Advanced Anatomy and Physiology

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Advanced Anatomy and Physiology

Advanced Anatomy and Physiology

Instructor and Contact Information: Mrs. Abby Newby Room C004 615.822.2375 x 5533 [email protected]

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. - Psalm 139:14, NRSVCE

Course Description: In this introductory human anatomy and physiology course, students journey into the fascinating world of the human body to discover the intricate machinery that makes the body work, relating the functional anatomy and physical geography of organs and organ systems to the physiological functions which they perform. Students will also explore the delicate web of interaction among body systems, the importance of maintaining homeostatic balance within this web, and the medical implications of disturbing this balance. The course will include numerous dissections, lab activities, and supplemental readings. Exams and assessments will derive from classroom instruction, which may reach beyond the material presented in the textbook.

Major Course Units: Here is a general outline of the units we will study in this course:

Semester 1: Semester 2:

Introduction to A & P, Cells, and Tissues 4 wks Urinary System 3 wks

Integumentary System 2 wks Nervous System I and II 2 wks

Respiratory System 2 wks Special Senses 2 wks

Cardiovascular System 3 wks Skeletal System 2 wks

Blood and the Immune System 3 wks Muscular System 5 wks

Digestive System 3 wks Reproductive System (Year-long project) ------Cumulative Review: Fetal Pig Dissection 1 wk Assessment Types and Forms for Anatomy and Physiology Type Description Assessment Form Approx Weight Homework Daily preparation  Reading Guides. Short answer questions 15% of the for class and to assist students in reading for quarter grade applications of comprehension rather than completion. course material  Creative assignments. The students may create concept maps, drawings, and models of concepts. Quizzes Short, quick  Identification Quizzes. Students are 15% of the assessments that quizzed on the anatomy of the organ quarter grade allow for continual systems. feedback for  Concept Check Quizzes. These quizzes teachers and are related to the reading or the students during a concepts covered in lab or class unit discussions. Labs and Explorations of  All labs have an in-class component 20% of the Projects concepts through where students will gather data quarter grade laboratory (qualitative and/or quantitative). activities and Analysis of the data (both numerical and opportunities to written) is completed at home by the research topics in individual. more depth  Projects are intended to give students an opportunity to research, on their own time, diseases or other topics related to an organ system and develop a product to present that information to their classmates. Research Independent year-  The “Baby Book Project” is an 15% of the long research independent yearlong project in which quarter grade project the student follows human reproduction and development from gamete production until birth. Unit Tests Multiple-Choice,  The ability to use knowledge about the 35% of the Short Answer, FRQ, content to answer multiple-choice style quarter grade Lab Practicum objective questions  Fill-in-the-blank or matching  Free response questions that will require analytical and quantitative reasoning to solve  On occasion, evaluation of a lab component will be required. Exams Mid-Term Exam  Similar format to “Unit Tests” In its own Final Exam category, the exams count 20% of the semester grade Required Course Materials: - Textbook: Anatomy and Physiology available for free PDF download on OpenStax ( - 3-ring binder (at least 1-1/2”) for anatomy work only - College ruled notebook paper for note taking - Black and red pens - Colored pencils or thin markers - 3-prong folder for Baby Book project - Tab dividers (recommended to separate units of study) - A small box of gloves for dissections and labs (to be kept in locker)

Late Work Policy:  Homework Assignments / Online Quizzes – Homework may be completed and submitted by the next class meeting for a maximum of 70%. Two class meetings late will warrant a maximum 50%. Beyond two class meetings late, no credit will be received for the assignment.

 Labs / Research Project Components – Student will be issued a ”Credit Restoration Session (CRS)” for a not-turned-in or an incomplete major assignment on the Friday of the next week from 3:35-5:30pm to finish or complete assignment. If the assignment is turned in before the Friday CRS, the student is released from attending the CRS. All late assignments will receive a late penalty. One day late warrants a 10-point deduction. Each day thereafter warrants a deduction of 5 additional points, leading to a 30-point deduction if completed during the CRS. If the assignment is not completed during the Friday CRS, a zero will result.

In Case of an Absence:  If a student will be missing school due to a planned absence, they should see the instructor before being absent to make arrangements for make-up work. All work missed while absent is due the day that the student returns to school, unless otherwise specified by the teacher.  If a student misses school due to an unplanned absence, the student is responsible for checking with the instructor immediately upon returning to school regarding work missed.  It is the student’s responsibility to copy notes from a classmate, obtain handouts, hand in assignments, and arrange to make-up missed labs, quizzes or tests. The late work policy will take effect if assignments are submitted after the absent time allowance. All homework, labs, projects must be turned in the class the student returns if it was due the day of absence. Those assignments that were given the day missed will be due the next class meeting. The number of classes missed is the amount of classes given to make up homework, labs and projects. Extenuating circumstances that prevent a student from completing make up work in the timeframe allotted may be discussed with the instructor. The instructor will determine the appropriate deadline on a case-by-case basis after a one- on-one discussion with the student. The student is responsible for initiating that discussion and communicating their situation with the instructor.  All quizzes and tests should be made up within 1 week of the absence. For extenuating circumstances, see the instructor. Otherwise, after 1 week has passed, quizzes and tests will be assigned the grade of zero.

 See the student handbook for more details about the absentee policy, including grade reductions for excessive absences.

Veritas: Any type of cheating or plagiarism on any assignment will merit a zero on that assignment. All infractions of the Veritas honor code will be reported to the Veritas council. See the Student Handbook for further information.

Office Hours Monday and Wednesday 12:10pm-12:40pm Tuesday and Friday 11:40am- 12:10pm

Veracross Information: Veracross will be kept up-to-date with the student’s progress and performance in the class. The following codes will be used to describe circumstances surrounding a grade. If a student has a question concerning a grade or code used, they should speak with the instructor during office hours.

Description Abbreviation Notes

Pending Pending Assignment has not been graded or the deadline has not arrived.

Complete -- Completed assignment.

Not Turned In NTI Student was present but did not turn in the assignment. Late penalties apply.

Missing M Student was absent. Student can receive full credit for the assignment when returning to school.

Incomplete Inc Student failed to finish or hand in acceptable quality of work on a major assessment.

Not Required to Complete NREQ Student is not required to complete the assignment. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY SYLLABUS AGREEMENT

I, ______(student´s name) have read and understand all the statements made in this syllabus. I realize that I will be held accountable for my grades under these provisions. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my instructor. I am aware that if I do not abide by provisions it will affect my grades and possibly participation in extracurricular activities. Any defiance against the teacher or provision may result in disciplinary action. ______Student Signature ______Date

Dear Parent or Guardian: I feel that you should be informed regarding the classroom policies. You should be aware of all the policies regarding behavior and grading to help your child be as successful as possible. Please read the syllabus in its entirety. Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read this syllabus, are aware of the classroom policies, and will instruct your son/daughter to uphold his/her agreement to follow these rules and procedures in the classroom. ______Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date

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