Jackie Hong Office Hours : F 12:00-1:00 & by Appointment (IB 2328B)
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CHEMISTRY 163.H6 (#2278) F 1:00-4:50 (AS 1519) Fall 2017 NSCC
Jackie Hong Office Hours : F 12:00-1:00 & by appointment (IB 2328B) [email protected] 206-934-4590 Class website : http://facweb.northseattle.edu/jhong/
Textbook and Others Chapters 18-24 from Chemistry by Silberberg 7th Ed (textbook or e-book), CONNECT Access (on line portion of the course), non-graphing calculator, scantrons, safety goggles, class notebook, and bound lab notebook.
Ch18. Acid-Base Equilibria Ch19. Ionic Equilibria in Aqueous Systems Ch20. Thermodynamics Ch21. Electrochemistry Ch22. The Elements in Nature and Industry Ch23. Transition Elements & Coordination Compounds Ch24. Nuclear Reactions
Prerequisite Chem 162 (Chapter 1-11 from Silberberg) and Math 98 with 2.0 or better, ENG101 is strongly recommended (Only the students with proper pre-req are to remain in class.)
Grading >95.00% = 4.0 >93.83 to 95.00% = 3.9 >92.67 to 93.83% = 3.8 >91.50-92.67% = 3.7 and so on with 1.16666% decrease per 0.1 grade point decrease >71.67 to 72.83% = 2.0 < 60% 0.0
1. Final Exam (12% 15%) is designed for 2 hours and it is comprehensive. Check class website for schedule. 2. ACS Exam (3% 6%) is a comprehensive (CHEM 139 to 163) exam from American Chemical Society with 50 MC questions for 55 minutes. Use the Study Guide from NSC library reserve or look for practice test on line. 3. 2 Exams (20% 23%) is 50 minutes long and is comprehensive. Exams highlight previous topics as well as pre- chapter readings and lab materials. 4. In class activities (15%) might be open HW and/or in a group. You must be in attendance to get credit. 5. HW and Other assignments (10% 13%) may include group activities, quizzes, homework, worksheets, presentation, writing summaries, and research. 6. On line HW (15%) with 60% minimum on CONNECT is mandatory. Average 80% on CONNECT Gradebook is considered full credit. For overall % less than 80%, the Connect percent equals the your grade in this category. For example, 95% on connect = 100% , 80% on connect = 100%, 79% on connect=79%, 61% on Connect=61% for this category, 59% on Connect = automatic 0.0 for overall class grade. Log on to CONNECT to see the late penalty policy for all on-line assignments. 7. Lab grade (25% 28%) consists of prelab, lab report, lab quiz, lab notebook, and instructor’s evaluation. Lab performance, participation, cooperation, contents, completeness, organization and neatness will also be graded. 8. Instructor/peer evaluation, participation, attendance and class notebook (added to various categories) might be counted toward your grade. 9. Attendance is recorded for each in-class session. Missing more than one lab or in-class session is an automatic 0.0 for the course. Missing more than 20 minutes of the lab/class is considered a missing lab/class. *Revised on 10/14 7am
General Rules 1. Along with your math and chemistry pre-requisite, you must be highly organized and self-motivated to success in this class. 2. You are expected to commit at least 10 hours a week outside of the class time (4 hours for on-line portion of class + 6 hours of homework for 6 credit class). You may be required to meet with your group outside of class time to complete group assignments. 3. In class assignments are due at the start of the class time. Turning it in during / at the end of the class, and turning it into my office / mail box would be counted as late. You may turn in one set of assignments (except prelab and any in- class work) late on the following class day. Anything other than that, late assignments get no credit. - NO EXCEPTIONS including a late registration. 4. You must show your work/logic and box the final answer. Units, significant figures, charges, states and others are very important and it will be a part of your points. The correct final answer without complete work will be graded as 50%. NC grade will not be given. 5. You are responsible for checking your answers since I may spot check your assignments. Once you are put into a group, go over all the graded papers with them. No credit will be given once the key is available and/or once the papers are handed back. Answer keys are not posted. 6. Check your grade on CANVAS. Use the grading sheet given in class to keep track of your grade. If you don’t have the graded paper, what I have is what you will get. The given grade is final unless the corrections were submitted before the day of final exam day listed on class website. I keep the exams. 7. Any student involved in cheating or suspected of cheating will receive zero. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain the lecture notes, handouts, assignments, announcements, etc. from others. Make sure to note all corrections/changes that are made during class. 8. A make-up final must be schedule at least 3 weeks in advance (with a documented reason), and it has to be prior to the scheduled date for 90% maximum and you might get a different final exam. For everything else, there is no makeup. CHECK FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE ON CLASS WEBSITE!! 9. If you have any questions regarding the points, please write your explanations on a piece of paper and turn it in with the original paper on the day it is returned. 10. Class notebook can be in any format (3 ring binder, spiral notebook, pocket folders…) with all class materials. It should include everything such as printed and hand written lecture notes; handouts ; worksheets ; assignments ; homework ; quizzes/exams ; lab print outs and all graded papers. Your classroom notebook may be collected for grade or as extra credit. 11. All announcements will be posted either on Canvas, CONNECT “Section Notification” or class website. Make sure your e-mail address is current. 12. If you have a disability that will affect your performance in this class please let me know as soon as possible. Students with disabilities are encouraged to use Disability Services (527-3697) for support in implementing reasonable accommodations for their disabilities. 13. Seattle College District has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment, discrimination, sexual violence, rape, bullying, or hazing. Please see District Policy and Procedure 419 for our process on investigating and responding to reports of sexual harassment and sexual discrimination. If you have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination, sexual violence, or bullying, or are aware of an incident involving these violations, report it immediately to NSC’s Title IX Coordinator ([email protected]) or to the District Compliance Officer ([email protected] ). All Seattle College faculty are required by the District to report incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator 14. All clarification questions and special accommodation agreement should be made before 7th day of the quarter, and remaining in class indicates that you understands and agrees with the policy in syllabus and discussed in class as stated.
