SIOP Lesson Plan Components
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SIOP Lesson Plan Components
Topic: Class: Population Description: Time Frame: Action Verbs 4th/5th Writing SEI Classroom 1 class period
Preparation AZ State Content Standards: AZ ELL Proficiency Standards: 4th/5th Strand 2: Writing Elements ELL III Intermediate: Writing Concept 4: Word Choice Standard English Conventions PO 1: Use a variety of specific and accurate words that effectively 6. Identify and use, with some errors, nouns, verbs, personal pronouns convey the intended message. and adjectives in simple sentences. Concept 6: Conventions PO 12: Use the following parts of speech correctly in simple sentences: action verbs. Content Objectives: Language Objectives: All students will be able to identify action verbs in writing. All All students will be able to write a descriptive paragraph. All students students will write a description of a picture using action verbs. will read their paragraph with fluency, appropriate rhythm and expression. Key Vocabulary: Learning Strategies: Materials: Higher Order Questions: coolibah trees, pelt, exults, picture files SMART Board lesson "Action Can you list three other action streak, scarcely round table Verbs" verbs for the word run? cooperative groups charts for round table activity charades
Instruction Building Background: Links to Experience & Learning: Building Background: Key Vocabulary Activities: SMART Board Pages 2-4 SMART Board Page 5 Show picture of action to students. Students write a sentence In groups have students look up one of the key vocabulary words. about the action in the picture. Each group then presents their word to the class giving a After each picture have volunteers share their sentence and record definition and picture representation. them on the SMART Board page with the picture. Review sentences for each picture, discuss with students if certain sentences are better than others and why. Presentation: Lesson Delivery: Practice/Application: Activities: Talk with students about how when you write you are trying to Divide students into groups for a round table activity. create a picture for the reader. Based on the action verbs you use Give each group a poster with a common verb at the top. in your writing the reader will get a different picture. The group's task is to brainstorm, through the round table, Demonstrate with one of the pictures from pages 2-4. Share a new stronger verbs. sentence using a descriptive action verb and ask students if it After 1 minute, have the groups switch posters and repeat the changes the picture. process. SMART Board Page 6 After all groups have added to each poster, post them where Read through excerpt from "Fox" by Margaret Wild students can see and play charades. Have volunteers highlight verbs from the excerpt. Have one volunteer come up and act out one of the strong verbs Discuss each verb and the image it creates in your mind. Ask while the other students guess. students what a weaker verb choice would be for each one to demonstrate the stronger verb.
Review and Assessment SMART Board Page 7 Have students roll the die to determine which picture they will write about. Have students write about their picture using strong verbs. They can use verbs from the posters created during the round table activity.