Combined HRAC/DDEAC Meeting March 17, 2016 ETS Training Room 2PM – 3:40PM

Present: Bill Baldwin; Irma Rodarte; Chris Dubeau; Nicole Grey; John Bartch; Myisha Washington; Marietta Harris; Hilda Fernandez; Mayra Cruz; Carolyn Holcroft; Pat Hyland


I. Updates – EEO Plan is going through both Academic Senates, is also at CAC and has been reviewed by DDEAC/HRAC. Pat and Dorene have been asked to present at Foothill Academic Senate on Monday to discuss plan details

Sexual Misconduct Policy – The most input came from David Marasco. The simple edits have been incorporated but his questions have not all been addressed. Pat will continue to work on it and pass it along both to DDEAC/HRAC and CAC.

Mayra asked that future submissions to CAC include direct links to the code or policy upon which the items are being modified to help members of CAC navigate quickly to understand the rationale. Pat will attempt to include a cover sheet that explains what is being changed, why and include citations.

II. Equity question on application

“Explain how your life experiences, studies or work have influenced your commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.”

Waiting for CAC for approval then will add to Taleo application

III. DDEAC/HRAC to review each existing hiring process to determine what is working, what could use refinement. Decided to break in to sub-groups to divide up the work. The groups are as follows: a. Faculty Process: Mayra, Carolyn, and other Academic Senate Officers b. Classified Process: Myisha, Irma, John, Chris, Bill c. Administrator/manager Process: Marietta, Pat, Nicole, Hilda

The goal is to have preliminary reports ready for next meeting which is April 28th in the ETS Large Conference/Training Room

IV. DDEAC/HRAC Aspirational Goals a. Every hiring committee participant receives training prior to service b. Every new employee receives training on the principles of equity and inclusion c. Seasoned employees receive training on the principles of equity and inclusion d. All Application Pools be reviewed with an equity lens by HR before the pool is released to the committee e. Pools be reviewed a second time after preliminary screening f. DDEAC/HRAC reviews, discusses and publishes progress report on equity efforts g. DDEAC/HRAC makes a recommendation regarding training content/series