When working in groups, each group should have…. Manager – makes sure everyone is doing his/her job, reports to instructor if anyone is missing the prelab, keeps track of time and writes member evaluation. Reporter – reports to the instructor, to the whole class, and to other groups. Recorder - makes sure everyone has the same information written down, send email to everyone in group by midnight following the lab day. Technician – check all number crunching including units / significant figures and use lab equipment. *If you are in group of 3, one person will be Reporter/Recorder.* * if you are in group of 2 or less, let me know before we start the class.*
Group members and roles are rotated. Everyone will turn in his/her individual assignments unless otherwise stated. The group grade may come from randomly selecting and grading one assignment of the group members. * Subject to change * CHEMISTRY LAB
1. A bound lab notebook (no spiral bound note book) and a pair of safety goggles are required. You may continue to use the lab notebook from previous class. Your classroom notebook may be collected for grade or as extra credit. The final exam may be open lab notebook. 2. Safety is the rule #1. Wear your goggles until everyone is done with the lab. No food, no drinks, no sandals, no untied long hair. Your notebook and your own glassware are the only things allowed on your bench top. You may borrow goggles for 2 pts and there is no credit for the lab attended with sandals. There is an individual/group penalty for violating the rules. 3. If you are late coming in, leave early, and/or incomplete the lab in time, it would be considered a dry lab. If you have 1 missing/dry lab, you are required to borrow data and complete the lab notebook but no credit will be given for that lab. If you have 2 or more missing/dry labs, you cannot pass the class (2 out of 6 credits are lab credits!). There will be no makeup labs. 4. Once you check in, you are responsible for the content without an exception. You must be checked out before the final exam day. 5. Do not keep chemicals on your bench top. CHEMICALS SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE CART IMMEDIATELY so others don’t have to wait. 6. Never put anything directly into the reagent bottles unless the dropper came with the bottle. Do not pipet directly from the bottle. If you got too much out, share or discard it. Don’t put it back into the bottle! Close all the bottles after YOU use them. There will be a cross contamination between the bottles. 7. Do not put anything directly on to the balance pan. All mass measurements should have 3 digits after the decimal. Return chemicals back to the cart and clean up any spill. 8. Make sure to check the waste hood. Usually, there will be a big beaker in the hood for all the waste. 9. Put everything back to where you have found them. The only exception is the glassware from the cart. Used glassware from the cart to the dirty glassware tray next to the waste beaker in the hood. 10. Be consistent. For example, use the same balance for the lab. It increases precision. Only the technician can get out of the chair. For some labs, manager might assign an additional technician. 11. If you have questions and/or issues with chemical sensitivity, it’s your responsibility to let me know at least one week before the scheduled lab, otherwise it will be considered a missing lab. 12. You may have a short lab quiz before/after the lab regarding last week’s and this week’s lab. 13. Lab questions will be on quizzes, assignments, exams and final exam. 14. There may be additional announcements during the lab. These will be written on the board. Recorders will make sure everyone in the group gets this information. 15. Check your drawer with your drawer partner for missing/broken equipment before you leave. Wash your hands and clean up according to the group number. Recorder has to make sure that everyone knows how to communicate with the rest of the group members.
Group Clean up duties: Group 1 : front sink area : Wipe. Chemicals? Glassware?.. Group 2 : chemical cart : Dirty? Lids? Back in trays?.. Group 3: equipment & Electronics: neat? Wires and cables? Turned off? Plugged in? Correct slot? Group 4 : waste hood : Wipe. Waste container and dirty glassware back to the cart? Group 5 : balance area : Clean balance pans. wipe table. Chemicals? Glassware? Group 6 : bench tops : wipe. Hot plates off? Anything left behind? Group 7: community cabinets : DI water bottles, metal clamps, test tube holders, Bunsen burners.. Group 8: Ask if there is anything else. There is a group (everyone in your group and/or whole class) penalty for leaving the lab messy! Lab Notebook Format
A bound lab notebook (like a composition notebook) and goggles are required. Put page numbers on upper corner of each page and leave enough pages in the beginning of the notebook for table of content. Write directly onto the lab notebook in ink. You are to have just the lab notebook out during the lab. The lab print outs or your loose notes are not allowed. Lab notebook may be collected and/or the exams may be open lab notebook. The content from your notebook will be randomly graded. Turn in your lab notebook opened to the day’s prelab section as you walk in to AS1519.
