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Department of Physical Education

University of Southern California USC

Department of Physical Education C

PHED 160 Stress Management

Instructor: Danielle Roman, MS Email: [email protected] Phone: 213-740-6153 Office #: PE 108 Office Hours: TTH 12:00-12:50 or by appointment Class Meets: MW SGM 601 and TTH VHE 217

COURSE DESCRIPTION Instruction on the effects of stress as it relates to work, sport and academics; coping strategies are discussed and applied through physical conditioning interventions.

COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Describe the types of stressors. 2. Identify the psycho-physiological indicators of excessive stress. 3. Analyze the models of stress. 4. Describe the mind-body connection. 5. Identify the contributing factors to the stress response. 6. Compare the differences between stress, anxiety, and arousal. 7. Describe the many types of coping responses to stress. 8. Describe the many somatic, behavioral, and cognitive stress management techniques. 9. Explain the importance of exercise in combating the effects of stress. 10. Actively engage in physiological, behavioral, and cognitive interventions throughout the semester. 11. To apply theoretical concepts to one’s own experience to understand stress and its impact on health and our lives (experiential learning). 12. Participate in interactive and dynamic classroom activities (active learning). 13. Accept perspectives and experiences of all students in the class (divergent thinking). 14. Foster an environment of self-directed learning (individual responsibility sand self-challenge).

REQUIRED TEXT: Greenberg,J. Comprehenssive stress management 10 th ed. (2006). McGraw Hill companies, Inc. **Please reference for additional student information

Danielle Roman Department of Physical Education Stress Management ’08 PED 108 (213) 740-2488

University of Southern California USC



1 1/14-17 Introduction Nature of Stress & Types of Stressors Model of Stress Ch. 1 2 1/21-1/24 Mon. MLK Day Ch 2 Pscho-physiological Dimensions to Stress Assignment 1 Due (Top 10 stressors) Assgn. #1 Due 3 1/28-1/31 Occupations Stress/ Family stress & College Student Ch 16 &17 Stress & Personality/ Assessment Ch. 3 Physiological Effects: Fight/Flight Response/ Illness 3 Feb. 1 Last day to ADD a class and Drop without W 4 2/4-2/7 Behavioral /Cognitive Effects of Stress; Anxiety & Arousal Ch. 4, 5, 6, Productive SMT: Intervention Basics 7(109-114) 5 2/11-2/14 Exercise and SMT: Programming and Training Ch. 13 Logs

Exercise Adherence & motivation training /exercise

6 2/18-2/21 Mon.: Presidents Day Begin training Begin Completing Training Logs log Activity Day: Cardio Day meet pe108 (Two week log) 7 2/25-2/28 Activity Day: Circuit Training meet PE 108 Activity Day: Cardio Day

8 3/3-3/6 Review Topic Due (Meet in the Classroom for Review) Midterm Topic Due for Presentation 9 3/10-3/13 Behavioral Techniques: Goal setting, self monitoring, Ch. 9, 10 time mgt Activity Day: Yoga Basics 10 3/17-3/20 Spring Recess

11 3/24-3/27 Relaxation interventions: Progressive Relaxation Ch 11 Activity Day: Meditation and Autogenic Training Ch. 12 (p201) No formal class meet in PE Building Outline Due Outline Due for Presentation 12 3/31-4/3 Activity Day: Yoga Class and Meditation/relaxation Ch 10 p. 173 Cognitive Techniques Imagery, self talk and cognitive restructuring 13 4/7-5/10 Self-Efficacy, social support, and self- confidence Ch 14 p. 246-247 enhancement Presentations Exercise Training Log & Stress Diary Due April 11 Last Day to DROP with a W

14 4/14-4/17 Presentations

15 4/21-4/24 Presentations Danielle Roman Department of Physical Education Stress Management ’08 PED 108 (213) 740-2488

University of Southern California USC

16 4/28-5/1 Presentations and Final Wrap up C

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Attend Class Daily 2. Stress Management Journal: Questionnaire and summary results included with stress diary 3. Complete Assignments 4. Complete Workout Log: Begin log and will be asked to continue for the entirety of the semester. Students are encouraged to do some form of exercise (cardio, resistance, sport, yoga etc.) three-times per week. 5. Complete Midterm 6. Complete Research and Presentation

GRADING: Point Distribution: COGNITIVE 50% 130 pts PSYCHOMOTOR 50% 130 pts Assignment 8% 20 pts Stress Management Journal 15% 40 pts Midterm 19% 50 pts Exercise Log 12% 30 pts Final Project 23% 60 pts Class Participation 23% 60 pts

Total = 260 points

EQUIPMENT FOR WORKOUT DAYS  Proper workout attire (close-toed shoes & no street clothing)  Bring Student ID for Lyon Center Workouts  Water  towel  Yoga days will provide mat.

GENERAL CLASS POLICIES: 1. Prior reading of assigned material will be helpful. 2. Please refer to black board before class for additional information. 3. It is expected that all students will participate fully in each workout session. Failure to do so will reduce participation points. 4. Wear appropriate clothing for the activity days. 5. Please turn off cell phones, pagers, Ipods, other MP3 players, (you get the picture…) in the classroom. The appropriate use of these electronics during the workout portion of the class is fine. 6. Courtesy, kindness, and respect are expected from all.  If you have any injuries, illnesses, pregnant, or special concerns that I should know about PLEASE let me know. I will keep your information STRICTLY confidential!

Danielle Roman Department of Physical Education Stress Management ’08 PED 108 (213) 740-2488

University of Southern California USC

Blackboard C Students should check the Announcements and their EMAIL on a regular basis as the Instructor may need to add, delete, or update assignments or lecture topics at her discretion.

Assignments 1. Top Ten Stressors Due second day of week 2. 2. Stress Management Technique Research and Presentation

Students will organize a 5-7 minute in-class presentation on a specific stress management technique not covered in class. These presentations must be visually –displayed (i.e. video, PowerPoint, poster) or interactive in nature (class practices this particular technique).

Handouts of the particular technique should be organized and distributed to the class. The format of these handouts is up to each student, but it must contain: title of technique, rationale for using this technique (how/why does this work to relieve stress?), instructions of how to effectively use this technique, and complete references for such technique (where did you find this technique?)

Each student will submit in writing or (email) their proposed presentation topic/technique to the instructor on or before 3/6 and outline due 3/24. If this is not accomplished, points will be deducted from the presentation grade. Students must select different topics. Therefore, the student who gives me a repeated topic will have to choose a different topic/technique.

3. Stress Journal-Mini entries: topics will be given at the beginning of the class period during the first few weeks of class. Journal entries will continue throughout the semester per instructor explanation.

4. Exercise Journal- recorded exercise and stress response will be collected at the end of the semester. Exercise/ activity begin week 6. You are required to addend all activity sessions during the semester. In addition you will choose some type of activity or exercise 2-3x per week as a method of stress reduction. Comments regarding stress are required for exercise journal.

Danielle Roman Department of Physical Education Stress Management ’08 PED 108 (213) 740-2488

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