Ule Update List

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Ule Update List


CAMBRIDGE UP HSS Irish historical studies



EBSCO ECONLIT WITH FULL TEXT Ekonomska misao i praksa Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi dergisi Financial theory and practice Hacienda pública Española International journal of business and economics

EBSCO EDUCATION SOURCE Multicultural learning and teaching Rivista italiana di educazione familiare


EBSCO SPORTDISCUS WITH FULLTEXT Case studies in sport management Golf course architecture

GALE ACADEMIC ONEFILE ASTRA proceedings Fashion, style & popular culture International journal of probiotics & prebiotics Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences SAE International journal of commercial vehicles SAE International journal of engines Scientific drilling Studies in costume & performance Studies in mycology Transitions

DE GRUYTER PHILOSOPHY (BGU; HAI) Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie

HEIN FBI law enforcement bulletin FDIC quarterly banking profile Fugitives wanted by police Indonesia law review International journal of advanced legal studies and governance Journal of the professional lawyer Labor studies journal Pandectele române Relations Revista de drept constitutional Social & legal studies

JSTOR ARCHIVE A&S II 4S review AATSEEL journal American Statistical Association bulletin Bulletin of African studies in Canada Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavonic and East European Languages Geografiska annaler Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology New geographical literature and maps Recent geographical literature, maps, and photographs added to the Society's collections Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington

JSTOR ARCHIVE A&S III Archaeological review Bulletin (Linguistic Society of America) Burlington gazette Guide to programs in linguistics Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft Lenox Avenue LSA bulletin NEMLA newsletter Papers of the American Musicological Society Papers read by members of the American Musicological Society at the annual meeting University resources in the United States and Canada for the study of linguistics

JSTOR ARCHIVE A&S IV American journal of comparative law International law quarterly Monographs of the Journal of consumer research Policy analysis Stanford intramural law review

JSTOR ARCHIVE A&S V British School at Athens studies British School at Athens. Supplementary papers British School at Athens. Supplementary volume History of the present Journal of animal ethics Journal of medieval religious cultures Minnesota history Minnesota history bulletin Notre Dame English journal Personalist forum Revista de letras StoryWorlds

JSTOR ARCHIVE A&S VI African journal of political economy African journal of political science ALA bulletin (Chicago: 1907-69) American economic journal. Applied economics American economic journal. Economic policy American economic journal. Macroeconomics American libraries Anthropologica (Ottawa) Anuario de estudios centroamericanos AQ: Australian quarterly Archaeological report (Egypt Exploration Society) Arctic anthropology Arizona journal of Hispanic cultural studies Australian quarterly Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slawis- chen Sprachen Brookings bulletin Bulletin of international news Caribbean studies Chasqui Chronology of international events Clearing house Cuadernos de pensamiento politico Directory of the Association of American Library Schools (1943) Feminist teacher Foro internacional Global governance High school journal Hispamerica Historical archaeology Historische Sprachforschung Homme IMF economic review Indian journal of political science Information & culture International journal of feminist approaches to bioethics International supplement to the Women's studies quarterly Journal of developmental reading Journal of education for librarianship Journal of international relations Journal of Middle East women's studies Journal of Qur'anic studies Junior high clearing house Junior high clearing house Junior high school clearing house Junior-senior high school clearing house Libraries and culture Libraries & the cultural record Linguistique Mois d'ethnographie française NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics New criminal law review Newsletter (Association of American Library Schools) North Carolina high school bulletin Nouvelles questions feminists Politica exterior Reflexión Report of Meeting (Association of American Library Schools) Revista canadiense de estudios hispanicos Revue administrative Revue archeologique Selected addresses delivered at the Conference on English Education Social and economic studies State politics & policy quarterly Teuthonista World today Yale law & policy review Zeitschrift für deutsche Mundarten Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik Zeitschrift für hochdeutsche Mundarten Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung

