Teachers Fieldtrip Survey
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Teachers Fieldtrip Survey
This is a short survey to compile information about the uses and interest for out of school fieldtrips, virtual field trips, and the need for virtual field trip aids. Many teachers would like to take students out of the classroom to attend field trips, but may not have the staff, chaperones, money, time, or knowledge about fieldtrips to do so. Some trips may even been out of reach such as going to France, Deep Sea Diving, Art Museums, and many other places not easily done within a day. The energy and effort to do so can be demanding on teacher’s time. We are surveying to find out if there is a need for instruction or formats that can be used by a teacher to create and develop virtual field trips that can be used as previews to a field trip, an in- classroom replacement for a fieldtrip, or to be used as a post review of the field trip. Thank you for helping us with our survey.
Background. Teacher’s Name ______Courses / Grades that you teach ______School District ______School Name ______Years of Teaching Experience ______Number of Field Trips Organized /Attended ______
Fieldtrip Survey 1. Have you ever taken your students on a Field trip outside of school? YES NO (If you answered YES, please answer the following questions:) If So, Where did you go? ______How Many Students did you take? ______Grade ______Purpose ______Cost of Activity per student ______Cost for Transportation ______Did the students pay for the activity or the school? ______How much time did you spend preparing and planning the field trip? ______How long were you there? ______Did you have too much or not enough time? ______On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being excellent): How would you rate the overall field trip? ______Did the students find it enjoyable? ______Transportation Availability ______Chaperones Availability ______Would you do again? Why? ______YES NO Would you recommend the location or activity to others? YES NO Did you take pictures or videos? ______If you could enhance the trip, what would you do? ______What learning types were involved in this experience? Pre Test Scavenger Hunt Booklet Speaker Post Test Pre-Visit Slide Show Handout Post-Project Post-Discussion Post-Visit Slide Show Quiz Other ______If there was a Slide Show, Virtual Field Trip, or Digital Movie about your activity, would you use it? YES NO If there was an easy Slide Show Format to make one, would you use it? YES NO Any future Field trip Ideas YES NO Where? ______Other Comments ______2. Have you tried the “virtual fieldtrip” from UEN? (www.uen.org) YES NO Do you feel that they are useful for your curriculum? YES NO Have you assigned your student to use any of the virtual field trips online? YES NO Which ones have you used?______Have you submitted one for others to use? YES NO Would you like to learn how to view or make a virtual field trip? YES NO If there were simple instructions or format to use as a guide to making a virtual field trip, would you use it? YES NO Other Comments ______
3. Have you developed a Power Point / Corel Presentations Slide Show? YES NO Did you create one to prepare to attend a field trip? YES NO or as a replacement field trip? YES NO or as a virtual field trip? YES NO or as a review after a field trip? YES NO or make a digital movie? YES NO How many have you created? Only 1 ____ 2-4 _____ 5-8 _____ 10 or more ______What sites have you used? ______Did you use your own pictures? YES NO Digital or Photographs Did you narrate it? Or use printed wording on slides? ______Did you use sound / music backgrounds? ______How many slides did you create in the slide show? ______Did you show it through a LCD Projector or TV? ______Do you think that if a Power Point / Corel Presentations Slide Show or Digital Movie Training were available that you would use it? YES NO If there were simple story board formats and instructions on making a virtual field trip, would you use them? YES NO What else would you think would aid you to be able to do this? ______
4. What type of resources or aids do you feel you need or lack to set up a fieldtrip? Experience Time Chaperones Support Funding Where to go Computer experience Software Knowledge Links to Virtual Field trips Field trip Tips Resources Checklists Simple Student Lists in Excel / Quattro Pro Do you know how to set up a fieldtrip at your school? YES NO Lack the Knowledge of the steps of how to do it at your school? YES NO Connecting it to your Curriculum? YES NO Would you consider making a replacement field trip Movie Video or Slide Show? YES NO
5. Do you know about the UEN available on the internet? YES NO Do you know they offer free workshops for teachers to create the following things? Web Pages Digital Cameras Electronic Portfolios Excel Power Point Digital Movies Inspirations Word Dreamweaver Fireworks (Photo Editing) Photoshop Pioneer Flash Have you ever attended any of these? YES NO Where did you attend them? District Building U of U School Professional Days Did you use them for re-certification or college credit through SUU? ______Would you attend any if they were available on either 2 Saturdays or 3-6 Afternoons? YES NO Which ones? ______Did you know that you have an individual UEN website called my.uen.org? YES NO
Thank You for your time and effort to fill this survey out. Please Return To: ______Laurie Hutchinson______By ____ April 1 st____