1. The first people to settle in the Americas were a. hunters and gatherers of food b. enslaved peoples c. industrialists and businesspeople d. miners and plantation owners

2. The indigenous people of America are a. Native Americans b. Irish Americans c. English immigrants d. Italian Americans

3. Which statement about the Iroquois expresses an opinion? a. The Cayuga, Mohawk, Seneca, and Oneida were Iroquois tribes. b. Many Iroquois people spent their winters living in longhouses. c. The Iroquois were the best Native American Indian warriors. d. Iroquois men built canoes for fishing and trading with other villages

4. The Cayuga, Onondaga, and Mohawk were all members of the a. Albany Plan of Union b. Iroquois Confederation c. Colonial Assemblies d. Mayflower Compact

5. A study of the Maya, Incas, and Aztecs demonstrates that a. pre-Columbian peoples were largely uncivilized b. advanced American civilizations existed before Columbus arrived c. Europeans introduced agriculture to the Americas d. these people were peaceful prior to European conquest 6. People who study physical artifacts, such as bones, pots, baskets and buildings, to learn about the activities of people from past civilizations are called a. historians b. teachers c. librarians d. archaeologists

7. The Three Sisters are known as. a. Corn, Beans, and Pumpkins b. Corn, Beans, and Squash c. Tomatoes, Beans, and Squash d. Corn, Beets, and Squash

8. Native Americans of the Great Plains hunted the buffalo after the arrival of the Spanish

1. on camels

2. on horses

3. by sailboat

4. in cars

9. An important accomplishment of the Iroquois Confederacy was the a. establishment of a political union of member nations b. adoption of a two-house legislature c. selection of a woman to be Chief d. development of a trading partnership with the Algonquians 10. One reason why groups of Native American Indians often developed different cultures was that each group a. came to America from other parts of the world b. adapted to its environment in a different way c. had to follow written traditions d. wanted to be distinct from other groups