Flood Management Information System (FMIS)
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Flood Management Information System (FMIS) in Hungary
Lajos Szlávik Civ.Eng., Ph.D., Water Resources Research Centre Plc. (VITUKI), H-1095 Budapest, Kvassay Jenő út 1. Hungary, Telephone: +36 1 215 4158, Telefax: +36 1 216 1514, Email: [email protected]
Gábor Jónás Elec.Eng. UniOffice System's House, H-1111 Budapest, Kende u. 3. Hungary Telephone: + 36 1 372 7575, Telefax: + 36 1 372 7574, Email: [email protected]
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2000 Conference IOWA, USA (CD) Flood Management Information System (FMIS) in Hungary
Lajos Szlávik Civ.Eng., Ph.D., Water Resources Research Centre Plc. (VITUKI), H-1095 Budapest, Kvassay Jenő út 1. Hungary, Telephone: +36 1 215 4158, Telefax: +36 1 216 1514, Email: [email protected]
Gábor Jónás Elec.Eng. UniOffice System's House, H-1111 Budapest, Kende u. 3. Hungary Telephone: + 36 1 372 7575, Telefax: + 36 1 372 7574, Email: [email protected]
ABSTRACT: In Hungary, owing to the particular geographical conditions, important and steadily growing public interest has been attached to flood control for centuries. Of the 93 000 km 2 large territory of the country 23% are exposed to inundation by recurring river floods. As a result of flood control developments since the middle of the 19th century these flood plains are presently protected by over 4000 kms of earth embankment, which rise 3 to 8 m above the surrounding ter- rain. FMIS created by integrating into a network the roughly 400 workstations at the centres of the 17 institutions involved in handling flood emergency operations on national and local levels, has been operating on a routine basis since July 1, 1994. The FMIS ensures the integrated co-operation of complex, highly automated application based on the Lotus Notes Groupware.
1. INTRODUCTION mountain catchments tend to overtake each other and create often emergency situations. Hungary ranks high on the world list of coun- tries exposed to flooding, close to 23 and 10% of her territory being flood plains along major streams and minor rivers, respectively. Flood control in Hungary has been suc- cessful in recent years: the flood levees flank- ing the rivers have withstood safely the floods for almost two decades, the last flood causing loss of human life has occurred in 1956. This is attributable to carefully planned develop- ment and organizational efforts.
Owing to the particular geographical condi- tions, important and steadily growing interest Fig.1. The situation of Hungary within Europe has been attached in Hungary for centuries to controlling the losses by river floods. The fun- damental cause of the high flood hazard is the The streams in Hungary belong to the situation of the overwhelmingly plain country catchments basins of two large streams, the in the deepest part of the Carpathian Basin rivers Danube and Tisza. Disregarding a few (Fig. 1), so that the flood waves which arrive minor streams, all rivers in Hungary originate from the surrounding Carpathian and Alpine beyond the national boundary and discharge to levees protecting 97% thereof against inunda- tion by river floods. Facts and figures on the reclaimed flood plains: 2.5 million people in close to 700 com- munities are exposed to flood hazard; one-third of the arable lands in Hungary, 18 000 km2 valuable farmland; the flood plains contain 32% of the railway lines and 15% of the roads; over 2000 industries have settled here, and about 25% of the gross domestic product is produced here. The level of flood exposure in terms of the Fig.2. . The major streams of Hungary ratio of flood plains is the highest in Hungary of all European countries and is comparable the recipient Danube and Tisza (Fig. 2). With a with the situation in the Netherlands alone total length of 2822 km the two major streams (Fig. 3). drain virtually the entire territory (93 000 km2) The Tisza and her tributaries responded to of Hungary. The rivers arriving at the Hungari- the cutting of meanders and reducing the width an border convey the runoff from 290 000 km2, of the flood plains by considerably higher that is an area three times as large as the terri- flood levels, the fast sizing process continuing tory of Hungary. The flow regime in these rivers is controlled therefore overwhelmingly 1000 by the hydrometeorological events over the headwater sections. 900 Of the 93 000 km2 large territory of the )
2 m c ( country 21 248 km (22.8%) are floodplains,
d 800 r o c e r
Fekete-Körös, Remete
n Tisza, Szolnok o
k a
e 700 p
Length of flood defenses s e h g i Hungary 4220 H Tisza, Szeged 600 Fehér-Körös, Gyula Tisza Valley (in Hungary) 2700
Po Valley (Italy) 2400 500 Ukraine 1630 1832 1850 1900 1950 1970 1999 Year The Netherlands 1500 Loire Valley (France) 480 Fig.4. Rising flood peaks on the Tisza and her tributares 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 to these days on the Hungarian rivers (Fig. 4). km
