The Records of the Oregon Bird Records Committee

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The Records of the Oregon Bird Records Committee

The Records of the Oregon Bird Records Committee

through January 2017

The Oregon Bird Records Committee (OBRC) was organized in 1978 to collect, review, and maintain records on rare birds found in Oregon. The OBRC became a Committee of Oregon Birding Association (OBA) (formerly Field Ornithologists) in 1980.

The OBRC consists of 9 members and 6 alternates from throughout Oregon. Members and alternates are elected by their peers. Members serve staggered 3-year terms and alternates serve 1-year terms. The OBRC votes on most records electronically or at an annual meeting.

The OBRC uses the taxonomy and nomenclature of the American Ornithologists’ Union 1998 Check-List (as supplemented).

Each record considered by the OBRC is assigned a unique record number. The first 3 digits is the AOU number for the species; the second 2 digits is the year in which the record was obtained; and the third 2 digits is the number of the record for that species in the order in which it was received by the OBRC Secretary. A missing number in the sequence means that the OBRC has not yet completed its review of that record; some records have been deferred until more information has been obtained.

Information for each record also includes where the record was obtained, the date(s), the plumage or age of the bird when appropriate, and abbreviations for persons submitting the record. Other remarks have been added as appropriate. A list of contributors is presented at the end.

The following is a listing of all the records reviewed by the OBRC through January 2017.


Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis 177-88-01 Near Grants Pass, Josephine Co, 1 bird in 1988 (photo by JvH).

Fulvous Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna bicolor 178-70-01 Coos Bay, Coos Co., a flock of 11 from 14-24 February 1970 (HR; photos by ES). First verified Oregon record.

Tundra Bean Goose Anser serrirostris 171.1-14-01 Nestucca Bay NWR, Tillamook Co., 9 November 2014 (WH,DI,photos by DaV,HH,NeN,StC,AFr,OS,WH,CrB,DI);

Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus 179-94-02 Summer Lake WMA, Lake Co., 1 bird 10-21 November 1994 (JJo; photos by HN, CM, SR; videotape by OS).

179-97-03 Airlie, Polk Co., 1 bird 27 November-1 December 1997 (JL; photos by WT, RL, RHo).

179-98-04 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 24 January 1998 (KS).

Falcated Duck Anas falcata 2

137.1-04-01 Kirk Pond, Lane Co., 1 adult male 14 February-6 March 2004 (DHe, VA, PSu; photos by MN, SMa; video by OS).

137.1-05-02 Coburg, Lane Co., 1 adult male 16 January into April 2005 (photos by PeP, SvM, KBr videos by OS, RM).

137.1-06-03 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 adult male on 14 March 2006. (video by JW).

137.1-06-04 Coburg/Eugene, Lane Co., 1 male 13 November 2006-18 January 2007 (photos by PeP, JeH, RRo; video by JW, BoW).

American Black Duck Anas rubripes 133-50-02 Summer Lake, Lake Co.; photos of a specimen collected by a hunter on 12 November 1950. Specimen in Oregon State University collection. In: Murrelet 35: 47, 1954. First verified state record.

133-98-04 Hood River, Hood River Co., 1 pure adult male 4 January 1998-mi.d-December 2000 (HN; photos by SR, OS, TJ).

Garganey Anas querquedula 139.2-88-01 Nehalem sewage ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage 17-19 September 1988 (NL, SH; photos by JJo, TC, JG). First verified state record.

139.2-92-02 Bay City sewage ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male 9-13 May 1992 (MAS, MP; slide by BW; video by RBa).

139.2-00-04 Fernhill Wetlands, Washington Co., 1 eclipse plumaged male on 22 October 2000 (HN, FSh).

139.2-05-05 Tangent S. Ponds, Linn Co., 1 adult male 14-17 May 2005. (details by JFl; photo by RaC).

Baikal Teal Anas formosa 139.1-74-01 Irish Bend, Benton Co., male collected by hunter on 12 January 1974. Specimen-Oregon State University Collection. In American Birds 28(3): 679. First verified state record.

139.1-07-03 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 shot male on 31 December 2007 (details By RKe; photos by DvH).

Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 21, 2001 149.1-60-01 Laurelhurst Park, Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 male during winter of 1960 (photos by DM). First verified Oregon record.

149.1-78-02 Forest Grove, Washington Co., 1 female on 15+ October 1978 (JG).

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149.1-82-03 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 male on 14 February 1982 (JK; photos by RK, FR).

149.1-83-04 Wapato Lake bed, Washington/Yamhill Co. line, 1 female on 22 December 1983 (JE).

149.1-84-05 Coquille, Coos Co., 1 male in adult plumage on 11 March 1984 (GK).

149.1-88-07 Lake Meares, Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male from 6 February-19+ March 1988 (JE, JJo).

149.1-88-08 Warrenton Sewage Ponds, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male on 6 February 1988 (MP).

149.1-89-09 Twilight Marsh, Cathlamet Bay, Clatsop Co., 1 male on 28 January 1989 (MP).

149.1-89-11 Kerby, Josephine Co., 1 adult male on 12 March 1989 (MS; photos by JJo).

149.1-91-13 Sheridan Sewage Ponds, Yamhill Co., 1 adult male on 26 January 1991 (RBa, KCu).

149.1-91-14 Fiddle Creek, Douglas Co., female bird 11-12 March 1991 (PMo).

149.1-92-15 Sheridan Sewage Ponds, Yamhill Co., 1 male on 20 January 1992 (BSh).

149.1-92-16 Bay City Sewage Ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male March 23-April 2, 1992 (photo by HN, SR).

149.1-94-17 Hammond, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male on 8 May 1994 (photos by MP).

149.1-95-18 Near Buena Vista, Polk Co., 1 adult female 28 January-9 February 1995 (RHo).

149.1-95-19 Cascade Locks, Hood River Co., 1 adult male on 17 April 1995 (DA).

149.1-95-20 Bay City S. Ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male 16-30 April 1995 (photos by HN, SR).

149.1-96-21 Meares Lake, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male on 25 March 1996 (photos by CR).

149.1-99-23 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 female 3-4 February 1999 (NW, CD).

149.1-97-24 Rufus, Sherman Co., 1 adult female 5-7 April 1997 (photos by CM).

149.1-99-25 Warrenton, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male on 3 April 1999 (photos by TT).

149.1-00-26 Warrenton S. Ponds, Clatsop Co., adult male on 15 January 2000 (TT).

149.1-01-27 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male 3 February-late April 2001 (TT; photo by JW).

Steller’s Eider Polysticta stelleri 157-92-01 North Jetty Coos Bay, Coos Co., 10-18 February 1992 (photos by JGr, TC, HN, LF).

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157-04-02 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 male on 18 November 2004 (PP).

157-07-03 Brays Point, Lane Co., 1 bird on 3 February 2007 (AC, CoW).

King Eider Somateria spectabilis 162-76-01 Garibaldi Flats, Tillamook Co., 1 female on 10-11 March 1976 (HN).

162-80-02 Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 dead female on 18 November 1980 (MG; photo by LT); specimen at Oregon Institute of Marine Biology. First verified Oregon record.

162-81-03 Tillamook Head, Seaside, Clatsop Co., 2 subadult males from 16 February- March 1981 (photos by OS, TC).

162-91-05 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 female 17 October 1991-21 January 1992 (JoK, CD, AC, RHo, JE; photos by RM, CM, DVB).

162-93-06 S. Jetty Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 female on 22 October 1993 (photo by BS).

162-96-07 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 female 8 December 1996-15 February 1997 (KM, AF, MP; photos by SR; video by RBa).

162-99-09 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 female on 29 April 1999 (prints by BoP).

162-00-10 This record was moved to 160/162-00-01.

162-99-11 Seal Rock State Park, Lincoln Co., 1 female on 17 October 1999 (LuB).

162-05-13 Alsea Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 female on 16 December 2005 (RB; photo by JeW).

162-14-14 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 female 5 January into March 2014 (DI; photos by DI, DiB, OS);

Common Eider Somateria mollissima 159-13-04 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 subadult male 15-17 March 2013 (photos by OS, NSt, BaT);

Common/King Eider Somateria sp. 160/162-00-01 Sea Lion Caves, Lane Co., 1 bird on 20 December 2000 (PP).

Smew Mergellus albellus 131.1-91-01 Columbia River Gorge, Hood River Co., adult male 27-28 January 1991 (JBi, JE; photos by NL).

131.1-92-03 Government Cove, Hood River Co., 1-16 February 1992 (photo by HN; video by RBa).

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131.1-01-04 HDQ. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male 26-28 February 2001 (AnS; photo by RiV)

Arctic Loon Gavia arctica 009-98-04 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage 16 May-5 June 1998 (RRo, SR, GG; photos by HN, EH, MD, MLD). First verified Oregon record.

009-07-07 Brownsmead, Clatsop Co., 1 in basic plumage 9 December 2007-9 February 2008 (Details by MP; photos by MP, NSt, AFr, CyW, KBr, DKn, RoW).

Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 21, 2001 008-72-01 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 15 July 1972 (photo by PB). First verified Oregon record.

008-72-02 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 25 September 1972 (photo by RL).

008-73-03 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 24 September 1973 (AMc; photo by GC).

008-77-04 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 22 January 1977 (JG).

008-77-05 Sunset Bay, Clatsop Co., 1 dead adult in basic plumage on 8 April 1977 (photo by HN), specimen at Portland State University.

008-80-06 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage from 14-17 January and 13-14 February 1980 (RB).

008-80-07 Netarts Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage from 1 March - 5 April 1980 (CF, JG, DF; photos by OS).

008-82-09 Netarts Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage on 24 April 1982 (photo by OS).

008-85-11 Siletz Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 3 February 1985 (JE, BB).

008-85-12 South jetty at Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 in first-summer plumage from 20 July-15 August 1985 when it was found dead on the beach (SH; photos by MH).

008-85-13 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic/immature plumage on 15 March 1985 (DBa).

008-86-14 Chetco River, Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature on 28 and 30 April 1986 (RE).

008-87-16 Necanicum River, Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 immature on 10 and 13+ May 1987 (photos by HN, JG, JKe).

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008-87-17 Yaquina Bay, Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 1 July 1987 (photos by (RL).

008-86-18 Siletz Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 16 January 1986 (PP).

008-89-20 Manzanita, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 5 February 1989 (NL).

008-89-21 Fern Ridge Res., Lane Co., 1 bird on 31 December 1989 (DF).

008-89-24 Bullard’s Beach State Park, Coos Co., 1 bird on 4 June 1989 (photos by DA).

008-88-25 Timothy Lake, Clackamas Co., 1 bird on 16 May 1988 (photo by LW).

008-91-26 Garibaldi, Tillamook Co., 1 bird December 14, 1991-January 19, 1992 (DLu, GG; photos by NL,MP, SR).

008-92-27 Waldport, Lincoln co., 1 bird 7-13 March 1992 (RHo, HH).

008-92-28 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on November 11, 1992 (HH).

008-93-29 Boyle Reservoir, Klamath Co., 1 alternate-plumaged bird on 29 April 1993 (EI).

008-93-30 Lower Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 in basic plumage on 15 November 1993 (photo by BS).

008-95-33 Netarts Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage 7-8 January 1995 (CR; photos by HN).

008-96-35 Garibaldi, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage on 15 March 1996 (WT).

008-97-36 mouth Chetco River, Curry Co., 1 in basic plumage on 19 November-5 December 1997 (CD; photos by AB). 008-00-37 Netarts Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage on 8 December 2000 (video by JW).

008-99-38 Netarts Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage on 15 March 1999 (video by JW).

008-99-39 Tillamook River, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage on 8 December 1999 (video by JW).

White-capped Albatross Thalassarche cauta 082.3-96-01 Heceta Bank, Lincoln Co., 1 subadult on 5 October 1996 (photos by TS,SR).

082.3-01-02 Heceta Bank, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 7 October 2001 (GG; photos by BCr, TS).

Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans 083.1-08-01 32 mi W. Waldport, Lincoln Co., 1 Antipodean race on 13 September 2008 (photos by TS, GG, CyW).

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Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 10, 1984 082.1-63-01 25 mi off Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 on 6 October 1963. Published Record. In: Murrelet 46: 1, 1965.

082.1-60-02 Clatsop Co. beach, 1 found dead on the beach on 13 July 1960. In: Condor 63: 506, 1961. Specimen number USNM 431309, in the U.S. National Museum. First verified Oregon record.

Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus 082-61-03 Pelagic trip 32 mi west of Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 immature on 11 December 1961. Published Record. In: Condor 65:163, March 1963.

082-78-04 20 mi southwest of the Columbia River Bar, Clatsop co., 1 immature in June 1978 (CSc).

082-96-05 44nm west of Cape Falcon, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile bird on 9 November 1996 (MiF).

082-99-06 21nm W. Sisters Rock, Curry Co., 1 first basic juvenile on 13 December 1999 (MiF).

082-00-07 32nm W. of Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 juvenile bird on 21 October 2000 (GG, TS)

082-01-08 Heceta Bank, Lincoln Co., 1 juvenile on 24 March 2001 (photos by TS).

082-05-09 Heceta Bank, Lincoln Co., 1 subadult on 12 July 2005 (DaA, CyT).

082-05-10 Seven Devils Wayside, Coos Co., 1 juvenile dead on the beach on 3 September 2005 (details by DGr; photo by KeI).

082-06-11 Perpetua Bank, Lincoln Co., 1 juvenile on 18 March 2006 (photos by TrG, EMc).

082-10-12 Heceta Bank, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 5 May 2010 (details and photo by MBa).

082-11-13 37 mi west of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 immature on 25 March 2011 (GSM).

082-12-14 West of Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 juvenile on 2 October 2012 (NBu, DSn).

082-14-15 35 mi west of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 immature bird on 22 February 2014 (details and photos by BA, AdH);

082-15-16 38 mi WNW of Cape Arago, Coos Co. 1 subadult on 21 September 2015 (SR, JMe, JG, OS).

Murphy’s Petrel Pterodroma ultima REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 16, 2011

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100.1-81-01 Five mi south of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 found dead on the beach on 15 June 1981. specimen at Smithsonian Museum of Natural History as No. USNM 571368. First verified Oregon record.

100.1-87-02 Horsfall Beach, Coos Co., 1 female live on beach, but later died 6 March 1987, specimen at Los Angeles Natural History Museum as No. LACM 103774.

100.1-88-03 Two mi south of Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 female found dead on beach on 27 March 1988, specimen at Los Angeles Natural History Museum as No. LACM 106131.

100.1-05-05 44-173nm offshore, Lincoln-Curry Cos., 11 birds 31 October-2 November 2005 (photos by RiP, CoO).

100.1-08-06 40 mi W. Curry Co., 1 bird on 11 May 2008 (photo by OS).

100.1-08-07 90km W. Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 13 April 2008 (photo by THu).

100.1-10-08 off Curry to Tillamook Cos., 43 birds on 1 May 2010 (photos RyM).

Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 15, 2006 099-81-01 Sixty mi off of Waldport, Lincoln Co., 9 on 31 March 1981 (RPi).

099-59-02 Two mi north of Alsea Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 found dead on the beach on 25 July 1959. In: Condor 63: 417, 1961. Specimen number 142570 in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California. First verified Oregon record.

099-72-03 South of Yaquina Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 found dead on the beach on 19 March 1972. Skull is Museum no. USNM 555218 at the United States National Museum. Museum personnel could not definitely confirm identification; specimen examined by HN.

099-72-04 South of Yaquina Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 found dead on the beach on 18 March 1972. Skull is Museum no. USNM 555219 at the United States National Museum. Museum personnel could not definitely confirm identification; specimen examined by HN.

099-86-05 One-half mi north of Driftwood State Park, Lincoln Co., 1 adult found dead on the beach on 15 December 1986 (photos by RLo).

099-87-06 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 10 December 1987 (JJo).

099-89-07 Clatsop Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 decomposed bird on beach 15 November 1989. Wings collected (HN).

099-90-08 45 mi west of Lincoln City, Lincoln Co. 1 bird at 44.59N, 125.09W, 11 December 1990 (TSt).

099-90-09 45 mi west of Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 11 December 1990 (TSt).

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099-90-10 45 mi west of Cape Lookout, Tillamook Co., 1 bird at 45.21N, 125.03W, on 11 December 1990 (TSt).

099-93-12 Bayocean Beach, Tillamook Co., 1 bird dead on the beach 14 April 1993 (photos by HN).

099-95-13 Oceanside, Tillamook Co., 1 bird dead on the beach 1 December 1995 (photo by CR).

099-99-14 14 nm W. Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 13 December 1999 (MiF).

099-05-16 58-169 nm offshore Oregon, 21 sightings from 31 October-1 November 2005 (details by TSt; photos by LaM, RiP).

Juan Fernandez Petrel Pterodroma externa 098.7-02-01 51 mi w. Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 7 June 2002 (DaA, MWN, LTP, TPR).

Hawaiian Petrel Pterodroma sandwichensis 098.5-13-01 85 mi W. of Curry Co., Curry Co., 1 bird on 30 July 2013 (details and photos by OS);

098.5-13-02 60 km W. of Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 3 May 2013 (details and photos by RyM);

098.5-14-03 40mi. W. of Brookings, Curry Co., one bird on 30 April 2014 (photos by BrR);

098.5-15-05 93 mi. west of Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 13 May 2015 (photos byIlP).

098.5-15-06 103 mi. west of Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 bird on 13 May 2015 (photos by IlP).

098.5-15-07 Heceta Bank, Lane Co., 1 bird on 3 June 2015 (photos by AmG).

098.5-15-08 47-49 mi. west of Winchester Bay, Lane Co., 1 bird on 9 August 2015 (photos by BrR).

098.5-16-09 Off coast of Lincoln Co. seen on pelagic trip (GPS 44.82883, -125.23883), on 30 April 2016, 1 bird (RuN, TS. Photos by SR).

098.5-16-10 61 km off Winchester Bay (43.62, 124.98) on 20 May 2016. 1 bird (PL, BR. Photos by BR).

Hawaiian/Galapagos Petrel Pterodroma phaeopygia/sandwichensis 098.5/6-02-01 45 nm W Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 bird on 8 August 2002 (DaA).

098.5/6-02-02 45 nm W Florence, Lane Co., 1 bird on 10 August 2002 (DaA).

Cook’s Petrel Pterodroma cookii 098.3-02-02 80 nm W Cape Sebastian, Curry Co., 2 birds on 20 October 2005 (PPy).

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098.3-05-03 40 mi west of Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 20 September 2005 (JG, OS).

098.3-12-04 45 km W. Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 17 April 2012 (RyM).

098.3-14-05 6 September 2014. 195 nautical miles west of Cape Sebastian, Curry County.

098.3-15-06 70 mi. west of Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 bird on 12 July 2015 (photos by OS).

Stejneger’s Petrel Pterodroma longirostris 098.4-14-01 128nm W. of Rogue River mouth, Curry Co., one bird on 15 September 2014 (MiF);

Cookilaria-type Petrel Pterodroma cookii/Sp. 098.3/4-02-01 76nm w. Florence, Lane Co., 2-3 birds on 1 August 2002 (DaA).

Procellaria-type Petrel sp. Procellaria sp. 100.8/00-05-01 30nm W. Tahkenitch Creek, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 22 October 2005 (PPy, RiP, JCa).

Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas 088.1-96-01 Heceta Bank, Lane Co., 1 bird on 13 September 1996 (MiF).

088.1-13-02 50mi. W. of Tillamook County, one bird on 24 September, 2013 (JMe,TJ);

Flesh-footed Shearwater Puffinus carneipes REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 10, 1984 095.1-78-01 Newport pelagic trip, Lincoln Co., 1 on 30 September 1978 (JG; photos by TC). First verified Oregon record.

095.1-79-02 Newport pelagic trip, Lincoln Co., 2 adults on 29 September 1979 (SS).

095.1-80-03 Brookings pelagic trip, 1 on 20 September 1980 (JC, DR).

095.1-81-04 Fourteen mi northwest of Brookings, Curry Co., pelagic trip, 1 on 28 August 1981 (JG).

095.1-81-05 Newport pelagic trip, Lincoln Co., 1 on 3 October 1981 (photos by LH).

095.1-83-07 Twenty mi west of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 adult on 27 August 1983 (RK, JK).

Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis 089-08-01 18nm W. Newport, Lincoln Co., 9 August 2008 (GG, TSn; photos by DaB)

089-13-02 21mi west of Winchester Bay, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 14 September 2013 (RuN,MH; photos by JeH,LMs,MH)

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Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus 096.1-99-01 Nye Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 dark-morph bird dead on beach 26 March 1999 (photos by DLe).

096.1-99-02 25nm W. of Depoe Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 2 October 1999 (GG,MH,JMe).

Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 25, 2012 090-00-02 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 1 September 2000 (PP).

090-00-03 Boiler Bay, Lincoln co., 1 bird on 12 September 2000 (PP)

090-01-04 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co, 1 bird on 9-10 May 2001 (PP). Accepted as Species Unresolved, as description did not completely rule out similar Manx-type shearwaters.

090-02-05 51 mi west of Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 7 June 2002 (MWN, LTP, TPR).

090-02-06 Tierra Del Mar, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 7 September 2002 (WG).

090-03-07 6 mi west of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 1 March 2003 (GG, WH, TSn; photos by BRa, JeH, StS)

090-03-08 1 mi west of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 20 May 2003 (GG, TSn).

090-06-11 2 mi west of Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 30 September 2006 (GG; photos by JaG).

090-08-12 6 mi west of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 1 March 2008 (GG)

090-09-14 20 km W. Rockaway, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 6 April 2009 (photos by RyM).

090-09-15 S. Jetty Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 bird on 26 April 2009 (DI).

090-10-16 52 mi west of Lane Co., 1 bird on 12 May 2010 (JG, OS).

090-11-18 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 5 August 2011 (DMu).

Black-vented Shearwater Puffinus opisthomelas 093-92-01 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 on 22 November 1992 (GL).

093-98-02 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 8 February 1998 (JR). Accepted as “species unresolved.” Committee accepted as shearwater, but felt it may have been a Manx Shearwater.

093-00-03 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird 28-30 August 2000 (PP).

093-01-05 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 11 November 2001 (PP).

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093-01-04 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 4-10-01., one bird, Phil Pickering. This record was moved to 090/3-01-08.

093-02-06 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 17 November 2002 (MP, TT).

093-07-07 8 mi west of Clatsop Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 12 September 2007 (BSh).

093-15-08 .5 mi to 1 mi off Cape Arago, Coos Co., 14 birds, 25 October 2015 (Tr).

093-15-09 .5 mi to 1 mi off Chetco Pt., Curry Co., 16 birds, 8 October 2015 (TR).

Manx-type Shearwater Puffinus sp. 090/03-77-01 Coos Bay pelagic trip, Coos Co., 1 on 10 September 1977 (DI, JG, MEg, DF).

090/03-77-02 Oceanside, Tillamook Co., 1 on 17 September 1977 (DI).

090/03-79-03 Gearhart, Clatsop Co., 1 on 12 September 1979 (JG).

090/03-79-04 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 3 November 1979 (HN).

090/03-99-07 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 9 November 1999 (PP).

090/03-01-08 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 11 April 2001 (PP).

090/03-00-09 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 3 May 2000 (PP).

090-01-04 Boiler Bay, Lincoln C., 1 bird on 9-10 May 2001 (PP). Accepted as Species Unresolved, as description did not entirely rule out similar Manx-type shearwaters.

090/03-01-10 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 16 April 2001 (PP).

090/03-01-11 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co. 1 bird on 10 April 2001 (PP).

090/03-03-12 South Jetty Columbia R., Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 21 June 2003 (MP).

090/03-01-13 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird 9-10 May 2001 (PP).

090/03-04-14 10 mi west of Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 15 August 2004 (TR).

090/03-08-15 Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 bird on 19 April 2008. (RuN).

090/03-10-16 Lone Ranch SP, Curry Co., 1 bird on 20 September 2011 (DMu).

Wilson’s Storm-Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 109-76-01 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 31 May 1976 (JG,).

109-96-02 70nm west of Nestucca Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 24 July 1996 (MiF).

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109-03-03 20 mi west of South Jetty Columbia R., Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 13 September 2003 (TSn, TS).

109-04-04 Moved to Wilson’s-type Storm Petrel, record 109/00-09-01 Accepted as Species Unresolved.

109-09-05 60 mi west of Curry Co., 1 bird on 23 August 2009 (JG, OS).

109-14-06 39mi. WSW of Newport, Lincoln Co., one bird on 16 August 2014 (RRo, SF,JoR,RuN, photos by BA,SF,JoR,WG);

Wilson’s-type Storm-Petrel Oceanites sp. 109/00-09-01 71-80 mi west of Curry Co., 1 bird on 14 July 2009. (RiA,NaA). Originally submitted as record 109-09-04.

Ringed Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma hornbyi 108.2-07-01 45 mi west of Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 3 May 2007 (JG, NaA)

Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa 108-07-02 45 mi west of Coos Bay, Coos Co., 6 birds on 3 May 2007. (OS, JG, RiA, NaA).

108-09-04 30-34 mi west of Curry Co., 1 bird on 31 August 2009 (JG, OS).

108-14-05 45mi. W. of Waldport, Lincoln Co., one bird on 18 May 2014 (GG, photos by BA);

108-14-06 40mi. West of Curry County, one bird on 30 April 2014 (NL);

108-14-07 50mi. W. of Reedsport, Coos Co., one bird on 1 May 2014 (JG,OS,TC);

108-14-08 33mi. W. of Newport, Lincoln Co., one bird on 16 August 2014 (RRo,BA,RuN, photos by BA, WG)

Black Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma melania 107-83-01 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 10 on 8 September 1983 (photos by JG). First verified Oregon record.

107-10-03 40 mi west of Coos Co., 27 September 2010 (JMe).

107-10-04 60 mi west of Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 21 September 2010 (OS, WG, JG, JC).

107-14-05 33mi. W. of Newport, Lincoln Co., one bird on 16 August 2014 (RuN,RRo,JoR,SF, photos by BoL);

Black-type Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma sp. 107/00-07-01 40 mi west of Curry Co., 1 bird on 3 May 2007 (OS, JG, NaA, RiA).

Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus

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113-08-01 25 mi W Florence, Lane Co., 1 bird on 13 May 2008 (photos by LaH).

113-15-02 Coquille Pt., Bandon, Coos Co., 1 bird on 10 October 2015 (CHi, AdH, WW).

Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens 128-79-01 Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 on 24 July 1979 (CT).

128-83-02 Newport, Lincoln Co., and Florence, Lane Co., 1 immature on 29 July 1983 (DF; photos by JH, APr). These sightings were felt to most probably be of 1 bird, seen within a few hours about 42 mi apart.

128-35-03 Tillamook Lighthouse, Clatsop Co., 1 collected on 19 February 1935. Unsexed skeleton is specimen number USNM 322266 at the United States National Museum. Skin (appears to be an immature) is museum number 19530 at the Natural History Museum in San Diego. First confirmed Oregon record.

128-87-04 Charleston, Coos Co., 1 juvenile from 7-11 March 1987 (TC; photos by OS, JJo, SS).

128-87-05 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 adult male on 18 August 1987 (MLD, MD).

128-87-06 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 immature on 4 June 1987 (JG).

128-92-08 Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 juvenile on 1 February 1992 (JoK).

128-16-10 One bird soaring over Mosier, Wasco Co., on 7 May 2016 (CP).

Magnificent/Great Frigatebird Fregata magnificens/minor 128/128.1-03-09 Beverly Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 flying bird on 17 March 2003 (GKr).

128/128.1-15-02 Seaside, Clatsop Co., one bird on 6 February 2015 (MP,JaW, photos by JaW);

128/128.1-15-10 6 February 2015. The Cove. Seaside. Clatsop County.

Masked Booby Sula dactylatra 114-06-03 North Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 moribund bird on 15 August 2006 (photos by HN,BoS,DPa). Spec. PSM 23619 Slater Museum Univ. Puget Sound.

Blue-footed Booby Sula nebouxii 114.1-02-01 Yaquina Head, Lincoln Co., 1 subadult 7-10 September 2002 (photos by EH,RSu).

114.1-13-02 Cape Kiwanda, Tillamook Co., 1 bird dead on the beach 23 October 2013 (details and photos by Mel);

114.1-13-03 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 bird dead on the beach 31 October 2013 (Details and photos by MgR);

Brown Booby Sula leucogaster

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115-98-01 15 mi WSW Depoe Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 3 October 1998. (GG,AFl,HHo,RRo,ElM, MH).

115-08-02 Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 adult dead on beach 26 October 2008 (photos by RuN).

115-05-03 off Tillamook to Newport, Tillamook and Lincoln Cos., 1 adult during May 2005 (photos, LaH).

115-09-04 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird 28 October-8 December 2009 (JMe; photos by OS, RuN, LoM)

115-12-05 25 mi west of Depoe Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 6 October 2012 (GG; photo by NSt); 115-14-06 Tierra Del Mar, Tillamook Co., one bird on 25 October 2014 (WG);

115-14-07 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., one bird on 30 October 2014 (WH,DI, photos by WH,JSu,NeN,DI,FS,SHz,OS);

115-14-08 Pacific City, Tillamook Co., one bird on 14 October 2014 (DI, photos by DSl);

115-14-09 Pacific City from beach south of Cape Kiwanda, two birds on November 15-16, one adult, one juvenile (BS, SF). \

115-14-10 Rockaway Beach, Tillamook Co., one bird on 21 December 2014 (photo by MP);

115-15-12 36 mi. west of Coos Co., Coos Co, 1 bird on 21 September 2015 (photo by OS).

115-15-13 32 mi. west of Curry Co., Curry Co., 1 bird on 21 September 2015 (photos by OS).

115-15-14 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 23 October 2015 (photos by JiA, JkW, SR, WH, BW).

Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 10, 1984 191-75-01 Upper Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 adult on 1 June 1975 (SS).

191-81-02 Upper Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 on 3 July 1981 (JG,).

191-82-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 29 May and 5 June 1982 (AMc, tape recording by OS).

