How Well Do You Manage Change?
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Change Management Profile Questionnaire and Interpretive Notes
This Change Management Profile Questionnaire is designed to provide you with feedback on how you see yourself when it comes to four aspects of managing change.
Use of a Change Management process.
Level of Change Management skills.
Application of Change Management knowledge.
Your underlying beliefs about Change.
There is a separate section for each of the four aspects. Each section consists of 15 statements and alongside each statement there is a choice of five boxes to use to respond to the statement. Please select one box for each of the statements and place a cross (X) in the box.
Consider the statements thinking back over the last twelve months (i.e. the recent past) and how you see yourself today.
Be as honest as you can be as the profile is designed to be used to assist you in improving your personal effectiveness as a leader/manager in the area of managing change.
There is no time limit to the completion of the questionnaire.
Instructions on how to score and interpret your results follow the questionnaire. Section One - The Change Management Process
Consider each statement and put a cross (X) in the box alongside the statement which best describes how you see yourself.
Assume that each statement starts with the words “When leading and managing change……”
Never Rarely Sometimes Mostly Always 1 I create a sense of urgency to reinforce the need for change. 2 I provide people with facts, figures and evidence to persuade them of the need for change. 3 I select the right people to form the guiding coalition (key sponsors) for change. 4 I get the guiding coalition to work together effectively as a team. 5 I create a clear and tangible vision for change. 6 I construct effective strategies to deliver the vision. 7 I communicate the change vision clearly and frequently to get buy-in to the vision. 8 I change systems or structures that get in the way of delivering the change vision. 9 I encourage and equip others to take actions at their level to deliver the change vision. 10 I achieve short-term wins to provide evidence that the change vision is working. 11 I visibly recognise and reward those delivering short-term wins towards achievement of the long term vision... 12 I recruit, promote and develop the right people to implement the change. 13 I use projects, themes and new initiatives to keep up the urgency and build the momentum for change. 14 I model and example the new behaviours sought for culture change. 15 I ensure that the right people are chosen for leadership and management roles to anchor the change in the organisation. Scores by column (total the number of X’s in each column) Section Two – Change Management Skills
Consider each statement and put a cross (X) in the box alongside the statement which best describes how you see yourself.
Assume that each statement starts with the words “I am able to ………”
No Little Fair High Total Skill Skill Degree Level Skill of Skill of Skill 16 Include in my analysis of change a description of the current situation as well as the future preferred situation. 17 Identify restraints and key issues getting in the way of change 18 Set out a logical sequence of events required to deliver the change. 19 Identify key stakeholders to whom I sell the benefits of the change to gain their support. 20 Involve key stakeholders in the planning process to obtain their ownership of change plans. 21 Consult with those impacted by the change in the communication process to include their ideas. 22 Communicate my final change plan to all key stakeholders before I implement the plan. 23 Ensure that all roles and responsibilities are clear and accepted in the change management process. 24 Put in place milestones and other controls to ensure effective implementation of the change plan. 25 Keep people focused in the implementation phase. 26 Regularly assess results and provide timely feedback to those involved in implementing the change. 27 Effectively confront problems and resolve conflicts in the implementation phase. 28 Provide high visibility leadership to motivate, encourage and support people in implementing the change. 29 Share successes and learn from mistakes in the change management process. 30 Positively motivate those involved in delivery of the change. Scores by column (total the number of X’s in each column) Section Three – Application of Change Management Knowledge
Consider each statement and put a cross (X) in the box alongside the statement which best describes how you see yourself.
Assume that each statement starts with the words “I know how to ……….”
Not To Fairly Very Completely at all Some Well Well Degree 31 Take into account the bigger picture when planning a specific change initiative at my level. 32 Identify the key drivers of change and assess their impact on changes I am planning to make. 33 Differentiate between my leadership and management role in the change management process. 34 Apply the most effective leadership style when influencing people in the change management process. 35 Identify the reasons for people’s resistance to change. 36 Empower others with freedom to act plus accountability in the change management process. 37 Create culture change. 38 Influence key stakeholders in the most effective way. 39 Use creative and innovative thinking processes when introducing change. 40 Manage people’s positive and negative reactions to change. 41 Confront behavioural issues with people when managing change. 42 Affirm people. 43 Resolve conflicts with people in the change management process. 44 Connect with people’s beliefs and concerns. 45 Reproduce leaders to ensure that changes are effectively implemented and ‘anchored’ in the organisation. Scores by column (total the number of X’s in each column) Section 4 – Beliefs about Change
Consider each statement and put a cross (X) in the box alongside the statement which best describes how you see yourself.
Assume that each statement starts with the words “I believe that ……….”
Strongly Disagree Partly Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Agree 46 Flexibility and adaptability are necessary in formalising change plans. 47 Change plans invariably change once the change management process has started. 48 People have to see and feel change before being willing to change. 49 People take more notice of what they see versus what they hear in times of change. 50 The need for personal control is one of people’s primary motivators. 51 Information sharing is key to effective empowerment. 52 Effective leaders use inspiring beliefs and standards versus charismatic communication skills to attract followers. 53 If you are not undergoing deep change you are slowly ‘dying’. 54 You cannot change the world around you unless you first change yourself. 55 For effective change to take place there must be a need, desire and capability to change. 56 A leader must have integrity and honesty to obtain willing followership to his/her change plans. 57 Leaders must possess courage, resilience and perseverance to be successful change agents. 58 People need nurturing and affirmation as well as challenging and confronting in the change management process. 59 Understanding the human dynamic is key to the successful implementation of change. 60 Your appetite for change has a significant impact on others’ appetite for change. Scores by column (total the number of X’s in each column) Scoring Your Profile
To score each section of the profile use the point scoring process below.