Area protected
Tisza Valley (in Hungary) 17,3
The Netherlands 14,4 The existing flood defenses built since the th Po Valley (Italy) 6,9 middle of the 19 century comprise the main-
Ukraine 4,6 line levees of 4003 km total length (3973 km
Zuider-zee 1,8 earth embankment, 30 km flood wall) along
Loire Valley (France) 0,7 the rivers. The total volume of the embank- ments is approximately 120 million m3 (Fig. 0 5 10 15 20 25 thousand km 2 5). The standard against which the defenses Fig.3. Comparison of the major flood control are assessed is the design flood, which these developments in Europe are required to withstand. emergency squad, the icebreaker fleet, blasting ice jams, etc. Collection and dissemination of hydrologic data, the compilation of flood fore- casts are performed by the National Hydrologi- cal Forecasting Service, a unit of VITUKI Plc. The 12 RWAs organized by catchments are state agencies financed from the central budget to perform the water management functions of the state. They function in a practically un- changed form since 1953 and are substantially Fig.5. Flood defenses and protected flood in the legal successors of the land drainage and river engineering districts established in the Hungary last third of the 19th century. With a total staff of approximately 5000, they operate also the Under the provisions currently in force in Hungary, the defenses must be dimensioned to hydrologic observation network (some 5600 gagging stations). withstand safely the ”one in hundred years” (”one in thousand” along major towns) ice-free Flood fighting is listed among the priority functions of the RWAs. The procedure is con- flood, at a safety freeboard of 1.0-1.5 m. Con- siderations of safety, traffic and transportation trolled by acts of legislation, in which the per- sons responsible for specific activities are also on the crest in emergency situations, further of maintenance with mechanical conditions are identified. Implementation of emergency con- trol includes engineering and administration involved in deciding on the minimal cross sec- tional dimensions. The resulting embankments measures. rise locally more than 5-8 m above the sur- The engineering measures include oper- rounding terrain. ations on the levees, hydrologic fore- casting, confinement of inundating wa- 4. INSTITUTIONAL BACKGROUND, ter. THE EMERGENCY ORGANISATION The administration measures are: mobi- lization of the public workforce for Control in flood emergency situations is as- flood fighting on the levees, taking care signed by law to the state. Within the central of the population in the event of a levee government it is the Minister of Transport, failure (rescue, evacuation, accommoda- Communication and Water Affairs, who is re- tion), saving property, health care, sponsible for the water management functions, restoration. thus also flood management, and who is vested The water agency is required to provide – in grave emergencies – with the powers of a guidance for the engineering measures of government commissioner. He is assisted in emergency control, for which the manpower performing these functions by the staff of the and technical equipment are secured by the water department supervised within the min- municipalities, the civil defense and the army. istry by an undersecretary of state. The nation- According to the provisions of Act LVII of al professional agency subordinated to the 1995 on Water Management, national control minister to perform the operative functions of of flood emergency operations belongs to the water management is the National Water Au- sphere of authority of the minister up to the an- thority (NWA). In handling emergency situa- nouncement of highest alert level. The minister tions the 12 Regional Water Authorities discharges his duties via the NWA. For the (RWA) organized by catchments play a role of highest alert period the minister is vested with decisive importance. The Central Water Emer- the powers of a government commissioner in gency Organization is presently responsible for guiding emergency operations. In especially performing the special tasks of emergence grave hazard (disaster) situations a state of control all over the country, like operating the emergency is declared at set forth in the Con- stitution and national guidance of operations is tional Water Authority – national level transferred to a government committee. organization and control; In major flood fighting operations (for in- the Central Flood Fighting Organiza- stance the recent 1998 November and 1999 tion and the WaterResources Research spring floods) 5000 employees of the water Centre (VITUKI), National Hydrologi- service and 10-15 thousand other emergency cal Forecasting Service – national level workforce were mobilized. special functions. A wealth of information covering a broad Fig.6. Functions and hierarchic relations