191-83-04 Wocus Bay, Klamath Forest NWR, Klamath Co., 1 on 29 May 1983 (P&SSw).

Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea

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200-85-02 Willamette R. near the Buena Vista Ferry, Marion and Polk Cos., 1 young adult in alternate plumage from 16-18 May 1985 (GA, EE, JG; photos by ME, JJo). First verified Oregon record.

200-87-04 Willamette River, mi.lwaukie, Clackamas Co., 1 in non-alternate plumage on 18 June 1987 (CKi).

200-90-05 Brownsmead, Clatsop Co., 1 white plumaged immature 20 January to 11 March 1990 (photos by MP, HN).

200-06-09 Tualatin R. NWR, Washington Co., 1 adult on 11 June 2006 (photos by TSh, DRh);

200-08-10 Bybee Lake, Multnomah Co., 1 immature 31 August-1 September 2008 (photos by JNo, SF).

200-08-11 Neskowin, Tillamook Co., 1 white plumaged immature bird on 11 November 2008 (JHu) and Siletz Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 immature bird 11 December 2008-6 April 2009 (photos by RLo, BMe).

200-08-12 Record combined with Record 200-08-11.

200-12-13 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature 21-22 September 2012 (photos by PSu,TB,AC).

Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor 199-76-01 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 from 12-31 May 1976 (photos by LMc).

199-93-02 Ona Beach State Park, Lincoln Co., 1 bird 11-13 November 1993 (PSh, GG, HH; photo by HN; videotape by DVB, OS).

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Nyctanassa voilocea. 203-04-01 Otter Crest, Lincoln Co., 1 adult on 14 April 2004 (photo by ARV);

White Ibis Eudocimus albus 184-00-02 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 subadult bird 15-16 November 2000 (WF; photos by OS).

184-14-03 Page Springs CG, Harney Co., one bird on 17 May 2014 (JNe);

Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 186-06-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult 20-28 May 2006 (AC; photos by (GrF).

186-07-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 2 birds on 30 May 2007 (OS, JG).

186-08-03 Burns, Harney Co., 1 bird on 15 May 2008 (photo by OS).

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186-09-04 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 23 May 2009 (photo by DoB).

186-12-05 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 22 May 2012 (TR).

186-13-06 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 13 and 16 June 2013 (Details and photos by AdH, CHi);

186-12-07 Burns, Harney Co., 1 bird on 3 May 2012 (Details and photos by CSh);

186-14-08 18 April 2014, no. side of Township Rd, just east of Hwy 97, Klamath County.

Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST OCTOBER 31, 1981 339-76-01 Harbor, Curry Co., an immature on 10 April 1976 (SS).

339-77-02 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 adult on 11+ January 1977 (photos by LMc).

339-79-03 Langlois, Curry Co., an immature injured by a car on 28 January 1979 (photos by DR).

339-80-04 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 adult on 9 September 1980 (DI).

339-80-05 Euchre Creek at Ophir, Curry Co., 1 adult on 9 September 1980 (DI).

339-80-06 Cantrell Road, near Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 adult on 22+ November 1980 (RK).

339-81-07 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 on 8 March 1981 (photo by OS).

Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 16, 2011 343-83-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 29 May 1983 (TC; photos by OS, JG,). First verified Oregon record.

343-83-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 2 October 1983 (JG, OS, DI).

343-83-03 Eastern edge of the Coast Range, Washington Co., 1 immature on 6 August 1983 (JG).

343-89-04 “P” Ranch, Harney Co., 1 immature on 26 May 1989 (DPa).

343-92-05 Roaring Springs, Harney Co., 1 immature on 23 May 1992 (DoB; photos by BA).

343-92-06 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 19 September 1992 (KKe, TG).

343-96-08 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 5 May 1996 (M).

343-96-09 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature on 16 December 1996 (DMu).

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343-99-10 Near Madras, Jefferson Co., 1 subadult on 17 August 1999 (DI).

343-03-12 Bonney Butte, Hood River Co., 1 bird on 30 September 2003 (MaM).

343-04-14 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 31 May 2004 (BC).

343-06-16 HDQ. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 27 April 2006 (MiM).

343-06-17 Circle Creek, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 3 September 2009 (MP).

343-09-18 Bonney Butte, Hood River Co., 1 bird on 15 September 2009 (photo by DwP).

343-09-19 Bonney Butte, Hood River Co., 1 bird on 24 September 2009 (photo by DwP).

343-09-20 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 bird on 27 December 2009 (photo by StS).

343-10-21 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 16 September 2010 (TR photos by JG,TBr).

Yellow Rail Coturnicops noveboracensis REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 6, 1985 215-83-01 Near Fort Klamath, Klamath Co., at least 11 calling on 20-21 May 1983 (JG, tape recording by OS).

215-82-03 Fort Klamath, Klamath Co., 2 calling on 19-20 June 1982 (OS - report on the findings of LHa).

Common Gallinule Gallinule galeata 219-72-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult on 20 May 1972 (EE).

219-76-02 Garrison Lake, Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 on 1 May 1976 (photos by LB). First verified Oregon record.

219-81-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 from 22-24 May 1981 (JG; photos by OS).

219-82-04 Ken Denman W.M.A., Jackson Co., 1 adult on 30 May 1982 (DHo).

219-82-05 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult on 16 May 1982 (photos by TC).

219-83-06 Winema Creek, Neskowin Beach, Tillamook Co., a male collected 13 February 1983. Specimen No. S-8202 at Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA.

219-01-08 Krumbo Reservoir, Harney Co., 2 adults 27-29 May 2001 (VA; photos by HN,JG,DKn).

219-01-09 Elk River, Curry Co., 1 bird 16-17 May 2001 (TWa).

219-06-10 Black Butte Ranch, Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 10 April 2006 (DM).

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219-09-11 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 24 December 2009 (BzS).

219-10-12 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 adult on 17 May 2010 (TR, DLa, KC).

219-11-13 Howard Prairie Lake, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 10 December 2011 (photo FEn).

Lesser Sand-Plover Charadrius mongolus 279-77-01 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 11 September 1977 (photos by JG). First verified Oregon record.

279-79-02 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 16 October 1979 (photos by HN).

279-86-03 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage from 11 July-14 August 1986 (LT, CM, AB, JJo; photos by RBa, AMc).

279-05-04 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 adult 16-18 July 2005 (photos by DHe, ShH, BCr, KBr, IBo, PSu,RSu; videos by TJ,OS).

279-10-05 Bandon Coos Co., 1 bird 19-20 September 2010 (RuN; photo by DaF).

Wilson’s Plover Charadrius wilsonia 280-98-01 Bullards Beach State Park, Coos Co., 1 bird 9-17 September 1998 (BT, DLa, PSu; photos by JPi, TJ, HN, CM, CD, OS). First verified state record.

Piping Plover Charadrius melodus 277-86-01 Neahkahnie Beach, Tillamook Co., 1 adult in fading alternate plumage on 6 and 8 September 1986 (CM, TC).

277-12-03 South Jetty Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 bird on 20 August 2012 (DSt);

Mountain Plover Charadrius montanus 281-77-01 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 19-20 November 1977 (photos by JG). First verified Oregon record.

281-83-02 Siletz Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 3 and 21-26 February 1983 (BB, RP; photo by PP).

281-88-04 On the beach near Tahkenitch Creek, Douglas Co., 1 in basic plumage on 23 January 1988 (RM).

281-89-05 On beach south of Bandon, Coos Co., 2 adults on 6 December 1989 (BS).

281-95-06 Ankeny NWR, Marion Co., 1 bird on 4 December 1995 (JL).

281-95-07 Near Corvallis, Benton Co., 1 in basic plumage 19-21 December 1995 (photos by SR; video by DVB).

281-99-08 near Flores Lake, Curry Co., 1 bird on 7 November 1999 (Dla).

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281-99-09 Dunes Overlook, Douglas Co., 1 juvenile 16 November 1999-8 January 2000 (DLa, LRF; photos by KC).

281-08-10 Brownsville, Linn Co., 1 bird on 2-3 January 2008 (details and photos by MN).

281-08-11 New River, Curry Co., 2 birds 17-20 February 2008 (details by TR; photos by RuN, LoM).

281-11-12 Llewellyn Road, Benton Co., 1 bird 2-24 December 2011 (photos by DSc, DoR, OS, HH, NSt).

281-15-13 South Beach State Park, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 4 December 2015 (ID, photos by Nab, TBr, NeN, HH, ID, BA, BW, FS, OS, RFM).

Eurasian Dotterel Charadrius morinellus 269.1-00-01 South Jetty Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 juvenile 24-26 September 2000 (AC,DLa,HH; photos by EH,CM,TS,GL).

Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus 253.2-81-01 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 in basic plumage from 21 February - 15 March 1981 (DHo, JK, RK, E&ME, LD, EHu, JKa; photos by TC, JG, DK). First verified Oregon record.

253.2-12-02 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 alternate-plumaged bird 4-6 July 2012 RRo; photos by BUh, DAr);

Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 257.1-08-01 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 bird 29 September-4 October 2008 (photos by JSu, DHe, AHe, OS, TC).

Siberian Whimbrel Numenius variegatus 267-16-02 New River, coastal Coos Co., 1 bird on 27 July 2016. (DLa, KC. Photos by OS).

Bristle-thighed Curlew Numenius tahitiensis 268-81-01 Bandon, Coos Co., 2 on 16 September 1981 (JG, DI).

268-98-03 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 14 May 1998 (EH).

268-98-04 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 3 birds 9-21 My 1998 (BT, GG, PSu; photos by HN, OS, TJ).

268-98-05 New River, Curry Co., 1 bird on 6 May 1998 (DLa).

268-98-06 New River, Coos Co., 1 bird on 19 May 1998 (DLa).

268-98-07 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 bird on 22 May 1998 (DLa; photos by KC).

268-98-09 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 2 birds on 13 May 1998 (TR).

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268-06-10 Clatsop Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 22 May 2006 (photos by MP).

Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica 251-78-01 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 on 19 September 1978 (photos by TC). First verified Oregon record.

251-79-02 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 in basic plumage on 23 August 1979 (TF).

251-80-03 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 16 in basic or juvenile plumage on 17 August 1980 (JG, RP; photos by TF, OS).

251-83-04 South jetty of the Columbia R., Clatsop Co., 1 on 31 May 1983 (VD).

251-84-05 Highway 205, Harney Co., 1 in basic plumage on 21 September 1984 (photos by TC).

251-85-06 South jetty of the Columbia R., Clatsop Co., a juvenile from 23 August - 4 September 1985 (JE, RF).

251-85-07 Coquille River estuary, Bandon, Coos Co., 1 juvenile from 6-27 October 1985 (LT, RE, AB, MS, AMi; photos by TMi).

251-87-08 Summer Lake Wildlife Area, Lake Co., 1 juvenile from 22 August - 17 September 1987 (SS, REk, CM).

251-88-09 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile on 31 August 1988 (MP).

251-89-10 Nehalem Sewage Ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 10 August 1989 (photos by MP).

251-90-11 Florence, Lane Co., 1 juvenile on 18 September 1990 (BS).

251-91-12 South Jetty, of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 2 juveniles on 1 September 1991 (photos by HN);

251-94-13 Summer Lake WMA, Lake Co., 1 juvenile bird on 2September 1994 (photos by CM).

251-95-14 Ankeny NWR, Marion Co., 1 alternate-plumaged adult 10-11 May 1995 (RK; photos by HN, StD);

251-99-16 Tahkenitch Beach, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 4 September 1999 (JFu).

251-00-17 Miller Island WA, Klamath Co., 1 immature on 30 May 2000 (DHe, AnE).

251-03-18 S. Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 19 October 2003 (MP).

251-04-19 Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 18 September 2004. (JMe).

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251-09-21 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 2 birds 4-18 September 2009 (EmS; photos by CyW, SNo, SV, MP, AdH).

251-12-22 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male on 2 July 2012 (JoB);

251-13-23 Jackson Bottom, Washington Co., 1 adult female on 26 May 2013 (details and photos by StC);

251-14-24 Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co., one bird on 18 May 2014 (photos by BrW);

251-14-25 Duckflat Road, Marion Co., one bird on 1 June 2014 (BaD,TJo, photo by TJo);

251-15-26 Wireless Road and Young’s Bay, Clatsop Co., 1 bird, May 16-22, 2015 (photos by MP).

251-15-27 Duckflat Road, Marion Co., 1 bird on 29 May 2015 (photos by Chi).

Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 250-76-01 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 on 23 September 1976 (photos by TL). First verified Oregon Record.

250-77-02 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 on 11 September 1977 (SS, DI).

250-78-03 Nehalem meadows, Tillamook Co., 1 female in alternate plumage on 28 May 1978 (JG).

250-79-04 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 on 14+ September 1979 (photos by RL, TC).

250-80-05 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 on 25 April 1980 in basic plumage (DFa).

250- 80- 06 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 1 June 1980 ™.

250-80-07 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 on 25 and 29 August 1980 (TF).

250-80-08 Bandon, Coos Co., 2 in basic plumage on 4–5 October 1980 (MS, MH)

250-87-10 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 adult female from 27-30 August 1987 (SH, DI, DHw; photos by JJo).

250-88-11 Bandon, Coos Co., 4 in basic plumage on 14 May 1988 (DF).

250-90-12 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 juvenile on 8 September 1990 (photos by JG, KK).

250-93-13 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 8 July 1993 (photos by RL).

250-94-14 Seal Rock State Park, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 31 July 1994 (DFa).

250-97-15 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 bird 25 August-3 September 1997 (RHo, DLa; photos by AC,TJ).

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250-99-16 Bandon Marsh, Coos Co., 1 adult on 11 September 1999 (CD, DLa)

250-00-17 Gearhart, Clatsop Co., 1 bird 20-22 August 2000 (TT; photos by HN).

250-00-18 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 juvenile 4-7 September 2000 (TR, DLa).

250-99-19 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 26 June 1999 (video by JG).

250-01-20 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 juvenile bird 3 November-7 December 2001 (TR).

250-04-21 South Jetty Siuslaw R., Lane Co., 1 juvenile 17-19 September 2004 (BS).

250-05-22 Harris Beach State Park, Curry Co., 1 bird 16-18 October 2005 (photos by JA, DMu).

Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 234.1-90-01 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 juvenile bird from 1-17 September 1990 (NL, MS photos by JG, HN). First verified Oregon record.

Ruff Calidris pugnax REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 11, 1992 260-79-01 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1-3 from 8-10+ September 1979 (photos by HN, OS, TC). First verified Oregon record.

260-80-02 Coquille, Coos Co., 1 female in basic plumage on 18 January 1980 (DF).

260-80-03 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 immature male in basic plumage on 25 August 1980 (TF).

260-80-04 Bandon, Coos Co., 2 immatures on 12+ September 1980 (DI, JC).

260-81-05 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., up to 4 on 28+ August 1981 (photos by HN).

260-81-06 Gold Beach sewage ponds, Curry Co., 1 juvenile male on 30 August 1981 (photos by JC, OS, JG).

260-81-07 Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile male on 11 October 1981 (JG,).

260-83-10 Umpqua River estuary, Douglas Co., 1 juvenile male on 6 September 1983 (SH).

260-83-11 South jetty of the Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 3 immature birds on 12 September 1983 (SH).

260-83-12 Nehalem sewage pond, Tillamook Co., 1 in basic plumage on 21-22 September 1983 (photos by ME, CJW, TC).

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260-85-13 South jetty of Siuslaw R., Lane Co., 1 juvenile Reeve on 9 September 1985 (AMi, TMi).

260-86-14 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 reeve on 6 September 1986 (photos by JG).

260-87-15 Heceta Beach, Lane Co., 1 juvenile, probably a Reeve, on 3 September 1987 (photo by CM).

260-87-16 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile Reeve from 31 August - 6 September 1989 (photos by MP).

260-89-17 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 juvenile female on 26 August 1989 (JJo, SH).

260-89-18 Sauvie Island, Columbia Co., 1 juvenile female on 31 August-1 September 1989 (JJo, NL).

260-89-19 Sauvie Island, Columbia Co., 1 juvenile female on 30 August 1989 (HN).

260-89-20 Sauvie Island, Columbia Co., 1 juvenile male from 24 August - 15 September 1989 (PSu, NL; photos by HN, JJo, GL).

260-89-21 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 2 juvenile males from 1-12 September 1989 (NL, JJo; photos by HN, BW).

260-90-22 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 adult male on 26-28 July 1990 (NL).

260-90-23 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 adult female 0n 25 July 1990 (MP).

260-90-24 South Jetty of the Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 3 juneniles on 18 September 1990 (photos by TMi, BS).

260-90-25 Nehalem Meadows, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile male on 16 September 1990 (photos by JG).

260-91-26 South Jetty, Columbia River, Clatsop Co., adult male on 11 August 1991 (MP).

260-91-27 South Jetty, Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile on 11 August 1991 (MP).

260-91-28 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 juvenile on 30 August 1991 (TMi);

260-91-29 Summer Lake WMA, Lake Co., 1 adult male 12-19 April 1991 (SS; photos by CM);

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminate REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 10, 1984 238-77-01 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 23 October 1977 (photos by JG. First verified Oregon record.

238-78-03 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 2 on 13 October 1978 (photos by HN).

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238-79-04 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 20 October 1979 (photos by RL).

238-80-06 Corvallis sewage ponds, Benton Co., 1 immature on 30 September and 8 October 1980 (RK, EE; photos by ME).

238-80-07 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 3 on 11 October 1980 (photos by OS).

238-81-08 Meares Lake, Tillamook Co., 1 on 26 September 1981 (OS).

238-81-09 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 immature on 29 September and 2 October 1981 (photos by HN).

238-81-10 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 2 juveniles on 4 October 1981 (photos by JG, OS).

238-81-11 Nehalem meadows, Tillamook Co., 1 on 11 October 1981 (JG; photos by OS).

238-82-12 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 immature on 5 October 1982 (RS).

238-82-13 Siletz Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 immature on 17 October 1982 (JE).

238-83-14 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 juvenile on 2 October 1983 (AMc).

238-83-15 Nehalem sewage lagoon, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 25 September 1983 (photos by OS).

Stilt Sandpiper Calidris himantopus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 6, 1985 233-74-01 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 30 August 1974 (photo by HN). First verified Oregon record.

233-75-02 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 23 August 1975 (photo by RL).

233-77-03 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 28 July 1977 (DF).

233-77-04 Agate Reservoir, Jackson Co., 2 on 19 and 21 August 1977 (photos by SS).

233-77-05 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 2 on 2 September 1977 (TC; photos by JG).

233-79-07 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 on 8-9 September 1979 (AMc).

233-79-08 Warrenton, Clatsop Co., 1 on 12 September 1979 (photos by JG).

233-79-09 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 6 October 1979 (photos by HN).

233-80-10 Cold Springs NWR, Umatilla Co., 1 in basic plumage on 6 August 1980 (CC).

233-80-11 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 3 in basic plumage on 26 August 1980 (photos by RP).

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233-80-12 Miller Island State Wildlife Area, Klamath Co., 1 from 13-18 September 1980 (photos by SS).

233-80-13 Summer Lake, Lake Co., 1 immature on 28 September 1980 (DI).

233-81-14 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile on 2 August 1981 (photos by JG).

233-82-16 Coquille River estuary, Coos Co., 1 on 18 July 1982 (AMi, TMi).

233-82-17 Nehalem sewage ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 22 August 1982 (MH; photo by MS). See record no. 233-82-21, below.

233-82-18 Smith River, Douglas Co., 1 juvenile on 26-27 August 1982 (photos by MS, MH).

233-82-19 Pony Slough, Coos Co., 8 birds in basic plumage on 1-2 September 1982 (AMc).

233-82-20 Nehalem meadows, Tillamook Co., up to 3 juveniles on 6 and 10 September 1982 (OS, BC). See record no. 233-82-21, below.

233-82-21 Nehalem meadows, Tillamook Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 18 September 1982 (RK, JK). This record and record nos. 233-82-17 & 20 above may include some of the same birds.

233-84-22 Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co., 1 juvenile from 3-6 September 1984 (BB; photos by RL).

233-84-23 South jetty of the Columbia R., Clatsop Co., 1 on 31 August 1984 (photos by SJ).

233-84-24 Bandon, Coos Co., 3 in basic plumage, 1 probable juvenile, on 11 September 1984 (AMc).

Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea 244-76-03 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 21 July 1976 (DFa).

244-76-04 Seven Devils Wayside, Coos Co., 1 approaching basic plumage on 16 August 1976 (RLeV; photo by MFo).

244-82-05 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 immature on 16 September 1982 (HN).

244-85-08 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 25+ July 1985 (photos by BS, JG, TC, OS). First verified Oregon record.

244-85-09 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile from 20-25 August 1985 (RF, A&TMi; photos by OS).

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244-85-10 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 molting adult on 17 August 1985 (AC; photos by JG).

244-86-11 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile on 23 September 1986 (HN).

244-00-15 North Jetty Siuslaw River, Lane Co., I juvenile on 18 September 2000 (RFr; photos by BS). Photos not accepted.

244-00-16 Bandon Marsh, Coos Co., 1 immature bird 25 September-2 October 2000 (CD, DLa).

244-01-17 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 juvenile on 1 October 2001 (KC,TR; photos by DLa).

244-04-18 Summer Lake WA, Lake Co., 1 adult male 17-21 July 2004 (NPi,DI; photos by SMa,DT,NSt).

244-05-19 Nehalem Sewage Ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 bird 18-19 October 2005 (photos by ShH; video by WG).

244-05-20 N. Jetty Siuslaw R., Lane Co., 1 juvenile bird on 24 November 2005 (M).

244-05-21 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 18 December 2005 (photos by AC, DHe).

244-06-22 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 13-14 September 2006 (TR).

244-08-23 Bandon Marsh, Coos Co., 1 bird on 24 October 2008 (TR).

244-12-24 Heceta Beach, Lane Co., 1 adult in partial alternate plumage 14 August 2012 (TMi);

Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta 242.1-81-02 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile in bright plumage from 2-6 September 1981 (AC, SH, JG, HN; photos and voice recording by OS). First verified Oregon record.

242.1-83-05 South jetty of the Columbia R., Clatsop Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage on 17 July 1983 (JG, TBi).

Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 242.2-82-05 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 20 June 1982 (DI; photos by JG, OS). First verified Oregon record.

242.2-82-06 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 in alternate on 3 July 1982 (DI; photos by OS).

242.2-82-07 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 from 19-22 August 1982 (HN).

242.2-82-08 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 in mostly alternate plumage on 21, 22, and 26 August 1982 (photos by OS, HN, JG).

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242.2-84-10 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 25 June 1984 (LT).

242.2-97-16 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop co., 1 in alternate plumage on 19 July 1997 (MP).

242.2-99-17 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage, 15 July 1999 (TR).

242.2-04-19 Siltcoos Beach, Lane Co., 1 juvenile on 19 September 2004 (DaF, AC).

242.2-06-20 S. Jetty Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 juvenile 4-6 October 2006 (Details AC, DI; photos by DiP, AC).

242.2-09-21 Tenmile Creek, Coos Co., 1 bird on 19 June 2009 (DaF; photos by HH).

242.2-11-22 New River, Coos Co., 1 bird in basic plumage 12 July-29 August 2011 (GG, DLa, KC; photos by RuN, TJ, GG, DLa, Ahe, CHi, AdH).

242.2-12-23 S. Jetty Siuslaw R., Lane Co., 1 bird on 23 July 2012 (photos by AC, LuB);

Little Stint Calidris minuta 242.3-85-01 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 7 September 1985 (photos by JJo). First verified Oregon record.

242.3-86-02 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 juvenile on 12 September 1986 (photos by JG).

242.3-95-05 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile 10-11 August 1995 (MP; photos by HN).

242.3-02-06 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co. 1 adult on 13 July 2002 (video by Dla).

242.3-15-07 No. spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 18 May 2015 (DLa, KC, photos by RuN)

242.3-15-08 Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 1 August 2015 (photos by DSu, TC, BrS, RuN).

242.3-16-09 Kirkland Rd. ponds, White City, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 14 May 2016 (SF. Photos by RuN, SF, GaS, OS).

White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis 240-03-04 New River, Coos Co., 1 bird on 28 June 2003 (video by DLa)

240-09-05 Hatfield Lake, Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 13 August 2009 (JMe, HHo).

Buff-breasted Sandpiper Calidris subruficollis REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 6, 1985 262-68-01 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 1 and 3 September 1968 (photos by WEH). First verified Oregon record.

262-75-02 Sixes River, Curry Co., 1 on 6 September 1975 (photos by TL).

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262-76-03 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 immature from 21-30 August 1976 (JG).

262-78-04 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 26 August 1978 (photo by JG).

262-78-06 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 30 September 1978 (photos by HN, TC).

262-79-07 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 1 September 1979 (SS; photo by TC).

262-79-08 Agate Reservoir, Jackson Co., 2 immatures from 2-9 September 1979 (SS; photos by OSw).

262-79-09 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 3 September 1979 (photos by TF).

262-80-10 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 immature on 23 August 1980 (RP; photos by OS, TC).

262-81-11 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 immature on 2 September 1981 (DR, AC).

262-82-12 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 1 September 1982 (photo by JG).

262-82-13 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 16 September 1982 (photo by HN).

262-82-14 Highway 6, just east of Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 3 juveniles on 19 September 1982 (OS).

262-82-15 Mohler, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 19 September 1982 (JG).

262-83-16 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile on 4 September 1983 (photos by OS).

Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST DECEMBER 4, 1982 246-77-04 Agate Reservoir, Jackson Co., 1 on 19 and 21 August 1977 (SS; photos by OSw). First verified Oregon record.

246-79-05 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 12 May 1979 (photos by JG).

246-79-06 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 28 July 1979 (photos by HN).

246-80-07 Grande Ronde Valley, Union Co., 1 basic-plumaged adult on 11 August 1980 (JE).

246-80-08 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 17 August 1980 (JG; photos by OS).

246-80-09 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 2 juveniles on 24 August 1980 (photos by JG).

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246-80-11 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 14 September 1980 (photos by OS).

246-81-13 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 18 juveniles between 11 July and 23 August 1981, 1 adult on 11 July 1981 (photos by JG).

246-81-14 Davis Lake, Klamath Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage on 25-26 July 1981 (AMi; photos by TMi).

246-82-15 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., at least 18 birds between 5 July and 21 August 1982 (OS; photo by JG).

246-82-16 Forest Grove, Washington Co., 1 adult on 25 July 1982 (JG,).

246-82-17 Forest Grove, Washington Co., 4 juveniles on 7 August 1982 (JG,).

246-82-19 Miller Island, Klamath Wildlife Area, Klamath Co., 1 juvenile on 3 September 1982 (SS).

Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus 230.1-04-01 Sand Dunes, Lane Co., 1 bird on 20 October 2004 (details and photo by GgS).

230.2-07-02 Sand Dunes, Lane Co., 1 bird on 16 November 2007 (details and photo by GgS).

230.2-09-03 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 bird on 4 January 2009 (LMc)

South Polar Skua Stercorarius maccormicki REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST OCTOBER 31, 1981 035.2-74-01 Newport pelagic trip, Lincoln Co., 1 on 21 July 1974 (photos by FR).

035.2-78-02 Newport pelagic trip, Lincoln Co., 1 on 30 September 1978 (photos by JG, TC).

035.2-79-03 Newport pelagic trip, Lincoln Co., 4 on 29 September 1979 (TC).

035.2-80-04 Brookings pelagic trip, Curry Co., 1 on 20 September 1980 (DR, JC).

035.2-80-05 Newport pelagic trip, Lincoln Co., 1 on 4 October 1980 (JG).

Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia 031-33-03 Near Mercer, Lane Co., 1 found dead on the beach on 30 January 1933. In: Western Birds 5: 137, 1974. Specimen number O.S.U. 10,483 in Oregon State University collection; photos. First verified Oregon record.

031-33-04 Depot Bay, Lincoln Co., female on 14 January 1933. (Museum record; specimen is number 9258 at the Yale Peabody Museum, New Have, Connecticut).

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031-72-09 So. Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 bird dead on the beach on 15 September 1972. In Western Birds 5:137, 1974. Sepecimen number O.S.U. 10,917 in Oregon State University Collection; details (HN).

031-01-11 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 moribund bird on beach 25 August 2001 (SSh; photos by Oregon Coast Aquarium; video by GG)

031-07-13 Sunset (Clatsop) Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 moribund bird on 27 February 2007 (photos MP).

031-07-14 Whiskey Run Beach, Coos Co., 1 dead on the beach 10 March 2007 (photos by RuN).

031-09-15 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 moribund bird on 19 November 2009 (photos by MP).

031-12-16 Clatsop Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 bird moribund on beach 1 February 2012 (specimen photos MP).

031-15-17 Seal Rocks State Park, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 3 January 2015 (WH);

Long-billed Murrelet Brachyramphus perdix 023.1-94-01 near Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 13 August 1994. published photo record: Birding 29: 461-475.

023.1-03-02 Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 bird on 7 September 2003 (PLo).

023.1-12-03 Netarts Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 31 July 2012 (KeR, RSm);

Scripps’s Murrelet Synthliboramphus scrippsi (Previously Xantus’s Murrelet) REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 25, 2012 025-85-03 12 mi offshore, Lane Co., 2 in basic plumage on 31 August 1985 (DI, DF, SH; photos by MS, SS).

025-85-04 12-18 mi offshore, Tillamook Co., 1 on 14 September 1985 (RF; photos by TC, JJo).

025-87-05 Boiler Bay State Wayside, Lincoln Co., 1 from 7-8 November 1987 (PM, LW, JJo).

025-95-07 Moved to record 025/026-95-02, Scripps’s/Craveri’s Murrelet.

025-98-08 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co. 1 dead on beach 26 June 1998, specimen OSU (DLa; photos by KC).

025-01-09 S. Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 flying adult on 14 June 2001 (MP).

