Recommendations of the Annual Review

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Recommendations of the Annual Review

Education, Health and Care Plan

Annual Review Form

Date of this review Date of last review Date of current EHCP

Personal Details

First Name (s) Address Last name Date of Birth Contact Number (s) Gender Setting/School/Post 16 Agencies Involved Primary Need UPN Number NHS Number Integrated Youth Support CareFirst ID System ID School Attendance since the last EHCP meeting

Parent/Carer’s Details – if applicable

Name of Person with Email Parental Responsibility Address Contact Number (s)

Name of Person with Email Parental Responsibility Address Contact Number (s) POST 16 ONLY - CAPACITY

Are you answering the questions on behalf of someone else? Yes No Your name:

Has the person given consent to answering the questions on their behalf? Yes No

If not are you / do you Lasting Power of Attorney to deal with their Yes No have : personal welfare

Deputy for them, appointed by the Court of Yes No Protection I consider / have been advised that they cannot manage their affairs due to Yes No difficulties in making decisions


If the young person has substantial difficulty with the assessment and there is no one else appropriate to assist them an Independent Advocate may be required. To be used by your social care assessor for their views and comments in relation to the applicability of the Mental capacity Act 2005 and need for an Independent Advocate.

Plan Details

Date of Issue of Final Plan Version Number

The date by which this plan will be reviewed Recommendations of the Annual Review

In line with the Local Authority’s exit criteria and the child / young person’s progress, does the Education, Health and Care plan needs to:

1. be maintained i.e. child /young person still needs an EHC Plan to detail additional support required.

Yes No

2. have a reduction of provision i.e. child/ young person no longer needs adult support to meet their personal hygiene needs.

Yes No

3. be ceased i.e. the identified outcomes have been met and the child/young person’s needs can be met from the SEND support arrangements within the setting or the child/young person’s needs can be met within a ‘My Plan’

Yes No

If the child/young person is currently in Specialist Provision – can the child/young person’s needs be met in a mainstream placement or Integrated Resource/Hub?

Yes No

Has the child/young person’s SEND changed so significantly that another full statutory assessment should be considered?

Yes No

Does the EHC Plan need amending?

Yes No

If yes please provide full details below, the reasons for making your recommendation, plus supporting evidence. People who have contributed to and written this review of the Education, Health and Care Plan are:

Name Job Title Organisational Invite Attended How did Report Date of Name/ Address d they attached? report Tel/Email contribute? E.g. provided report.

*** and his/her parent’s/carer’s views, interests, aspirations and goals

Section A

Review Section A of the EHCP with the child/young person and parent/carer if applicable. Have there been any significant changes? Yes No

If yes, please provide an updated description below. Please consider: What are my home circumstances? What are my current likes and hobbies? What’s important to me? What do people do for me? What’s working well for me? Views about progress over the last year. Aspirations e.g. education, play, friendships, FE, independent living, university and employment. If the parent/carer did not attend the Annual Review meeting please record the efforts to engage with them below.

*** Progress and Special Educational Needs

Child /young person’s attainment

Early Years Foundation Stage

Developmental Stage/Step/EYFS Stage Development EYFS Phase EYFS Phase Dates Journal Step (E, D, S) Months Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) Communication, Language and Literacy (SL&L) Physical Development (PD)

KS1 – 3

English Maths Attainment at Current Attainment at Current previous review: Assessment: previous review: Assessment: Current Year R – R – Group: W- W- Spag- Spag-

14 – 19 include other qualifications as appropriate

Date Subject and Grade

Any other qualification/attainment information Please attach evidence of the child/young person’s progress over time e.g. overview from tracker.

Summary of Strengths and Special Educational Needs

Section B:

*** strength’s and special educational needs.

Communication and Have there been any significant changes? Yes No Interaction If yes, please update below. Strengths and Needs this year. Strengths:


Cognition and Have there been any significant changes? Yes No Learning If yes, please update below. Strengths and Needs this year. Strengths:


Social, Emotional and Have there been any significant changes? Yes No Mental Health If yes, please update below. Strengths and Needs this year. Strengths:


Sensory and Physical Have there been any significant changes? Yes No Strengths and Needs If yes, please update below. this year. Strengths: Needs: ***’s strengths and health needs related to his/her SEN

Include any strengths Have there been any significant changes? Yes No and any health needs this year. If yes, please update and include information about health provision below or on an annotated EHCP. (Attach evidence if appropriate)



***’s strengths and social care needs related to his/her SEN

Include any strengths, Have there been any significant changes? Yes No Family Environment and Social Care If yes, please update and include information about care provision support this year. below or on an annotated EHCP. (Attach evidence if appropriate)



Outcomes sought and Provision provided to support ****

Section E and Section F:

Outcome Number. Support/Provision/Equipment Evidence of Impact/Outcomes met Please list the Record what has been provided Provide information about the Outcomes in this year. situation and progress towards the numerical order as Include frequency, outside Outcome. they appear on the agencies involvement, staff training EHCP etc.

Has outcome been met? Yes/No/Partially

Has outcome been met? Yes/No/Partially

Has outcome been met? Yes/No/Partially

Has outcome been met? Yes/No/Partially

Has outcome been met? Yes/No/Partially Please add as many rows into the table as required. Section E, Section F and Section G:


Outcome Number. Support/Provision/Equipment Evidence of Impact/Outcomes Please list the Record any health provision Provide information about the Outcomes in provided this year. situation and progress towards the numerical order as Outcome. they appear on the EHCP

Have outcomes been met? Yes/No/Partially

Have outcomes been met? Yes/No/Partially Please add as many rows into the table as required

Section E, Section F and Section H:

Social Care

Outcome Number. Support/Provision/Equipment Evidence of Impact/Outcomes Please list the Record any social care provision Provide information about the Outcomes in provided this year. situation and progress towards this numerical order as outcome. they appear on the EHCP

Have outcomes been met? Yes/No/Partially/Still relevant

Have outcomes been met? Yes/No/Partially/Still relevant Please add as many rows into the table as required Suggested New Outcomes – if applicable

New Outcome Steps towards meeting the outcome Include resources to be used, who will do what, when and how often

Preparing for adulthood (necessary from Y9 onwards)

Issues to be considered Details of any discussions Has this as part of the review information been meeting included in the EHCP? Yes/No What are the young person’s aspirations for when they leave education or training? Has the young person had advice and support in order to achieve their aspirations?

What steps need to be taken to support the young person as they move towards independence? Section I

Education Placement

Does consideration need to be given to alternative placement or inclusion in a mainstream setting? Yes No

If yes, provide the child/young person’s or parent/carer’s preference and reasons for consideration below.

Section J – personal budget

Personal Budget

Is there a personal budget? Yes No

If yes, please specify how this has been spent to support the child/young person.

Sheffield Support Grid – currently not applicable to Early Years or Post 16.

What Sheffield Support Grid level / category is the child / young person?

Does the child /young person receive additional locality funding support ?

Yes No If yes please specify how this additional support has been used to support the child/young person? Please summarise any points of discussion at the meeting not covered above (e.g. need to change school/setting, unresolved difference of opinion, insufficient evidence).

Name of Chair of the annual review:

Position Held (e.g. Headteacher):



Please send this report to the SEND Team and all those invited to the meeting, including parents no later than 2 weeks after the meeting. Please attach any reports or advice received since the last Annual review. The parents and school will be notified within 4 weeks of the meeting date of any action to be taken by the Local Authority.

The completed form should be sent to:

SEND Assessment and Placement Team, Floor 5 North, Moorfoot, Sheffield, S1 4PL

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