in range of subjects is exchanged between the co- flood emergency control operating agencies (17 at the present). This has been reviewed, screened for potential overlaps, and rationalized where necessary when the various modules of the flood management in- formation system were planned. Establishment of the communication links capable of han- dling this flow of information is one of the im- portant goals of the envisaged system, parts of which are being built, parts operating already. All co-operating agencies have extensive horizontal communication relations, forward- ing information to, and receiving information from, the co-operating partners (Fig. 7). Data Major flood emergencies are impossible to transfer between these partners involved in the control, unless a number of agencies cooperate horizontal relations of the emergency control in a concerted manner. Their functions and hi- organizations is effected over conventional erarchical relations are set forth in laws and channels. Data reporting and information for- other acts of legislation. The main agencies in- warding to them is handled in the system as volved in implementing emergency measures outputs, the technical solution of which de- on the state-owned inundation control struc- pends on the means and technology available tures and their functions are as follows (Fig. at the receiving partner. 6): According to the level of control, the co- the twelve district water authorities and operating agencies are grouped into local (re- the capital Budapest – local organiza- gional) and national categories. This classifica- tion, guidance and actual implementa- tion means at the same time that whereas actu- tion of flood emergency measures; al emergency operations are also performed at the Ministry of Transport, Communica- the local level, the incoming information is tion and Water Management, the Na- summarized and evaluated at the national lev- el. The local level can be subdivided further
Fig.7. Links of a regional water authority during flood emergency into levee sections and local emergency center. extending the lead time for preparing The latter comprises the emergency officer, the emergency measures; emergency staff and the special groups (hydro- providing information processed, ana- logic forecasting, soil mechanics, supplies, lyzed, assembled, compared and pre- etc.) at their service (Fig. 8). sented at the highest possible level for The resources, methods and types of infor- decision making on alternative emergen- mation needed for carrying out the emergency cy measures in a particular emergency operations can be listed under the following situation. Continuous updating of infor- headings: mation, which is especially important in manpower and materials; emergencies of larger scope. In short, communication equipment; securing faster the amount of informa- calculation equipment and aids; tion needed for supporting emergency local data base, files; control decisions, processing it as far as imported information; possible, storing it in an identifiable engineering computation methods, mod- manner and indicating the potential im- els algorithms; plications. instructions, regulations (decision ta- Considerable importance was attached to bles). introducing the various FMIS elements simul- Fig.8. Flood emergency control levels taneously at each of the co-operating agencies in order to maintain the same level of capacity throughout the system. FMIS functions: supporting the emergency control activi- ties at the particular agency on a local area network, ensuring information flow to and from emergency control levels above and be- low the particular agency via the chan- nels of communication. FMIS serves thus two objectives and is ca- pable of performing two compatible functions simultaneously: supporting the local emergen- cy control activities and acting as a communi- 5. INFORMATICS BEHIND THE DECI- cation interface to the connected levels of con- SION SUPPORT SYSTEM OF FLOOD trol. The first function is one related primarily PROTECTION to computer technology, the second to data 1 The FMIS objectives and functions communication. The professional tasks, methods and proce- Regardless of level of control, one of the major dures of guiding flood fighting are set forth in problems stems from the difficulty of review- acts of legislation, manuals and instructions. ing and assessing all the potentially available The following tasks are obligatory at all levels information during the time span available for of control: decision making on a particular control mea- collection, recording, processing and sure. The task of logistic support to emergency forwarding information; control is therefore to integrate (assemble and situation analysis, assessment, decision pre-assess) information with the basic aim of preparation; improving the effectiveness of flood fighting decision making on flood fighting mea- operations by modernizing data handling and sures; transfer. This comprises in particular: organization, guidance of flood fighting 6. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE activities, supervision of their imple- AND OPERATION OF FMIS mentation; 2 The FMIS structure preparation and forwarding reports and information; The FMIS sub-systems comprise: documenting these activities. Information on the hydrological situa- tion Flood fighting depends for its effectiveness Surveillance reports on the defenses on a wealth of information. The techniques of Emergency diaries, emergency adminis- information gathering and processing, the tration methods of situation assessment must be uni- Reports, information form throughout the service. The reports must Management of emergency resources be standardized in both substance and format, Flood fighting aids information flow between the various interre- Depending on the levels of emergency con- lated levels of control must be coordinated, trol at which information is processed and be- overlapping data communication (on the hy- tween which information is exchanged, five drological situation, stages of alert, resources FMIS application levels are distinguished: used and required, etc.) must be eliminated. Information processing at the defense One of the major problems at all levels of section centers control stems from the difficulty of reviewing, Information exchange between the de- assessing during the time available for prepar- fense section centers and the local (re- ing decision on a particular measure all the in- gional) control center formation which is potentially available. The Information processing at the regional fundamental possibility and task of providing center logistic support to emergency control was Information exchange between the re- therefore the integration of information. The gional and the national control levels basic objective was formulated to improve the Information processing at the national effectiveness of flood fighting operations. In control center the interest thereof efforts were made at ex- The flood management information system tending the lead time of preparing emergency functions continuously, in that the basic mod- operations, further at providing more, better ules operate without interruption, switching on processed, analyzed, clearly presented infor- additional modules depending on the hydro- mation for decision making on alternative logical situation liable to call for emergency emergency measures in particular emergency operations. situations. The central FMIS module is a program, The FMIS functions comprise thus the pro- which keeps record on the completed parts of vision of support to emergency control activi- the system, on the contents and interrelations ties emerging at a given organization on the lo- thereof, operates continuously the module cal computer network, on the other hand of en- keeping track and assessing the hydrometeoro- suring information flow for control levels logic and hydrologic situation, and issues above and below the particular emergency alerts as required. control level via the channels of communica- Based on the Lotus Notes software a com- tion. plete closed-system communication network The two elements of decisive importance in has been set up to cover all water agencies of the FMIS are the operating software and the the state. This is of paramount and decisive technical solution of data communication. importance for further information develop- The FMIS ensures the integrated co-op- ments. FMIS is not confined to supporting eration of complex, highly automated emergency control activities alone, in that the application based on the Lotus Notes possibility of processing further the electronic Groupware. documents creates a the data base of flood emergency measures accumulating a wealth of another location through Notes mailing tech- practical experience. nology.
3 Functionality of the system 4 Date sharing functionality
Our implementation of FMIS is a complex and Accessibility to public data is not limited to in- integrated automated application suite based ternal (Lotus Notes) users. Data are also pub- on Lotus Domino/Notes technology. It has lished on the web on-line, providing appropri- been developed by UniOffice System House in ate internal and external availability (intranet close co-operation with the national flood and Internet functionality). Data stored in cer- management authorities. Version 1.0 was im- tain back-end Lotus Domino databases is made plemented in 1994. 1999 saw the transition to accessible to relational database management version 3.0 of most system components. systems through Lotus Enterprise Integrator on an automated and scheduled basis. Data pro- 3.1 Functional components duced by reporting modules are accessible to The system consists of four main functional office applications through the standard ODBC components: interface.
