McDonough, aunt of Ann Grippo Joe McGrenehan, husband of Tina McGrenehan Mickey Melnyk, wife of Joe Melnyk Joseph Meskill Alberta Miller, wife of William Miller Baptism Chris O’Driscoll, husband of Michelle O’Driscoll Bonnie Oldham, sister of Mary Ellen Lowery October 12, 2014 Peg Paulino, sister of Corrine Kelly Joe Pearce, husband of Judy Pearce Charlee Mae, daughter of Joseph & Michelle Lissauer Debbie Pierce, sister of Donna Carroll Addison Rose, daughter of Justin & Stephanie Reeves Relatives of The Tarquin Pirolli Family Art Poupard, husband of Mary Ann Poupard Teagan Margaret, daughter of Justin & Stephanie Dianna Pryor, friend of John & Dolores Walsh Reeves Gus Quatrone, friend of Jim & Ellen Coyle Kyle Christopher, son of Kyle Rzepski & Rachel Ellison Bob Pride, husband of Peg Art Rausch, husband of Judy Rausch Loretta Shields, mother of Mike Shields Brian Simmonds, grandson of Rose Mileti Agnes Smith, wife of Gerard Smith Marion Smith, wife of Walt Smith Sunday Collection – October 12, 2014 Meg Smithuysen, sister of Eileen Savage Mike Spause, husband of Karen Spause Envelopes $ 9,783.00 Madison Grace Solis, friend of The Grippo Family Loose $ 563.15 Betty Beck Tierney, sister of Rita Vaxner High School Students $ 57.00 Edward Woehlcke, husband of Donna Woehlcke 12:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B 1:00 PM Halloween Social Gr. PK-4 …Parish Hall 6:00 PM CYO Hayride ray or ur eceased… P F O D Cassy Giardina, aunt of Melissa Freer & Bob Dougherty Jack Kennedy, father of Janet Anderson & Kathy Krol
#7-016 #6-016 Theology on Tap Northeast Weekly Schedule Sunday, October 19 Young adults (21-35) are invited to the Anointing of the Sick during Masses fall series of “Theology on Tap Northeast.” The 9:00 AM SCRIP Sales – Room B next two Monday evenings will include casual 10:00AM Liturgy of the Word for Children (K-4) eating, drinking, and faith-related discussion. 12:00 PM Secular Franciscans – Spirituality Ctr. Come one or both weeks. The topics will be: 1:00 PM Churches & Cheesesteaks
…following 12 Noon Mass th 5:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B October 20 Living the Gospel in 3-D Fr. Dennis Billy, C.SS.R Monday, October 20 October 27th Going Organic with Marriage 9:00 AM Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament Lamar Edwards & Catie Payne 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet – Chapel 6:30 PM Rosary & Benediction – Chapel 6:30 PM AA Meeting – Room B We will meet at Gearo’s Grille (1913 7:00 PM Legion of Mary Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr. Welsh Road, Phila. 19115), beginning at 7:30 7:00 PM Cub Scouts Mtg. – Parish Hall PM. There is no cover charge. 7:30 PM Theology on Tap – Gearo’s Grille
Tuesday, October 21 9:15 AM SCRIP Sales – Room B 6:45 PM CCD Classes 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr. CYO High School Boys Basketball Registration 7:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B Registration for boys in grades 9-12 interested in 7:00 PM CCD Confessions – Levels 3 & 4 participating for St. Anselm this season will be Wednesday, October 22 held every Tuesday in October from 8:30 – 10:30 6:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B PM in Victory Hall. For more information, 6:30 PM St. Vincent DePaul Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr. contact [email protected]. 7:00 PM CYO Outreach – Parish Hall You must be a member of St. Anselm Parish in 7:15 PM AA Meeting – Room B order to participate in the program Thursday, October 23 12:00 PM Senior Citizens’ Mtg. – OLV 12:45 PM Practice for Candidacy Mass …School & CCD 5:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B 6:30 PM SCRIP Sales – Room B Wanted! High School Students 7:00 PM Pastoral Council Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr. 7:00 PM Boy Scouts’ Mtg. – Parish Hall We are seeking two high school students to serve 7:30 PM Choir Practice – Music Room as aides in our Level 1 CCD classes. Responsibilities include assisting the teacher in Friday, October 24 the classroom, working one on one with students, 6:30 PM AA Meeting – Room B and assisting students with the completion of 6:30 PM Curia Meeting – Spirituality Ctr. class work. Applicants should be dedicated, Saturday, October 25 responsible, and enjoy working with children. 9:00 AM Clothing Drive – Schoolyard The length of the commitment is once a week on 10:00 AM CYO Outreach Delivery Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 PM, Our Lady of Calvary September through the first week of May. This Wednesdays, Now thru November 12 volunteer service will fulfill service requirements 7:30 – 9:00 PM for high schools. Interested teens should contact Meetings are held in the Lower Church meeting Mr. Dennis Mueller, 215-637-3525, ext. 15 or room. Various topics discussed. No registration [email protected] is necessary. Come to some or all sessions.
