Helpful Email Addresses s3

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Helpful Email Addresses s3

Minister: [email protected] Assignments Bulletin: [email protected] Morning Worship* Today Next Week Assignment scheduling changes: [email protected] Announcements Kowa Neal, M Song Leader Wertz Clubb Prayer Comeaux Gauvin Preside @ Table Lake Marbury Assisting Anthony, P Comeaux Assisting Clubb Dennis Assisting Caples Dykman Special Days Prayer Dennis Kent Happy Birthday! July Evening Worship* Kiera Wedge 1 Aaron Jamison 1 Announcements Kowa Neal, M Charles Swabb 8 Karla Anthony 9 Song Leader Wertz Anthony, E Prayer Dennis Medina Danny Gauvin 10 Shannon Anthony 16 Communion/Prayer Lake Marbury Wayne Marbury 20 Niles Wedge 22 Katie Wedge 26 Danielle Dykman 27 Midweek Bible Study * Announcements Kowa Neal, M Trenda Maiwald 31 Song Leader Wertz Anthony, E Invitation Neal, M Anthony, P Happy Anniversary July! Prayer Dennis Medina Chris and Shelby Neal 12 *** Brothers: If you are serving, please meet in the Eric and Karla Anthony 18 foyer

five minutes prior to services. If you are not

able to serve at a particular service contact

July Aug Sept Prepare Communion Dennis Wedge TBD Lockup Anthony Neal TBD

Reminders Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation. Ladies’ Breakfast Sat 7/2 9:00 am OCB Men’s Breakfast Sat 7/9 8:00 am OCB Elder/Deacon/Pr’cher Mtg Sat 7/9 9:30 am Building Quarterly Potluck Sun 7/10 Noon Building (Zone 2 hosting) Tim Wertz at 703-878-7695.

Helpful Email Addresses: Church: Come on, cooks! We will see you there. Hungry, always remember the price of that freedom by showing our then happy to taste the dishes brought by all the respect and honor for each life lost deserves, especially the ladies (and maybe some gents, also). life that gives us true freedom, Jesus the Son of God. Ernie

FREEDOM For our Prayers-July 3, 2011 New: On July 4th we will celebrate our nation’s independence. Most  Lenny Skutnik is in the hospital with double pneumonia and kidney failure. He has had a very high fever people will celebrate with cookouts, and fireworks. This has and now has a breathing tube and is under heavy sedation. become a tradition for most Americans. But what does history He is in the ICU being watched very closely. tell us about this great day? This day commemorates the Update: adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776,  Ernie Maiwald’s grandmother was sent back to declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. ICU for a few days last week but it is hoped that by today she We had been freed from the power and authority of Britain. It will be in a regular room, continuing to recover from her was time to do things the American way and it has been that stroke. way ever since. With freedom comes a great responsibility.  The doctors are pleased with the results of Mark Caples’ surgery. He will be in the hospital for the next few Many today have trampled on that freedom treating it as if days. you can do whatever you want and hurting whoever you want  Paul Dykman, Russell’s father, continues to in the name of freedom. Even to the point of destroying our recover. His surgery went better than expected. flag and smearing the name of America all under the grounds Bereaved: of freedom. Do we really think this is what our forefathers We share love and sorrow with the George family on the expected to come from this freedom? I would say with passing of Keith’s Mother. He is in Florida for the funeral. boldness “NO” they would not have expected freedom to be Co ntinued Prayers: used to that extreme.  Roger Merritt’s mother  Mark Caples, son of Betty Caples ( esophageal What about our freedom as Christians? How far can we go cancer) and still call it freedom under God? The Bible speaks of the  Joseph Comeaux, Perry Comeaux’s father (heart) wonderful freedom that one may enjoy in Christ. But we need  Vilet McDorno, friend of Olena Gauvin (stroke) to always remember that biblical freedom is a far cry from the  OT Martin (Ernie’s dad) release from restriction and restraint as advocated by many  Jennie Cribb, Alwilda Merritt’s sister (post-polio synd. liberal thoughts. When we read the scriptures we should come COPD) away with an understanding that freedom in Christ is  Wayne Cribb, Alwilda’s nephew (Prostate cancer) connected to the emphasis of obedience in our Lord and  Lenny Skutnik (Crohn’s disease) Savior Jesus Christ. Listen to the words of James “But he who  Adrienne (cancer) and Harry (Parkinson’s) Sweet, looks into the perfect law of liberty (freedom) and continues friends of Lee and Denise Porter in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this  Those who serving in harm’s way throughout the world one will be blessed in what he does” (James 1:25). In other and those who are waiting for them to return safely home. words with freedom comes responsibility, the responsibility of  Our young adults who are in college, home and always remembering that our access to freedom comes from away: Trenda Maiwald Mandie Neal (PT Doctorate) the life given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Just Philip Anthony (fire fighter training) like the freedom of our country and the freedom we have Special Request: spiritual it has come at a great price. Let each of us continue to Remember those who are in need of prayer but do not wish to share their difficulties in a public way. Continued prayers for our members: Marjorie Kowa Bobbie Girard Will Davis Alwilda Merritt Colleen Wertz Sue Bilbrey Deb Neal Christine Liddell Joe Bilbrey Peggy Shields Betty Perez Katherine Wertz James Roberson Patty Wiggins Pray for Those Who Serve this Church: Elders, deacons, minister and teachers of this congregation.

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