025-01-10 25 mi West of Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co. 1 bird on 10 August 2001 (GG).

025-01-11 18 mi west of Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 2 birds on 15 September 2001 (CR).

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025-02-12 Record moved to 025/026-02-09 (Scripps’s/Craveri’s)

025-02-14 Record moved to 025/026-02-10 (Scripps’s/Craveri’s)

025-07-16 25-30 mi west Newport, Lincoln Co., 2 birds on 25 August 2007 (photos by GG, RiG).

025-09-17 20 mi west Depoe Bay, Lincoln Co., 2 birds on 12 September 2009 (photo by GG).

025-10-18 50 mi west of Lincoln Co., 1 adult on 27 September 2010 (TJ).

Guadalupe Murrelet Synthliboramphus hypoleucus 025.1-01-01 163.5NM west of Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 bird on 20 October 2001 (photos by MiF);

025.1-73-02 65-165NM West of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird during June 1973 (photograph MWP). Was 025-73-02.

025.1-69-03 65 mi W. of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 19 November 1969 (photographed by MWP). Was 025-69-01.

025.1-14-04 138nm W of Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 2 birds on 15 September 2014 MiF, photo by SY);

Scrippsi/Craveri’s Murrelet Synthliboramphus hypoleucus/craveri 025/026-91-01 Brays Point, Lane Co., 1 bird on 23 July 1991 (JHa).

025/026-95-02 45 mi west of Newport, Lincoln Co., 2 birds on 7 October 1995 (GG, RKe, TJ).

025/026-02-08 35 mi off Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 5 October 2002 (GG).

025/026-02-09 38 mi west of Cape Perpetua, Loncoln Co., 1 bird on 5 October 2002 (GG).

025/026-02-10 25 mi west of Waldport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 5 October 2002 (GG,TR).

Parakeet Auklet Aethia psittacula REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 16, 2011 017-77-01 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 dead on the beach on 3 December 1977 (photos by HN).

017-82-02 Wandamere Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 dead on the beach on 18 April 1982 (RB).

017-86-03 Twenty mi off Garibaldi, Tillamook Co., 4 birds on 7 September 1986 (TC, JG).

017-33-04 Sunset Beach, Clatsop Co., 3 found dead on the beach on 23 February 1933. A male specimen is museum number 21869, a female is number 21870, and 1 of unknown sex is number 21871 at the Natural History Museum, San Diego, California.

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017-13-05 Netarts Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 female found dead on the beach on 1 January 1913. Specimen is museum number 21872 at the Natural History Museum, San Diego, California. First verified Oregon record.

017-14-06 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 male found dead on the beach on 17 January 1914. Specimen is number 21873 in the Natural History Museum, San Diego, California.

017-33-07 Delake, Lincoln Co., 1 male found dead on the beach on 5 February 1933. Specimen is number 21874 at the Natural History Museum, San Diego, California.

017-33-08 Glenden, Lincoln Co., 1 of unknown sex found dead on the beach on 26 February 1933. Specimen is number 21875 at the Natural History Museum, San Diego, California.

017-32-09 Taft, Lincoln Co., 1 female found dead on the beach 21 February 1932. Specimen is number 21876 at the Natural History Museum, San Diego, California.

017-94-11 Clatsop Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 bird dead on the beach 12 December 1994 (MP; photos by AE)

017-96-12 Beverly Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 bird dead on the beach 24 February 1996 (PaS; photos by RLo).

017-00-13 45 mi west of Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 flying bird 17 September 2000 (JG).

017-08-15 2 mi west of Yachats, Lane Co., 1 injured bird on 3 January 2008 (details by RC; photos by Ore. Coast Aquarium).

017-09-16 15km W. Depoe Bay, Lincoln Co., 4 birds on 7 April 2009 (details and photos by RyM).

017-09-17 8km SW Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 27 March 2009 (RyM; photos not accepted).

017-10-19 32 mi west of Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 3 birds on 12 May 2010 (JG).

017-10-20 about 52 mi west of Coos Bay, Coos County, 1 bird on 12 May,2010 (JG).

017-10-21 95 km W. Oceanside, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 1 May 2010 (RyM).

Horned Puffin Fratercula corniculata REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 10, 1984 014-68-01 Cape Lookout, Tillamook Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 1 July 1968 (photo by WEH).

014-75-02 Lone Ranch Beach, Samuel H. Boardman SP, Curry Co., 2 on 27 July 1975 (SS).

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014-76-03 Cape Lookout, Tillamook Co., 1 on 25 June 1976 (photo by BLy). See record no. 014-81-07, below.

014-77-04 Cape Lookout, Tillamook Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 14 May 1977 (CR). See record no. 014-81-07, below

014-77-05 Cape Lookout, Tillamook Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 11 June 1977 (TC). See record no. 014-81-07, below.

014-81-06 Henderson Creek mouth, Lincoln Co., 1 dead on the beach on 27 January 1981 (RB). Specimen at the Marine Science Center, Newport.

014-81-07 Cape Lookout, Tillamook Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage on 23 August 1981 (OS). May have been the same bird as record nos. 014-81-03, 04, and 05, above.

Red-legged Kittiwake Rissa brevirostris 041-82-01 Sunset Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 decomposed bird found on 24 January 1982 (HN), wing and foot collected.

041-83-02 15 nm west of Tillamook Head, Clatsop Co., 1 adult on ship railing on 7 August 1983 (RoL; photo by SMc).

041-51-03 Waldport, Lincoln Co., 1 found dead on the beach on 25 March 1951. Wings and 1 foot are Museum no. 81827 in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. In: Murrelet 34: 48, 1953.

041-33-04 DeLake [D Lake], Lincoln Co., 1 found dead on the beach on 28 January 1933. Specimen number USNM 589514 (originally number 2200) at United States National Museum. First verified Oregon record.

041-55-05 Nehalem, Tillamook Co., 1 found dead on the beach on 12 March 1955. Adult female study skin is museum number 81826 at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

041-81-06 Cannon Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 found dead on the beach on 30 December 1981. Unsexed specimen is number UWBM 39589 at the Burke Museum, University of Washington, Seattle.

041-89-07 Rockaway Beach, Tillamook Co., 1 basic-plumaged adult moribund on beach 16 January 1989 (SD).

041-03-08 Jewell, Clatsop Co., 1 bird moribund on highway 28 December 2003 and brought to Astoria Rehab Ctr. (photos by LC).

041-12-09 Near Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 bird dead on beach (photos by AlJ, PSp);

041-13-10 63 mi west of Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 24 September 2013 (details OS; photos by OS, TC)

041-15-11 South Beach State Park, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 13 December 2015 (details and photos by BA).

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Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus 055.1-81-02 Near Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 20 December 1981 (OS).

055.1-92-05 Bay City Sewage Ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 immature from 3-19 December 1992 (SM, GM; photos by HN, JJo, SR).

055.1-96-06 Grass Valley, Sherman Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 19 October 1996 (LR).

055.1-13-07 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 adult in winter plumage on 17 November 2013.

055.1-13-08 Corvallis, Benton Co., 1 first-winter bird on 9 November 2013 (HH)

055.1-15-09 McNary Dam, Umatilla Co., one bird on 2 January 2015 (AaS,SF, photos by AaS,TBr,MLD,StC,MiC,ChL,Run,SF,DI, video by TJ,SF);

055.1-15-10 Astoria, Clatsop Co., one bird on 24 January 2015 (MP, photos by MP,TrH,DiB,RPH,DI,JaS);

055.1-15-11 Suttle Lake, Jefferson Co., 1 bird on 14 November 2015 (details and photos by CM).

Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus 060.1-75-01 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 on 4 November 1975 (JG).

060.1-79-03 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 11+ August 1979 (photos by RL, TC, HN). First verified Oregon record.

060.1-81-04 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 10 October 1981 (JG; photos by OS).

060.1-81-05 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 13 and 25 October 1981 (RB, FS; photo by DN). See record no. 060.1-81-06, below.

060.1-81-06 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 15 December 1981 (FS). May have been same bird as record no. 060.1-81-05, above.

060.1-89-07 John Day Dam, Sherman Co., 1 juvenile from 21-28 November 1989 (TSt, HN; photos by GL).

060.1-98-08 Summer Lake SWA, Lake Co., 1 adult bird 4-27 September 1998 (RM; photos by CM)

060.1-99-09 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 subadult on 7 September 1999 (DLa).

060.1-00-10 Summer Lake SWA, Lake Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage 30 April 2000 (JeH).

060.1-02-11 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 subadult on 12 May 2002 (PP).

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060.1-02-12 Mouth Winchuck River, Curry Co., 1 subadult on 16 May 2002 (KGo).

060.1-09-13 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 adult on 8 December 2009 (DI,SF).

060.1-12-14 Summer Lake WMA, Lake Co., 1 bird on 12 August 2012 (TR);

060.1-14-15 Upper Klamath Lake, Klamath Co., one bird on 19 September 2014 (RuN, photos by RuN,JSu,DiB,PeT);

Ross’s Gull Rhodostethia rosea 061-87-01 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 adult in basic plumage from 18 February - 1 March 1987 (photos by HN, JJo, OS, JM, SS, TC,video by RLo). First verified Oregon record.

061-94-03 McNary Dam, Umatilla Co., 1 adult in basic plumage from 27 November-1 December 1994 (PBa, MD; photo by RSu)

061-14-05 22 September 2014, roughly 50 miles off Tillamook County.

Laughing Gull Leucophaeus atricilla 058-83-05 Lower Klamath NWR, Oregon/California State Line, Klamath Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage on 24 April 1983 (photos by SS). First verified Oregon record.

058-98-08 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 adult in basic plumage 3-15 October 1998 (DBa; photos by HN).

058-99-09 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 summer adult on 31 July 1999 (MP)

Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides 043-91-07 Moolach Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 adult on 24 February 1991 (NL).

043-96-12 Salem, Marion, Co., 1 bird in second basic plumage 15 February-8 March 1996 (photos by StD).

043-02-15 Florence, Lane Co., 1 immature on 10 February 2002 (photo by MaM).

043-11-18 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., first cycle bird on 26 April 2011 (photos by (WH);

Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus 050-01-02 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 adult 17-20 March 2001 (JG,TSn).

050-08-03 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 adult on 29 August 2008 (photos by GLi).

050-09-04 John Day Dam, Sherman Co., 2 birds 20 November-6 December 2009 (CM,MaM; photos by CyW, TC, ShH, IBo, JGa, ShS, LGo, AHe).

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050-14-05 Rickets Road, Lane Co., one bird on 24 November 2014 (photos by NSt,BMc,SaH, JSu,BC,NeN,OS,MP);

Slaty-backed Gull Larus schistisagus 048-92-02 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., up to six birds 27 December 1992-20 March 1993 (SF, PL, HH, BT, SMl; photos by HN, TFu, DVB, OS).

048-95-04 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 adult basic-plumaged 7-23 January 1995 (photos by HN, SR).

048—98-05 Multnomah Co, 1 subadult bird 1-18 February 1998 (photos by PM, SR, HN, TJ, OS).

048-97-06 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 adult 27 December 1997-22 February 1998 (photos by HN, video by GG).

048-04-08 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 adult bird 8 February 2004 (photos by MP).

048-09-09 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 subadult 29 January-14 February 2009 (photos by StC, SNo, MLF, OS).

048-08-10 Cape Creek, Lane Co., 1 bird on 6 April 2008 (details and photo by (CTu).

Least Tern Sternula antillarum 074-73-01 South jetty of the Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 4 adults on 19 August 1973 (JC, JuC).

074-76-02 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 31 May 1976 (photos by HN).

074-64-04 Fort Stevens, mouth of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 2 males collected on 21 May 1964. Specimens in Tillamook Co. Pioneer Museum, In: Murrelet 53: 52, 1972. First verified Oregon record.

074-97-05 South Jetty Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 adult on 8 June 1997 (DSc,PSh; photo by BS).

074-98-06 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 adult 26 July-1 August 1998 (KM., PSu; video by GG; photos by AMc, CM).

074-98-07 Harris Beach State Park, Curry Co., 1 adult on 9 July 1998 (BzS).

074-99-08 Fernhill Wetlands, Washington Co., 1 subadult 6-10 March 1999 (photos by HN).

074-05-09 Bandon State Natural Area, Coos Co., 1 bird on 25 June 2005 (DLa).

074-07-10 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 30 May 2007 (DLa).

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074-08-11 Tualatin River NWR, Washington Co., 1 bird on 24 June 2008 (NL, OS, EM, BF).

074-04-12 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 4 June 2004 (RHo, AC).

Elegant Tern Thalasseus elegans REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 3, 1993 066-83-01 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 3 adults in basic plumage on 8 August 1983 (DF, AMc).

066-83-02 Nehalem Bay, Tillamook Co., 16 in basic plumage on 22 August 1983 (DI).

066-83-03 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 14 in basic plumage on 20 August 1983 (photos by RP). First verified Oregon record.

066-83-04 Newport, Lincoln Co., 40+ mixed flock of adults and juveniles on 20 August 1983 (photos by RK, JK).

066-83-05 Mouths of the Rogue River, Pistol River, and Euchre Creek, Curry Co., a total of 390 adults and immatures on 15 September 1983 (photos by SS).

066-83-06 Mouth of Necanicum River, Seaside, Clatsop Co., 2 adults in basic plumage on 17 August 1983 (JE).

066-83-07 Mouth of Necanicum River, Seaside, Clatsop Co.; Garibaldi, Tillamook Co., and Sunset Beach, Gearhart, Clatsop Co., undetermined numbers from 20 August - 4 September 1983 (photos by OS).

066-83-08 Seaside to South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 325 on 7 September 1983 (photos by JG).

066-87-09 North jetty of the Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 5 and 6 adults in post-alternate plumage on 23 and 25 August 1987 (TMi, AMi, CW).

066-87-10 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 3 in basic plumage and 1 immature on 2 September; 4 adults in basic plumage on 4 September 1987 (photos by HN, LW).

066-87-11 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 7 in basic plumage on 20 September 1987 (JK, RK).

066-87-12 Mouth of Chetco River, Curry Co., 6 on 30 September and 2 on 1 October 1987 (photo by SS).

066-89-13 Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 juvenile, 2 adults on 8 September 1989 (RE).

066-90-14 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., up to 125 from 12 August-16 September 1990 (photos by MP, KI, TC).

066-90-15 Winchuck River mouth, Curry Co., 2 adults on 9 October 1990 (CD).

066-91-16 Mouth Winchuck R., Curry Co., 2 birds on 22 August 1991 (CD,AB).

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066-89-17 Harbor, Curry Co., 2 adults on 31 August 1989 (photos by MD).

066-91-18 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 bird on 27 October 1991 (CD).

066-92-19 Lincoln County, several flocks 28 June-12 July 1992 (KM.).

066-92-20 Lincoln and Coos Counties, several flocks 30 July 1992 (SF).

Black Skimmer Rynchops niger 080-08-01 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 bird on 26 January 2008 (BoH).

080-02-02 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 29 April 2002 ( BCe);

Eurasian Collared-Dove Streptopelia decaocto REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 7, 2007 315.4-99-01 Oregon City, Clackamas Co., 1 bird on 21 December 1999 (RF).

315.3-02-03 Joseph, Wallowa, Co., 1 bird on 20 January 2002 (TR, PSu, NSt).

315.4-04-04 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird 8-11 May 2004 (photos by LoM, DMu; video by TWa).

315.4-04-05 North Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 29 May 2004 (DB).

315.4-04-07 Fields, Harney Co., 2 birds 7-11 May 2004 (photos by M).

315.4-05-08 Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., two birds 7-13 February 2005 (AaS,JDW; photos by MLF; video by DH).

315.4-06-09 LaGrande, Union Co., 1 bird on 29 April 2006 (photos by TBr).

315.4-06-10 South Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 bird 2-3 May 2006 (photos by RC).

315.4-06-11 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 2 birds 8-10 May 2006 (photos by OS, KhT).

315.4-06-12 Corvallis, Benton Co., 1 bird on 23 May 2006 (photos by PeK).

315.4-06-14 North Bend, Coos Co., 3 birds on 3 June 2006 (photo by RuN).

315.4-06-15 Charleston, Coos Co., 2 copulating birds late May thru June 2006 (TR; photos by JCh).

315.4-06-16 Burns, Harney Co., 1 bird on 27 May 2006 (photo by NSt).

315.4-06-17 Brookings, Curry Co., 4 birds on 22 July 2006 (photo by SCh).

315.4-06-18 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 4 August 2006 (video by OS).

315.4-06-19 Verbort, Washington Co., 2 birds 14 August 2006 (photos by (DSm).

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315.4-06-20 Burns, Harney Co., 4 birds on 30 October 2006 (photos by GGu).

315.4-07-21 Brookings, Curry Co., 3 birds on 2 January 2007 (photo by DMu).

Common Ground-Dove Columbina passerina 329-06-02 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 3 August 2006 (photos by LoM; video by TWa). 329-12-03 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird 17-18 September 2012 (photos OS,LoM);

329-15-04 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 7 June 2015 (photos by StK).

329-15-05 Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 15 October 2015 (WH, DI, JMe, photos by WH, BrG, DI, TBr, MN, EMc, NeN, JkW, SR, MoS, TC).

329-15-07 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 7 November 2015 (photos by StW, MP)

White-winged Dove Zenaida asiatica REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 30, 2013 319-76-01 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 28 August 1976 (HN).

319-79-02 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 from 28-30 October 1979 (DFa, CDS; photos by LO). First verified Oregon record.

319-86-03 One mi from Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 on 20 December 1986 (JG).

319-95-04 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature bird 6-11 October 1995 (photos by CD).

319-98-05 HDQ. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 12 May 1998 (CKa).

319-00-06 South Jetty of the Rogue River, Curry Co., 1 bird on 6 September 2000 (photo by GG).

319-02-07 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird 22-30 September 2002 (DoK).

319-03-08 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 adult bird 13-16 January 2003 (JaB).

319-03-09 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 4 September 2003 (MP).

319-05-10 Newport, Lincoln co., 1 bird on 7 June 2005 (photos by RaF).

319-05-11 Cove, Union Co., 1 bird on 27 October 2005 (photos by TBr).

319-05-12 South of Burns, Harney Co., 2-6 December 2005 (details by NSt; photo by RMu).

319-06-13 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 18 July 2006 (video by TWa).

319-06-14 Burns Junction, Malheur Co., 1 bird 26 September-7 October 2006 (photos by KCo, video by OS).

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319-07-15 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird 11-12 May 2007 (photo by RuN).

319-07-16 Bandon, Curry Co., 1 bird 1-5 September 2007 (GG, RRo).

319-07-17 Pendleton, Umatilla Co., 1 bird on 11 June 2007 (Details by BbC, JDH; photo by AaS).

319-08-18 Cove, Union Co., 1 bird on 20 June 2008 (photos by TBr).

319-08-19 Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 bird 28-29 September 2008 (photos by Phi).

319-08-20 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 6 October 2008 (photos by DMu).

319-09-21 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 bird on 30 May 2009 (photos by PaN, SF, JoP; video by TJ).

319-09-22 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 bird on 31 August 2009 (photo by LoM).

319-06-23 Lakeview, Lake Co., 1 bird on 4 September 2006 (KY).

319-12-24 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird 21 August 22012 (JSu; photos by SBy)

Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus 387-77-01 Hart Mountain, Lake Co., 1 on 7 June 1977 (photos by PT ).

387-80-02 Adrian, Owyhee River Bridge, Malheur Co., 1 on 3 August and 12 September 1980 (RP, JC).

387-80-03 Imnaha, Wallowa Co., 1 on 31 August 1980 (JE).

387-80-04 East side of Eagle Ridge on western side of Upper Klamath Lake, Klamath Co., remains of a bird found 31 August 1980 (photos of tail feathers by SS, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife personnel).

387-83-05 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 28 May 1983 (photos by OS).

387-84-06 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 11 June 1984 (HN).

387-90-07 1.5 mi northeast Red Bridge State Park, Union Co., 1 bird on 23 June 1990 (CD).

387-90-08 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird 25-28 June 1990 (MAS, PSh).

387-90-09 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 dead after hitting window on 18 June 1990 (photo by TC).

387-91-10 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 8 June 1991 (JG).

387-91-11 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 9 June 1991 (JG).

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387-92-12 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird 4-5 June 1992 (HN).

387-93-14 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 bird on 10 June 1993 (DAl).

387-95-15 Lake Abert, Lake Co., 1 bird on 25 and 29 June 1995 (TSe).

387-98-16 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 26 June 1998 (M).

387-98-17 Sams Valley, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 31 August 1998 (photo by GaS)

387-98-18 Malheur NWR, 1 bird 31 May-6 June 1998 (PSu; photos by TJ,HN,CM).

387-99-19 Near Ironside, Malheur Co., 1 adult 26-27 June 1999 (photo MD,MLD)

387-02-20 Cottonwood Creek, Harney Co., 1 adult on 26 May 2002 (TR).

387-03-21 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird 12-19 June 2003 (photos by M).

387-09-22 Sandy River Delta, Multnomah Co., 1 bird seen and heard on 22 July 2009 (JaW);

387-13-23 Cascade-Siskiyou NM, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 6 July 2013 (details and photo by TJo).

387-16-26 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 2 June 2016 (JeH. Photos by JeH, TB).

Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus 385-12-03 2 mi west of McDermitt, Nevada, on Stateline Rd, 1 bird on 16 August 2012 (DRu).

Northern Hawk-Owl Surnia ulula 377-73-01 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 4+ November 1973 (JG, TRa).

377-83-03 Near Palmer Junction, Union Co., 1 on 13 January 1983 (JE; photo). First verified Oregon record.

377-05-05 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 bird 3-23 February 2005 (JMe; photos by KeS,JKn; videos by DKn, OS, TJ).

Barred Owl Strix varia NO LONGER ON THE REVIEW LIST 368-74-01 Wenaha River Drainage, Blue Mountains, Wallowa Co., a pair on 18+ June 1974 (photo by AT). In: Condor 78: 560-561, 1976. First verified Oregon record.

368-80-02 Highway 237, south of Union, Union Co., 1 adult on 20 March 1980 (LT).

368-81-03 Enterprise, Wallowa Co., 1 on 22 February 1981 (photos by JJ).

368-81-04 Mt. Harris, Union Co., 2 adults on 7 March 1981 (photos by KW).

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368-81-05 Winema N.F., Klamath Co., 1 adult on 7 and 9 May 1981 (SS).

368-81-06 Cottage Grove Ranger District, Umpqua N.F., Lane Co., 1 on 17 and 23 July 1981 (AD).

368-81-07 Spring Creek, Union Co., 1 on 17 October 1981 (JE).

368-85-08 Glide, Douglas Co., 1 heard on 15 June 1985 (OS). A vocal record only.

368-88-09 Umatilla National Forest, Wallowa Co., 1 on 29 October 1988 (TW).

368-88-10 Umatilla National Forest, Wallowa Co., 1 on 29 October 1988 (JJo, TW). Located 10 mi from 368-88-09.

368-89-11 McKenzie River drainage, Lane Co., (T16S, R3E, S21, NE1/4, SE1/4). 1 adult female, 1 adult male, 1 juvenile on 12 June 1989 (TMi, AMi; photos by LMc).

Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 10, 2004 371-88-01 Umatilla National Forest (T6N, R39E, S28), Wallowa Co., 1 on 17-19 October and November 7 1988 (JGa, sound recordings by DH, VT).

371-88-02 Umatilla National Forest (T6N, R39E, S16/21), Wallowa Co., 1 on 29 October 1988 (PSu; photo TW).

371-1902-03 Ft. Klamath, Klamath Co., 1 bird 21 March 1902, Specimen no. 184845, U.S. National Museum. First verified state record.

371-92-04 Umatilla National Forest (T6N,R39E, S28), Wallowa Co., 1 on 24 October 1992 (photo by CD).

371-94-05 East Base of Broken Top Mountain, Deschutes Co., 2 adult birds on 14 September 1994 (CM).

371-02-08 Mt. Pisgah, Wheeler Co., 1 calling bird on 5 December 2002 (JGe).

Lesser Nighthawk Chordeiles acutipennis 421-09-01 Malheur Field Station, Harney Co., 1 bird on 27 August 2009 (photos by DuE).

421-10-03 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 7 June 2010 (JG).

Eastern Whip-poor-will Antrostomus vociferous

417-05-02 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 calling bird on 14 May 2005 (HaW).

Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica 423-13-01 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 11 May 2013 (photos by MH).

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423-14-02 Carver, Clackamas Co., one bird on 2 May 2014 (BoB);

423-14-03 Eugene, Lane Co., one bird on 12 May 2014 (OS,JG, photos by OS,video by OS,BC).

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris 428-06-03 Pendleton, Umatilla Co., 1 adult male 14-17 September 2006 (AaS, MD; photos by DH, BTa; videos by TBr, OS).

428-08-04 Keno, Klamath Co., 1 bird 1-4 September 2008 (photos by DVH, TC).

428-12-05 Hart Mountain, Lake Co., 1 adult male on 1 June 2012 (photos JSh);

Costa’s Hummingbird Calypte costae REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 21, 2001 430-72-01 Astoria, Clatsop Co., a male at a feeder on 5 April 1972 (photo by CL). First verified Oregon record.

430-77-02 Portland, Multnomah Co., a male at a feeder on 2 November 1977 (photos by JG, TC, m.ob.).

430-77-03 Roseburg, Douglas Co., a male at a feeder from 11-15 November 1977 (photos by FP).

430-79-04 Mollalla, Clackamas Co., a male at a feeder from 26 June - 26 July 1979 photo by TC, HN).

430-80-05 Florence, Lane Co., a male at a feeder on 31+ January 1980 (photos by MM).

430-80-06 Ashland, Jackson Co., a male at a feeder from 8-14 June 1980 (photos by NS).

430-84-08 Bend, Deschutes Co., a male from 11 May - 27 June 1984 (photos by TC, SJ). See record no. 430-85-10, below.

430-84-09 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 male on 28 December 1984 at a feeder (KeC).

430-85-10 Bend, Deschutes Co., a male from 10 May - 1 July 1985 (TMi, AMi, OS; photos by TC). May have been same bird as record no. 430-84-08; it was at same feeder.

430-86-11 Roxy Ann Butte, Jackson Co., a male on 2 June 1986 (HN).

430-86-12 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 male from 26 May - 8 June 1986 (TC; photos by JJo). Same bird as 430-84-08 and 430-85-10?

430-87-13 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 male on 31 March - 4+ June 1987 (TC). Same bird as 430-84-08, 430-85-10, and 430-86-12?

430-87-14 Tumalo State Park, Deschutes Co., 1 male on 2 May 1987 (TC).

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430-87-15 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 male from 20 - 26 June 1987 (TC). The observer believed this was a different bird than 430-87-13.

430-87-16 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., 1 adult male on 16 June 1987 (photos by SS).

430-88-17 Silver Lake, Lake Co. 1 adult male on 22 May 1988 (PrS).

430-89-18 Cottonwood Creek, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 20 May 1989 (DSw).

430-89-19 Winchester, Douglas Co., 1 male on 5 May 1989 (photos by MS).

430-90-20 Sutherlin, Douglas Co., 1 adult male on 4 April 1990 (JWi, KWi).

430-91-21 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 adult female at nest and eggs June 16-21, 1991 (AB; photos by CD). Eggs and nest at Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology WFVZ 188339.

430-89-22 Nehalem State Park, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male on 28 May 1989 (BSh).

430-93-23 Sawyer Park, Deschutes Co., one adult male 10-16 May 1993 (CM, SS, TJ).

430-93-24 Florence, Lane Co., 1 adult male 2-12 September 1993 (ZS, TMi, AMi; photo by BS)

430-96-25 Ashland, Jackson Co., 1 adult male 11 February-7 March 1996 (AF; photos by BLa,CLa).

430-96-26 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., 1 adult male 11-20 May 1996 (KS).

430-96-27 Grants Pass, Josephine Co., 1 adult male 3-17 November 1996 (DV; photos by CD);

430-99-29 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 adult male 28 April-16 June 1999 (photos by DT,JWT).

430-00-30 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 female on 28 August 2000 (photo by DT,JWT).

Broad-tailed Hummingbird Selasphorus platycercus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST OCTOBER 31, 1981 432-75-01 Chiloquin, Klamath Co., 1 male at a feeder 2 August 1975 (TC).

432-78-02 Mahogany Mts., Malheur Co., 1 male on 17 June 1978 (JG).

432-80-03 Near Cayuse along the Umatilla River, Umatilla Co., an adult pair on 21 May 1980 (JG).

432-80-04 La Grande, Union Co., 1 male at a feeder on 30 May 1980 (JE).

432-80-05 Three Mile Ranch, Harney Co., an adult pair on 3 June 1980 (TF).

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Broad-billed Hummingbird Cynanthus latirostris 441-98-02 John Day, Grant Co., 1 subadult male 12-14 September 1998 (TW; photos by TJ, COL, MOL). First verified state record.

441-01-03 Gearhart, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male 6-14 October 2001 (photos by SuH).

Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus 406-87-01 P Ranch, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult on 21 June 1987 (MOL).

406-08-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 6 June 2008 (photos by ElK, LuR).

Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus 409-13-01 LaGrande, Union Co., 1 bird 31 October 2013 into March 2014 (TBr; photos by TBr,DiB,OS, CTu,JkW);

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 25, 2012 402-80-02 La Grande, Union Co., 1 adult male in full plumage on 11 July 1980 (JE).

402-83-03 Little Deschutes Bridge, 5 mi north of Gilchrist, Klamath Co., an adult female in alternate plumage on 5 July 1983 (photos by LMc). First verified Oregon record.

402-76-04 Scoggins Valley Park, Washington Co., a first year female on 9 and 20 July 1976 (HN, JG).

402-76-05 Scoggins Valley Park, Washington Co., a male on 9 July 1976 (HN).

402-90-08 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 14 October 1990 (photos by TC, SS).

