Lakeview Community Schools

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Lakeview Community Schools

Lakeview Community Schools Board of Education Record of Minutes: Page 1 of 3 Date: January 10, 2011 Attachments: No The regular meeting was called to order by President Jonaitis at 7:00 p.m., Bright Start Elementary School.

Present: Jeff Davis, David England, Jack Jeppesen, Daryl Johnson, Edward Jonaitis, Timothy Rasmussen

Absent: Tim Reed (arrived at 7:20 p.m.)

Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence for the Tragedy in Tucson.

Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Johnson to approve the agenda as amended. All yes, motion carried 6-0.

Welcome/Public Communication/Recognition of Visitors: Gordon Beckman, Community Member, asked about a discussion item from the December 13, 2010 meeting. It was his understanding that an item was moved to an action item but not voted upon. President Jonaitis assured Mr. Beckman the correct voting procedure occurred at this meeting. Mr. Beckman asked about the board’s action to move the election years to odd years and how this affects board members and their terms. President Jonaitis answered that changing the dates of terms automatically comes with the election change. Mr. Beckman asked about his question of community members using the track and sport facilities. President Jonaitis noted this issue was referred to the Building & Grounds Committee and will be reported on during this meeting. Mr. Beckman asked about draft minutes on the district’s website. He was told the draft minutes will be available on the district’s website within 8 days of a meeting.

As a Point of Pride, Dr. Pope acknowledged the Board of Education for Board Appreciation Month. She recognized and passed out a Certificate of Appreciation to each board member: “ School Boards Lead Strong” 2010-11 Board of Education Edward Jonaitis, President 2007-2011 Tim Reed, Vice President 2009-2013 Timothy Rasmussen, Secretary 2007-2011 Jack Jeppesen, Treasurer 2008-2012 Daryl Johnson, Trustee 2010-2011 Jeff Davis, Trustee 2009-2013 David England, Trustee 2010-2014

Dr. Scott Koenigsknecht, Intermediate School District Superintendent, presented financial information to the Board. He introduced Ron Simon (Associate Superintendent of Finance) and Katie Flynn, Special Education Director. Katie Flynn addressed the board and talked about special education services provided by the Intermediate School District, from birth to age 26 years.

David Albert, Industrial Arts Instructor, reported on the Santa’s Workshop, which was hosted by his Industrial Arts students on December 16th. He showed an outstanding DVD prepared by a student. Mr. Albert thanked many people for their part in the successful project including his students and Barb Smith for making the embossed invitations and elf costumers. He thanked the Board of Education for their support and was enthusiastic about his future endeavors at Lakeview Community Schools.

The Board of Education was presented with a cake for their service. A five-minute break was taken for the board and the audience to enjoy the refreshments.

Jack Jeppesen, Chairman of the Finance/Personnel Committee, reported the Committee met on January 3, 2011. The committee recommends approval of the personnel recommendation and this month’s bills. The committee also talked about the Adair issue and daycare updates. Lakeview Community Schools Board of Education Record of Minutes: Page 2 of 3 Date: January 10, 2011 Attachments: No Daryl Johnson, Chairman of the Building & Grounds/Transportation Committee, updated the Board regarding the facility use for public use. Maintenance Director, Dan Kain, did research on surrounding schools. Only one district has an open track for public use. Montabella opens their old high school track in Edmore. The Building & Grounds Committee will continue to get more feedback regarding the public using sports facilities in the district.

Written reports were provided by the following administrators: Gary Jensen, High School Principal Kyle Hamlin, Middle School Principal Timothy Erspamer, Lakeview Elementary Principal Sara Shriver, Bright Start Principal added a one page summary: BSES 2011 Kindergarten Winter ELA and Math Scores

Mr. Jonaitis noted the District is providing after school programs at the middle and high school for students who are failing, and he requested parental support.

Dr. Dixie Pope gave an update on the 92 PLA Plan. The plan has been conditionally approved. She outlined the plan and indicated the Ad Hoc Committee will be meeting January 24, 2011 to start the Quarterly Monitoring process. Dr. Pope is happy to talk with anyone in her office. At the March meeting, Mr. Pincumbe will inform the Board of Education and Ad Hoc Committee of the status of the 92 PLA Plan.

