Board of Supervisors

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Board of Supervisors



PRESENT: Supervisors Bob Pyle, Jim Chapman, Larry Wosick and Tom Hammond; County Counsel Rhetta Vander Ploeg, County Administrative Officer (CAO) Martin Nichols and Deputy Clerk of the Board Susan Osgood. Director of Health and Social Services Melody Brawley is present.

Closed session is held 9:09 a.m. – 9:27 a.m.

ABSENT FOR DAY: Supervisor Aaron Albaugh.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Eileen Spencer: Would like to know the case number for the Frohrib case to be discussed in Closed Session. Deputy Clerk Osgood: States she made a mistake and did not put the case number on the agenda. The Case Number should have read “Superior Court of CA, County of Lassen, Case No. 55414.” County Counsel Vander Ploeg: States the discussion will be the final disposition of the case; she waited for final proof of service before reporting the final outcome to the Board.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION: 1) Conference with Legal Counsel: Existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9: Frohrib v. County of Lassen, et al. (Also should have stated: Superior Court of CA, County of Lassen, Case No. 55414.) County Counsel Vander Ploeg reports – The case was dismissed at the end of August. 2) Convene as the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority. Conference with Labor Negotiator Martin Nichols: Recognition and bargaining with the California United Health Care Workers. Reconvene as Board of Supervisors. CAO Nichols reports – The Board provided direction regarding upcoming negotiations with the California United Health Care Workers Association.

9:30 A.M. OPENING CEREMONIES: Following the flag salute, the invocation is offered by Chairman Pyle.

AGENDA APPROVAL, ADDITIONS AND/OR DELETIONS: Item H1 is removed from the agenda. CAO Nichols states Item H3 Memorandum of Understanding could be approved today subject to County Counsel’s approval as to form. Supervisor Chapman requests the meeting be adjourned in memory of Jackie Ithurburn.

SPEAKERS: Eileen Spencer: Distributes and reads Kan We Help letter dated October 15, 2013 regarding “Failure to Follow Resolution 12-039, Section 3C” and another document with no title (regarding Brown Act “Section 54954.2(b) and “Section 54954.2 (b) 2”).

ACTION: Approve agenda with noted changes. MOVED BY: Hammond SECONDED BY: Wosick

Supervisor Wosick: Would like discussion on this issue relating to the Board appointing a new Vice-Chairman. CAO Nichols: Will put an item on the next agenda.

1 Discussion is held.


ACTION: Includes direction to staff to add this discussion to the next agenda. UNANIMOUS: No AYES: Pyle, Chapman, Wosick, Hammond ABSTENTIONS: None NOES: None ABSENTEES: Albaugh

PUBLIC COMMENT: 1) Big Valley Community Alliance Executive Director Lillian Arnold: Presents invitation for everyone to attend the Big Valley Family Resource Center 10 Year Anniversary October 24, 2013, noon to 3:00 p.m. at the Family Resource Center in Bieber. Presents information on the Family Resource Center and the wide variety of services provided. 2) Office of Emergency Services (OES) Chief Eric Ewing and Undersheriff John Mineau: Presents update on unexploded ordnance previously found in southern Lassen County; reports many agencies searched and located three more items; Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Detachment Fallon detonated them in place. An exhaustive search of about 50 acres was done October 12, 2013; nothing else was found. Thanks Search and Rescue Team and other agencies for their assistance. A news release with photo will be sent out advising of the danger of this issue; will caution not to move but to call Law Enforcement.

RECOGNITION COMMITTEE PRESENTATION Chairman Pyle presents awards in appreciation for years of employment with Lassen County to the following employees: Twenty-Five Year Award: David Farano (H&SS LassenWorks) Forty Year Award: Carole Dustin (Assessor's office)

CONSENT CALENDAR Chairman Pyle: Eileen Spencer requests removing Items G1 Personnel for separate discussion. ACTION: Take the noted action on the following Consent Calendar items: MOVED BY: Wosick SECONDED BY: Chapman UNANIMOUS: No AYES: Pyle, Chapman, Wosick, Hammond ABSTENTIONS: None NOES: None ABSENTEES: Albaugh

AUDITOR AND TREASURER DEPARTMENTS ITEM - REPORT ACTION: Receive and file Treasurer's Fund Balance Report and Auditor's verification for the month of September, 2013.

HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES ITEM - ADMINISTRATION ACTION: Approve the Business Associate Agreement with the County Medical Services Program Governing Board for County Jail Health and authorize the CAO to sign.

PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES ITEM - GRANTS AND LOANS ACTION: Receive update on the Department's grants and upcoming deadlines.

SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ITEM - PURCHASE ACTION: Authorize the purchase of one new Ford Utility Police Interceptor (CMAS 1-12-23-14) in the amount of $27,735.28, to replace an existing fleet vehicle that was damaged beyond repair. This purchase will come from the equipment line in the Motor pool budget.

TREASURER/TAX COLLECTOR ITEM - REPORT ACTION: Receive and file Treasurer's Investment Report for September, 2013.

2 PROBATION - MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ACTION: Approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Fort Sage Unified School District, Lassen County Office of Education, Long Valley Charter School, Susanville School District, Westwood Charter School, Westwood Unified School District and Lassen County Probation Department for the Truancy Reduction Program for FY 2013-2014 and authorize Acting Chief Probation Officer to sign.

MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE ITEMS ACTION: Receive and file the following correspondence: a. Lassen County Fair Advisory Board meeting agenda for October 8, 2013. b. Lassen County Air Pollution Control District Governing Board meeting agenda for October 8, 2013. c. Cancellation notice for Lassen County Technical Advisory Committee scheduled for October 9, 2013. d. Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District meeting agenda for October 9, 2013.

ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - PERSONNEL SUBJECT: Lassen County pay scales. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve and adopt Lassen County pay scales in accordance with California Code of Regulations.

Eileen Spencer: Questions whether information reported is actual pay that employees receive.

Personnel Assistant Kearstin Anderson: States actual pay is reported as required by Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS).

ACTION: Approve and adopt Lassen County pay scales in accordance with California Code of Regulations. MOVED BY: Wosick SECONDED BY: Hammond UNANIMOUS: No AYES: Pyle, Chapman, Wosick, Hammond ABSTENTIONS: None NOES: None ABSENTEES: Albaugh

PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES ITEM - GRANTS AND LOANS ACTION: Receive update on the Department's grants and upcoming deadlines.

Supervisor Hammond: Asks to comment on Item G4 Planning and Building Services – Grants and Loans report after it was approved on the Consent agenda. States Planning and Building Services Director Maurice Anderson had previously suggested holding meetings to sunshine the grant available to the South County. Supervisor Hammond has scheduled meetings for October 22, 2013, 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center in Doyle and October 23, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at the Chapel in Herlong (Family Resource Building); would like staff to attend and review the application process for attendees. Supervisor Wosick may schedule a meeting for the Milford community.

Discussion is held on grant information.

Chief of Grants and Loans Jenna Aguilera: In response to questions asked, presents specific information on grants: #6721 Herlong Housing Rehab – have received an extension, marketing has begun. Economic Development – There are two applications in underwriting and, if they are approved, will take up the entire Business Assistance amount; Micro enterprise is in underwriting also that will take up about $15,000 if approved. The Micro Enterprise Technical Assistance Training is still happening and still spending money. Once the businesses are done being assisted, there are about three that want to apply to the program; underwriting would begin for them and that would spend the remaining $100,000. #8396 is for the 2012 Business Assistance Program and the 3 Micro Enterprise programs – cannot be started until the 2010 grant is spent. The 2012 grant was recently awarded and does not expire until December 31, 2015, (2014 was incorrectly stated in information provided). Have released the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the permanent housing feasibility analysis; there were no responses received for the first round; it has been re-released and will close in mid-October. Also, working with Herlong Public Utility District to release the RFP for their recreational master plan.

UNAGENDIZED BOARD REPORTS: Supervisor Wosick: Reports on the Air Board meeting attended previous week; reports Lassen County will be sending a letter to the State Air Board asking for a variance or expressing the opinion regarding diesel engines and local industry; what may work for some counties, does not necessarily work for Lassen County. Other counties have filed suit against the Air Board.

COUNTY COUNSEL - REPORT SUBJECT: Report on vacancies on the Assessment Appeals Board. ACTION REQUESTED: Receive report.

Eileen Spencer: Would like to speak after the oral report.

County Counsel Vander Ploeg: Reports one of the Assessment Appeals Board members may be leaving and there currently is no Alternate member. States it is not an easy Board to fill; may be looking for appointments. Notes there are appeal hearings scheduled for November 27, 2013.

Discussion is held.

Eileen Spencer: Asks questions about the alternate position and expiration of the term; asks questions about current members on the Assessment Appeals Board.

HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES - ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT: Provider Agreement and Memoranda of Understanding with Partnership HealthPlan of California. ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Approve the Health Care Services Agreement Between Partnership HealthPlan of California and Health Care Services Provider (Lassen County Health & Social Services), 2) Approve the following Memoranda of Understanding Between Lassen County Health and Social Services Department and Partnership HealthPlan of California: a. Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Program (MCAH) b. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Program c. Confidential HIV Testing d. California Children's Services (CCS) Program e. Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program f. Disease Control Unit (including: Lead, TB, Immunization Assistance, Communicable Disease) g Tuberculosis Control Program and Direct Observed Therapy h. Mental Health Plan (MHP), and 3) Authorize the County Administrative Officer to sign the Agreement and Memoranda.

Health and Social Services Director Melody Brawley: Presents information on the agendized provider agreement and several Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) needed to work with Partnership HealthPlan of California (PHC). PHC are the administrators for a new MediCal Managed Care Program. The agreement is with PHC to pay Lassen County for services provided for MediCal beneficiaries that would or could be provided by PHC. The MOUs were vetted and approved by County Counsel; the agreement is being reviewed but not yet signed off on by County Counsel. The Mental Health document had some changes. Provides further information. 4 Discussion is held.

ACTION: 1) Approve the Health Care Services Agreement Between Partnership HealthPlan of California and Health Care Services Provider (Lassen County Health & Social Services), contingent upon approval by County Counsel, 2) Approve the following Memoranda of Understanding Between Lassen County Health and Social Services Department and Partnership HealthPlan of California: a. Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Program (MCAH) b. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Program c. Confidential HIV Testing d. California Children's Services (CCS) Program e. Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program f. Disease Control Unit (including: Lead, TB, Immunization Assistance, Communicable Disease) g Tuberculosis Control Program and Direct Observed Therapy h. Mental Health Plan (MHP), contingent upon approval by County Counsel, and 3) Authorize the County Administrative Officer to sign the Agreement and Memoranda. MOVED BY: Chapman SECONDED BY: Wosick UNANIMOUS: No AYES: Pyle, Chapman, Wosick, Hammond ABSTENTIONS: None NOES: None ABSENTEES: Albaugh

PROBATION DEPARTMENT - REPORT SUBJECT: Report on Implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 105 - Prison Overcrowding Legislation. ACTION REQUESTED: Receive report.

Acting Chief Probation Officer Jennifer Branning: Presents information on Senate Bill (SB) 105 – Governor’s plan for release of 9,500 prisoners in order to meet the Court’s cap of 137.5%. States if the Court grants an extension to the December 31, 2013 deadline to reduce the population, this bill will allow funding to counties to provide services that reduce recidivism. There would be a three year cap; no one would be released right away. If the Court goes forward with the December 31 deadline, the Governor’s bill allows for prisoners to be placed into in state and out of state private facilities in order to stop them from being released into the communities without funding. Feels one thing that greatly impacts small counties is their small population and how that impacts rates and how money is disbursed. Would ask if is there any way to build rural county funding into some of the bills when they are written.

Discussion is held.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT ACTION: Appoint Supervisor Tom Hammond to fill vacancy formerly held by Supervisor Jack Hanson on the Lassen Regional Solid Waste Management Authority.

Supervisor Chapman: Notes Supervisor Pyle was appointed as alternate and Supervisor Chapman as regular member at the first meeting in 2013.

MOVED BY: Chapman SECONDED BY: Wosick UNANIMOUS: No AYES: Pyle, Chapman, Wosick, Hammond ABSTENTIONS: None NOES: None ABSENTEES: Albaugh

5 INFORMATION FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1) CAO N ichols: States the Board discussed scheduling a study session for the Energy Element on November 26, 2013; there is concern that day is just before Thanksgiving and could make it difficult for some people to attend. The Board agrees to schedule the Energy Element study session for December 10, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. 2) Supervisor Wosick: Asks CAO Nichols for an update on the pool Joint Powers Agreement (JPA).

CAO Nichols: Reports he re-drafted the JPA to incorporate some things as directed; it will go to City of Susanville Administrator Jared Hancock probably this week for his review. Plans to bring this item back for discussion when there is a full Board, possibly on November 12, 2013. Supervisor Chapman: Suggests scheduling a joint meeting of the Board of Supervisors and City Council members after the November 12 meeting.

ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 10:51 a.m. in memory of Jackie Ithurburn. ______Chairman of the Board of Supervisors

ATTEST: Date: ______

______Susan Osgood, Deputy Clerk of the Board


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