402-91-09 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 young male 24-25 February 1991 (photos by CD).

402-91-10 Silver Lake, Lake Co., 1 adult male 6-11 October 1991 (CM; photos by SS).

402-95-11 Salem, Marion Co., 1 immature female 16 November 1994-19 March 1995 (RHo; photos by BB, SR).

402-97-12 S. of Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 immature male 1-7 January 1997 (AMc; photos by LM).

402-97-13 Stukel Mt., Klamath Co., 1 immature 4-11 January 1997 (KS).

402-98-14 Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 adult male 20-28 December 1998 (CD).

402-01-15 Bay City, Tillamook Co., 1 immature 15-18 December 2001 (photos by OS, JW).

402-02-16 Adrian, Malheur Co., 1 subadult on 17 February 2002 (TS).

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402-02-17 Long Creek, Grant Co., 1 subadult on 8 September 2002 (SMl).

402-03-18 Florence, Lane Co., 1 adult male 22 December 2003-11 January 2004 (photos by DiP, NSt).

402-03-19 Burns, Harney Co., 1 subadult during December 2003 (photos by RiV).

402-04-20 John Day, Grant Co., 1 adult female 4 November 2004-4 January 2005 (video by COL, MOL).

402-06-21 Sublimity, Marion Co., 1 male on 17-18 January 2006 (details by JGe; photos by JiL).

402-07-22 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 juvenile bird on 23 November 2007 (MP). 402-07-23 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 bird on 8 November 2007 (photos by DH).

402-08-25 Grants Pass, Josephine Co., 1 bird 20-21 December 2008 (MiK; photo by DV not accepted)

402-09-26 EE Wilson State Wildlife Area, Benton Co., 1 immature 20-26 December 2009 (JGe; photos by JGe, CyW).

402-10-27 EE Wilson SWA, Benton Co., 1 bird 13 November 2010-8 January 2011 JSu, JGe, DiN; photos by DoR).

402-11-28 Portland, Clackamas Co., 1 bird on 4-6 February 2011 (RH, AH, CH).

402-11-29 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 3 June 2011 (photos by AC, DHi, AdH, DH).

402-11-30 Bandon, Curry Co., 1 juvenile 31 December 2011-1 January 2012 (details by NSt; photos by NSt, RuN)

Nuttall’s Woodpecker Picoides nuttallii 397-1881-01 Ashland, Jackson Co., 2 specimens taken on 3-4 February 1881. In: Condor 67: 269-70, 1965. Specimens in British Museum, male is B.M.; female First verified Oregon record.

397-91-02 Trail, Jackson Co., 1 specimen found during the fall of 1991. Specimen Southern Oregon State College in Ashland. SOSC 1697 (photos MRB, SCr).

397-13-03 Grants Pass, Josephine Co., 1 female on 23 June 2013 (ChH).

Crested Caracara Caracara cheriway 362-90-01 5 mi east of Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 adult 10 February-21 April 1990 (CD).

362-05-02 Near Langlois, Coos Co., 1 bird 25-29 April 2005 (photos by DaL; video by OS).

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362-06-03 Corvallis Airport, Benton Co., 1 bird 12-14 April 2006 (Details by BWi; photos by MoM, PaT, JW).

362-06-04 Flores Lake, Curry Co., 1 bird on 28 March 2006 (photo by DMu).

362-07-05 Myrtle Point, Coos Co., 1 bird on 21 April 2007 (photo by RiB).

362-08-06 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 bird on 26 April 2008 (photo by LBu).

362-12-07 Langlois, Curry Co., 1 bird on 1 December 2012 (photo LoM).

362-12-08 Chemult, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 13 September 2012 (KaR, TSe).

Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 13, 2002 354-78-01 Cape Meares, Tillamook Co., 1 immature on 18 March 1978 (DI).

354-81-02 Enterprise, Wallowa Co., 1 gray-morph bird on 7 February 1981 (TM; photos by JG).

354-81-03 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 female on 24 February 1981 (MEI; photos by BBr).

354-81-04 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 on 6 March 1981 (JG,).

354-82-05 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 immature on 6-7 March 1982 (TC).

354-82-06 Nehalem Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 on 7 March 1982 (OS).

354-82-07 Nehalem meadows, Tillamook Co., 1 dark-morph bird on 29 September 1982 (HN).

354-89-09 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 gray-morph bird 30 September-22 December 1989 (MP).

354-88-10 Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes Co., 2 gray-morph birds on 5 December 1988 (photos by CM).

354-93-14 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 gray-morph bird 28 February-8 March 1993 (TFu, HN).

354-93-15 Brookings, Curry Co., subadult gray-morph bird 24 January and 26 March 1993 (CD).

354-89-16 Klamath Marsh NWR, Klamath Co., 1 gray morph bird on 1 November 1989 (SS).

354-94-17 near Joseph, Wallowa Co., 1 gray-morph bird 29 December 1994-2 January 1995 (JJo; photos by MD, DB)

354-94-18 Ankeny NWR, Marion Co., 1 gray-morph from 6-15 November 1994 (HN; photos by JL).

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354-94-19 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 immature gray-morph bird 30 December 1994-8 February 1995 (RHo; photos by RM, Rfu, SR).

354-95-22 Fort Stevens State Park, Clatsop Co., 1 dark-brown bird 13 December 1995-27 January 1996 (MP).

354-96-24 Near Joseph, Wallowa Co., 1 adult gray-morph bird 25 November 1996 (photos by TJ).

354-98-26 mp 4-5 Silver Lake Hwy, Klamath Co., subadult gray-morph bird on 28 February 1998 (KS).

354-97-27 Near Peoria, Linn Co., 1 gray-morph bird on 23 December 1997 (StD).

354-98-28 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 immature pale bird on 1 March 1998 (TR).

354-95-29 near Wasco, Sherman Co., 1 immature on 26 December 1995 (RK).

354-98-30 near Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co., 1 immature gray-morph bird on 7 February 1998. (PSu).

354-98-32 Near Joseph, Wallowa Co., 1 adult gray-morph, 31 December 1998 (MD, MLD).

354-99-33 Brownsmead, Clatsop Co., 1 immature gray-morph bird 23 January-9 February 1999 (TT; photos by MP).

354-96-34 Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes Co., 1 adult gray-morph bird on 10 November 1996 (CM).

354-96-35 Corvallis Airport, Benton Co., 1 brown immature on 20 January 1996 (RK).

354-00-36 Near Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 immature gray-morph bird 29-31 January 2000 (MCu,LeF,PVH; photo by TBr).

354-01-37 New River, Coos/Curry Cos., 1 subadult brown-morph bird 21 October-29 December 2001 (DLa, KC,TR; photos by DMu).

354-01-38 Perrydale, Polk Co., 1 adult gray-morph 29 December 2001-11 January 2002 (JMe; photos by JW).

Eastern Wood-Pewee Contopus virens 461-94-01 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing bird 28-30 May 1994 (JJ, slides by HN, taped calls by DBa, DH).

461-53-02 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing bird heard during August 1953 (RTP). Not accepted record as was related many years after the event. Accepted on reconsideration.

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Alder Flycatcher Empidonax alnorum 466.1-07-13 E. Ingram Island Road, Benton Co., 1 singing bird 29 May-2 June 2007 (spectrographic voice prints by RMo).

Least Flycatcher Empidonax minimus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 13, 2002 467-77-01 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 mist-netted on 1 June 1977 (photo by LRM). First verified Oregon record.

467-80-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 17 May 1980 (photos by OS).

467-82-03 Clyde Holliday State Wayside, Grant Co., up to 3 on 29+ May 1982 (TM, tape recording by OS).

467-82-04 Roaring Springs Ranch, Harney Co., 1 on 30 May 1982 (JG; photos by OS).

467-83-07 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 31 May 1983 (photos by OS).

467-83-08 Clyde Holliday State Wayside, Grant Co., a calling adult feeding a fledgling Brown-headed Cowbird on 4 July 1983 (OS).

467-84-09 Five mi west of Glide, Douglas Co., 1 singing on 26 June 1984 (KK).

467-85-10 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., an immature on 1 September 1985 (SH).

467-86-11 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing adult on 24 May 1986 (photos by JJo).

467-87-12 Fields, Harney Co., 1 singing bird on 25 May 1987 (HN, JE).

467-87-13 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 25 May 1987 (JG; photos by TC).

467-88-15 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing bird on 29 May 1988 (AC).

467-88-16 Fields, Harney Co., 1 singing bird on 29-30 May 1988 (photos by HN).

467-90-18 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 28 May 1990 (photo by HN).

467-92-20 Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 net captured bird 20-28 December 1992 (PL; photos by CR).

467-92-21 Near Gilchrist, Klamath Co., 1 singing bird on 22 June 1992 (SS).

467-93-22 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing bird on 31 May 1993 (AC)

467-93-23 Hot Springs CG, Hart Mountain NAR, Lake Co., 1 singing bird 1-18 June 1993 (AC, HH).

467-93-24 Blue Sky, Hart Mountain NAR, Lake Co., 1 singing bird on 5 June 1993 (AC).

467-93-25 15 mi north of Owyhee Dam, Malheur Co., 1 singing bird on 13 June 1993 (AC, HH).

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467-92-26 FS Road 62 at Little Deschutes R., Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 19 June 1992 (AMi, Tmi).

467-94-30 Clyde Holliday SP, Grant Co., 2 singing birds on 13-14 August 1994 (GG).

467-95-31 Willow Creek State Wildlife Area, Gilliam Co., 12 June 1995 (DFa).

467-97-32 Benson Pond, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing bird on 3 June 1997 (taped recordings by DH).

467-98-34 Six Mile Lake, Harney Co., 1 bird on 3 June 1998 (RHo).

467-99-35 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 immature bird on 25 August 1999 (photos by CD).

Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe 456-92-02 Falls City, Polk Co., 1 territorial bird 6-23 June 1992 (JJo, tape by WT; photos by NMc, BW, PM, TC, DVB,OS). First verified state record.

456-94-04 Fields, Harney Co. 1 bird from 1-7 November 1994 (photos by M).

456-96-05 Independence, Polk Co., 1 bird 19-20 February 1996 (StD).

456-98-06 Buena Vista Sta., Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird 31 May-7 June 1998 (photos by TJ, HN, CM).

456-98-07 near Bandon, Coos Co., 1 bird 28 December 1998-20 March 1999 (Dla; photos by CD, BoM).

456-99-08 Valley of the Rogue State Park, Jackson Co., 1 bird 10-12 June 1999 (DV, BCl).

456-00-09 Hwy 26 at John Day River, Wheeler Co., 1 bird on 14 May 2000 (PSu).

456-04-11 near LaPine, Deschutes Co., 1 bird 8-19 May 2004 (JMe, MiB, GaB; photos by CM; video by TJ).

456-04-12 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 19 May 2004 (photo by M).

456-06-13 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 28 May 2006 (photos by NSt, KhT)

456-10-15 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 25 May 2010 (video by TWa).

456-10-16 Lizard Creek Road, Deschutes Co., 1 bird 29-30 May 2010 (photos by BW)

456-11-17 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 9 January and 8 February 2011 (RuN; photos by LoM, KnA).

456-11-18 Hart Mountain AR, Lake Co., 1 bird on 5 November 2011 (details and photo KeB).

456-11-19 Lone Ranch Beach, Curry Co., 1 bird on 9 November 2011 (details and photos by DMU).

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456-12-20 Airlie, Polk Co., 1 bird 0n 1 June 2012 (WT; photos OS, NSt, BrW).

456-13-21 Dixsonville, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 31 May 2013 (photos by MH, JoB);

456-14-22 Langlois, Curry Co., one bird on 11 May 2014 (TR,photos by LoM);

456-15-23 No. spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 21 March 2015 (TR).

Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus rubinus 471-92-01 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 immature male from 10 -25 October 1992 (JJo; photos by RWo, TC, JG, SR, OS). First verified state record.

471-92-02 Myrtle Point, Coos Co., 1 adult male on 6-7 December 1992 (SW).

471-00-03 Irrigon, Morrow Co., 1 adult male on 7 November 2000 (photo by MRh).

471-03-04 Woodburn, Marion Co., 1 adult male 8 January into March 2003 (Psu; videos by OS,BOB).

471-11-05 Vanport Wetlands, Multnomah Co., 1 male on 26 April 2011 (photos by AFr,LyT).

Dusky-capped Flycatcher Myiarchus tuberculifer 455-96-01 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 immature 2-15 January 1996 (TC, AC, JJo, PDi; photos by TJ; voice recording by DBa; video by RBa, OS).

Great Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus 452-15-02 Thornton Creek, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 26 October 2015 (photos by AdH, DoR, EMc, JG, TC).

Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 13, 2002 446-76-01 Harris Beach SP, Curry Co., 1 on 9-10 October 1976 (SS).

446-79-02 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 on 27 October 1979 (AMc).

446-81-03 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 on 14 October 1981 (JK; photos by RK). First verified Oregon record.

446-81-04 Garibaldi, Tillamook Co., 1 on 17 October 1981 (photos by VT).

446-81-05 Langlois, Curry Co., 1 on 22 October 1981 (photo by GSt).

446-82-06 Mouth of the Elk River, Curry Co., 1 on 11 June 1982.

446-82-07 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 on 6-15 November 1982 (EH, GB, BC, RS, JK; photos by RK, OS).

446-82-08 North Bend, Coos Co., 1 on 4-7 November 1982 (AMc; photos by BG).

446-83-09 Sunset Bay SP, Coos Co., 1 on 20 October 1983 (AMc).

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446-83-10 Winchester Bay, Douglas Co., 1 adult on 23 October 1983 (photos by DH, MS).

446-84-11 Pony Slough, North Bend, Coos Co., 1 on 14 September 1984.

446-84-12 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 immature on 30 September 1984 (DI).

446-86-13 Nehalem Meadows, Tillamook Co., 2 immature birds from 4-15 November 1986 (JE; photos by TC, CM, BOB).

446-93-14 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 16 November 1993 (photos by CD).

446-93-15 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 7 November 1993 (JJo).

446-95-16 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 27 September 1995 (photos by AMc, DH).

446-95-17 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 5 October 1995 (photos by CD).

446-96-18 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 bird heard and seen 1-3 November 1996 (JJo, GL; photos by TJ; tape recordings by SJ).

446-96-19 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 adult on 17 October 1996 (EI).

446-97-20 Netarts, Tillamook Co., 2 birds on 26 October 1997 (CR).

446-97-21 Siletz Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 silent bird on 9 November 1997 (BoM).

446-97-22 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co. 2 silent birds 1-30 November 1997 (DLa).

446-97-23 Near Bandon, Coos Co., 1 bird on 6 December 1997 (DLa, RHo).

446-98-24 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird 26 July-8 August 1998 (photos by TWa).

446-98-25 Grand Island, Yamhill Co., 1 silent bird on 11 October 1998 (RRo).

446-98-26 Pony Slough, Coos Co., 2 silent birds 16-19 October 1998 (DLa, TR).

446-98-27 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 3 birds 8-18 November 1998 (photos by TWa).

446-99-28 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 silent bird on 13 and 20 November 1999 (DMu).

446-99-29 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 silent bird on 15 October 1999 (Twa).

446-00-30 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 silent bird on 21 November 2000 (DLa).

446-95-31 Honeyman State Park, Lane Co., 1 bird on 23 November 1995 (video by TJ).

446-01-34 Flores Lake, Curry Co., 1 bird on 21 October 2001 (Dla, KC).

446-01-35 Flores Lake, Curry Co., 1 silent bird on 17 November 2001 (DLa,KC).

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Cassin’s Kingbird Tyrannus vociferans 448-01-02 Canby, Clackamas Co., 1 immature 17 October -11 November 2001 (RHo.PSu,TR; photos by OS,TC).

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus forficatus 443-78-01 Davis Lake, Klamath Co., 1 on 14 June 1978 (photo by LMc). First verified Oregon record.

443-92-03 Cascade Head, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 16 May 1992 (PK).

443-92-04 Fairview, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 25 May 1992 (PO).

443-92-05 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 28 June 1992 (DAH).

443-93-07 Otter Rock, Lincoln Co., 1 adult bird from 11-13 November 1993 (HH; photos by HN; videotape by DVB, OS, RBa).

443-95-08 Yaquina Head, Lincoln Co., 1 adult bird on 25 May 1995 (RBj).

443-97-09 N. Beaver Ck. Rd., Lincoln Co., 1 subadult on 25 September 1997 (LO).

443-97-10 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 adult 4-5 November 1997 (DLa).

443-98-11 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult bird on 7 August 1998 (RG).

443-00-12 near Burns, Harney Co., 1 adult on 15 July 2000 (photos by StD).

443-00-13 S. of Dallas, Polk Co., 1 immature bird on 24 August 2000 (details by WT). . 443-01-14 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 adult bird on 12 May 2001 (photos by DMu).

443-02-15 Siletz Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 adult 9-10 November 2002 (PSu).

443-02-16 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 adult 23 May-2 June 2002 (photos by LoM; video by DMu).

443-03-17 Burns, Harney Co., 1 adult 3-23 October 2004 (photo by NSt; videos by CM, DKn).

443-5-19 Coos Head, Coos Co., 1 adult on 14 May 2005 (details by TR; photo by JCh).

443-07-20 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird 21-26 May 2007 (details by DoS; photos by DoS, DH, MP; videotape by TJ).

443-08-21 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird 25 November-2 December 2008 (TR; photos by LoM, KnA).

443-13-22 Thief Valley Reservoir, Union Co., 1 bird on 2 August 2013 (details and photos by TBr)

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443-14-23 Cape Arago, Coos Co., one bird on 30 December 2014 (photos by JuT).

Fork-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus savana 442-10-01 Nehalem Meadows, Tillamook Co., 1 immature bird on 5 April 2010 (DaM, EMM).

White-eyed Vireo Vireo griseus 631-09-01 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 9 June 2009 (photos by GrF; video by OS).

Bell’s Vireo Vireo bellii 633-80-01 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 22 and 24 May 1980 (KF, SS). This record had been rejected but was accepted upon reconsideration.

633-98-05 Fields, Harney Co., 1 singing bird on 6 June 1998 (M, AC, StD, PSu).

Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo flavifrons 628-00-01 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult on 9 June 2000 (AC, JCo, CC).

628-04-02 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 3 July 2004 (DMu).

628-10-03 Goose Lake Recreation Area, Lake Co., 1 bird on 5 September 2010 (photos by StR).

628-16-04 Salishan Nature Trail near Gleneden Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 11 September 2016 (DI. Photos by DI, OS, TJ, TBr).

Plumbeous Vireo Vireo plumbeous 629.1-02-03 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird 25-26 May 2002 (TR).

629.1-02-04 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 13 June 2002 (TR).

629.1-03-05 Colony Creek, Harney Co., 1 bird on 23 May 2003 (TR).

629.1-92-06 Roaring Springs Ranch, Harney Co., 1 bird on 26 May 1992 (photos by JG).

629.1-05-08 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 7 June 2005 (photos by RHo).

629.1-08-09 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 28 April 2009 (TMc, CrW).

629.1-09-10 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 9 June 2009 (AC).

Blue-headed Vireo Vireo solitarius 629-80-01 Bayocean Peninsula, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 4 October 1980 (HN).

629-03-03 HDQ. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 25 May 2003 (GG, SMa, MN, VA; photos by AC).

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629-05-04 EE Wilson SWA, Benton Co., 1 bird on 11 August 2005 (TSn).

629-08-05 East of White City, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 26 April 2008 (photos by DCr).

629-11-06 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 14 May 2011 (LuR).

629-15-07 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 11-13 May 2015 (photos by JaS).

Philadelphia Vireo Vireo phidelphicus 626-91-03 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 3 June 1991 (photos by JG).

626-04-04 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 24 May 2004 (M, OS).

626-04-05 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 3 June 2004 (photos by RHo).

626-04-06 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult on 18 May 2004 (StS).

629-13-09 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 5 June 2013. Sight record only (JM, JG; photo by JG).

Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST JANUARY 11, 1986 477-73-01 Ontario, Malheur Co., 2 adults on 29 December 1973 (WH, WEH).

477-77-02 North Bend, Coos Co., 1 on 2 April 1977 (AMc). First verified Oregon record.

477-78-03 Springfield, Lane Co., 1 adult during February and March 1978 (DI; photos by SG).

477-79-04 Union, Union Co., 2 adults on 18+ December 1979 (JG).

477-75-05 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 12 November 1975 (BF).

477-84-06 Highway 26, 2 mi west of Austin, Grant Co., 1 on 11 October 1984 (PSu).

477-84-07 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 from 30 October-24 November 1984 (RF; photos by OS).

477-83-08 McMinnville, Yamhill Co., 1 from 1 December 1983-26 January 1984 (RF).

477-77-09 Medford, Jackson Co., 1 adult from 16-18 December 1977 (photo by OSw).

Sedge Wren Cistothorus platensis 724-03-01 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 territorial bird 30 May-12 June 2003 (TR; videos by OS, DKn, DLa)

724-07-02 Luckiamute Landing, Polk Co., 1 bird 4-9 January 2007 (DoR, RR).

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Red-flanked Bluetail (Tarsiger cyanurus) 764.2-15-01 Wilsonville Road, Clackamas Co., 1 bird on 26 December 2015 (DI, SF, photos by OS, DI, SPe, SF, TC).

Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe 765-77-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 22 June 1977 (photo by RR). First verified Oregon record.

765-88-03 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 on 1 October 1988 (HH).

765-95-04 Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 28 October 1995 (DMc,JJo).

765-09-05 Whalen Island, Tillamook Co., 1 bird 17-18 September 2009 (photos by GG, AC, TC, DHe, TJ; video by OS).

765-10-06 Bullards Beach State Park, Coos Co., 1 bird 24-26 September 2010 (TR; photos by TGh, KnA).

765-11-07 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 bird on 17 September 2011 (TR).

Gray-cheeked Thrush Catharus minimus 757-84-01 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 22 September 1984 (MS, DI, JJo, JG, RF; photos by TC, SJ, RS). First verified Oregon record.

757-94-02 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 26 September 1994 (TJ, HN).

Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina 755-80-01 Mahogany Mts., Malheur Co., 1 adult on 21 May 1980 (TF, TMi).

755-80-02 Pike Creek, Harney Co., 1 adult on 27 May 1980 (JC, JuC).

755-89-03 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 14 October 1989 (photos by SS).

755-12-04 Whiskey Springs, Jefferson Co., 1 bird on 21 September 2012 (DSu)

Curve-billed Thrasher Toxostoma curvirostre 707-95-01 Toketee Lake, Douglas Co., 1 bird 12 July-1 August 1995 (KG, MGr, AF).

Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 30, 2013 705-78-01 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 on 8 July 1978 (photos by DRe). First verified Oregon record.

705-79-02 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 mist-netted on 22 June 1979 (LRM; photo by JS).

705-80-04 Roaring Springs Ranch, Harney Co., 1 adult on 28 May 1980 (JuC, JC).

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705-83-05 Milepost 15.2, Highway 205, south of Burns, Harney Co., 1 on 19 June 1983 (DMa; photos by RP).

705-40-06 Klamath Lake, Klamath Co., 1 on 20 August 1940. In: Auk 58: 99, 1941.

705-84-07 Sunriver, Deschutes Co., 1 on 27+ December 1984 (photos by CM, WMc).

705-86-08 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 presumed adult on 6 June 1986 (TC).

705-87-09 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 seen on 6 June 1987, found dead on 7 June 1987 (photo by HN). Specimen is in the Portland State University collection.

705-88-10 Salem, Marion Co., 1 bird from 10 December 1988 - 16 February 1989 (TSt, MLo; photos by DMM).

705-88-11 Malheur NWR headquarters, Harney Co., 1 adult on 8 June 1988 (photos by DBa).

705-90-12 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 adult from 17 December 1990-2 March 1991 (photos by SS).

705-83-13 15 mi southeast of Oregon City, Clackamas Co., 1 adult from 2 December 1983- 27 April 1984 (HN; photo by VT).

705-91-14 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird 3-6 June 1991 (JeK; photo by KKe).

705-74-15 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird 31 October 1974-15 April 1975 (BT).

705-92-16 Near Fossil, Wheeler Co., 1 bird on 13 June 1992 (PM).

705-93-17 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 bird on 13 June 1993 (MMa, DeM).

705-94-18 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 24 May 1994 (JL).

705-94-19 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird from 19-26 September 1994 (JJo; photo by HN).

705-94-20 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., 1 bird from 23 November 1994-30 March 1995 (KS; photo by SR);

705-97-21 Summer Lake, Lake Co., 1 adult 13-25 December 1997. (CM; photos by MSL)

705-01-22 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 subadult 4-6 November 2001 (photos by MP).

705-02-23 6 mi north of Hwy 20/27 Junction, Crook Co., 1 bird on 31 June 2002 (RiM).

705-02-24 Lake Creek, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 24 September 2002 (JnK; photo by GaS).

705-02-25 Honey Creek, Lake Co., 1 bird on 5 October 2002 (HH).

705-06-26 Lorane Hwy-Eugene, Lane Co., 1 bird 5-9 November 2006 (RRo).

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705-07-27 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 1 June 2007 (videotape by OS).

705-08-28 Silverton, Marion Co., 1 bird 26-29 December 2008 (MaS; photos by TBr).

705-11-29 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 22 June 2011 (RuN).

706-12-30 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 bird on 25 May 2012 (photo by LoM);

California Thrasher Toxostoma redivivum 710-77-01 O’Brien, Josephine Co., 1 singing on 18 June 1977 (TTu).

710-96-02 Table Rock Road, Jackson Co., 1 dead bird on 21 May 1996 (photos by SJa), specimen at Southern Oregon State College.

710-13-03 Cascade-Siskiyou NM, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 20 July 2013 (details and photos by TJo);

710-14-04 Pilot Rock, Jackson Co., during summer 2014 (photo by FrC);

Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 696-97-01 Mouth Siltcoos River, Lane Co., 1 bird on 31 August 1997 (RHo, HH)

696-02-02 N. Jetty Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 juvenile on 8 September 2002 (FS).

696-08-04 mouth Necanicum R., Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 26 August 2008 (photos by OS).

White Wagtail Motacilla alba 694-98-01 Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 adult male subspecies M. a. leucopsis 8 November 1998 (photos by CD).

694-02-02 EE Wilson WMA, Benton Co, 1 bird on 13 December 2002 (JGe).

694-99-03 North Bend, Coos Co., 1 adult male subspecies M. a. leucopsis on 23 February 1999 (photo by JuM).

694-74-04 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 bird on 3 February - 31 March 1974 (photos by LMc). Was Record 695.1-74-01

694-96-05 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 9 November 1996 (TWa; photos by DMu). Was Record 695.1-96-02.

694-80-06 Harris Beach SP, Curry Co., 1 adult on 4 June 1980 (RT). Was Record 695.1/694-80-03.

694-75-07 Umatilla NWR, Morrow Co., 1 bird on 9 February 1975 (CC). Was 695.1/694-75-02.

694-15-08 Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co., 1 bird on 29 April 2015 (photos by BrW, DI, video TJ).

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694-16-09 1st Hatfield settlement pond, Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 24 April 2016 (JMe, TK. Photos by CG, OS).

Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus 699-03-02 Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes Co., 1 juvenile on 6 October 2003 (videos by CM,DT).

699-04-04 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 2 birds 29-31 April 2004 (photos by LoM,DMu; videos by TWa).

699-14-05 Lake Selmac, Josephine Co., one bird on 20 October 2014 (RuN, photos by RuN,JeS,OS,DiB,PeT,DI, video by RuN,TJ);

699-15-06 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 bird on 11 September 2015 (photos by JSU, JoL).

699-15-07 Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 19 October 2015 (CM, JMe, photos by CM, ToL).

Sprague’s Pipit Anthus spragueii 700-05-05 Langlois, Curry Co., 1 bird on 1 October 2005 (video by TWa).

700-16-06 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 6 January 2016 (photos by OS, JG).

Phainopepla Phainopepla nitens 620-57-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male collected on 17 May 1957. In: Condor 61: 55, 1959. Specimen number USNM 466260 in U.S. National Museum. First verified Oregon record.

620-88-03 14 mi east of Gold Hill, Jackson Co., 1 young male 22 December 1988-January 1, 1989. (DSt, AMc, MS; photos by BS, DMM, JJo, TC).

620-91-05 Lakeview, Lake Co., female or immature on 26 September 1991 (BW).

620-01-06 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 male on 24 May 2001 (JMe).

620-12-08 Emigrant Lake, Jackson Co., 1 immature 4-6 December 2012 (photos HFu, GoP, TPh).

620-13-09 Hines, Harney Co., 1 bird 17-23 September 2013 (TB; photos TB, RiV).

620-14-10 Klamath River Canyon, Klamath Co., one bird on 13 June 2014 (KS. Photos and videos by KS).

620-16-11 Klamath River Canyon, Klamath Co., one bird on 29 June 2016 (RN. Photos by RuN).

Chestnut-collared Longspur Calcarius ornatus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 25, 2012 60 61

538-76-01 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 1 May 1976 (photo by LMc). First verified Oregon record.

538-81-02 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 bird in basic plumage on 14 November 1981 (SS).

538-85-03 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 male in alternate plumage 17-18 July 1985 (HN, RF; photos by OS).

538-87-04 Diamond Lake sewage ponds, Douglas Co., 1 in basic plumage on 2 October 1987 (DF).

538-89-06 Diamond Lake Sewage Ponds, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 13 September 1989 (DF).

538-98-07 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 bird 10-25 October 1998 (MP; video by TJ).

538-99-08 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 14 October 1999 (TWa).

538-00-09 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird 21-22 October 2000 (photos by TWa).

538-01-10 Lost Creek Res., Jackson Co., 1 female or immature on 9 November 2001 (DMu).

538-02-12 S. Jetty Columbia R., Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 2 November 2002 (MP).

538-02-13 Mouth Necanicum R., Clatsop Co., up to 3 birds 1-4 November 2002 (TT, LC).