MUSE Feminist formations

PROQUEST CENTRAL Aerospace daily & defense report Africa security brief Agriculture business week Agriculture week AHIMA advantage Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI, Food technology Appalachia magazine Arboriculture & urban forestry Armed forces journal Army times Asia business newsweekly AsiaHedge Asian journal of technology management Asiatische Studien Australian military medicine Aviation daily Biomedical business & technology Bioterrorism week BizWest Bottom line (Markham, Ont.) British journal of family planning BPN Building products news Bulletin de la Société des sciences naturelles de l'Ouest de la France Caatinga Campus law enforcement journal Canadian journal of infancy and early childhood Canadian oncology nursing journal Cardiology today Cardiology today's intervention Chemicals & chemistry Chemicals & chemistry business China business newsweekly China economist China weekly news Chronique internationale de l'IRES CompositesWorld Computer reseller news (UK) Computer technology journal Computing (London, England : 2008) Contemporary oncology Continuity insights Daily commercial news Defense & aerospace business Defense & aerospace week Digital esthetics Digital video Dissector Drug development & delivery DVM360 Ecology, environment & conservation Ecology, environment & conservation business Electronics newsweekly Energy & ecology business Energy business journal Energy weekly news Engineering business journal Entertainment & travel Entertainment business newsweekly Entertainment newsweekly Equipment leasing & finance EuroHedge European neurological journal European structural and investment funds journal Finanz-Rundschau Ertragsteuerrecht Fires Floor trends Food & farm week Food business week Food packaging bulletin Food protection trends Food weekly focus Food weekly news Forensic magazine FOW Gérer & comprendre International business & economics research journal International journal of biostatistics International journal of disaster risk science Journal of applied business and economics Journal of index investing Journal of oncopathology Journal of political science New Zealand journal of music therapy Organizacja i kierowanie Organization, technology & management in construction Oriental anthropologist Pakistan journal of social issues Pólemos Pacific journal of applied mathematics Pandectele române Panoeconomicus Papeles de geografía Parikalpana Parkinson's disease (Hindawi: 2010) Partner abuse Pathology research international Pattern recognition and image analysis Pecvnia Peer-to-peer networking and applications Pensamiento jurídico Pensamiento psicológico Pensar enfermagem Perfil de coyuntura económica Perfiles latinoamericanos Periodica polytechnica. Social and management sciences Petrologiia. English Philippine management review Physis PICES scientific report Policy and practice in health and safety Polish journal of sport & tourism Polish psychological bulletin Política & trabalho Polymers research journal Postepy rehabilitacji (Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego) Poznań studies in contemporary linguistics Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technicznego Wojsk Lotniczych Pragmática sociocultural Prakseologia Pratibimba Pravnik (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Prestige international journal of management and research PRIMA Primerjalna književnost Principia (Kraków, Poland) Privredna kretanjua i ekonomska politika Pro Patria Lex Problems in music pedagogy Proceedings in manufacturing systems Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part N, Journal of nanoengineering and nanosystems Procesos de mercado PROD: Political research organization and design Progress in neurotherapeutics and neuropsychopharmacology Pro-posições Proteomics research journals Przeglad gastroenterologiczny Przegląd kulturoznawczy Przeglad socjologiczny Przekładaniec Psicooncología Psihologia resurselor umane PSL quarterly review Psychología: avances de la disciplina Psychologia rozwojowa Psychology in Russia Private equity analyst Quaestus Qualitative research in financial markets Quarterly journal of Chinese studies Recherches amérindiennes au Québec Religions Reproduction humaine et hormones Research Institute for Agriculture Economy and Rural Development. International Symposium. Agrarian Economy and Rural Development: Realities and Perspectives for Romania. Proceedings Research journal of pharmaceutical dosage forms and technology Research journal of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry Research journal of pharmacology and pharmacodynamics Research journal of pharmacy and technology Research journal of science and technology Researchers world Reumatologia (Warszawa) REVESCO Review of business information systems Review of economic studies & research Virgil Madgearu Review of HRM Review of knowledge management Review of social and economic issues Review of the Air Force Academy Revista brasileira de ciência política Revista brasileira de ciencias sociais Revista de direito administrative Revista (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas) ReVista (Cambridge, Mass.) Revista argumenta Revista Bibliotecii Naţionale Revista brasileira de história da educação Revista colombiana de ciencias químico-farmacéuticas Revista colombiana de química Revista colombiana de sociología Revista da abordagem gestaltica Revista da SPAGESP Revista de administração Revista de ciências da administração Revista de ciencias sociales (Iquique, Chile) Revista de derecho politico Revista de economía (Montevideo, Uruguay : 1986) Revista de economía del Caribe Revista de educación y derecho Revista de empresa familiar Revista de estudios regionals Revista de investigacíon lingüística Revista de investigare a criminalitatii Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Revista de la Facultad de Odontologia Universidad de