Mark your calendar… BLESSED MARGARET OF CASTELLO Home & School is sponsoring a program called DESIGNER BAG BINGO! Straight Talk for Parents on Wednesday, (featuring Coach & Vera Bradley Bags) November 12th at 7:00 PM in Our Lady of Friday, November 7, 2014 Victory Hall. This program is offered by the St. Anselm Gymnasium nonprofit group, Drug Free Pennsylvania and is Tickets are now available at the Parish Center designed to educate parents about emerging for an exciting night of Bingo. Join us at 7:00 drug trends; signs and symptoms of teen drug PM (doors open at 6:00 PM). Your $30.00 use; and assists parents in the development of donation includes 15 games of Bingo, coffee and communication skills to speak and listen to their desserts. If you are unable to attend but would children about substance abuse. Mr. Scott like to make a donation, it will be gratefully Serafini will be our guest speaker. accepted at the Parish Center. All proceeds benefit Blessed Margaret Home for Crisis Pregnancies.
Ladies’ Night Out Saturday, November 1, 2014 7:00 – 10:00 PM Our Lady of Victory Hall CHRISTOPHER M. BUCK All Ladies of the Parish, your family and friends MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER are invited to join us in our gym for an exciting evening. Pre sale tickets are available at the St. Anselm Parish Hall Parish Center now through October 30th @ Beef & Beer $10.00 each. Tickets purchased at the door will Saturday, November 8, 2014 be $12.00 each. The ticket price includes food, 7:00 – 11:00 PM and beverages. “Spirits” will be available to Ticket Price: $30.00 each purchase. Begin your Christmas shopping early. There will be a buffet, beer, soda, dancing and a Call your family and friends and experience an silent auction. You must be 21 years of age to enjoyable evening of shopping and socializing! attend! Proceeds of this event benefit the There’s something for everyone. Memorial Scholarship presented to a student at St. Anselm 8th Grade Graduation. We are currently accepting reservations from For tickets, call Jen, 215-990-5623. vendors. Tables are $30.00. All vendors are welcome; we hope to have a variety of items to offer our guests. For reservations, please contact Denise, 215-327-9808. FOOTBALL MANIA Week #6 October 9 – 13, 2014 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Winner #4958 St. Pius $25.00 FALL 2014 Winner #4959 Jeanette Danvers $25.00 Winner #4960 St. Pius $50.00 We are grateful to our benefactors for supporting our fundraising efforts. Please support them for so graciously helping us.
Applebees (Bensalem) Nifty-Fifty’s (Grant Avenue) Australian Navy Origlio Beverage Bru Craft & Wurst, Phila Philly Homebrew Camden Aquarium Pretzel Factory (Parkwood) Carrabba’s (Bensalem) Senator Michael Stack Champs Pizza Teamster’s Local Hatfield/Clemmons Texas Roadhouse (Bensalem) Herr’s Potato Chips TGI Friday’s (Bensalem) Katie O’Donnell’s The Union League of Philadelphia Lou’s Farm Market Wine, Barley & Hops Homebrew Supply Store Mulligan Funeral Home
Congratulations to the winners of our Variety Baskets…
American Basket Helen Race Irish Basket Danielle McDevitt Italian Basket Bonnie Shensky Australian Basket Joseph Connolly CYO Basket Marie Family Basket Sue Fox Eagles Basket The Snellbaker Family Tailgate Grill Pat Sam Adams Tent Kathy Simmons German Basket Joe McIvor Sam Adams Beer Stein Steve Schaffner
Vegas Trip Or $1,000 Cash Prize Winner Jen Rondeau
Committee members for your countless hours of preparation The many volunteers who made this event such a success Father Dunleavy for leading our children in the kazoo parade Father Friel for entertaining us with the accordion Mrs. Graham and her first grade students for their performance Our Pee-Wee, Mini, JV and Varsity Cheerleaders for a job well done The Irish and the German Dancers Our DJ’s…… Steve Mundy & Joe Winkis #9-016