538-02-14 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 female on 2 November 2002 (TR).

538-02-15 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 female 8-10 November 2002 (TR).

538-03-16 Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes Co., 5 birds on 6 October 2003 (video by CM).

538-04-18 S. Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 18 October 2004 (MP).

538-05-20 S. Jetty Columbia R., Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 4 October 2005 (MP, JaW).

538-06-21 Corvallis Airport, Benton Co., 2 females 11 February-18 March 2006 (details by RHo, RMo; photos by RMo).

538-06-22 S. Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 6 October 2006 (DBa).

538-06-23 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 female 12 November 2006 (TR; photos by RuN).

538-07-24 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 22 October 2007 (TR).

538-11-25 Flores Lake, Curry Co., 1 bird on 19 October 2011 (RuN, KnA).

Smith’s Longspur Calcarius pictus 537-00-02 Siltcoos R. mouth, Lane Co., 24 September 2000 (AC, HH).

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537-03-03 North Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 17 October 2003 (video by StJ).

537-08-04 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 30 October 2008 (DLa, KC, RuN).

McCown’s Longspur Rhynchophanes mccownii 539-76-01 Highway 20, Harney Co., 1 male on 8 August 1976 (CW).

539-81-02 Klamath Co., 1 male in basic plumage on 31 January 1981 (SS).

539-90-03 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 male in basic plumage 13-15 January 1990 (SS, REk).

539-01-04 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 25 February 2001 (TJ; photo by KS).

539-03-05 North Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 in basic plumage 7 January into March 2003 (Psu; videos by OS, WG, BoB).

539-04-07 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 31 December 2004 (photos by KaF).

539-12-08 Borax Lake, Harney Co., 1 bird on 19 October 2012 (NSt).

539-14-09 Enterprise, Wallowa Co., one winter bird on 31 December 2014 (KhT,photos by KhT,TBr);

McKay’s Bunting Plectrophenax hyperboreus 535-80-01 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1-2 birds on 23+ February 1980 (HN; photos by TF, JG, CF, TC). First verified Oregon record.

535-04-02 Depoe Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 male on 3 January 2004 (photos by KeM).

535-11-03 Seven Devils Wayside, Coos Co., 1 bird on 25 November 2011 (details By DLa; photos by KaO)

Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapillus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST JANUARY 11, 1986 674-77-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 1 October 1977 (JG).

674-79-02 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 on 10 July 1979 (DRo; photos by SHe).

674-80-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 1 June 1980 (DF).

674-81-05 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 30 May 1981 (photo by TC).

674-82-06 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 29 May 1982 (FR; photo by SG).

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674-83-07 Wolf Creek, Josephine Co., 1 singing male from 20-22 June 1983 (tape recording by EP).

674-61-08 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., a female collected on 4 June 1961. In: Auk 82: 497, 1965. Specimen number USNM 478486 in U.S. National Museum. First verified Oregon record.

674-73-09 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 mist-netted on 19 May 1973 (photo by CDL).

674-84-10 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage on 27 May 1984 (TC).

674-85-11 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing adult on 1 June 1985 (TMi, AMi, RF, OS, JG).

674-85-12 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing from 17-24 May 1985 (OS, JG, TC; photo by DBa).

674-85-13 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 25-26 May 1985 (JG, TC).

674-83-14 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male banded on 25 May 1983 (JAn).

Worm-eating Warbler Helmitheros vermivorum 639-90-01 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 16 September 1990 (TC, TG).

639-01-02 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 10-11 June 2001 (JMe, HH, SSt tape recording by AC).

639-01-03 Winchuck River mouth, Curry Co., 1 bird on 1 November 2001 (DMu).

639-12-04 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 bird on 9 October 2012 (DMu).

Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla 676-98-01 Silver Falls State Park, Marion Co., 1 bird 26-29 November 1998 (CiL, JLa, PSu; video by TJ).

Northern Waterthrush Parkesia noveboracensis REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST OCTOBER 31, 1981 675-76-01 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 mist-netted on 29 August 1976 (photo by LRM).

675-77-02 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 10 May 1977 (SJa).

675-80-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 25 May 1980 (DI, JG).

675-80-04 Crescent Creek Campground, Klamath Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 18 June 1980 (DI).

675-81-05 Little Deschutes River near Gilchrist, Klamath Co., 1 adult on 20 June 1981 (RP).

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Golden-winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera 642-77-01 Indian Ford Campground, Deschutes Co., 1 on 14 June 1977 (DC).

642-83-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing male on 3-4 June 1983 (photos and tape recording by OS). First verified Oregon record.

Blue-winged Warbler Vermivora cyanoptera 641-93-04 Page Springs CG, Harney Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male on 20 May 1993 (TMi).

641-00-05 Indian Ford Ck., Deschutes Co., 1 adult male 24 July-9 August 2000 (JMe; photos by GG,OS,GL).

641-03-06 Riley Pond, Harney Co., 1 bird on 9 September 2003 (SSt, DaF).

641-05-07 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 20 September 2005 (details by VA; photos by ChW).

Blue-winged X Golden-winged Warbler Vermivora cyanoptera/chrysoptera 641/642-05-01 Provolt, Josephine Co., 1 male “Brewster’s” on 11 July 2005 (DV).

Black-and-White Warbler Mniotilta varia REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST DECEMBER 4, 1982 636-74-01 Kimball SP, Klamath Co., 1 on 15 June 1974 (photo by GSm). First verified Oregon record.

636-77-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 29 May 1977 (SS).

636-77-03 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 on 2 June 1977 (photo by LRM).

636-77-04 North Bend, Coos Co., 1 from 17 December 1977-7+ January 1978 (AMc; photo by AC).

636-79-06 Cold Springs NWR, Umatilla Co., 1 female on 22 September 1979 (CC).

636-80-07 Island City, Union Co., 1 male on 17 May 1980 (GS).

636-80-08 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 male on 20, 21, and 23 October 1980 (FP).

636-81-09 Hooper Springs, Jackson Co., 1 male on 20 May 1981 (MMo).

636-81-10 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 22 May 1981 (ME). See record no. 636- 81-12, below.

636-81-11 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 30 May 1981 (photo by TC). See record no. 636-81-12, below.

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636-81-12 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 9 June 1981 (DR). Note: this record and record nos. 636-81-10 and 11 may be the same bird.

636-81-13 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 26 September 1981 (photos by OS).

636-82-14 Fields, Harney Co., 2 adult males on 29 May 1982 (photos by TC, OS).

636-82-15 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male from 29-31 May 1982 (photos by TC, OS, SG).

Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea 637-74-01 Charleston, Coos Co., 1 adult female on 19 October 1974 (AMc).

637-76-02 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 on 19 August 1976 (photo by LRM). First verified Oregon record.

637-87-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male in basic plumage on 11 October 1987 (AMi, JC; photos by TMi, DVB).

637-93-04 637-93-04 Images Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing male from 30 May-2 June 1993 (RHo; photos by TC,SJ; videotape by DVB).

637-98-05 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male 19-22 September 1998 (JuR; photos by AC).

637-01-06 Halfway, Baker Co., 1 adult male 9-12 November 2001 (MHa; photos by TBr).

637-03-07 Cape Meares Village, Tillamook Co., 1 dead female on 16 June 2003 (photos by MTw).

Tennessee Warbler Oreothlypis peregrina REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST DECEMBER 4, 1984 647-76-01 Indian Ford Campground, Deschutes Co., 1 on 29 July 1976 (HN, TLo).

647-77-02 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 9 June 1977 (photo by LRM).

647-77-03 Fort Stevens SP, Clatsop Co., 1 in fall plumage on 24 August 1977 (SG).

647-79-05 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 27 May 1979 (SS).

647-79-06 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 on 3 June 1979 (photo by PD).

647-80-07 Weston, Umatilla Co., 1 singing male in alternate plumage on 22 May 1980 (JG).

647-80-08 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 3 June 1980 (DF).

647-80-11 Florence, Lane Co., 1 in basic plumage on 29 December 1980 (MF, MM).

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647-81-13 Salem, Marion Co., 1 on 8 May 1981 (TB).

647-81-15 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 2 females in spring plumage on 22 May 1981 (JG).

647-81-16 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 adult in fall plumage on 21 September 1981 (BO).

647-81-17 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 29+ November 1981 (photos by SG).

647-82-19 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage on 1 May 1982 (LMc).

647-82-20 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 20 May 1982 (SH).

647-82-21 P Ranch, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 2 on 29 May 1982 (SG, OS).

647-82-22 Roaring Springs Ranch, Harney Co., 1 in spring plumage on 30 May 1982 (OS).

Lucy’s Warbler Oreothlypis luciae 643-86-01 North fork Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 from 27 December 1986 - 24 January 1987 (APr, CBo; photos NB, JJo, MP, OS). First verified Oregon record.

643-04-02 Brookings, Curry Co. 1 bird 14 January-28 March 2004 (photos by SCh, BW; videos by GL, TJ).

Virginia’s Warbler Oreothlypis virginiae 644-77-01 Hart Mt., Lake Co., a female on 29 May 1977 (photos by LRM). First verified Oregon record.

644-79-02 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 in fall plumage on 8 November 1979 (CW).

644-80-03 Stukel Mt., Klamath Co., 1 on 27 July and 3 August 1980 (SS).

644-88-06 Near Mapleton, Lane Co., (T17S, R9W, S33, NW1/4, SW1/4). 1 female or immature on 9 August 1988 (TMi).

644-88-07 Fields, Harney Co., 1 immature on 17 September 1988 (SH).

644-98-10 Ten mi northeast of McDermitt, Nev, Malheur Co., several territorial birds 18 June-4 July 1998 (RHo, MD, CM, voice recordings by StD, TJ).

644-98-11 N. side Twin Buttes, Oregon Canyon Mt., Malheur Co., 2 territorial birds 19-20 June 1998 (MD).

644-00-12 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male and 1 female 19-29 May 2000 (OS, JeL, TR)

644-00-13 Little Whitehorse Creek, Malheur Co., 1 bird on 16 July 2000 (StD).

644-02-14 Winchuck R. mouth, Curry Co., 1 female on 23 September 2002 (DMu).

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644-03-15 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird 11-13 September 2003 (TR).

644-05-16 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 20 September 2005 (TR).

644-98-17 E. side Twin Buttes, Oregon Canyon Mts., Malheur Co., 2 birds on 20 June 1998 (MD).

644-98-18 Battle Mt., Malheur Co., 1 bird on 4 July 1998 (MD).

644-16-19 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 first fall bird, 11 September 2016 (TR).

Mourning Warbler Geothlypis philadelphia 679-82-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 26 September 1982 (OS, RS; photo by JG).

679-84-02 West of Oakridge, Lane Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 12 July 1984 (SH).

679-83-03 South of Corvallis, Benton Co., 1 immature male on 4 September 1983 (MH).

679-90-04 Brothers, Deschutes Co., 1 male on 3 June 1990 (TC).

679-01-05 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 26 May 2001 (HH).

679-07-08 Benson Pond, Harney Co., 1 bird on 14 September 2007 (AC);

Kentucky Warbler Geothhlypis formosa 677-89-01 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 16 June 1989 (VN).

677-90-02 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 8 June 1990 (TC; photos by SS).

677-96-03 Dead Cow Creek Fremont NF, Lake Co., 1 singing male 23 June-20 July 1996 (photos by PBr, DaS, HN; video by TJ).

677-00-04 Fields, Harney Co., 1 singing male on 8 May 2000 (M).

Hooded Warbler Setophaga citrina 684-74-01 Washburn Wayside, Lane Co., 1 male on 20+ July 1974 (photo by LMc; tape recording by AC). First verified Oregon record.

684-77-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 20 May 1977 (TM, JA).

684-82-03 Rest area, Highway 396, 11 mi south of John Day, Grant Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 11 July 1982 (photo by AC, tape recording by DR).

684-83-06 Wildhorse Creek, 4 1/2 mi north of Pendleton, Umatilla Co., a male in alternate plumage on 21 October and 8 November 1983 (JE; photo by FH).

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684-85-07 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 male from 28 August-28 September 1985 (DF, SH, RE, AB).

684-92-08 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 31 May 1992 (TC; photo by SR).

684-00-09 Audio Hart Mountain, Lake Co., 1 adult male 13 August-8 September 2000 (JMe; photos by DT, JWT; sound recording by GK).

684-00-10 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female 6-7 October 2000 (AC).

684-02-11 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male 14-21 September 2002 (TR; photos by KeS; video by TJ).

684-07-13 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 1 June 2007 (videotape by OS).

684-08-14 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female 21-27 May 2008 (ElM; photos by ErH, TJ).

684-09-15 NE Coos Co., 1 bird on 29 May 2009 (audio tape by JuB).

684-10-16 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird 4-6 June 2010 (photos by OS, JG, DVP).

684-11-17 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 male 28-30 May 2011 (AC; photos by AC, DSu).

684-12-18 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 male 31 December 2012-10 January 2013 (photos by MP, MLu).

684-12-19 Lone Ranch Wayside, Curry Co., 1 first-fall female on 17 September 2012 (TR).

684-15-20 Moore Park, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 9 May 2015 (DvH, photo by KS).

Cape May Warbler Setophaga tigrina 650-78-01 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 3 June 1978 (JGa).

650-80-02 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 19 October 1980 (JG; photos by OS). First verified Oregon record.

650-86-04 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 22-23 May 1986 (photos by TC, PP, OS). 650-90-05 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature female on 22 September 1990 (SS).

650-91-06 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on June 1, 1991 (photos by TC).

650-92-07 Harris Beach SP, Curry Co., 1 male on 30 May 1992 (AB).

650-92-08 Fields, Harney Co., 1 fall plumaged bird on 20 September 1992 (TG).

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650-93-09 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 fall male 3-4 October 1993 (JC, TMi).

650-95-10 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 21 May 1995 (OS, MD).

650-01-11 Video 650-01-11 Images Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 fall male 4 February-4 March 2001 (DWe; photos by CD, GL).

650-04-12 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 female on 17 May 2004 (TR).

650-07-13 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 2 June 2007 (photo by RiV; videotape by OS).

650-07-14 Benson Pond, Harney Co., 1 bird on 15 September 2007 (photos by AC, HoR).

650-11-15 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 11 June 2011 (photos by OS).

650-12-16 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 bird on 13 May 2012 (photos by TaA, ErC)

650-15-17 Enterprise, Wallowa Co., one male on 18 January 2015 (AH,photos by AH,Chi,AC,TrH,HH);

Northern Parula Setophaga americana REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 21, 2001 648-76-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., a male on 30 May 1976 (AMc; photo by PrS).

648-80-03 Cascade Head, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male on 4 September 1980 (JE).

648-81-04 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., a male in alternate plumage on 26 May 1981 (JJP).

648-84-06 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male in alternate plumage on 3-4 June 1984 (TC, CM; photos by JG).

648-84-07 Charleston, Coos Co., a male on 9-10 July 1984 (AMc, LT).

648-85-08 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female in alternate plumage from 25-27 May 1985 (SH, OS).

648-85-09 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female in alternate plumage from 1-5 June 1985 (OS, RF; photo by TMi).

648-86-10 Davis Lake, Klamath Co., 1 adult male on 18 June 1986 (photos by LMc).

648-88-11 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 29 May 1988 (SH; photos by JJon, DBa).

648-88-12 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male on 28-29 May 1988 (JJo, HN).

648-88-13 Fields, Harney Co., 1 female on 12-13 June 1988 (AMc; photos by HN).

648-88-14 Andrews, Harney Co., 1 on 4 June 1988 (photos by DBa, JG, TC).

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648-89-15 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 13 June 1989 (photos by HN).

648-90-16 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 23 September 1990 (DA, JG).

648-88-17 Summer Lake, Lake Co., 1 adult female on 11 June 1988 (CM).

648-92-18 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 22-23 May 1992 (HN).

648-92-19 Roaring Springs Ranch, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 25 May 1992 (HN).

648-92-20 Hdq. Malhuer NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 29 May 1992 (photos by TC).

648-93-21 Mouth Winchuck R., Curry Co., 1 male on 17 June 1993 (CD).

648-93-22 Bayocean Peninsula, Tillamook Co., 1 female or immature on 24 July 1993 (GG).

648-94-24 Alsea Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 singing male on 19 June 1994 (DFa).

648-95-25 Glass Butte, Lake Co., 1 singing male on 16 June 1995 (DFa).

648-95-26 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 27 July 1995 (AC);

648-97-27 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 12 June 1997 (photos by MD, MLD).

648-99-28 Fields, Harney Co., 1 female on 7 June 1999 (KA).

648-99-29 Arock, Malheur Co., 1 adult male on 25 June 1999 (MD; photos by MLD).

648-00-30 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature female on 18 August 2000 (RFr).

Magnolia Warbler Setophaga magnolia REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 16, 2011 657-79-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 27 May 1979 (SS).

657-80-03 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 14 June 1980 (DI).

657-81-04 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 29 May 1981 (photo by TC).

657-81-05 Coast Range, 20 mi west of Eugene, Lane Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 4 June 1981 (TMi).

657-81-06 Near Horse Ridge on Highway 20, 15 mi east of Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 immature on 24 September 1981 (VT).

657-71-07 Euchre Creek, Curry Co., 1 immature female collected on 8 September 1971 (ARP), specimen in Delaware Museum of Natural History, No. 19291. In: Northwest Science 48: 166-171. First verified Oregon record.

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657-85-08 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female in alternate plumage on 1-2 June 1985 (TMi, AMi, RF, OS).

657-87-09 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 25 May 1987 (JE, HN).

657-87-10 Benson Pond, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 25 and 27 September 1987 (photos by JJo).

657-87-11 Fields, Harney Co., 1 immature on 25 September 1987 (photos by DH).

657-88-12 Malheur NWR headquarters, Harney Co., 1 adult on 28 and 29 May 1988 (SH, HN; photos by DBa, JG)..

657-88-13 Moro, Sherman Co., 1 adult male on 5 June 1988 (DI).

657-89-14 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 8 June 1989 (photo by AMc).

657-90-15 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 6 October 1990 (KKe; photos by JeK).

657-90-16 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 3 June 1990 (photos by TC).

657-90-17 Benson Pond, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 5 June 1990 (JJo).

657-91-18 Blue River Ranger District, Lane Co., 1 bird on 25 April 1991 (SSh).

657-91-19 Buena Vista Sta., Harney Co., 1 adult female on 1 June 1991 (DAr).

657-91-20 Cottonwood Creek-Duck Pond Ridge, Malheur Co., 1 bird on 28 September 1991 (DLu, DA, NMc).

657-92-21 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 22 May 1992 (RHo, HH; photos by KI).

657-93-22 Indian Ford Creek, Deschutes Co., 1 male on 31 May 1993 (GG).

657-93-23 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 fall plumaged male 3-5 October 1993 (JC, TMi).

657-96-24 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male on 5 June 1996 (M).

657-97-25 Summer Lake, Lake Co., 1 immature male on 24 October 1997 (CM).

657-98-26 Malheur HQ, Harney Co., 1 bird on 3 June 1998. (TJ. Video by TJ).

657-02-27 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 26 May 2002 (TR).

657-04-28 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male on 1 June 2004 (photos by M).

657-06-30 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature bird on 16 September 2006 (TR; photo by AC).

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657-07-31 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird 16-19 May 2007 (photos by DH; videotape by OS).

657-07-32 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 28 May 2007 (photos by DH, GG; videotape by TJ).

657-08-33 Sodhouse Historic Site, Harney Co., 1 bird on 30 September 2008 (photo by AC).

687-10-34 Detroit, Marion Co., 1 male on 22 July 2010 (photos by JMa).

687-01-35 Sublimity, Marion Co., 1 male on 17-June 2001 (JeH).

Bay-breasted Warbler Setophaga castanea 660-76-01 Grizzly Campground, Howard Prairie Lake, Jackson Co., 1 male on 22 June 1976 (DSt).

660-80-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 9 June 1980 (AC, MH).

660-63-03 Upper Klamath Lake, Klamath Co., a male in alternate plumage collected on 6 July 1963. In: Condor 66: 78, 1964. Specimen No. 149537 is at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California. First verified Oregon record.

660-86-04 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., a male in alternate plumage on 25 May 1986 (MP; photos by OS, JJo, and TC).

660-86-05 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male on 27 May 1986 (JC).

660-87-06 Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Lake Co., 1 adult male and banded on 2 August and recaptured on 23 August 1987 (photos by KV).

660-88-07 Malheur NWR headquarters, Harney Co., 1 on 17 September 1988 (SH; photo by TC).

660-90-08 Page Springs CG, Harney Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male on 27 May 1990 (RK, JK; print by KKe).

660-02-10 Hdq. Malhuer NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male 3 June 2002 (photo and video by TBr).

660-11-11 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 5 June 2011 (details AdH; photos by AdH, Chi, DH).

660-13-12 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 14 June 2013 (photos by AdH, CHi);

Blackburnian Warbler Setophaga fusca 662-86-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature, probably female, on 18 September 1986 (CM).

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662-87-03 North of junction of U.S. 101 and State 53 east of Nehalem, Tillamook Co., 1 male from 15 November 1987 - 12+ March 1988. (PM, LW, MS; photos by JJo, OS, TC, HN). First verified Oregon record.

662-88-04 Benson Pond, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 29 May 1988 (HN).

662-90-05 Page Springs CG, Harney Co., 1 male on 1 June 1990 (photos by SK, OS, BT).

662-98-06 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male 16-17 June 1998 (M; photos by MD).

662-04-08 Page Springs Campground, Harney Co., 1 bird on 28 September 2004 (OS, JG).

662-08-09 Pueblo Mountains, Harney Co., 1 adult female on 12 June 2008 (AdH, CHi, EmS).

662-10-10 Fields, Harney Co., 1 fall bird on 15 September 2010 (TR).

662-10-11 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 16 September 2010 (photos by AC, TBr).

662-04-12 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 18 September 2004 (WG)

662-14-13 Pueblo Mountains, Harney Co., one male on 14 June 2014 (CHi, photos by AH,CHi);

662-14-14 Bayocean, Tillamook Co., one male on 12 October 2014. (photos by MiK);

662-15-15 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 16 September 2015 (photo by Chi).

Chestnut-sided Warbler Setophaga pensylvanica REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 21, 2001 659-66-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 21 June 1966 (photos by CFZ). First verified Oregon record.

659-74-02 Coos Head, Coos Co., 1 on 15 June 1974 (AMc).

659-74-03 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 on 24 June 1974 (photo by LRM).

659-79-04 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 28 May 1979 (PSH; photo by TF).

659-79-05 Florence, Lane Co., 1 on 31 May 1979 (MM).

659-79-06 Ochoco Creek Campground, Crook Co., 1 on 7 July 1979 (DHe).

659-79-07 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 maleon 19 August 1979 (FP).

659-80-08 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 8 June 1980 (MH, AC).

659-81-09 Pueblo Mts., Harney Co., 1 male on 3 June 1981 (JC).

659-81-10 Florence, Lane Co., 1 immature on 15 September 1981 (DF).

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659-82-11 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 male on 6 June 1982 (JG).

659-82-12 Ashland, Jackson Co., 1 immature on 30 September 1982 (DSt).

659-82-13 Fields, Harney Co., 1 immature on 24-25 September 1982 (RS; photos by OS, JG).

659-83-14 Fields, Harney Co., 1 immature on 18 September 1983.

659-84-15 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature from 21-24 September 1984 (DI, SH, RF; photos by TC). .

659-84-16 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult in fall plumage on 12-13 October 1984 (PSu).

659-86-17 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 27 May 1986 (PP).

659-86-18 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 15 June 1986 (photo by PP).

659-88-19 Indian Ford Campground, Deschutes Co., 1 adult male on 17 June 1988 (RL).

659-88-20 Benson Pond, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 10 June 1988 (photos by AMc).

659-88-21 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 in basic plumage 29 September-2 October 1988 (photos by DH, JJo, TW).

659-90-22 Toledo, Lincoln Co., 1 male on 10 July 1990 (DFa).

659-90-23 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult on 30 May 1990 (photo by KKe).

659-91-24 Page Springs Campground, Harney Co., 1 adult male 9 June 1991 (TMi).

659-92-25 Near Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 30 May 1992 (photos by TC).

659-92-26 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 fall adult on 19 September 1992 (TG).

659-95-27 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 26 June 1995 (M).

659-95-28 Mare’s Egg Spring, Klamath Co., 1 singing male on 1 July 1995 (PSu).

659-95-29 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 immature bird netted 28 September 1995 (photo by DV).

659-97-30 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 26 May 1997 (M).

659-97-31 Lakeview, Lake Co., 1 adult male on 2 June 1997 (FI).

659-97-32 Chitwood, Lincoln Co., 1 adult male on 7 June 1997 (DFa).

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659-99-33 Benson Pond, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 5 June 1999 (DH; photos by OS).

659-99-34 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 6 June 1999 (DH).

659-99-36 Hdq. Malhuer NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 27 May 1999 (video by TJ).

659-99-37 Malheur Field Station, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 29 May 1999 (video by TJ).

Blackpoll Warbler Setophaga striata REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 13, 2002 661-69-01 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 2 adults and 2-3 immatures on 24 and 26 July 1969 (JG).

661-74-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 29 May 1974 (photos by CFZ).

661-77-04 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 male mist-netted on 1 June 1977 (photo by LRM).

661-80-06 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 22 May 1980 (TF).

661-80-07 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 immature on 10 October 1980 (DR).

661-83-09 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 28 September 1983 (DI; photos by OS).

661-83-10 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 2 October 1983 (DI; photos by OS).

661-83-11 Fields, Harney Co., 1 immature on 27 September 1983 (JG, OS, m.ob.).

661-67-12 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., an immature male collected on 7 September 1967 after it flew into a window. In: Auk 90: 681, 1973. Specimen number USNM 530472 in U.S. National Museum. First verified Oregon record.

661-84-13 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., a male and a female on 19 May 1984.

661-84-14 P Ranch, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 21 September 1984 (SH).

661-85-15 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., a male in alternate plumage on 17-18 May 1985 (OS).

661-85-16 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., an immature on 21 September 1985 (SH).

661-86-17 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 in fall plumage on 27 September 1986 (photos by JJo, TC, OS). .

661-87-18 Roaring Springs Ranch, Harney Co., 1 immature on 3 October 1987 (PM, LW).

661-87-19 47 mi offshore Lincoln Co., 1 in fall plumage on a fishing trawler from 1-3 October 1987 (photo by PSu).

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661-88-20 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 4 September 1988 (photos by JJo).

661-88-21 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 on 15 September 1988 (SH).

661-88-22 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 7 June 1988 (photos by DBa, JG).

661-87-23 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 18 September 1987 (photo by TC).

661-87-24 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 bird during September 1987 (photos by TC).

661-89-25 Benson Pond, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 9 September 1989 (SH).

661-91-26 Cape Blanco State Park, Curry Co., 1 adult male in alternate plumage on 7 June 1991 (KI).

661-92-27 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 immature on 4 September 1992 (DF).

661-93-28 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 immature on 1 October 1993 (CD).

661-93-29 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature on 3 October 1993 (CD).

661-93-31 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 fall plumaged bird on 20 September 1993 (TJ).

661-94-32 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 spring male on 26 May 1994 (PSl).

661-95-33 Frenchglen, Harney Co. 1 bird on 4 September 1995 (HO);

661-85-34 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male on 14 May 1985 (photos by RM).

661-96-35 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 immature on 27 September 1996 (photos by CD).

Black-throated Blue Warbler Setophaga caerulescens REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MAY 10, 1994 654-78-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 7 October 1978 (photos by SS, PrS).

654-79-02 Mt. Hood Nat. Forest, Clackamas Co., 1 male from 23 June - 10 July 1979 (HN, TC).

654-82-03 Cape Meares SP, Tillamook Co., 1 male on 10 and 15 October 1982 (G&LB, RS).

654-82-04 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in October 1982 (TM; photos by DB).

654-57-05 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., a male in alternate plumage collected on 9 October 1957. In: Condor 61: 55, 1959. Specimen No. USNM 466258 is at the U.S. National Museum. First verified Oregon record.

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654-84-06 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 13 October 1984 (PSu).

654-85-07 Fields, Harney Co., an adult male on 1 June 1985 (RF, JG, OS; photos by JJo).

654-86-08 Medford, Jackson Co., 1 male from 9 - 30 January 1986 (AMi, TMi; photos by SS, P&PN).

654-86-10 Crane Prairie Campground, Deschutes Co., 1 male from 8 - 11 October 1986 (JF, NP).

654-87-11 Catlow Valley, Harney Co., 1 adult male from 25 September-3 October 1987 (PM, LW; photos by JJo, DH).

654-87-12 Fort Stevens SP, Clatsop Co., 1 male on 3 October 1987 (TS).

654-87-13 33 mi offshore Lincoln Co., 1 female on a fishing trawler on 23 September 1987 (photo by PSu).

654-87-14 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult female from 12-17 October 1987 (photos by LW, JJo).

654-87-15 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 23 September 1987 (DI).

654-88-16 Malheur NWR headquarters, Harney Co., 1 male 12-16 October 1988 (AC, JJo, AMi, TMi; photos by SS).

654-88-17 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male on 27 September 1988 (photos by DH).

654-88-18 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 male on 29 September 1988 (photos by DH)

654-89-19 Powers, Coos Co., 1 male from 20-29 January 1989 (DSh, ME).

654-89-20 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 female on 26 September 1989 (WT).

654-89-21 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female 29-30 September 1989 (JJo).

654-90-22 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 male on 23 September 1990 (COL).

654-87-23 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 21 September 1987 (photo by JG).

654-91-24 Mt. Jefferson Wilderness, Jefferson Co., 1 adult male on 15 June 1991 (DL, LL).

654-85-25 Bayocean Peninsula, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male on 11 December 1985 (BSh).