Subsystem of logging and preventive 5 System architecture measures (defense levels module, orga- nizational setup module and people List of components: module) 51 Lotus Domino application servers Subsystem of reports (briefing modules, (which optionally function web servers maintenance module, daily defense re- and SMTP MTAs as well) ports module) 15 Microsoft SQL servers Subsystem for providing hydrological more than 400 Lotus Notes workstations information (module for hydrological in 17 regional centers and at about 100 communication, integrational module locations across the country for the hydrological information system telephone communication lines (33600 integrative module) bps), leased analog lines and ISDN con- Subsystem of additional components nections (professional Help databases – e.g. pro- Lotus Domino Fax Gateway at regional fessional and legal manuals, IT applica- centers for outbound faxing tion manuals – e.g. Lotus Notes, flood Lotus Enterprise Integrator based data management information dictionaries, connection between Notes and relational summative overview module, special databases Hungarian mailing module). 45 unique FMIS-oriented Lotus Notes application-modules 3.2 Communication functionality 4 additional Lotus Notes modules (se- The primary functionality of the system is quential number generator, attach, de- communications. This means ”traditional” tach, trashcan) transfer of messages as well as automated and cc:Mail connectivity scheduled forwarding of flood management data. Such messaging and replication technolo- 6 Networking models gy (a feature of Lotus Domino servers and Notes clients) is part of the appropriate FMIS Local networks of the regional water authori- module databases. A latest addition to the ties are the basic components of the system. communication functionality is the transfer of Each of these is represented by one Lotus data records stored in an SQL server table at Domino domain. These local networks boost one location to another server table stored at Lotus Domino application modules that are ac- cessible to the users via the Lotus Notes client 8.3 Automatic file transfer or a web browser. Reliable operations are pro- The national Lotus Domino communication vided by a continuously running backup server network is also a vehicle for file transfer be- at each location, ready to take over the role of tween locations. A unique pair of server mod- the defective main server in a few minutes in ules (attach and detach) take care of transfer- case of server failure. ring files between the file systems of servers The national network is comprised of the running Domino. Parameters of the process in- local Domino servers and a central one run- clude locations of the files and the scheduling ning at the headquarters of the National Water of the transfer. Using this technology, any kind Authority. Communication and data flow pro- of data can be transferred between the file sys- cesses are carefully designed and optimized. tems of the local servers. Regional locations without Domino connectiv- ity are informed by faxes sent out automatical- 7. THE FMIS IN USE ly by the reporting application modules through the Domino Fax Gateway The first applications were started in the first half of 1994 between the centers of 17 institu- 7 Databases, applications tions directly involved in flood emergency control. Regular, routine FMIS applications Databases in the system can be categorized have been continuous since July 1, 1994. Over into three main types: the past five years several hundred thousand Personal mailboxes (standard Lotus electronic mail was exchanged between the co- Notes mailboxes with additional pro- operating partners with a high level of avail- cess-oriented functionality) ability and reliability. Back-end databases (storing profession- al back-end data – e.g. reference values – and data needed for system mainte- nance) Operational application modules (Lotus Notes databases with mail-in capabilities to provide ”instant” forwarding of re- porting messages and data to the target location.)
8 Data transfer solutions, system processes 8.1 Scheduled data transfer (replication) Data stored in Lotus Notes modules and SQL tables are synchronized across locations on a daily basis using a radial topology of Lotus Domino replication.
8.2 Instant data transfer (electronic mail and mail-in databases) Standard electronic mail is a service of the un- derlying Domino/Notes infrastructure. Besides personal mail, critical data are transferred to all locations with this technology as the applica- tion databases are ready to send and receive such messages (mail-in database technology).