Local Control and Accountability Template - Local Control Funding Formula (CA State Board
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Needles Unified School District Goals and Objectives for 2015-2016
Priority #1: Conditions of Learning: 1.1 Provide highly qualified teachers who possess appropriate knowledge and skills Improve quality of teaching by the implementation of a PD plan focused on effective instructional strategies, knowledge of curriculum, and student engagement and motivation strategies. o PD on effective instructional strategies, knowledge of curriculum, student engagement and motivation strategies. * o PD on California State Standards- Math and ELA *
1.2 Provide a learning environment that is clean, safe, and intellectually stimulating with the appropriate technology infrastructure. Continue Prop 39 Energy Conservation Plan, Meet all Williams Reporting facilities obligations Implement District's safety priorities at all district and school sites Continue District's deferred maintenance plan to improve the learning environment at all district and school sites Increase bandwidth o Improve and/or maintain facilities to meet safety standards and technology needs.
1.3 Provide a learning environment with the appropriate materials, textbooks and technology. Provide California State Standards-based instructional materials K-12 to meet all Williams reporting requirements Provide technology to support Smarter Balance Assessments o Availability of materials and technology
1.4 Implement CCSS in Math and ELA/Literacy, NGSS for K-12 Provide PD to effectively implement California State Standards-based curriculum for ELA and Math K-12 Provide collaborative meetings for teachers to monitor student progress Provide PD to implement the Next Generation Science Standards Page 2 of 4 o Implement standards-based programs *
Priority #2: Pupil Outcomes 2.1 All students are performing at grade level or above in ELA/Literacy Lower class sizes in core ELA programs o Teacher HS English (continued) o Additional Teacher NMS Core Intervention Programs/Remediation o Instructional Aide Support (continued) Support to achieve in core programs o Additional support tutoring (continued)
2.2 All students are performing at grade level or above in Math Intervention Programs/ Remediation o Additional Math teacher at NHS o Instructional Aide Support (continued) o Study Island Intervention Online Support to achieve in core programs o Instructional Aide Support (continued) o Intervention at ES/MS/HS (afterschool, Saturday School and summer program)*
2.3 All students will be prepared for college through AP courses, college-level courses while enrolled in high school, and/or UC/CSU a-g course completion Increase the available college-level courses for students to take while enrolled in high school o Mandate students take college exams o Implement Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) course (continued) o Hire AVID Tutors (continue and increase)
2.4 All students will have multiple opportunities to develop career readiness through CTE Pathway programs to ensure alignment with UC/CSU and CCSS requirements Increase CTE course offerings and improve pathway opportunities for students to increase student participation in CTE programs o Implement courses to support career pathways (Business Services continued/medical technology) o Develop certification pathways and mentorships (online mentor program/senior interviews continue) Page 3 of 4
2.5 All students will have multiple opportunities for a balanced academic program that includes core academics, sports, electives, and extra-curricular activities to improve student involvement in school Balance core academic programs, sports, electives, and extra-curricular activities Increase/Improve offerings in academic programs, sports, electives and extra-curricular activities o Gate program at each site (continue VCES/NHS) o Stipends for teachers/others to offer clubs (3 sites continue/increase secondary) o Librarian K-12 (continue) o Sports to engage more students (continue) o Technology program at K-12 levels (Technology Support Technician) * o Additional electives for HS/MS students (sign language and interventions) *
2.6 Provide instruction that utilizes interim common assessments, collaborative sharing of student data and the implementation of best practices Implement District benchmarks and unit assessments for ELA/Literacy and Math * Develop unit assessments for NGSS Develop unit assessments for ELA/Literacy and Math Implement system for Data Reflections for grade level and department PLC's
2.7 All students are connected to school through one of the four A's: Academics, Athletics, Activities and the Arts. Increase academic course offerings/school activities (track student participation/additional teacher VCES continued/field trips) Develop alternative programs (CDS/Alt. Programs) *
Priority #3: Engagement 3.1 School and District Leadership teams will increase parent engagement in site and district committees (DAC, SSC, LCAP), as program volunteers, and in parent workshops. Increase and improve parent participation in District and site decision-making committees, workshops, groups, and individually, Increase communication through auto-dialer system for parents, compute baseline data on surveys returned to school by parents o Increase parent involvement through effective communication (Blackboard auto-dialer system) * o Provide parent workshops to support student learning (increase workshops) * o Develop a volunteer program at each site (increase number of parent volunteers) * Page 4 of 4
3.2 Site and district leadership teams will increase community engagement as mentors, in internship programs, and community input groups Increase community support for school programs Develop mentors to support college and career readiness Increase community input on district programs and services o District/Site personnel will engage in community activities/events o Students will plan programs that engage the greater community (Sober Celebration) o Utilize community members to enrich school offerings and curriculum (Art Attack/Mini-day Events/Native American Education Committee Cultural Programs)
3.3 Maintain a culture of trust, professionalism, high-expectations for all students in a positive climate focused on all students. PD on creating a positive school climate (Character Education) * Programs to support a positive and professional district climate for staff (SB County DAIT and walkthroughs) Increase high expectations for all students and staff (AVID) *
3.4 All students will have access to a system of personal support services (including but not limited to PBIS, counseling, alt. programs), activities and opportunity at the school and within the community to promote success. Implement PBIS K-12 * On-site probation officer K-12 Counseling services (continued and increased) * Summer support programs (AVID Summer Bridge) Student Health programs/monitoring of students’ health (Public health contract)
* LCAP Surveys identified as key areas of concern