Antioquia Revista de la Facultad de Odontologia Universidad de Antioquia Revista de la Facultad de Trabajo Social U.P.B. Revista de tehnologii neconventionale Revista eletrônica de sistemas de informação Revista em agronegócio e meio ambiente Revista enfoques Revista española de documentación científica Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía Revista finanzas y política económica Revista iberoamericana de psicología y salud Revista katálysis Revista latinoamericana de hipertensión Revista Mexicana de investigación en psicología Revista murciana de antropología Revista odonto ciência Revista peruana de biología Revista portuguesa de marketing Revista Română de bioetică Revista română de conservare şi restaurare a cărţii Revista Romana de drept al afacerilor Revista Romana de drept European Revista Romana de dreptul muncii Revista Română de istorie a cărţii Revista Romana de material Revista română de studii eurasiatice Revista signos Revista Universidad EAFIT Revue académique des études sociales et humaines Revue d'économie industrielle Revue de l'énergie Revue de l'Union européenne Revue des sciences de l'eau Revue du droit de l'Union Europeenne Rheumatology and therapy Ripon forum Rivista di studi sudasiatici Rivista italiana di educazione familiar Rocznik kognitywistyczny Romanian economic and business review Romanian journal of experimental applied psychology Romanian journal of human - computer interaction Romanian journal of population studies Romanian journal of urology Romanica Cracoviensia Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik Russian agricultural sciences Safety in health Salud uninorte Sankalpa Santalka Santa Clara high technology law journal Sarkiyat mecmuasi Scenario Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung Schmollers Jahrbuch Science China. Earth sciences Scientific bulletin "Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy Scientific study & research. Chemistry & chemical engineering, biotechnology, food industry Scrutiny (Islāmābād, Pakistan) Seculo XXI Seismic instruments Sensors & transducers Shang guan ke ji ji kan Sheng ming jiao yu yan jiu Sensors & transducers Signum Temporis Sindrome cardiometabólico Slovenský národopis Small Business Institute journal Smart and sustainable built environment Smart nanocomposites Social science international Social work chronicle Socialno delo Sociedad y economía Sociolinguistic studies Sociología del trabajo Sociologia & antropologia Sociologija Soochow journal of economics and business Soochow law review Sosyal ve ekonomik araştırmalar dergisi Sosyoekonomi Sosyoloji konferansları South African journal of economic and management sciences South Asian journal of global business research Southeast Asian studies Soziologische Revue Spatial practices Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika Sport, business and management Srusti management review Statistica Statistical communications in infectious diseases Statistics, politics, and policy Stem cells international Strategic forum Strategic impact Strategie und Sicherheit .... Stratigraphy and geological correlation Stroke research and treatment Strombus Studi slavistici Studia etymologica Cracoviensia Studia prawno-ekonomiczne Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Oeconomica Studia Universitatis "Vasile Goldiş" Arad. Seria ştiinţe economice. Studia wyborcze Studies in ethics, law, and technology Studies in Slavic literature and poetics Studies on Russian economic development Studii de lingvistică Sumedha journal of management Sustainability accounting, management and policy journal Symphonya Systèmes d'information & management Taipei economic inquiry Taiwan gong gong wei sheng za zhi Taiwan jiao yu she hui xue yan jiu Taiwan she hui xue kan Talking points Technology and innovation Technology operation management Tellus (Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil) Temps d'educació Teorija in praksa Terminus (Kraków, Poland) Theoretical and empirical researches in urban management Theory and applications of mathematics & computer science Theory methodology practice Third Sector social economic review Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap Tijdschrift voor sociale en economische geschiedenis Tijdschrift voor taalbeheersing Times educational supplement Cymru Times educational supplement Scotland Tobacco control and public health in Eastern Europe Tourism & hospitality management Transnational corporations review Trendy ekonomiky a management TSM business review TURAN Türk dermatoloji dergisi Turkish journal of anaesthesiology and reanimation Türkiye klinikleri tıp bilimleri dergisi Türk psikoloji yazıları Türk Yoğun Bakım Derneği dergisi Türkiye klinikleri. Dişhekimliği bilimleri dergisi Turning the Tide Ubiquitous computing and communication journal Uludağ Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi dergisi ʹUlūm-i dārūyī Umsatzsteuer-Rundschau Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung Universitas/jus Urban (Madrid) Urban public economics review UTMS journal of economics Vie & sciences de l'entreprise Viral hepatit dergisi Voice of Dalit Watershed protection techniques West East journal of social sciences Wētchasān sattawaphāet Word and music studies World food regulation review World heart journal World journal of entrepreneurship, management and sustainable development World journal of science, technology and sustainable development Zagreb international review of economics & business Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakultet u Rijeka Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino Zdravniški vestnik Zdravstveno varstvo Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Zeitschrift für Evaluation Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik Zeszyty naukowe ochrony zdrowia, zdrowie publiczne i zarzadzanie Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Studia religiologica