Each lab report should include following sections. Label each section clearly with its heading.
(1)* Title (2)* Procedure – Cut out the procedure section of the lab write up and glue or tape the procedures neatly into your notebook. This is the only section of the lab report that is not hand written. On that sheet directly do the following. (a) Answer all the questions. Some may be something we have learned but some may be something you have to look up. No more than 1 question should be left blank. (b) Put a box around all the equipments. Include a small sketch of equipment if you are not already familiar with it. (c) Using a highlight, high-light all chemicals. If the name is given, write the chemical formula. If the formula is given, write the name. Highlight both. (3)* Prelab questions – Briefly rewrite each question. Your answer should include explanation and/or equations along with step by step work. Box the final answer or key words. (4)* Objective – Be very specific. *(1)-(4) are considered ‘pre-lab’ and are due as you walk in. For obvious reasons, I do not take late prelab assignment. If you do not have pre-lab ready, you will have to complete it before you begin the procedure. This means you may work alone.
(5)**Date of the experiment (6)** Group information – Names (First and last initial) and their role for the lab. Include group clean up duty. (7)** Quantitative and qualitative observation – if changes are made to the original procedures, make the change directly in section (2). ** (5) – (7) are done during the lab period.
(8)***Analysis – Write the equation and show your work at least once. Box the final results. (9)***Post Lab Questions - Briefly rewrite each question. Your answer should include explanation and/or equations along with step by step work. Box the final answer or key words. (10)***Summary – It has to be complete and written in a given format. Everything in the summary should be found somewhere else in the lab report. Remember what ‘summary’ means…… (11) ***Abstract – It is one paragraph including why the lab was done, what was done, the major result(s), and conclusion(s). It should be no more than 100 words. (12)***One thing I might do differently next time is ____, because ___. *** (8) – (12) are considered ‘post-lab’.
Format (photo copy of the notebook, fill in the blank, group quiz, formal lab report….) and due date for each lab report will be announced in class. The lab report maybe due before you leave the lab. More you have before the lab, less you have to do after! Imagine using your lab notebook for quizzes and final exam – be organized and be complete… Print this page and tape/staple to the lab notebook. Additional information to get you started:
Memorize! – Common element names, prefixes, predicted charges on main elements, polyatomic ions, Avogadro’s # (6.022x10^23), list of strong acids, solubility rule , atomic size trend.
You should be VERY comfortable with periodic table, nomenclature, balancing equations, electron configuration, kinetics (rate laws and integrated rate law), significant figures, unit conversions, calculations involving moles, density and Molarity calculation, conjugate acid base pair, ICE table, and VERY VERY efficient with stoichiometry.
Create CONNECT account (use the link on the top of the class website) and start working on Ch1-Ch17 to review the pre- req material and to learn how to use the program. Go to “LS” (Learn Smart) tab and find chapter 1-17. Any assignments for Ch 1-17 are for your review purpose and are not graded. The graded assignments are posted under Assignment Tab and are for chapters 18-24. Check out the “Section Notification” tab for announcements. It has many helpful hints and explains the late policy for the on-line HW.
Use Practice Problems (Link on the top of the class website) as review. These questions are extremely helpful for the class and for the exams. The first set of problems are the review questions from chapter 1 -17 including all the topics we will revisit this quarter. I STRONGLY recommend that you work on these questions before the first in-class meeting so you will not only be ready for the class but will have a chance to ask questions.
Take a minute to look though the topics given under “LAB : How to Use…” (Link on the top of the class website). The lab techniques given here will not be covered in class such as how to read barometer or how to perform titration… As you read each lab procedure each week, make sure you are learning HOW TO.. use the equipment using this link.
We will take some class time to discuss how the prelab should be written before the first prelab is due. Then we will do the lab (the procedure portion) in class. Once that is done, we will again take some class time to discuss what to expect in the postlab.
Note the tutoring center hours! The tutoring center is great to get the help you need, but also an excellent place to form a study group with your classmates. If I can give one advice for this hybrid class, it would be to be in a study group or two!
This section of 163 starts on Monday, September 24th with the first in-class meeting on Friday, September 29th. Make sure you are ready for class. There are few things due as you walk in including the first Pre-CH18 Homework!
That was a lot of information. Use the check-off list on the class website to make sure you are ready for the first in-class meeting. Email me any questions and see you soon!