Pine Warbler Setophaga pinus 671-86-02 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 immature on 23 October 1986 (AB).

671-08-05 LaGrande, Union Co., 1 bird 20-31 December 2008 (DaT; photos by KnC).

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Yellow-throated Warbler Setophaga dominica 663-85-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing male on 9-11 June 1985 (JuC, DF; photos by JC, OS, JG, MS, TC). First verified Oregon record.

663-97-02 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 24 April 1997 (photos by M, DPo).

663-02-03 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male 8-9 May 2002 (DT).

663-03-04 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 adult male 1 October-1 November 2003 (photo by NSt; videos by CM, GL).

663-05-05 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 bird 29 January-5 February 2005 (DBa, GG; photos by MP).

663-09-06 Langlois, Curry Co., 1 male 13-17 January 2009 (photos by TWa, RuN, LoM).

663-09-07 Netarts, Tillamook Co., singing male on 2 June 2009 (DVP, LaH).

663-13-08 Ankeny NWR, Marion Co., 1 adult male 29 November 2013 into March 2014 (MRi; photos by MRi, JkW, DoR, HH, DBe, CHo, JLe, MxR, HFu, MLu, MKi, OS).

663-15-09 Sherwood, Washington Co., 1 bird on 26 November 2015 (ScD, photos by ScD, EMc, KhT, NeN).

Prairie Warbler Setophaga discolor 673-81-01 South Beach, Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 in first fall plumage on 27 September 1981 (JG, DI).

673-89-02 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 adult on 24-26 August 1989 (DF, JJo).

673-91-03 3 mi west of Brookings, Curry Co., 1 adult male on board ship 28 September 1991 (DF, CD).

673-93-04 Harris Beach State Park, Curry Co., 1 immature bird from 22-25 September 1993 (photos by CD).

673-93-05 Fort Stevens SP, Clatsop Co., 1 adult on 3 October 1993 (MP).

673-94-06 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 29 September 1994 (photos by CD).

673-95-07 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 male from 6-26 December 1995 (photos by EH, DVB, RM, RBa).

673-99-08 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 10 September 1999 (photos by MD).

673-99-09 Lone Ranch State Wayside, Curry Co., 1 juvenile 13-24 October 1999 (DMu, CD).

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673-02-10 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 adult male on 22 September 2002 (MP).

673-02-11 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 immature female on 12 October 2002 (AC, HH).

673-04-12 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 27 September 2004 (AC).

673-05-13 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 19 September 2005 (ChW).

673-06-14 S. Jetty Siuslaw R., Lane Co., 1 bird on 25 September 2006 (WSc);

673-15-15 Astoria, Clatsop Co., one bird on 4 January 2015 (AnM; photos by AnM,MP); 673-15-16 Summer Lake WMA, Lake Co., 1 bird on 23 September 2015 (EQ, photo by EdS).

Black-throated Green Warbler Setophaga virens 667-82-02 Pike Creek, Harney Co., 1 on 21 May 1982 (photo by MSa). First verified Oregon record.

667-82-03 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 19 June 1982 (RS).

667-85-05 Corvallis, Benton Co., 1 immature male on 21 September 1985 (AMc).

667-86-06 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., a male on 15 June 1986 (PP).

667-90-07 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 4-5 June 1990 (MS; photos by JJo, TC, JG).

667-99-08 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult female on 13 June 1999 (AC, HN; photos by DH).

667-00-09 Hdq. Malhuer NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 20 May 2000 (PSu; video and prints by OS).

667-01-10 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 immature female 7-9 December 2001 (DI).

667-03-11 Colony Creek, Harney Co., 1 bird on 23 May 2003 (TR).

667-05-12 Plush, Lake Co., 1 adult male on 7 June 2005 (WiP).

667-05-13 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., 1 male on 9 December 2005 (photos by mi.l).

667-12-16 Fields, Harney Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male on 29 May 2012 (VTh, CM, AC, OS, RRo);

667-12-17 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird 6-8 June 2012 (photos by AC, JeS);

Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis 686-82-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature male mist netted on 25-26 September 1982 (RS; photos by JG, OS). First verified Oregon record.

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686-88-02 Hqtrs. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 2 September 1988 (JC, JuC; photos by JJo, TC).

686-89-03 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 immature on 29-30 October 1989 (MP; photos by HN, BW).

686-96-04 Mt. Tabor, Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 singing male on 24 June 1996 (GL; video by TJ).

686-01-05 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 8 September 2001 (photos SSt).

686-04-07 HDQ. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 2 birds 18-29 September 2004 (SIs; photos by JMa, JKn).

686-06-08 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 26 May 2006 (photo by AC).

686-13-09 Calliope Crossing, Deschutes Co., 1 adult male on 11 June 2013 (RRo, DAr; photos by RuN, KrK);

686-13-10 Hatfield Lake, Deschutes Co., 1 first year female on 7 September 2013 (photos by CM);

686-14-11 P Ranch, Harney Co., one bird on 28 September 2014 (photos by NSt);

Painted Redstart Myioborus pictus 688-90-02 Tumalo, Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 2 August 1990 (MKu).

688-91-03 Salem, Marion Co., 1 bird on 5 October 1991 (RL, LLu).

Eastern Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus 587-01-01 West Linn, Clackamas Co., 1 female on 3 April 2001 (JMc).

587-08-03 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 1 June 2008 (photos by JC, DwP).

Cassin’s Sparrow Peucaea cassinii 578-12-01 Floras Lake, Curry Co., 1 bird 10-11 October 2012 (RuN; photos by LoM, OS, RuN);

Clay-colored Sparrow Spizella pallida REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 20, 1996 561-74-01 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 from 2 February – 8 March 1974 (photos by LMc).

561-75-02 Toledo, Lincoln Co., 1 on 16 May 1975 (DFa).

561-79-03 Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 at a feeder on 9 December 1979 (photos by LB).

561-80-04 Nehalem meadows, Tillamook Co., 1 from 5 January – 10 February 1980 (DF; photos by TF, TC).

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561-81-05 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 17+ January 1981 (photos by OS).

561-81-06 La Grande, Union Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 26 May 1981 (JE).

561-81-07 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 10 June 1981 (HN).

561-81-08 Cannon Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 on 18 October 1981 (JG; photos by OS).

561-82-09 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 on 21-22 November 1982 (MS, MJ, MH).

561-83-10 4 mi S.E. of Hampton on Highway 20, Deschutes Co., 1 singing adult on 30 May 1983 (MR ).

561-83-11 North Bend, Coos Co., 1 immature on 5+ November 1983 (AMc; photos by BG).

561-83-12 Fields, Harney Co., 1 immature on 27 September 1983 (JG).

561-53-13 Pleasant Valley, Tillamook Co., 1 collected on 15 November 1953. Specimen No. 11643 is in Oregon State University collection. First verified Oregon record.

561-85-15 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 adult on 25 October 1985 (SH, DI).

561-85-16 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 immature on 27 October 1985 (SH, TMi, AMi, RE, AB).

561-85-17 Florence, Lane Co., 1 immature on 27 December 1985 (DF).

561-86-18 Sauvie Island, Columbia Co., 1 on 27 December 1986 (JJo).

561-87-19 Forest Grove sewage ponds, Washington Co., 1 in basic plumage on 4 January 1987 (JE).

561-88-21 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 bird on 3 October 1988 (RE).

561-90-22 Nesika Beach, Curry Co., 1 bird on 13 October 1990 (DF).

561-90-23 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 on 16 December 1990 (DF, MH).

561-91-24 Sauvie Island, Columbia Co., 1 bird on 22 December 1991 (NL).

561-91-25 Winchuck River, Curry Co., 1 immature on 2 November 1991 (CD, AB).

561-91-26 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature female 23-27 October 1991 (photos by CD).

561-91-28 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 15 December 1991 (photo by MP).

561-93-29 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature 20-24 September 1993 (photo by CD).

561-93-30 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature 1-3 October 1993 (photo by CD).

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561-93-31 S. of Winchuck River mouth, Curry Co., 1 immature on 11 October 1993 (CD).

561-93-32 Independence, Polk Co., 1 bird from 15 December 1993-22 January 1994 (HH, TJ).

561-94-33 Roseburg, Douglas Co, 1 bird from 20 January-1 May 1994 (photos by RM).

561-94-34 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 21 October 1994 (CiL).

561-94-35 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature from 14-16 October 1994 (photos by CD).

561-95-36 Springfield, Lane Co., 1 bird from 5-10 November 1995 (photo by SMa).

561-95-37 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird from 23-26 November 1995 (MSt, CD; photos by ADi).

Black-chinned Sparrow Spizella atrogularis 565-77-01 Medford, Jackson Co., 1 on 14 June 1977 (photo by OSw). First verified Oregon record.

565-90-02 Stukel Mountain, Klamath Co., family group from 17-22 July 1990 (JJo; photos by SS, TC).

565-96-03 Stukel Mountain, Klamath Co., 1 singing male 22-23 June 1996 (KS,PSu).

565-99-04 Scotts mi.ll, Clackamas Co., 1 singing bird on 12 June 1999 (Voice on video by TJ).

565-05-05 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 female on 11 June 2005 (JG).

Lark Bunting Calamospiza melanocorys REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MAY 2, 2014 605-79-01 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 2 females or immatures on 15 September 1979 (DR).

605-80-02 Winston, Douglas Co., 1 male on 6-7 June 1980 (photos by RW).

605-80-03 North Bend, Coos Co., 1 in basic plumage, probably a male, on 12 September 1980 (DI; photos by JG, TF).

605-83-04 Bob Creek, Lane Co., adult male and female on 17 June 1983 (JK, RK, AMi; photos by TMi).

605-83-05 Miller Island, Klamath Co., 1 on 30-31 August 1983 (photos by SS).

605-39-06 Saddle Butte, Linn Co., 1 male on 14 May 1939, In: Auk 57: 119, 1940.

605-84-08 North Spit of the Umpqua River, Douglas Co., an immature or female on 31 August 1984 (MH).

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605-89-09 12 mi east of Malheur NWR, Harney Co., adult male on 28 May 1989 (photos by JJo).

605-90-10 Benson Pond, Harney Co., 1 immature female 18-19 September 1990 (JJo).

605-93-11 West Salem, Polk Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male 15-16 May 1993 (RRa, WT, AC).

605-67-12 Near Corvallis in Linn Co., 1 bird on 3 January 1967. Museum specimen Oregon State University OSC 10044-FWNO 7597 (photos by KI).

605-94-13 Umatilla NWR, Morrow Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male on 31 July 1994 (ASc).

605-97-14 Fox, Grant Co., 1 molting male on 29 May 1997 (RHu).

605-98-15 South Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 subadult bird 13-14 September 1998 (RC; photo by StD).

605-94-16 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male during May or June 1994 (photo by Twa)

605-00-17 Seneca, Grant Co., 1 male on 4 September 2000 (details by COL, MOL).

605-99-18 Central Point, Jackson Co., 1 summer plumaged male on 3 May 1999 (video by TJ).

605-01-19 Near Fern Ridge WA, Lane Co., 1 summer plumaged male 11-29 June 2001 (DaF; photos by OS,DKn, DHe).

605-02-20 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male 17-19 August 2002 (TR,videos by DLa,OS).

605-05-21 Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co., 1 female on 13 August 2005 (details by BY; photo by CY).

605-10-22 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male 22-23 May 2010 (TR; photos by HaS).

605-11-23 Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 29 September 2011 (photos RoF).

605-12-24 Fields, Harney Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male 15 May 2012 (RaW)

605-12-25 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 in basic plumage 27 August 2012 (LoM);

605-13-26 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 11 November 2013 (BA; photos by BA, MxS)

605-14-27 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., one bird on 9 September 2014 (photos by SMa);

Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus savannarum REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST OCTOBER 31, 1981

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546-72-01 Eugene, Lane Co., a nesting pair on 1 June 1972 (photo of 1 by LMc).

Le Conte’s Sparrow Ammodramus leconteii 548-83-01 Fields, Harney Co., 1 (probably an immature) on 27 September 1983 (OS, DI; photos by JG). First verified Oregon record.

548-91-02 Fields, Harney Co., 1 immature on October 12, 1991 (TMi, AMi; photos by TC, JJo).

548-03-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 24 May 2003 (LSm).

Swamp Sparrow Melospiza georgiana REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 6, 1985 584-72-01 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 adult on 16 October 1972 (photo by HN). First verified Oregon record.

584-75-02 Grants Pass, Josephine Co., 1 in fall plumage on 17 November 1975 (SS).

584-80-03 Ankeny NWR, Marion Co., 1 immature on 27 January 1980 (TC).

584-81-05 Albany, Linn Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 6 December 1981 (RP).

584-82-06 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 on 3 January 1982 (HN).

584-82-07 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 6 February 1982 (HN).

584-82-08 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 7 March 1982 (HN).

584-83-09 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 adult in basic plumage and 1 in first-winter plumage from 4-14 February 1983 (DF, MH).

584-83-10 McNary Wildlife Park along the Columbia River, Umatilla Co., 1 adult on 27 March 1983 (JC).

584-84-11 Cottage Grove, Lane Co., 1 on 2 January 1984 (DF).

584-84-12 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 adult from 2 January - 15 February 1984 (DI).

584-84-14 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 immature on 2 February 1984 (SH).

Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla 602-13-01 Joseph, Wallowa Co., 1 bird 28-29 January 2013 (AC; photos by CTu, TBr);

Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica 535.1-75-01 Portland, Multnomah Co., a male on 21 November 1975 (JG). This record had been considered to be of questionable origin but is now accepted as a wild bird. A second bird, possibly a female, also was seen.

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535.1-94-02 Eugene, Lane Co., a basic-plumaged bird from 31 March-17 April 1994 (PSh; photo by SR; videotape by OS).

535.1-04-02 Depoe Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 male on 3 January 2004 (photos by KeM).

535.1-14-03 Portland, Multnomah Co., one adult male on 25 April 2014 (NaO, photos by TMc,BA,video by TJ);

Summer Tanager Piranga rubra 610-79-01 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 male on 14 June 1979 (LRM; photos by JS, JRK). First verified Oregon record.

610-81-02 Coos Head, Coos Co., 1 female in basic plumage on 10 November 1981 (AMc).

610-82-03 Fields, Harney Co., 1 female on 13 June 1982 (JG, DI).

610-87-04 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female of the eastern subspecies on 10 June 1987 (DI).

610-92-05 DeMoss Springs Park, Sherman Co., 1 second year male on 24 May 1992 (RG).

610-99-06 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 13 June 1999 (AC,HN).

610-00-07 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 9 May 2000 (M).

610-00-08 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 adult male 20-23 September 2000 (DBr, PSu; photo by DKn).

610-01-09 Portland, Washington Co., 1 adult male 3-4 February 2001 (PSu,PM,LW; photo by OS).

610-01-10 Beaverton, Washington Co., 1 adult male on 28 September 2001 (WiW).

610-01-11 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 adult male on 7 May 2001 (JG).

610-01-12 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 subadult on 13 October 2001 (JG).

610-01-13 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 in basic plumage on 17 November 2001 (photos by DT).

610-01-14 Millicoma Marsh, Coos Co., 1 adult male on 27 June 2001 (TR).

610-07-16 Alvadore, Lane Co, 1 subadult male on 14 January 2007 (RRo; photos by NSt).

610-07-17 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 subadult male 27-28 May 2007 (photos by GG, DH; videotape by TJ).

610-08-18 Camp Sherman, Jefferson Co., 1 male 5-8 June 2008 (JMe; photo by KeS).

610-11-19 Hillsboro, Washington Co., 1 male 25-27 May 2011 (JHa, StC, JaW).

610-11-20 Paisley, Lake Co., 1 female on 12 June 2011 (KS).

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610-12-21 Headquarters Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male 10-11 June 2012 (photos by AC, DwP);

610-13-22 Benson Pond, Harney Co., 1 summer plumaged male on May 30, 2013 (photos by TB, DH).

610-16-23 Private residence six miles south of Prineville, Crook Co., 1 male, on 12 April 2016 (KMa. Photos by KMa).

Scarlet Tanager Piranga olivacea 608-79-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 31 May 1979 (DP; photos by MSh). First verified Oregon record.

608-79-02 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 male on 14 June 1979 (LRM; photos by PD).

608-80-03 Trout Creek, Harney Co., 1 male on 28 May 1980 (JuC; photos by JC).

608-87-05 Pike Creek, Harney Co., 1 female on 31 May 1987 (photos by JG, TC).

608-01-06 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 female 7-10 December 2001 (photos by DMu).

Pyrrhuloxia Cardinalis sinuatus 544-08-01 Peoria, Linn Co., 1 female 12-23 November 2008 (photos by CyW, RaC, PaT, M, OS, TSh).

Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 21, 2001 595-72-01 Lake Oswego, Clackamas Co., 1 male on 25 December 1972 (photo by CCu). First verified Oregon record.

595-76-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 30 May 1976 (photo by PrS).

595-76-03 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 male on 22 June 1976 (photos by LRM).

595-76-04 Cold Springs Campground, Deschutes Co., a male on 21 June and 3 July 1976 (photos by LMc).

595-77-05 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature male on 3 October 1977 (photo by JG).

595-79-06 Indian Ford Campground, Deschutes Co., a male 28 May 1979 (photos by SG).

595-83-07 Cottonwood Creek, Harney Co., 1 male on 4 June 1983 (photo by OS).

595-85-08 Eugene, Lane Co., a male in alternate plumage on 22 May 1985 (SH).

595-85-09 Cottonwood Creek, Harney Co., 1 on 7 June 1985 (AMi; photo by TMi).

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595-85-10 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 adult female on 24 May 1985 (TC).

595-86-11 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 30 May 1986 (photos by OS).

595-86-12 Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 immature male from 5-13 March 1986, found injured and dying on 13 March. Specimen in Tillamook Pioneer Museum (photos by JAl).

595-87-13 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 immature male on 20 September 1987 (JJo).

595-88-14 Malheur NWR headquarters, Harney Co., 1 male on 4 June 1988 (TSt).

595-76-15 Malheur NWR headquarters, Harney Co., 1 female on 29 May 1976 (SS).

595-89-16 Ochoco Ranger Station, Crook Co., 1 adult male on 28 May 1989 (NL).

595-89-17 Woahink Lake, Lane Co., 1 immature male on 13 December 1989 (SH; photo by BS).

595-88-18 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 adult male on 28 May-8 June 1988(photos by GJh).

595-91-19 Fields, Harney Co., 1 female on 6 June 1991 (JG).

595-91-20 Vida, Lane Co., 1 adult male 1-3 June 1991 (TMi, AMi; photos by FB).

595-88-21 Arizona Beach, Curry Co., 1 adult male on 9 July 1988 (CM).

595-92-22 Hunter Creek, Curry Co., 1 adult male on 11 April 1992 (photos by CD).

595-92-23 Brookings, Curry Co., adult male 17-18 April 1992 (CD; photo by PF).

595-93-24 Brookings, Curry Co., adult male 15 May 1993 (photo by CD).

595-93-25 Fort Stevens State Park, Clatsop Co., 1 immature male on 12 September 1993 (photos by MP).

595-95-26 Silver Lake Ranger Sta., Lake Co., 1 adult male 9-15 June 1995 (KB; photo by REl).

595-95-27 Page Springs Campground, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 12 August 1995 (RFr)

595-95-28 Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male on 30 July 1995 (photo by PWe).

595-95-29 Hunter Creek, Curry Co. 1 immature male on 15 December 1995 (CD; photo by GSe).

595-96-30 Toketee RS, Douglas Co., 1 male on 28 May 1996 (photo by MGr).

595-96-31 Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 bird 7-8 July 1996 (CD; photo by AnM).

595-96-32 Hunter Creek, Curry Co., 1 second-year male on 8 July 1996 (photo by CD).

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595-97-33 McMinnville, Yamhill Co., 1 adlut male 1 June 1997 (photo LJ

595-97-34 Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male 25 December 1997-18 January 1998 (photos by CR).

595-98-35 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 adult male on 1 June 1998 (NW).

595-98-36 Near Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 adult male on 31 June 1998 (photos by CM).

595-98-37 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 female on 12 December 1998 (CD).

595-98-38 Langlois, Curry Co., 1 adult male 16-17 June 1998 (TWa).

595-99-39 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 10 June 1999 (photos by RL).

595-99-40 Clackamas, Clackamas Co., 1 adult male 7 July-5 August 1999 (Photos by PTB).

595-99-41 Indian Ford Campground, Deschutes Co., 1 adult male on 13 July 1999 (photos by CR).

595-94-42 Cape Meares Village, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male on 2 June 1994 (video by OS).

595-96-43 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 2 June 1996 (video by OS).

595-00-44 Waldport, Lincoln Co., 1 adult male on 2 June 2000 (video by JCI, KCi).

Blue Grosbeak Passerina caerulea 597-75-01 Corvallis, Benton Co., 1 on 4+ January 1975 (photos by ME, FR). First verified Oregon record.

597-80-02 East of Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 in female plumage on 21 December 1980 (AC).

597-97-03 Near Brogan, Malheur Co., pair of adults with two juveniles 9-12 July 1997 (CFZ; photos by TW; video by TJ).

597-98-04 Near Brogen, Malheur Co., 1 female on 28 June 1998 (RHo).

597-04-06 Fields, Harney Co., 1 female on 27 May 2004 (TR).

597-05-07 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 female 20-26 September 2005 (photos by BzS).

597-06-08 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 female on 17 April 2006 (photo by KhT).

597-06-09 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 female on September 2006 (photos by DMu).

597-10-10 Hatfield Marine Science Center, Lincoln Co., 1 male 27-29 May 2010 (photos by RLo,DiB).

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597-10-11 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 bird on 14 October 2010 (photo by BoW).

597-11-12 Crissey Field State Park, Curry Co., 1 female on 30 June 2011 (DMu);

597-15-13 Beaverton, Washington Co., 1 male on 29 April 2015 (DwP, DI, photos by DwP, JkW, NeN, JtH, DI, JaW, DaH, DoD).

Indigo Bunting Passerina cyanea REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 18, 2009 598-79-01 Corvallis, Benton Co., 1 from 2-7 November 1979 (ME; photos by TN).

598-82-02 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 male from 28 July - 3 August 1982 (JC; photos by TC, HN).

598-83-03 Page Springs Canyon, Harney Co., 1 male on 29 May 1983 (SS).

598-85-04 Fields, Harney Co., 1 female in alternate plumage on 6 June 1985 (TMi, AMi, SS, JC).

598-85-05 Near mi.lepost 73 on U.S. Highway 395, Grant Co., 1 singing male from 13 June-16 July 1985 (TMi, AMi, JG).

598-85-06 Cottonwood Creek, Harney Co., 1 male on 7 June 1985 (JC).

598-41-07 Six mi northwest of Fort Klamath, Klamath Co., a male collected on 4 July 1941. Specimen No. CM 127505 at Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA. First verified Oregon record.

598-87-08 Elsie, Clatsop Co., 1 male from 10 - 12 April 1987 (photos by DHi).

598-87-09 Dale, Grant Co., 1 first-summer male on 4 July 1987 (PM; photos by LW).

598-88-10 Malheur NWR headquarters, Harney Co., 1 on 29 May 1988 (photos by DBa, JJo).

598-90-11 Cottonwood Creek, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 27 May 1990 (RHo, KKe).

598-90-12 Silver Lake Ranger District, Lake Co., 1 female on 7 June 1990 (SS).

598-90-13 Grants Pass, Josephine Co., 1 male from late May-late July 1990 (ALB; photo by RLB).

598-91-14 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 adult male on 18 May 1991 (photos by CD).

598-92-15 Trout Creek, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 7 June 1992 (BT).

598-92-16 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 adult male on 1 August 1992 (MH).

598-92-17 Portland, Washington Co., 1 adult male 10-13 May 1992 (photos by TJ, SR, DVB).

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598-93-18 Alvord Ranch, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 12 June 1993 (JJo).

598-94-19 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 territorial male from 5-30 June 1994 (HH; photos by LMc, tape recordings by PFr).

598-95-20 Near Gold Beach, Curry Co., singing adult male 26 May-25 June 1995 (CD, AF).

598-97-21 Denio Creek, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 14 June 1997 (photos by MD, MLD).

598-99-23 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 female on 19 November 1999 (Twa).

598-01-24 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 10 May 2001 (AMc).

598-01-26 Millicoma Marsh, Coos Co., 1 subadult male on 23 May 2001 (TR).

598-02-27 Takilma, Josephine Co., 1 adult male on 30 June 2002 (video by GG).

598-03-28 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 subadult 21-27 January 2003 (RB)

598-03-29 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 female plumaged bird 16-17 October 2003 (TJ).

598-04-30 Sisters, Deschutes Co., 1 male on 9 September 2004 (StS)

598-07-31 Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co., 1 bird 18 June-1 July 2007 (photos by OS, JeH, KhT, StB, KL).

598-07-32 Round Butte Park, Jefferson Co., 1 bird on 25 June 2007 (GC; photo by RiJ).

Painted Bunting Passerina ciris 601-81-02 Tumalo SP, Deschutes Co., 1 immature female on 4 October 1981 (TC).

601-63-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in alternate plumage collected on 2 June 1963. In: Auk 82: 497, 1965. Specimen No. USNM 479638 in U.S. National Museum. First verified Oregon record.

601-99-04 Idleyld Park, Douglas Co., 1 male in late December 1999 (photo by TrW)

601-10-05 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 bird 2-21 November 2010 (photos by EC, MP, DiB, HaP; video by OS).

601-12-06 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 female early March 2012 (photos (MAy).

601-92-07 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 female on 24 November 1992 (photos by AB);

601-13-08 Lookingglass, Douglas Co., bright adult male 24 August 2013 (MH; photos by MH);

601-13-09 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 adult female 18 December 2013 into March 2014 (TR, DI; photos by DSu, DiB, LoM, DI, JoB, OS).

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Dickcissel Spiza americana 604-79-01 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 on 24 November 1979.

604-79-02 Lakeside, Coos Co., 1 from 30 November – 1 December 1979 (AMc; photos by STh, OS, TC). First verified Oregon record.

604-59-03 Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 at a feeder on 24 March 1959. In: Condor 62: 140, 1960.

604-88-04 North Bend, Coos Co., 1 adult male from 19 March-18 April 1988 (BG; photos by JJo).

604-88-05 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile male 10 December 1988-19 January 1989 (TSt; photos by MP, DFy).

604-89-06 Manzanita, Tillamook co., 1 male on 19 February 1989 (JJo).

604-93-07 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 bird on 19 August 1993 (APf).

604-93-08 Eagle Point, Jackson Co., 1 female 20-29 October 1993 (prints by HS).

604-95-09 Ochoco National Forest, Crook Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 26 July 1995 (photos by GBo).

604-00-11 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 5 July 2000 (prints by CD; video by DMu).

604-07-12 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 10 June 2007 (videotape by TWa).

604-09-13 Grants Pass, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 28 May 2009 (photo by PhH).

604-10-14 Nehalem Meadows, Tillamook Co., 1 bird 2020-22 February 2010 (TS; photos by DSm, EdD, EMc, ShS).

604-11-15 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 13 November 2011 (photos by KnA).

604-11-16 Sea Wind Farms, Curry Co., 1 bird on 8 December 2011 (photos by KnA).

604-12-17 Fenk Road, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 12 November 2012 (photos by SuN).

604-11-18 Nestucca Bay NWR, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 10 September 2011 (photos by JHu).

604-15-20 Bayocean, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 10 November 2015 (photos by DaV, NeN, JkW, AFr, KeC, OS, SMa, BW, JeH, JKn).

Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MAY 2, 2014

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509-77-01 Perrydale Road, Polk Co., 1 male in fall plumage on 13 November 1977 (AC).

509-81-03 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 male on 24 January 1981 (photo by LT).

509-59-05 Tillamook, Tillamook Co., a male collected on 20 March 1959. In: Condor 62: 140, 1960. Specimen No. 12420 in Oregon State University collection. First verified Oregon record.

509-87-06 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 female in basic plumage from 14 February-3 April 1987 (JJo; photos by JG).

509-87-07 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 2 basic-plumaged females 17-23 December 1987 (photos by HN and JJo).

509-93-11 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 adult male from 31 December 1993-11 January 1994 (HH, RK, JG, TJ).

509-01-12 Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 basic female 2-18 February 2001 (PS photos by CD, GL).

509-03-13 Enterprise, Wallowa Co., 17 February 2003 (photos by BC). 1 bird.

509-03-14 McNary Dam, Umatilla Co., 1 adult female 8-9 November 2003 (photos by MD).

509-10-15 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 bird 25-26 October 2010 (photos by JSu).

509-10-16 Tiller, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 5 November 2010 (photos by JuE).

509-11-17 LaGrande, Union Co., 1 bird on 8 January 2011 (photo by TBr).

509-11-18 Joseph, Wallowa Co., 1 bird on 22 January 2011 (photos by JMe, DSu).

509-12-22 Ashland, Jackson Co., 1 female on 26 December 2012 (photos by RuN);

509-13-23 Hillsboro, Washington Co., 1 female 30 October 2013 (JaW, MkW; photos by MKi, NeN, JoB, MaO, DaH, SHz, JkW, StC);

509-13-24 Monmouth, Polk Co., 1 female on 1 November 2013 (JS, BrW, AdH, CHi, HH, OH, TH; photos by JS, CHi, AdH, BrW);

509-13-25 Talent, Jackson Co., 1 male on 1 November 2013 (photo by RxT);

509-13-26 Yoncalla, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 4 December 2013 (MH; photos by MH, RuN)

509-13-27 Portland, Multnomah Co., one female on 24 December 2013 (AH);

509-13-28 near Enterprise, Wallowa Co., one female on 22 December 2013 (photos by JaB);

509-14-29 Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes Co., one female on 10 November 2014 (WHe, photo WHe);

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509-15-30 5 February, RV park in Lakeside, Coos County.

Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula 511-77-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 28 May 1977 (SS).