SPRINGER BOOK SERIES Advances in polymer science

TAYLOR & FRANCIS SSH Psychoanalysis, self and context

FREE E-JOURNALS איכות ברפואה אצטון גילוי דעת (סמינר הקבוצים) [archive] לעמבערגער טאגבלאט Advances in anthropology Anales de la Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei Asian journal of technology management ASTRA proceedings Bulletin (German Historical Institute (Washington, D.C.)) Caatinga Critical analysis of law Ekonomska misao i praksa Ekonomski vjesnik EpiNorth Estudios románicos Etnološka tribina Eurasian journal of medicine FBI law enforcement bulletin FDIC banking review Golf course architecture Heart Asia Ideas y valores Indian journal of multidisciplinary dentistry Infectious diseases and therapy Ingeniería e investigación Intelektine ekonomika International business & economics research journal International journal of advanced legal studies and governance International journal of China studies International journal of Language Academy Journal of Indian and Buddhist studies Modeling identification and control. MIC. My Israel survival guide Natural hazards and earth system sciences Occasional papers (Texas Tech University. Museum) Ocean science Panoeconomicus Proceedings (Royal Society of Victoria) Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences Pro-posições Przegląd gastroenterologiczny Psicooncología PSL quarterly review Psychology in Russia Quaestus Relations Researchers worlds Revista brasileira de ciência política Revista brasileira de ciencias sociais Revista caatinga Revista ciencias estratégicas Revista colombiana de sociología Revista de administração Revista de cercetare şi intervenţie socialǎ Revista de ciências da administração Revista de ciencias sociales (Iquique, Chile) Revista de educación y derecho Revista de empresa familiar Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Revista em agronegócio e meio ambiente Rheumatology and therapy Scientific bulletin "Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy Studies in mycology Systèmes d'information & management Studia Universitatis "Vasile Goldiş" Arad. Seria ştiinţe economice Studii de lingvistică Temps d'educació Theoretical and empirical researches in urban management Theory and applications of mathematics & computer science Tobacco control and public health in Eastern Europe Trendy ekonomiky a managementu Türk dermatoloji dergisi Turkish journal of anaesthesiology and reanimation Zweigheft


American educational research journal (DYL) Annals of mathematical sciences and applications (BGU) Art therapy (DYL) BioScience (DYL) Cancer biology & therapy (ORA) Child development (DYL) Child development perspectives (DYL) Footwear science (ORA) History of philosophy quarterly (BAR) Intervention in school and clinic (DYL) Journal asiatique (DYL) Journal of clinical ethics (BAR) Journal of politics (TAU) Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan (TEC) Journal of transportation safety & security (ORA) Monographs (Society for Research in Child Development) (DYL) Political analysis (HUJI) Psicoterapia e scienze umane (TAU) Psychoanalysis, self and context (IDC; TAU) Report for the Year...to the Zionist General Council (DYL) Revue biblique (BAR) Slavic review (HUJI) Studi musicali (BAR) Sufi (HUJI) TESOL journal (DYL) TESOL quarterly (DYL) DELETIONS

EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE American literature Antiquity ANZIAM journal Biometrika Boundary two Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society Camera obscura Clinical infectious diseases Common knowledge Current zoology Differences: A journal of feminist cultural studies Eighteenth century life Genome biology and evolution I C E S journal of marine science Integrative and comparative biology Journal of experimental botany Journal of infectious diseases Journal of insect science Journal of mammalogy Journal of medieval and early modern studies Journal of petrology Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (2001) Journal of world Christianity New German critique Nicotine & tobacco research Nutrition reviews Pedagogy Poetics today Positions Reinardus Review of symbolic logic Revista española de lingüística aplicada Small axe Social text South Atlantic quarterly

EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER American literature Antiquity Boundary two Camera obscura Clinical infectious diseases Common knowledge Current zoology Differences: A journal of feminist cultural studies Eighteenth century life Journal of infectious diseases Journal of insect science Journal of mammalogy Journal of medieval and early modern studies New German critique Nicotine & tobacco research Nutrition reviews Pedagogy Poetics today Reinardus Small axe Social text South Atlantic quarterly


EBSCO ART SOURCE Antiquity Camera obscura Eighteenth century life Journal of medieval and early modern studies

EBSCO ART & ARCHITECTURE COMPLETE Antiquity Camera obscura Eighteenth century life Journal of medieval and early modern studies

EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE Association management Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge Journal of business and retail management research Journal of financial education Journal of internet banking and commerce Journal of technology management for growing economies

EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE PREMIER Association management Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge



EBSCO COMMUNICATION & MASS MEDIA AILA review American speech Babel (Gerlingen, Germany) Belgian journal of linguistics Canadian journal of linguistics Chinese language & discourse Diachronica English text construction English world-wide. EWW E-proceedings of the International Online Language Conference (IOLC) Eurosla yearbook Functions of language Gesture Historiographia linguistica International journal of corpus linguistics International journal of lexicography Interpreting Journal of historical pragmatics Journal of pidgin and creole languages Language problems and language planning Languages in contrast Linguistics in the Netherlands Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area Lingvisticae Investigationes Narrative inquiry Pragmatics & cognition Sign language & linguistics Studies in language Target Terminology Written language and literacy EBSCO EDUCATION RESEARCH COMPLETE Applied linguistics ELT journal Eurosla yearbook International journal of environmental & science education Pedagogy

EBSCO EDUCATION SOURCE Applied linguistics ELT journal Eurosla yearbook IAMURE international journal of education International electronic journal of mathematics education International journal of environmental & science education Learning health systems Online journal of new horizons in education Pedagogy

EBSCO ENVIRONMENT COMPLETE Behavioral ecology Clinical infectious diseases Environmental entomology I C E S journal of marine science Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy Journal of experimental botany Journal of infectious diseases Journal of mammalogy Journal of plankton research Nutrition reviews


EBSCO HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS WITH FULL TEXT Byzantine and modern Greek studies Eighteenth century life Journal of medieval and early modern studies


EBSCO HUMANITIES INTERNATIONAL COMPLETE American literary history Boundary two Byzantine and modern Greek studies Cambridge quarterly Camera obscura Common knowledge Dialogue (Kingston, Ont.) Differences: A journal of feminist cultural studies Eighteenth century life ELT journal English language notes English (London) Essays in criticism Forum for modern language studies French studies ISLE Journal of medieval and early modern studies Journal of semantics Literary imagination Literature & theology New German critique Notes and queries Poetics today Public culture Reinardus Review of English studies Revue romane Small axe Social text Year's work in English studies

EBSCO SOCINDEX WITH FULLTEXT Nutrition reviews Pragmatics and society Public culture Social text

EBSCO SPORTDISCUS SELECT Association management

GALE ACADEMIC ONEFILE Engineering (London)

JSTOR BS Journal of cell biology

JSTOR LS Journal of cell biology

FREE E-JOURNALS שנתון סטטיסטי (תל אביב. עיריה : 1974) Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Part A: Physical science and engi- neering

DIRECT SUBSCRIPTIONS Asia-Pacific biotech news (TEC) British journal of educational psychology (DYL) Chemistry world (BGU) Early education and development (DYL) Educational action research (DYL) English today (DYL) Infant mental health journal (DYL) Journal of early childhood teacher education (DYL) Learning disability quarterly (DYL) Physics education (London) (DYL) Revue philosophique de la France et de l'etranger (TAU)

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