Moved by Johnson and supported by Reed to accept the consent items as presented. All yes, motion carried 7-0. Approval of Minutes December 13, 2010, Regular Meeting December 13, 2010, Closed Session

Approval of General Fund Claims General Fund Check Numbers #68522-68581 in the amount of $189,613.98 Food Service Check Numbers # 10033-10035 in the amount of $57,719.57 Athletic Check Numbers #6697-6720 in the amount of $2,035.50

Approval of Personnel New Hires Anna Gilbert, Lakeview Middle School after School Teacher, new to the position

Recall/Place Jill Dagley, Bright Start Elementary School, .5 Title Teacher, effective January 11, 2011

Dr. Pope shared information on the Adair Case. She is recommending that the board does not take any action at this time. Dr. Pope also reviewed the daycare information. Dr. Pope presented to the board the possibility of going out for a Bond issue. Administrators have provided a list of needs including technology, busses, and structure. As the District looks to prepare students to compete globally, more technology is needed. The district is in need of buses as there are 10 buses that are 1999 or older. Dr. Pope suggested a Steering Committee be formed to do a feasibility study. Daryl Johnson noted the Building & Grounds performed a Walk-Through with Dan Kain, Maintenance Department, to identify the needs in each building. Dr. Pope asked the board to consider moving the Bond issue to an action item.

Moved by Reed and supported by Johnson to add Bond issue to Action Item 11 c. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Dr. Pope noted the district’s administrators are working on a Title Grant. The High School is looking at using grant money for needed Technology. At this time, the high school would like to purchase laptops, which would require a bid process. Dr. Pope is asking for approval to proceed with the Request for Proposal process pending the state approval for grant monies. Lakeview Community Schools Board of Education Record of Minutes: Page 3 of 3 Date: January 10, 2011 Attachments: No Dr. Pope presented an overview of the SIG Grant. A group consisting of administrators and board members recently went to Lansing for a seminar on the 92 PLA plan’s application plan and grant process. Dr. Pope is asking for approval to proceed with the grant process. The district would apply to obtain funding for first year and hopefully receive funds for two more years.

Dr. Pope reported that Jourdan Lindsey, representing the Jaycees, contacted her requesting the school district participate in Lakeview’s Winterfest on February 12, 2011. Dr. Pope checked with insurance liability. The board thought this was a good idea and asked Dr. Pope to coordinate with the LEA.

Dr. Pope reported that the State announced that EduJobs money will be funded to school districts. School district money will be adjusted for this year’s student count. This will mean approximately an additional $224,000 for our district. The new hires for this year may be switched to EduJob money retroactively. Dr. Pope noted there is available money and indicated the administrative team has two personnel needs to bring to the board for approval. There is a need for a full time counseling position at the Lakeview Elementary School and an ISS Paraprofessional position at the Lakeview Middle School. These would be positions for the rest of the 2010-11 year, funded with EduJob money.

Moved by Johnson and supported by Jeppesen to move Lakeview Elementary Counseling full time position, which will result in a .6 Physical Education opening, and Lakeview Middle School ISS Paraprofessional position to Action item 11d. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Moved by Reed and supported by Jeppesen to approve the request for High School Technology grant money. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Johnson to give approval to proceed with the SIG process. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Moved by Jeppesen and supported by Reed to give Mr. Jonaitis approval to appoint a Steering Committee for a possible Bond issue. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Moved by Rasmussen and supported by Johnson to give approval for the two positions (Lakeview Elementary full time counseling position and Lakeview Middle School full-time ISS Paraprofessional position) using Edu Job monies. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

President Jonaitis read the following announcements: January 11 District Excellence 12 Early Release Wednesday 19 High School Parent/Teacher Conferences 20 Supt. Search meeting 24 Ad Hoc Committee Meeting PLA Committee 26 Early Release Wednesday February 9 Early Release Wednesday 7 Personnel/Finance Committee Meeting 7:00 P.M. Bright Start Elementary 14 Regular Board of Education Meeting

Moved by Reed and supported by Johnson to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. All yes, motion carried 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Rasmussen, Secretary Minutes recorded by Pam Main

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