511-82-03 1 mi north of Haines on Highway 30, Baker Co., 1 on 20 and 23 September 1982 (JE).

511-87-04 Veneta, Lane Co., 1 adult male from 1+ May 1987 (photos by TMi, OS, TC). First verified Oregon record.

511-88-06 Page Springs Campground, Harney Co., 1 male on 21 May 1988 (photos by KI).

511-92-08 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 male June 23-July 2, 1992 (CD; photos by APf).

511-92-09 Malheur Field Sta., Harney Co., 1 adult male on 30 May 1992 (photos by TC).

511-93-11 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 female 6 June-13 July 1993 (photos by CD, APf).

511-93-12 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 immature bird 13-19 August 1993 (photos by APf). Record combined with 511-93-13.

511-93-13 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 immature bird 5-14 September 1993 (photos by APf). Record combined with 511-93-12.

511-94-14 Springfield, Lane Co., 1 bird on 21 April 1994 (LMc).

511-94-15 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 male on 17 April 1994 (CD).

511-94-16 Silver Lake, Lake Co., 1 singing bird on 8 May 1994 (photos by SS).

511-94-17 Denman SWA, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 3 October 1994 (BT).

511-95-18 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 21 May 1995 (photo by MD).

511-96-19 near Fort Rock, Lake Co., 1 adult male on 7 June 1996 (AF).

511-96-20 Toketee Ranger Station, Douglas Co., 1 adult male 31 July-18 August 1996 (video by KG; photos by RM).

511-96-21 Near Tumalo, Deschutes Co., 1 bird 7-8 December 1996 (JM; photos by SR).

511-97-22 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male on 28 May 1997 (TJ, M).

511-98-23 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male 5-8 May 1998 (M).

511-98-24 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male on 13 October 1998 (M).

511-00-26 The Dalles, Wasco Co., 1 adult male 3 June 2000 (KA).

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511-00-27 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 18 May 2000 (photos by M).

511-02-29 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 14 May 2002 (photos by RHo).

511-02-30 Colony Creek, Harney Co., 4 birds on 20 May 2002 (TR, MWi).

511-02-31 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 12 June 2002 (TR).

511-04-32 Six MilePond, Catlow Valley, Harney Co., 1 bird on 30 May 2004 (photo by TR).

511-04-33 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 23 October 2004 (JaW).


Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 11 May 2007 (photo by StD).

511-08-35 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 16 May 2008 (photos by M).

511-08-36 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 male on 24-25 May 2008 (JMe; photos by RHo).

511-10-38 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 female 24 May 2010 (photos by KL).

511-13-39 23 mi south of Chemult, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 15 May 2013 (FS; photo by AlE).

511-13-40 Wireless Road-Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 20 October 2013 (photos by MP).

Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 7, 2007 512-80-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 16 May 1980 (photo by OS). First verified Oregon record.

512-80-02 Island City, Union Co., 1 on 5-6 June 1980 (GS).

512-81-03 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 16 May 1981 (TM; photo by CS). This record had been accepted as a Common Grackle but was accepted as a Great-tailed Grackle upon reconsideration.

512-85-04 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 24-25 May 1985 (JG, OS, JE; photos by DBa, TC).

512-86-05 Beuna Vista Sta., Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 3 males from 30 May-7 June 1986 (photos by OS, JJo, TC).

512-89-06 Fields, Harney Co., 1 female on 14 October 1989 (photos by SS).

512-92-07 Madras, Jefferson Co., 1 adult male 23-25 May 1992 (photos by KI).

512-92-08 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 male on 1 June 1992 (photos by CD).

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512-93-09 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird 5-16 June 1993 (photos by HN).

512-93-10 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 15 May 1993 (photos by TJ).

512-93-11 Mann Lake, Harney Co., one adult male and adult female on 4 June 1993 (photos by WT).

512-92-12 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 adult male on 27 June 1992 (photos by TMi, AMi).

512-01-14 Ontario, Malheur Co., 1 male and 1 female on 29 December 2001 (TR; photos by RuM).

512-02-15 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male on 27 May 2002 (TR).

512-02-16 Antelope Reservoir, Malheur Co., 1 adult male on 15 June 2002 (photo by CM).

512-04-17 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 8 May 2004 (photos by M).

512-04-18 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 24 May 2004 (video by TJ).

512-05-19 Summer Lake, Lake Co., 1 male on 15 May 2005 (photos by NSt; video by TJ).

512-05-20 Lakeside, Coos Co., 3 birds 22 May-17 June 2005 (photos by JRa).

512-06-21 Burns, Harney Co., 1 male on 25 May 2006 (photos by KRo).

512-06-22 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 2 male birds 17-24 May 2006 (TR; photos by RuN).

512-06-23 Agate Lake, Jackson Co., 3 males and 1 female on 5 July 2006 (photos by RRo).

512-06-24 Lakeside, Coos Co., 1 bird 15-19 October 2006 (photo by JRa).

512-04-25 Page Springs CG, Harney Co., 1 bird on 23 May 2004 (TBr).

Common/Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus sp. 511/512-09-01 Borax Lake, Harney Co., 1 female on 30 May 2009 (TR).

Orchard Oriole Icterus spurius 506-81-01 South Beach, Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 in immature plumage on 27 September 1981 (DI; photos by JG, OS). First verified Oregon record.

506-88-03 Toketee Ranger Station, Douglas Co., 1 female 8-10 May 1988 (DF; photos by JMo).

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506-90-04 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 female from 12 November-12 December 1990 (CD; photos by SS, NL).

506-91-05 Fields, Harney Co., 1 male 4-7 June 1991 (PL photos by TC,SF,KKe).

506-97-07 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 first spring male on 7 April 1997 (CD).

506-01-08 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 adult male on 4-26-01 (GEs).

506-01-10 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 basic-plumaged male and 1 female 15 December 2001-3 February 2002 (TS; photos by DMu).

506-11-11 Malheur Field Station, Harney Co., 1 bird on 14 May 2011 (photos by LyM).

506-12-12 Page Springs Campground, Harney Co., 1 male on 8 June 2012 (photos by HFu, GoP);

506-12-13 Headquarters Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 17 June 2012 (photos by AdH).

Hooded Oriole Icterus cucullatus REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MARCH 25, 2012 505-76-01 Depoe Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 29+ December 1976 (photos by TC). First verified Oregon record.

505-79-02 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 from 1 January through March 1979 (photos by LMc).

505-79-03 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 immature male on 16+ December 1979 (AMc; photos by GV).

505-82-04 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 2 immature males, 1 bird on 24 December 1982 and later 2-19 February 1983 (AMc; photos by OS, BG).

505-85-07 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 male on 1 May 1985 (PG; photos by GGa).

505-86-08 Florence, Lane Co., 1 immature male on 2 and 5-7 June 1986 (MM; photos by MF).

505-87-09 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., 1 male from 2 - 3 May 1987 (AMi, TMi; photos by SS).

505-88-10 High Desert Museum, south of Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 adult male on 17 April 1988 (photos by BGa).

505-90-11 Beaverton, Washington Co., 1 adult female on 23 May 1990 (KKe).

505-92-12 Hunter Creek, Curry Co., 1 adult male 23 April-1 May 1992 (photos by CD, DVB).

505-91-13 South Slough Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 adult female on 31 August 1991 (JJo).

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505-92-14 Eagle Point, Jackson Co., 1 immature male on 15 May 1992 (HS)

505-93-15 Hunter Creek, Curry Co., 1 or more from 23 November 1993-25 March 1994 (TJ; photos by CD, SR).

505-95-17 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 adult male on 2 May 1995 (PMe).

505-96-18 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 adult male on 2 May 1996 (photos by PMe).

505-97-19 Cape Meares Village, Tillamook Co., 1 adult male 17-20 April 1997 (CM; photos by MTw, CR, RBa).

505-98-20 Harrisburg, Linn Co., 1 adult male on 24 April 1998 (ErS).

505-99-21 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 adult male 29 from December 1999 into February 2000 (KGo; photos by DMu).

505-02-22 Fields, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 17 April 2002 (photo by BoF).

505-04-23 Central Point, Jackson Co, 1 male 7-11 June 2004 (photos by CBr, DCr, GaS).

505-06-24 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 adult male on 26 May 2006 (photo by BrC).

505-06-25 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 adult male on 26 October 2006 (photo by LoM).

505-06-26 Reedsport, Douglas Co., 1 female on 24 November and 13 December 2006 (photo by TGa).

505-08-27 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird on 25 April 2008 (photo by MCo).

505-08-28 Eagle Point, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 18 April 2008 (photo by HS).

505-09-30 Gaston, Washington Co., 1 adult male 26 December 2009 into April 2010 (photos by GG, OS, DoN, JSa, Spa, TWn, AuB).

505-06-31 Bowman Road, Douglas Co., 1 adult male on 13 December 2006 (DaF; photo by TGa).

505-08-32 Days Creek, Douglas Co., 1 adult male on 11 June 2008 (DaF; photo by SeR).

505-10-34 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird 29-30 May 2010 (photos by DVP, BW).

505-10-35 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 bird 14-15 October 2010 (photos by RuN).

505-11-36 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., 1 bird 6-8 May 2011 (ASh, DvH).

505-11-37 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., 1 bird 10 May 2011 (DvH).

505-11-38 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 male on 20 November 2011 (MP; photos by MP, HaP)

Streak-backed Oriole Icterus pustulatus 97 98

505.1-93-01 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male bird from 28 September-1 October 1993 (MD, RHo, JJo, HH, JSi; photos by SJ; videotapes by DVB).

Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula 507-74-01 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 male on 26 October 1974 (photos by RL).

507-86-02 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 singing male 27 May-5 June 1986 (SH).

507-91-03 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature male on 1 December 1991 (photos by CD).

507-84-04 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 27 May 1984 (photos by PO).

507-85-05 Benson Pond, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 26 May 1985 (JE).

507-97-06 HDQ. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 16 September 1997 (Photos by TJ, JG).

507-98-07 Summer Lake, Lake Co., 1 first-winter male on 15 October 1998 (CM, MaM).

507-02-08 Colony Creek, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 27 May 2002 (TR).

507-03-09 Florence, Lane Co., 1 adult male on 10 January 2003 (video by OS).

507-05-10 Tierra Del Mar, Tillamook Co., 1 male on 24 April 2005 (video by WG).

507-06-11 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 17 September 2006 (photo by DaF).

507-07-12 Benson Pond, Harney Co., 1 adult male 22-27 May 2007 (photos by DH, MP, M, RuN; videotape by TJ).

507-06-13 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 21 May 2006 (AdH, Chi, EmS; photos by NaH).

507-11-15 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 26 May 2011 (photo by SPi).

507-12-16 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 summer plumaged male 22 August 2012 (BrG).

507-12-17 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 adult male 22 August 2012 (photo by DMu).

507-13-18 Pike Creek, Harney Co., adult male on 6 June 2013 (photo by StL).

507-14-19 Coos Bay, Coos Co., adult male on 24 May 2014 (photo by LoM);

507-15-20 Netarts, Tillamook Co., one bird on 4 January 2015 (photos by DHm,OS,NeN);video by JuK);

507-15-21 Central Point, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 17 May 2015 (photo by TBa).

507-15-22 Melrose, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 27 May 2015 (photos by MH).

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507-15-23 Pistol River, Curry Co., 1 bird on 20 August 2015 (photos by TrH).

507-15-24 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 23 December 2015 (MP).

Scott’s Oriole Icterus parisorum 504-91-02 Fields, Harney co., adult female 4-7 June 1991 (PL, TC; photos by SF, KKe, JG) photos not accepted.

504-99-03 Mt. Vernon and John Day, Grant Co., 1 subadult 18 April-18 May 1999 (photos by AnF).

Brambling Fringilla montifringilla 514.1-68-01 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 in March 1968 (photo by CB). First verified Oregon record.

514.1-83-02 La Grande, Union Co., 1 male in basic plumage 9+ December 1983 (JE; photos by OS, TC).

514.1-90-03 Florence, Lane Co., 1 adult male in basic plumage 25-31 October 1990 (GH, TMi, AMi; photos by PMo, SS).

514.1-92-04 W. of Milton-Freewater, Umatilla Co., 1 bird on 8 February 1992 (MD).

514.1-91-05 Aloha, Washington Co., 1 bird from Late December 1991-mid March 1992 (SRi).

514.1-85-06 Dallas, Polk Co., 1 female on 1 December 1985 (WT, RWi).

514.1-98-07 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 bird 13 December 1998-5 January 1999 (RK,PSu; photos by PBa,OS,RBa).

514.1-98-08 Holley, Linn Co., 1 female 26-27 December 1998 (NBo).

514.1-01-09 Burns, Harney Co., 1 basic-plumaged male 28 December 2001-2 February 2002 (JoG; photos by Jsc; videos by CM, DKn, DT).

514.1-06-10 Monmouth, Polk Co., 1 bird early March-16 April 2006 (photos by KeO, RiB).

514.1-06-11 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 female 12 April 2006 (photos by M, MRu).

514.1-11-12 Scappoose, Columbia Co., 1 bird 25-26 November 2011 (BaP; photos by GG, StC).

514.1-11-13 Woodburn, Marion Co., 1 bird 25 December 2011-5 January 2012 (LiL, DoN, DI, DN).

Hoary Redpoll Acanthis hornemanni 527-86-01 Near Umapine, Milton-Freewater, and Weston, Umatilla Co., 1-3 birds on 21 January; 1, 2 and 5 February 1986 (MS, JE, JJo, JG; photos by TC, HN, OS).

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527-90-02 9 mi NW Bates, Grant Co., 1 bird on 19 January 1990 (RHu).

Lawrence’s Goldfinch Spinus lawrencei 531-91-02 Florence, Lane Co., 1 adult male in basic plumage December 24, 1991-January 11, 1992 (JE; photos by ZS, BS, TC, OS, SR, DVB).

531-97-03 Lower Table Rock, Jackson Co., 1 subadult male on 15 May 1997 (TaB, YZ).

531-03-04 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 male in winter plumage, August 28, 2003 (LB, RM, DI).

531-07-06 Goose Lake, Lake Co., 1 bird 11-12 August 2007 (details DMu; photo ?).

531-07-07 Winston, Douglas Co., 1 bird 18-21 September 2007 (photos by SpP, StC)

531-08-08 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 male on 24-25 April 2008 (photos by JLC).

531-08-10 Eagle Point, Jackson Co., 1 male on 8 May 2008 (photo by HS).

531-10-11 Mt. Talbert, Clackamas Co., 1 male on 16 May 2010 (MaA).

531-12-12 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male on 12 April 2012 (photos by MES).

531-13-13 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., one male on 12 June 2013 (MES)

531-14-15 Ashland, Jackson, one male on 3 May 2014 (GoP);

SELECT SUBSPECIES RECORDS The following records are of rare subspecies selected by the Committee for review.

“Bewick’s” Swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii 180.1-82-01 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 2 January 1982 (JG). Bewick’s Swan was lumped with Whistling Swan in the 1983 6th Editon AOU Check-list to form the new species named Tundra Swan.

180.1-08-02 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 2 March 2008 (videotape by CM).

180.1-11-04 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 6 February 2011 (photo by RnL).

180.1-11-05 American Drive, Linn Co., 1 bird on 4 January 2016 (photo and details by DI).

“Eurasian” Green-winged Teal Anas crecca crecca REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST APRIL 10, 2004 138-00-01 Fenk Road, Tillamook Co., 1 male on 21 March 2000 (video by JW).

138-01-02 Central Point, Jackson Co., 1 male on 28 January 2001 (CBr).

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138-02-03 Pony Slough, Coos Co., 1 male on 4 March 2002 (TR).

138-02-04 Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co., 1 adult male 28 December 2002 (MiL).

138-03-05 Fernhill Wetlands, Washington Co., 2 males 28 November 2003-11 January 2004 (photos by GG).

138-03-06 Jackson Bottom, Washington Co. 1 male on 29 November 2003 (photo by GG).

“Vega” Herring Gull Larus argentatus vegae 052-93-04 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 adult 10 January-27 March 1993 (photo by HN)

“Red” Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca REMOVED FROM THE REVIEW LIST MAY 2, 2015 585-97-02 Sutherlin, Douglas Co., 1 bird 30 March-11 April 1997 (prints by KWi).

585-98-03 Salem, Marion Co., 1 bird on 5 February 1998 (video by TJ).

585-01-04 Salem, Marion Co., 1 bird 22 March to late April 2001 (RL).

585-06-05 Luckiamute State Natural Area, Polk Co., 1 bird 31 December 2006-2 January 2007 (JGe).

585-07-06 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 bird on 22 April 2007 (photo LoM).

585-09-08 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 bird on 2-3 January 2009 (photos by HoR, DHe).

585-12-10 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 bird 16-18 March 2012 photo (SCh);

585-13-11 Heceta Beach, Lane Co., 1 bird on 7 January 2013 (photo by Diane Pettey).

585-14-12 Corvallis, Benton Co., one bird on 27 December 2014 (details by TiO, photos by TiO,CaB);

585-14-13 Salem, Marion Co., one bird on 17 December 2014 (photo by DBe);

“White-winged” Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis aikeni 566-87-01 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 26 February 1987 (photos by TC, JJo).

“Gray-headed” Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis caniceps 569-90-01 Sutherlin, Douglas Co., 1 bird 15-26 November 1990 (KWi).

569-99-02 Oregon Canyon, Malheur Co., 5 pairs on 22 June 1999 (MD, MLD).

569-00-03 Trout Creek, Harney Co., 1 bird on 17 July 2000 (StD).

569-12-04 Pueblo Mountains, Harney Co., two birds on 14 June 2012 (AdH);

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569-13-05 Ten Cent Meadow-Pueblo Mts., Harney Co., sev. birds on 14 June 2013 (photos by AdH, CHi);

569-14-06 Ten Cent Meadows-Pueblo Mts, Harney Co., 1 bird on 14 June 2014 (CHi,AH)

569-15-07 Enterprise, Wallowa Co., 1 bird on 18 January 2015 (CHi);

569-15-08 Pueblo Mountains, Harney Co., 1 bird on 28 May 2015 (photos by BA).

569-15-09 Pueblo Mountains, Harney Co., birds on 29 May 2015 (photos by JLJ).

569-15-10 Pueblo Mountains, Ten Cent Meadows, Harney Co., 14 June 2015 (ChH, AH, ES).

569-15-11 Pueblo Mountains, Harney Co., several birds on 14 June 2015 (ChH, AH, ES).

569-15-12 Pueblo Mountains, 7000’ elev., Harney Co., 1 bird on 14 June 2015 (ChH, AH, ES).

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David Ainley (DaA) Justin Bosler (JuB) Alan Contreras (AC) Chris Allen (CAl) Ian Boustead (IBo) Margy Collinet (MCo) Jim Allen (JiA) Diana Bradshaw (DBr) David Copeland (DaC) John Allen (JAl) Keith Brady (KBr) J. Corbett (JCo) Don Albright (DAl) Tanya Bray (TaB) Craig Corder (CC) Kent Aldrich (KA) Trent Bray (TBr) Karen Cottrell KCo) David Anderson (DA) Peter Bridge (PBr) Bruce Craig (BCr) Greg Anderson (GA) Christy Brindle (CB) Dick Cronberg**(DCr) Jon Anderson (JAn) Dan van den Broek (DVB) John Crowell (JoC) Tait Anderson (TaA) Bob Bromley (BBr) Marcia Cutler (MCu) Knute Andersson (KnA) Lois Brooks (LB) Tom Crabtree (TC) Bob Archer (BA) Richard Brooks (RiB) Kevin Cromack (KeC) Jim Arenson (JA) M. Ralph Browning (MRB) Steven Cross (SCr) Nanette Armstrong (NaA) P.A. Buckley (PB) C.A. Curran (CCu) Rich Armstrong (RiA) Robert L. Buckmaster (RLB) Karen Currier (KCu) Dennis Arndt (DAr) Aimie L. Buckmaster (ALB) Vjera Arnold (VA) Dan Bump (DB) Penny Delevoryas (PD) Wayland Auger (WAu) Norman Budnitz (NBu) Mike Denny (MD) Michael Ayers (MAy) Richard Bunse (RiB) Merry-Lynn Denny (MLD) Lauretta Burman (LBu) Edward Derby EdD Lou Balaban (LoB) George Burt (GB) Laurel Devaney (LDe) Don Baccus (DoB) Frances Burns (FB) Patricia Dickey (PDi) Ginger Bachem (GiB) John Butler (JBu) Colin Dillingham (CD) David Bailey (DBa) Clin Brumitt (CBr) Angela Dillingham (ADi) Morgan Bancroft (MBa) Steve Byland (SBy) Jeffery Dillon (JDi) Robert Barnes (RBa) Diana Byrne (DiB) Lynette Dillon (LD) Norm Barrett (NB) Suzanne Dodson (SD) Alan D. Barron (AB) Wilson Cady (WC) Steve Dowlan (StD) Dan Barton (DaB) Lee Cain (LC) Clare Downes (CDo) Phil Bartley (PBa) Evan Cain (EC) Scott Downes (SDo) Range Bayer (RB) Randy Campbell (RaC) Virginia Druliner (VD) Douglas Beal (DBe) Brenda Carlin (BrC) Bruce Dugger (BrD) Giff Beaton (GiB) Eric Carlson (ErC) Alan Dyck (AD) Guy & Linda Beaudine (G&LB) Jim Carlson (JC) Michael Beeson (MiB) Judy Carlson (JuC) Julie Edmonds (JuE) Gail Beeson (GaB Scott Carpenter (StC) Mark Egger (MEg) Barbara Bellin (BB) Jim Carretta (JCa) Ray Ekstrom (REK) Jerry Bellin (JBe) Derb S. Carter (DC) Mark Elliott (Mel) Kenny Binder (KeB) Stan Cassell (StC) Cal Elshoff (CEl) James Benson (JaB) Kathy Castelein (KC) Rick Elston (REl) Steve Berliner (StB) Bob Celentano (BCe) Elsie Eltzroth (EE) Kelly Bettinger (KB) Sheila Chambers (SCh) Merlin S. (Elzy) Eltzroth (ME) Tim Bickler (TBi) John Chatt (JCh) Steven Emmons (SEm) John Biewener (JBi) Rebecca Cheek (RC) Andrew Emlin (AE) Richard Bjerkvig (RBj) Jorrie Ciotti (JCi) Albert Endres AlE) Pat Tibbitts-Blair (PTB) Ken Ciotti (KCi) Forrest English (FEn) Luke Bloch (LuB) Barbara Clark (BbC) Richard Erickson (RE) Tim Blount (TB) David Clark (DCl) Alan Erwin (AEr) Joe Blowers (JoB) Brad Clemons (BCl) Myra Erwin (MEr) Nancy Bock (NBo) Michael Clemons (MC) Anne Esche (AnE) Greg Boice (GBo) Kent Coe (KnC) Gerd Esche (GEs) Chris Bond (CBo) Barbara Combs (BC) Bates Estebrooks (BEs) Austin Booth (AuB) Greg Concannon (GC) R. Ettinger (REt)

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M. Ettinger (MEt) Tony Greager (TG) Jean van Hulzen (JvH) Joe Evanich (JE) Brandon Green (BrG) Terry Hunefeld (Thu) Duncan Evered (DuE) Joyce Green (JoG) Bob Hunter (BoH) Richard Greenspun (RiG) Jack Hurt (JHu) Craig Faanes (CF) R. Grenfell (RGr) Lyle Fagnan (LF) Barbara Griffin (BG) Keith Iding (KeI) Karl Fairchild (KaF) John Griffith (JGr) Marshall Iliff (MIl) Daniel Farrar (DaF) Wink Gross (WG) Elizabeth Irle (EI) Darrel Faxon (DFa) Grant Gunderson (GGu) David Irons (DI) Glen Faxon (GFa) Troy Guy (TrG) Frank Isaacs (FI) Dan Fay (DFy) Kamal Islam (KI) Rob Fergus (RF) Don Alan Hall (DAH) Stan Isley (SIs) Ray Filby (RaF) Arden Hagen (AHa) M.E. Isleib (MEI) Shawneen Finnegan (SF) Charity Hagen (ChH) Kathy Finnell (KF) Sherry Hagen (ShH) Steve Jaggers (StJ) Tad Finnell (TF) Michael Hammer (MHa) Stewart Janes (SJa) Leroy Fish (LeF) Greg Hammon (GH) Tim Janzen (TJ) David Fix (DF) Larry Hammond (LaH) Lois Jayne (LJa) Jeff Fleischer (JFl) Shelba Hammond (ShH) Greg Johanson (GJh) Anne Flora (AFl) Jamie Hannum (JH) Jim Johnson (JJo) Bob Flores (BoF) Janet Hardin (JHa) John Johnson (JJ) Anthony Floyd (AF) Jeff Harding (JeH) Tim Johnson (TJo) Graham Floyd (GrF) Jean Harkin (JHa) Richard Johnson (RiJ) Michael Force (MiF) Robert Harlan (RHa) Albert Johnstone (AlJ) Maggi Ford (MFo) Billy Wayne Harris (BWH) Meredith Jones (MJ) Mary Forrester (MF) Carita Harris (CHa) Sheran Jones (SJ) Andy Frank (AFr) Lauren Harter (LaH) Paula Frazier (PF) Larry Hawley (LaH) Durrell Kapan (DK) Louis Fredd (LFr) Floyd Hayes (FH) Jan Kapan (JKa) Pat French (PFr) Loren Hays (LHa) Joe Kaplan (JoK) Bill Freeland (BF) Stephanie Hazen SHz) Carol Karlen Cka Reid Freeman (RFr) David Heath (DaH) Doris Kasper DoK) Bjorn Fredrickson (BjF) Steve Heinl (SH) Ron Keenom (RKe) Gary Friedrichsen (GF) P. Sydney Herbert (PSH) Patricia Kemner (PK) Ron Friesz (RoF) Hendrik Herlyn (HH) Jerald Kearney (JeK) Anne Frost (AnF) Steve Herman (SHe) Karen Kearney (KKe) Julie Fukuda (JFu) David Herr (DH) Geoff Keller (GK) Richard Fulham (RFu) Lynn Herring (LH) Robert Kelsh (RKe) Harry Fuller (HFu) David Hewitt (DvH) John Kempe (JKe) Joanne Fuller (JF) Anne Heyerly (AHe) John Kemper (JnK) Terry Fuller (TFu) Dan Heyerly (DHe) Jack Kiley (JKi) Dave Hiebert (DHi) Carol Kinch (CKi) Bob Gabriel (BGa) Phil Hicks (PhH) James R. King (JRK) Gail Garner (GGa) Adrian Hinkle (AdH) Steven King (SK) Tim Gannon (TGa) Christopher Hinkle (CHi) Marlowe Kissinger (MKi) Paula Gardner (PG) Nathan Hinkle (NaH) Joe Klee (JKl) John Gatchet (JGa) Susan Hinton (SuH) Michael Klem (MiK) Joel Geier (JGe) Paul Hirsch (Phi) Georges Kleinbaum (GeK) Roy Gerig (RG) W.E. Hoffman (WEH) Ellen Knight (ElK) Tristen Gholson (TGh) Wayne Hoffman (WH) Ken Knittle (KK) Jay Gilliam (JaG) Dave Hofmann (DHo) Diantha Knott (DKn) Jeff Gilligan (JG) David Holway (DHw) Jan Knott (JKn) Greg Gillson (GG) Dave Holland (DvH) Tony Kutzen (TK) Dan Gleason (Dgl) Eric Horvath (EH) Ray Korpi (RK) Joe Gnagy (JGn) Howard Horvath (HHo) Martha Kuhn (MKu) Ken Goldwater (KGo) Charlotte Hotman (CHo) Jan Krabbe (JK) Larry Goodhew (LGo) Eric Hough (ErH) Rick Krabbe (RKr) Steve Gordon (SG) Annmarie Housley (AnH) Peggy Krause (PeK) Dawn Grafe (DGr) Richard Hoyer (RHo) Kris Kristovich( KrK) Keith Graves (KG) Eugene Hunn (EHu) Greg Krutzikowsky (GKr) Mary Graves (MGr) Matt Hunter (MH) Michael Graybill (MG) Robert Hudson (RHu) Margaret LaFaive (MLF)