Section One – Use of a Change Management Process
Never Rarely Sometimes Mostly Always
_ x 0 = _ x 1 = _ x 2 = _ x 3 = _ x 4 =
Section Two – Level of Change Management Skill
No Skill Little Skill Fair Degree High Level Total Skill
_ x 0 = _ x 1 = _ x 2 = _ x 3 = _ x 4 =
Section Three – Application of Change Management Knowledge
Not at All To Some Degree Fairly Well Very Well Completely
_ x 0 = _ x 1 = _ x 2 = _ x 3 = _ x 4 =
Section Four – Beliefs about Change
Strongly Disagree Agree Partly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
_ x 0 = _ x 1 = _ x 2 = _ x 3 = _ x 4 =
Summarise your scores from each section using the scoring process above. Each section is scored out of a possible total of 60 points for the section.
Section One - Use of a Change Management Process =
Section Two - Level of Change Management Skill =
Section Three - Application of Change Management Knowledge =
Section Four - Beliefs about Change =
Now transfer your scores onto the Matrix on the following page and join the plots on each axis to provide you with your Change Management Profile. Your Change Management Profile
Process 6 0
5 0
4 0
3 0
2 0
1 0 Skill 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Knowledg s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
Use the Interpretive Notes which follow to reflect on the following questions.
1. Do you agree with the picture? Why?
2. What does the picture say about your abilities to manage change effectively?
3. What beliefs, knowledge and skills can you build on?
4. What areas of know how would you need to develop?
5. What can you do to develop your change management capabilities? Change Management Profile - Interpretive Notes
Section 1 Section 2 The Change Management Process Change Management Skills
There is sufficient research evidence to suggest It takes considerable skill, sensitivity and emotional that Change Management follows a process. This investment to create a high trust working process is represented by the statements in this environment in which people are resilient to section. Some leaders/managers are more change. Not all stakeholders will have positive and process driven than others and consequently are constructive attitudes towards change. Indeed more naturally suited to both recognizing and some may even be hostile to it. Thus the ability to adopting process methodology. In the change use one's knowledge effectively and readily in management environment the process if adhered execution or performance of change management to will be marked by gradual changes that lead requires a multi-faceted skill set, both in terms of toward a desired overall change. rational, sequential analysis and empathetic communication. In addition, leader/managers will If you have scored highly in this area it is likely need to cultivate the ability to both identify and that you are comfortable with the concept of gain the buy-in of the key stakeholders. following a series of actions or operations contributing towards a desired end result. Key to Leaders/managers that are able to engage in maximising the effectiveness of the change healthy confrontation and are adept at conflict process is to recognise that change involves the resolution have a natural advantage over their development of people. counterparts that are more likely to keep the peace rather than make it. Successful change agents not People development is fundamentally different only promote but also personally model the desired from process management. There is a cognitive behaviours being implemented. The element to change management which requires a leader/manager is charged with the responsibility of different set of skills. For example the ability to maintaining both the urgency and the enthusiasm create a sense of urgency whilst not engendering for the desired change. He or she must be anxiety is easier to achieve in high trust believable, innovative, and inspirational. environments where leaders/managers have provided stakeholders with honest, consistent Consideration must be given not only to the and current information; good and bad news. management of the change process but also the management of stakeholders’ expectations. Good Many managers acknowledge that cognitive change managers are necessarily good and ability is a potential area for self-development. transparent communicators.
The higher your score the better you are at Communication, the act of transmitting and grasping the essential elements of managing receiving information requires empathy- a quality of change, from a process perspective. You may the stake-holder-centred manager, characterized by need to invest in the more cognitive abilities of the manager conveying appreciation and managing change. understanding of the stake-holder’s point of view. Good communicators are skilled in the art of active listening- This involves listening with undivided attention, an open mind and an ability to summarise the message accurately.
The higher your score the more likely it is that you will be able to communicate, consult and gain commitment from key stakeholders when managing change. Section 3 Section 4 Application of Change Management Beliefs about Change Knowledge
Change management requires a marriage For many managers there will be a first time between knowledge and wisdom. In this when they have come face to face with the context knowledge knows how to make stark reality of change. For these managers change; whilst wisdom is the inner-sense to the idea of EQ (emotional intelligence) and know when to make it and to understand the stake-holder centred management may be a impact of interventions on people and to new concept. Whilst the importance of develop the key influencing know how for the developing cognitive skills and EQ are well effective implementation. Moreover the recognised amongst industrial psychologists, leader/manager that is able to empower it is a relatively new science for many others is acutely aware that people want to managers. be led not driven. Resistance when it surfaces can occur because of the nature of the change Good managers need to be able to or because of the implementation process of demonstrate both professional and emotional the change. competence in order to manage change. The likelihood is that a person is stronger in one It is now widely recognised that our people than the other and going forward it is not are our competitive edge; certainly people are appropriate to compensate one with the the key differentiator. In order to get the other but to develop both. An appreciation highest return on our human capital we must of the cognitive issues involved in change combine IQ (intellect) and EQ (emotions). management is critical to their success. If Consequently ambitious leaders/managers their beliefs are not valid they are in danger will want to develop themselves in this area of failing no matter how good their skills and as it is well proven that effective leadership is use of processes. a key enabler for change. It provides the vision and creates the empowerment for The higher your score the more in touch you stakeholders. will be with the root causes of support for or resistance to change initiatives from people. The higher your score the more capable you will be in obtaining willing followership of your change plans.