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Al Larrabee (ALa) Sylvia Maulding (SMa) Pam Newman (Pan) David Larson (DL) Tom McCamant (ToM) Mark Nikas (MN) Kit Larson (KL) Don McDonald (DMc) Steve Nord (SNo) Lynne Larson (LL) Nancy MacDonald (NMc) Susan Norris (SuN) Ron Larson (RnL) William McDonald (WMc) John Notis (JNo) David Lauten (DLa) Alan McGie (AMc) Virginia (Marcy) Nufer (VN) Rob Lawrence (RLa) Barry McKenzie (BMc) Bob Laws (BLa) Hugh McKenzie (HMc) Bob O’Brien (BOB) Claudia Laws (CLa) M.S. McLaughlin (MMc) Cornelia Oedekovern (CoO) Cindy Lawes (CiL) Jeri McMahon (JMc) Clarence O’Leary (COL) John Lawes (JLa) Scott McMullen (SMc) Marilyn O’Leary (MOL) Steve Lay (StL) Tom McNamara (TMc) Karen Olsen (KaO) Jerry Lear (JeL) L.B. McQueen (LMc) James Olson (JaO) David Ledig (DaL) Ed McVicker (EMc) Matthew Olson (MaO) Fay Ledward (FLe) Bill Medlen (BMe) Hal Opperman (HO) Neal Ledward (NLe) Patty Meehan (PMe) Paul Osburn (PO) Philip Lee (PhL) Judy Meredith (JMe) Laimons Osis (LO) Harry LaGrand (HLG) Kathy Merrifield (KM) Phyllis Oster (POs) David Leal (Dle) Ryan Merrill (RyM) Warren Oster (WO) Paul Lehman (PL) Lyla Messick (LyM) Bruce Ostyn (BO) Jim Leonard (JLe) Richard Messinger (RiM) Keith Owen (KeO) Ron LeValley (RLeV) L. Richard Mewaldt (LRM) Nick Lethaby (NL) Allison Mickel (AMi) Rich Pagen (RiP) Janet Lewis-Case (JLC) Tom Mickel (TMi) Richard Palmer (RP) Jim Liesch (JiL) Bo Miller (BoM) Nina Park (NPa) Gerard Lillie (GL) Craig Miller (CM) Alice Parker (AP) Glen Lindeman (GLi) Lois Miller (LoM) Fred Parker (FP) Charles Linehan (CL) Mark Miller MaM) Steve Parsons (SPa) Mike Lippsmeyer (MiL) Marilyn Miller (MaM) Pete Patricelli PeP) C.D. Littlefield (CDL) G. Scott Mills (GSM) Mike Patterson (MP) Robert Loeffel (RoL) Ann Mitchell (AnM) W. Patterson (WPa) Robert Loehning (RWL) Steve Mlodinow (SMl) Dennis Paulson (DPa) Linda Long (LiL) Jeff Moffett (JMo) L. Paynter (LPa) Tom Love (TLo) Elaine Moisan (ElM) William Pearcy (MWP) Roy W. Lowe (RLo) Molly Monroe (Mo) Bob Pease (BoP) Peter Low (PLo) Marjorie Moore (MMo) George Peterson (GoP) Marguerite Lowery (MLo) Randy Moore (RMo) Harold Peterson (HaP) Louise Lucas (LLu) Laura Mountainspring (LMs) Roger Tory Peterson (RTP) Robert Lucas (RL) Terry Morgan (TM) Diane Pettey (DiP) Tom Lund (TL) Dave Morrison (DaM) Alice Pfand (APf) Mark Lundgren (MLu) Ellen Morrison (EMM) Terence Phillipe (TPh) John Lundsten (JL) Joseph Morlan (JM) A.R. Phillips (ARP) Donna Lusthoff (DLu) Laura Morse (LaM) Phil Pickering (PP) Bruce Lyon (BLy) Gerald Moske (GM) Nathan Pieplow (NPi) Sue Moske (SM) Babett Pierce (BaP) Ron Maertz (RM) Pat Moynahan (PMo) J. Jerome Pierce (JJP) Kenneth Mahouski (KeM) Patrick Muller (PM) Jerry Pilny (JPi) Maitreya (M) Don Munson (DMu) Sarah Pinnock SPi) David MacManiman (DMM) Fred Munz ( FMu) Robert Pitman (RPi) Stuart Malmid (StM) Richard Muser (RMu) Spencer Platt (SpP) Russ Manwaring (RuM) David Vander Pluym (DVP) Delores Marcum DeM) Don N. (DN.) Diane Pope (DP) Melvin Marcum (MMa) Dave Nafziger (DN) Dwight Porter (DwP) Dave Markley (DMa) Dileep Nageswaran (DiN) Johnny Powell (JoP) Margaret Markley (MM) Russ Namitz RuN) Don Powers (DPo) Mike Marsh (MiM) Harry Nehls (HN) Eric Pozzo (EPo) David Marshall (DM) Sally Nelson (SNe) Bill Preble (BiP) Julie Martin (JuM) Don Nelson (DoN) Nina Price (NP) Steven Matherly (SvM) Nels Nelson ( NeN) Al Prigge (APr) Ed Matthews (EMa) Tom Nelson (TN) William Proebsting (WiP) John Matthews (JMa) Pam & Pete Neumann (P&PN) Claire Puchy (CP) Karen Maulding (KMa) Michael Newcomer MWN) Eleanor Pugh (EP)

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L. Todd Pusser (LTP) Carl Schilt (CSc) Buzz Stewart (BzS) Peter Pyle (PPy) Stefan Schlick (ShS) Marty St. Lewis (MSL) Owen Schmidt (OS) Bill Stotz (BS) Tim Ramis (TRa) Wayne Schmidt (WSc) Douglas Stotz (DSt) Richard Raymond (RiR) Matthew Schneider (MaS) Nancy Stotz (NS) Fred Ramsey (FR) Doug Schonewald (DoS) Zanah Stotz (ZS) Seanne Randell (SeR) Floyd Schrock (FS) Gary Strachen (GSt) Jason Randolph (JRa) Don Schrouder (DSc) W.C. Strahan (WCS) Russell Raney (RRa) Harvey Schubothe (HaS) Noah Stryker (NSt) Bill Ranta (BRa) Eva Schultz (ESc) John Sullivan (JSu) Max Rae (MxR) Jim Schultz (Jsc) Patrick Sullivan (PSl) Luke Redmond (LuR) Ed Schwartz (ES) Paul Sullivan (PSu) Alan Reid (ARe) Jeff Schwilk (JeS) Ruth Sullivan (RSu) Dan Reed (DRe) Douglas E. Scovell (DES) Priscilla Summers (PrS) Paul Reed (PRe) Trent Seager (TSe) Steve Summers (SS) Lewis Rems (LR) Glen Sevey (GSe) Don Sutherland (DSu) Hilda Reiher (HR) Gary Shaffer (GaS) David Swanson (DSw) Holly Reinhard (HoR) Anna Shannon (Ash) Pat & Sharon Sweeney Darin Rhein (DRh) Dave Shea (DSh) (P Martha Rhodes (MRh) Cathy Sheeter (CSh) & Les Richards (LRi) Bill Shelmerdine (BSh) SS Bruce Rideout (BR) Tim Shelmerdine (TS) w) Sam Riley (SRi) Dan Sherman (DaS) Otis Swisher (OSw) Robert Ringler (RR) Michael Sherrill (MSh) Mary Ritter (MRi) Paul Sherrel (PSh) Bob Taplay (BTa) Roger Robb (RRo) Carol Sherwood (CS) Avery Taylor (AT) Michael Robbins (MR) John Shewey (JSh) Barbara Taylor (BaT) Craig Roberts (CR) James Shimoto (JS) Verda Teale (VT) Graig Roberts (GRo) Fred Shipley (FSh) Roxanna Tessman (RxT) Doug Robinson (DoR) Steve Shope (SSh) Carl Templeman (CT) Kathleen Roche (KaR Stephen Shunk (StS) Larry Thornburgh (LT) Justin Rodecap (JuR) Patty Shreve (PaS) Todd Thornton (TT) Tim Rodenkirk (TR) Tom Shreve (TSh) Sarah Thurman (STh) Dan Rodgers (DRo) James Simmons (JSi) William Tice (WT) Robert Rodgers (RRd) Angela Sitz (AnS) Pat Tilley (PaT) Dennis Rogers (DR) Aaron Skirvin (AaS) Dorothy Tomkins (DTo) Jim Rogers (JRo) Lawrence Small (LSm) Vjera Thompson (VTh) Kim Rollins (KRo) Ardelle Smith (ArS) Lyn Topinka (LyT) Kerry Ross (KeR David Smith (DSm) David Tracy (DT) Steve Rottebborn (StR) Gerald Smith (GSm) Julie Williamson-Tracy (JWT) Meg Ruby (MgR) Joyce Smith (JSm) Dave Trochlell (DaT) Mark Rudolph (MRu) Kevin Smith (KeS) Khanh Tran (KhT) David Russell (DRu) Mark Smith (MSm) Ed Troyer (ETr) Ken Russell (KRu) Max Smith (MxS) V.A. Truan (VAT) Skip Russell (SR) Rachel Smith (RSm) Paul Tubbs (PT) Richard Ryan (RRy) Richard Smith (RS) Craig Tumer (CTu) Thomas Ryan (TPR) Victor Smith (VSm) Peter Turnbull (PTu) E. Ryland (ERy) Tom Snetsinger (TSn) Timm Turrentine (TTu) C.D. Snow (CDS) Margaret Tweelinckx (MTw) M. Sacca (MSa) Holly Snyder (HoS) Bill Tweit (BT) Bob Sallinger (BoS) Mary Anne Sohlstrom (MAS) Robert C. Tweit (RT) Georgiana Sanderson (GS) David Sonneborn (DSn) Cynthia Tynan (CyT) Howard Sands (HS) Peggy Speer (PSp) Mary Ellen Sargent (MES) Kevin Spencer (KS) Becky Uhler (BUh) Johnny Sasko (JSa) Robert Stanton (RSt) Martha Sawyer (MS) Bill Stark BiS) Suresh V. (SV) Em Scattaregia EmS) Tom Staudt (TSt) A. Richard Vial (ARV) Iris Schaumberg (ISc) J. Peter Steidlmayer (JPS) Paula Vanderheul (PVH) Amy Schauer (ASc) Shawn Steinburg (SSt) George Vaughn (GV) Eric Scheueering (ErS) Greg Stender (GgS) Rick Vetter (RiV) H. Scheyer (HSc) Mark Stevens (MSt) Ken Voget (KV) J. Scheyer (JSc) Bruce Stewart (BSt) Dennis Vroman (DV)

106 107

June and Duane Whitten (JDW) Tom Wnuk (TWn) Brandon Wagner (BrW) Cole Wild (CoW) Ralph Wodtli RWo) Terry Wahl (TWa) Robert Wiley (RWi) Bing Wong (BW) Nathaniel Wander (NW) Rhett Wilkins (RhW) Roy Woodall (RW) Harold Ward (HaW) Mark Wilkinson (MkW) Barbara Woodhouse (BoW) Chris Warren (CrW) Jack Willianson (JkW) John Woodhouse (JW) Jean Weakland (JeW) Michael Willison (MWi) Ken Woodruff (KW) Clarice Watson (CW) Barbara Wilson (BbWi) Charlie Wright (ChW) C. Weiland (CWe) John Wilson (JWi) Will Wright (WW) Linda Weiland (LW) Katherine Wilson (KWi) C.J. Weiss (CJW) Stanley Wilson (SW) Kate Yates (KY) Cheryl Welchel (CyW) Jay Withgott (JaW) Ben Young (BY) David Wendt (DWe) E. Wilton (EWi) Chau Young (CY) Wiley Wenger**(WiW) Roger Windmuth (RoW) Pat Wesley (PWe) Raven Wing (RaW) C. Fred Zeillemaker (CFZ) Bob Whitney (BoW) Tom Winters (TW) Yuri Zharikov (YZ)

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The following records were not accepted by the OBRC. Records reviewed after 1 January 1988 carry a brief explanatory statement. Names of contributors have been omitted.

Fulvous Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna bicolor 178-95-02 Upper Campbell Lake, Lake Co., 2 birds were observed 18 September 1995. Not accepted as descriptions did not adequately describe a Fulvous Whistling-Duck or completely rule out similar duck species.

Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus 179-91-01 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 from 7 December 1991-22 February 1992. The bird was accepted as properly identified but the details were not sufficient enough to prove that the bird was actually in Oregon.

American Black Duck Anas rubripes 133-76-01 Daley Lake, Tillamook Co., 2 males on 2 February 1976. Not accepted because of questionable origin.

133-86-03 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird observed 7 September 1986. The description submitted indicated that this individual was a hybrid, most probably Mallard X American Black Duck. The dull olive-green upper mandible with considerable black mottling plus other plumage characteristics indicate hybrid. The origin of this bird was discussed but it was not the reason this record was not accepted.

Baikal Teal Anas formosa 139.1-06-02 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 11 November 2006. Details indicated a duck in unusual plumage that did not entirely fit this species or other similar plumaged ducks.

Common Pochard Anas ferina 146.1-95-01 Hat Rock State Park, Umatilla Co., 1 immature plumaged bird 29 September-3 October 1995. Photos and descriptions did not perfectly fit pochard and did not rule out Redhead or hybrid Redhead X Canvasback. Hybrids of this type look quite like Common Pochard.

Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula Removed from the Review List April 21, 2001 149.1-87-06 Monmouth sewage ponds, Polk Co., 1 first-winter male from 12-31 January 1987. Originally accepted, but not accepted on reconsideration as the bird returned the next two winters, was subsequently identified as a hybrid bird, and was so published in American Birds (44(2): 318).

149.1-89-10 Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co. 1 male on 26 February 1989. Not accepted because bird appeared to be a hybrid. Not accepted on reconsideration for same reason.

149.1-89-12 Originally part of 149.1-89-09, male and female. Male accepted. Female split from record and recirculated as record 149.1-89-12, not accepted.

149.1-96-22 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 male bird on 29 December 1996. Details did not rule out hybrid duck or some other species.

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King Eider Somatria spectabilis 162-87-04 South Jetty of the Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 on 1 July 1987. Not accepted because there was insufficient information to eliminate Common Eider, Surf Scoter, or White-winged Scoter.

162-97-08 South Jetty Umpqua River, Douglas Co., 1 female on 5 July 1997. Not accepted as the details were brief and incomplete and did not eliminate other duck species.

162-10-12 Yachats, Lincoln Co., the bird, probably an immature male, was seen at a distance in unsatisfactory conditions. The plumage description did not completely eliminate similar species.

Common Eider Somateria mollissima 159-65-01 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 female on 15 November 1965.

159-82-02 Netarts Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 immature male on 28 November 1982.

159-72-03 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., a flock on 9 January 1972; record withdrawn by observer.

Smew Mergellus albellus. 131.1-91-02 Mouth Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 2 birds 26 February 1991. Not accepted for insufficient and ambiguous details.

White-tailed Ptarmigan Lagopus leucurus Removed from the Review List November 1, 1981 364-81-01 Eagle Cap Wilderness, Wallowa Co., 1 on 1 August 1981. Not considered because species was dropped from the Review List.

Jananese Quail Coturnix japonica 288.6-88-01 Three Creek Meadows, Deschutes Co., 1 in August 1986. Photos showed a juvenile Varied Thrush.

Arctic Loon Gavia arctica 009-92-01 Alsea Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 27 November 1992. Written details brief and did not eliminate other loon species.

009-96-02 Cape Meares, Tillamook Co., 2 basic-plumaged birds on 29 September 1996. Not accepted as details did not completely eliminate Pacific Loon.

009-96-03 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage 10-16 August 1996. Not accepted as details and photographs indicated a molting Pacific Loon.

009-03-05 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 22-23 November 2003. Not accepted as slides and description did not rule out similar Pacific Loon.

009-11-11 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 bird 22-25 January 2011. Photos not diagnostic for Arctic Loon and appeared to be a small billed Common Loon.

Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii 008-80-08 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 28 May 1980.

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008-84-10 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 mostly in basic plumage on 18 April 1984.

008-87-15 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 9 May 1987. Not accepted because an insufficient description was obtained on a bird seen only in flight.

008-88-19 Loon Lake, Douglas Co., 3 birds on 14 February 1988. Photos are inconclusive and written details do not eliminate immature Double-crested Cormorant.

008-89-22 Hood River, Hood River Co., 1 bird on 29 January 1989. Photos are inconclusive, did not rule out Common Loon.

008-90-23 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 18 March 1990. Written details do not rule out Common Loon.

008-94-31 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 basic-plumaged adult 21-27 November 1994. Details submitted were rather sketchy and incomplete and did not completely rule out second basic-plumaged Common Loon

008-94-32 Wallowa Lake, Wallowa Co., 1 in basic plumage on 29 December 1994. Details submitted adequately described a Yellow-billed Loon but the photos created some questions. Other birders visiting the area a few days later observed a loon that appeared to be the bird described and photographed earlier. After close examination it was identified as a Common Loon. As there was some question on the identification of this bird the record not accepted.

008-95-34 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird observed 17 December 1995. Not accepted as details were too sketchy and did not fully eliminate Common Loon.

Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus 082-78-01 Pelagic trip on 30 September 1978. Withdrawn by observer.

082-53-02 Sunset Beach, Clatsop Co., a specimen collected on the beach on 30 January 1953. Specimen number 16616 at the Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA. Record withdrawn by the Secretary upon receipt of information that the specimen is in fact a Laysan Albatross.

Murphy’s Petrel Pterodroma ultima 100.1-96-04 80-100 mi West of Florence, Lane Co., 4 birds second week of August 1996. Not accepted as report did not describe enough detail to eliminate other Pterodroma species.

Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata 099-72-11 Off mouth Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 30 September 1972. Not accepted as report was ambiguous as to the bird was actually in Oregon waters. Details written ten years after the fact.

Hawaiian/Galapagos Petrel Pterodroma phaeopygia/sandwichensis 098.5/6-11-03 40 mi west of Reedsport, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 24 August 2011. Although reported by an experienced observer the bird was seen in rather poor weather conditions and important identification details were lacking.

Solander’s Petrel Pterodroma solandri

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099.2-09-01 60 mi west of Lane Co. coast, Lane Co., 1 bird on 8 May 2009. Not accepted on reconsideration as the field marks used to identify the species has since been found to be seen on other similar species of Pterodroma petrels and is not diagnostic to Solander’s.

Cook’s Petrel Pterodroma cookii 098.1-94-01 75 mi west of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 16 August 1994. Not accepted as observation too brief to obtain definite identification on this hard to identify species.

Great-winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera 098.4-07-01 13-15 mi west of Coos Bay, Coos Co., one bird on 26 August 2007. Although the descriptions given were compelling they did not entirely rule out similar species of this very difficult to identify group of birds. The observers admitted limited experience with Pterodroma petrels.

Flesh-footed Shearwater Puffinus carneipes Removed from the Review List March 10, 1984 095.1-82-06 Charleston pelagic, Coos Co., 1 on 17 October 1982.

Manx-type Shearwater Puffinus sp. 090/3-80-05 Brookings pelagic trip, Curry Co., 1 on 20 September 1980.

090/3-83-06 15 mi west of Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 adult on 25 August 1983.

Ashy Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa 108-84-01 Pelagic trip, 3 mi off Douglas Co., 12 birds on 27 July 1984.

108-09-03 71-80 mi west of Curry Co., 3 birds on 14 July 2009. Descreiptions were brief but compelling for Ashy Storm-Petrel. However, details did not adequately eliminate similar Storm-Petrel species.

Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens 128-63-07 Coquille Point, Coos Co., 1 on 26 July 1963. Not enough details provided.

128-08-09 50 mi west of Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 8 August 2008. This was a report of a sighting without any details describing the bird or how the bird was identified as a Magnificent Frigatebird.

Masked Booby Sula dactylatra 114-92-01 Cape Arago State Park, Coos Co., 1 on 18 June 1992. Written description was not consistent with Masked Booby and did not rule out some other species.

114-92-02 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 adult bird on 26 July 1992. Written description was too brief and did not eliminate some other species.

Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea 200-82-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 immature on 8 September 1982.

200-85-03 Reedsport, Douglas Co., 1 on 9 June 1985.

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200-91-06 Upper Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 immature on 29-30 August 1991. Not accepted as details did not rule out Snowy Egret.

200-92-07 Cushman, Lane Co., 1 immature 23-24 August 1992. Not accepted as details did not rule out Snowy Egret.

200-02-08 Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 2 October 2002. Not accepted as description was very brief and did not rule out immature Snowy Egret.

White Ibis Eudocimus albus 184-99-01 Summer Lake, Lake Co., four birds on 5 May 1999. Not accepted as details did not eliminate similar white species with black wingtips.

Common Black-Hawk Buteogallus anthracinus 345-81-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 22 May 1981.

Harris’s Hawk Parabuteo unicinctus 335-79-01 Trout Creek Mts., Harney Co., 1 adult on 12 June 1979. Origin questionable.

Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus Removed from the Review List April 16, 2011 343-92-07 Waldo Lake Road, Lane Co., 1 bird on 24 October 1992. Not accepted as description and photograph was too brief and did not eliminate similar species.

343-00-11 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 immature bird on 7 February 2000. Not accepted as description not detailed enough to rule out more expected hawk species.

343-03-13 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 18 October 2003. Not accepted as description did not rule out Red-shouldered hawk.

343-06-15 Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co., 1 bird on 28 April 2006. Not accepted as description did not rule out Red-shouldered Hawk.

Yellow Rail Coturnicops noveboracensis Removed from the Review List April 6, 1985 215-26-02 Aspen Lake, Klamath Co., a nest photographed on 23 May 1926. In: Murrelet 25: 29, 1944. Record not considered because of removal from review list.

Black Rail Laterallus jamaicensis 216-07-01 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 27 August 2007. Not accepted as key field marks not described, and apparently not seen.

Common Gallinule Gallinula chgallinula 219-95-07 I-84 east of the Sandy River, Multnomah Co., 2 adults on 31 August 1995. The description submitted fit that of adult gallinules. However, at the time of the observation no American Coots were observed. Yet the next day the observer and several other birders found two juvenile American Coots on the pond where the gallinules were seen; they could not find any gallinules. This species is very rare in Oregon, has occurred only as single individuals, and only during the spring. The record raises questions despite the good description. The Committee decided not to accept the record.

Whooping Crane Grus americana 204-97-01 Owyee River, 15 mi north of Rome, Malheur Co. 1 on 1 May 1997. Description incomplete for Whooping Crane and did not eliminate other white birds.

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American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus 286-86-01 Bandon, Coos Co., 2 birds, apparently adults, on 11 October 1986. Not accepted because other species of black and white oystercatchers could not be eliminated on the basis of the description obtained under foggy conditions.

Wilson’s Plover Charadrius wilsonia 280-07-02 Warrenton, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 19 August 2007. Details suggested this species, but did not entirely rule out similar plovers.

Piping Plover Charadrius melodus 277-09-02 Bandon Marsh, Coos Co., 1 bird 29 August 2009. An albinistic plover showing inconclusive plumage or other specific characteristics.

Mountain Plover Charadrius montanus 281-85-03 Agate Lake, Jackson Co., 2 birds reported as juveniles on 11 August 1985.

Gray-tailed Tattler Trings brevipes 259.1-76-01 Siletz Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 27 September 1976 (photos).

Bristle-thighed Curlew Numenius tahitiensis 268-85-02 Pony Slough, Coos Co., 1 on 30 July 1985.

268-00-08 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 29 September 2000. Not accepted as the view of the bird was brief and distant, and lighting may have been a factor.

Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica 251-96-15 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile on 7 October 1996. Description was very brief and incomplete. The bird was seen in poor light with much of the plumage characteristics poorly seen.

251-05-20 Canby, Clackamas Co., 1 bird on 28 April 2005. The description was brief and poorly written suggesting Hudsonian Godwit but not giving enough information to eliminate other shorebird species.

Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 250-84-09 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 27 April 1984.

Ruff Calidris pugnax 260-82-08 Nehalem sewage ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 on 20 September 1982.

260-82-09 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 20 September 1982.

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata Removed from the Review List March 10, 1984 238-78-02 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 26 August and 2 on 16 September 1978.

238-80-05 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 on 4 October 1980.

Stilt Sandpiper Calidris himantopus Removed from the Review List April 6, 1985 233-78-06 Euchre Creek, Curry Co., 1 on 25 August 1978.

233-81-15 Siletz Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 16 August 1981.

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Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea 244-65-01 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 10-18 August 1965. Not accepted as description failed to indicate key field marks for species.

244-66-02 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 in basic plumage on 5 September 1966.

244-83-06 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 in basic plumage on 23 October 1983.

244-84-07 Meares Lake, Tillamook Co., 1 on 1 September 1984.

244-86-12 Manzanita Beach, Tillamook Co., 1 on 15 September 1986. Photos. Not accepted because the photos showed an aberrant Dunlin or a Dunlin with white underfeathers ruffled on the rump by the wind. The bird lacked the distinctive supercilium of a Curlew Sandpiper.

244-89-13 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 30 September 1989. Not accepted because description and photos indicated bird was a Dunlin.

244-95-14 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 26 August 1995. The descriptions submitted appeared to be that of a Curlew Sandpiper. However, the slide taken of the bird showed chestnut or dark reddish tertails edges and a back pattern inconsistant with that species. The Committee did not accept this questionable individual.

244-15-25 Whalen Island, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 4 September 2015. Details and poor photo did not completely rule out similar species.

Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta 242.1-78-01 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 2-3 September 1978 (photos). This record had been accepted but was rejected after reconsideration.

242.1-82-03 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 11 and 13 September 1982 (photos). This record had been accepted but was rejected upon reconsideration.

242.1-82-04 Florence, Lane Co., 1 on 15 September 1982.

242.1-83-06 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 18 July 1983 (photos).

242.1-98-07 New River, Coos Co., 1 juvenile on 9 August 1998. Not accepted as report did not mention key field points and was not detailed enough for this exceedingly difficult identification.

242.1-07-08 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 2 September 2007. Long-toed Stint is an exceedingly difficult species to separate from Least Sandpiper. Details given in this report did not adequately describe the differences between the two species.

Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 242.2-79-01 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 15-16 September 1979 (photos).

242.2-80-02 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 17 August 1980 (photos). This record had been accepted but was rejected upon reconsideration.

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242.2-81-03 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 19 and 23 August 1981. This previously deferred record was not accepted because of insufficient details.

242.2-81-04 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 on 27 September 1981. This previously deferred record was not accepted because of insufficient details.

242.2-83-09 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile on 22 August 1983.

242.2-84-11 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 27, 28, and 31 August 1984 (photos).

242.2-82-12 withdrawn

242.2-88-13 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile bird on 24 August 1988. Not accepted because description did not rule out similar species.

242.2-88-14 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile bird on 7 September 1988. Not accepted because description did not rule out similar species.

242.2-89-15 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 adult bird on 15 August 1989. Not accepted because description did not rule out similar species, and photos indicated bird was adult Western Sandpiper.

242.2-01-18 Siltcoos Beach, Lane Co., 1 bird on 6 September 2001. Description did not rule out other similar shorebirds.

Little Stint Calidris minuta 242.3-88-03 Warrenton, Clatsop Co., 1 juvenile bird on 2 August 1988. Not accepted because description did not rule out similar species.

242.3-94-04 Forest Grove Ponds, Washington Co., 1 juvenile bird on 5 September 1994. Not accepted as identification did not completely rule out other similar species.

Temminck’s Stint Calidris temminckii 241.1-84-01 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 in alternate plumage on 17 August 1984.

241.1-77-02 Toledo, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 6 August 1977. Not accepted as observation too brief to obtain definite identification on this rare and hard to identify species.

241.1-97-03 Yaquina River, Lincoln Co., 1 bird 20-21 September 1997. Not accepted as description did not rule out Least Sandpiper.

White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis 240-75-01 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 26 August 1975.

240-87-02 Seaside, Clatsop Co., 2 adult birds on 18 August 1987. Not accepted because description did not rule out similar species.

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240-90-03 Beach at South Jetty Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 19 August 1990. Not accepted because description and voice did not rule out similar species.

Spoonbill Sandpiper Calidris pygmea 245-82-01 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 juvenile on 21-22 August 1982 (photos).

Buff-breasted Sandpiper Calidris subruficollis Removed from the Review List April 6, 1985 262-78-05 Agate Lake, Jackson Co., 1 on 28 August 1978 (photo).

262-84-17 Meares Lake, Tillamook Co., 1 on 3 September 1984. Record not considered because of removal of species from the review list.

Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla Removed from the Review List December 4, 1982 246-72-01 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 on 21 August 1972 (photo).

246-76-02 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 18 September 1976 (photos). This record had been accepted but was rejected upon reconsideration.

246-77-03 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 in the fall of 1977.

246-80-10 Cold Springs NWR, Umatilla Co., 1 on 26 August 1980.

246-80-12 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 2 on 6 December 1980 (photos).

246-82-18 Ladd Creek, Union Co., 1 on 14 August 1982.

Pin-tailed Snipe Gallinago stenura 230.3-14-01 Langlois, Curry Co., 1 bird on 25 November 2014. Identification based primarily on the unfamiliar voice heard without verifying recording.

South Polar Skua Stercorarius maccormicki Removed from on the Review List October 31, 1981 035.2-81-06 Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 on 15 September 1981. Record not considered because of removal of species from the review list.

Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia 031-76-01 Boardman SP, Curry Co., 1 on 21 August 1976.

031-76-02 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 injured bird on 19 December 1976. This record had been accepted, but the decision was reversed upon reconsideration. New identification information in recently published books indicated that according to the description the bird was most likely a first-winter Common Murre.

031-89-05 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird in summer plumage on 14 October 1989. Description and photos did not rule out Common Murre.

031-89-06 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 bird in summer plumage on 12 November 1989. Description did not rule out Common Murre.

031-90-07 Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 bird in alternate plumage on 30 December 1990. Description was that of Common Murre.

031-91-08 Yachats, Lincoln Co. 1 basic-plumaged adult on 1 January 1991. Description did not rule out Common Murre. 116 117

031-96-10 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 basic-plumaged adult on 14 November 1996. Not accepted as description and sketch did not rule out Common Murre.

031-02-12 Bandon, Curry Co., 1 bird on 26 June 2002. Not accepted as brief description did not fully rule out Common Murre.

Long-billed Murrelet Brachyramphus perdix 021.1-03-02 Cape Arago, Coos Co., 1 bird on 7 September 2003. Not accepted as key field marks were not described. Description did not rule out similar species.

Kittlitz’s Murrelet Brachyramphus brevirostris 024-69-01 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 on 24 July 1969.

024-78-02 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 on 11 February 1978.

024-92-03 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 6 October 1992. Not accepted as description did not rule out Pigeon Guillemot or some other alcid.

Xantus’ Murrelet Synthliboramphus hypoleucus 025-89-06 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 24 October 1989.

Craveri’s Murrelet Synthliboramphus craveri 026-03-01 South Jetty Columbia R., Clatsop Co., 1 bird on 21 June 2003. Bird seen at some distance and for a brief period. Details did not rule out similar alcids.

Parakeet Auklet Aethia psittacula 017-86-10 0.5-1 mi off Cape Meares, Tillamook Co., 1 on 7 November 1986. Not accepted because the accuracy of the sighting at that distance was questionable.

017-05-14 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 21 February 2005. Although the description described an alcid it was not complete enough to adequately eliminate Rhinoceros Auklet or other alcid species.

017-09-18 10 km west of Rockaway, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 27 March 2009. The observer is a highly experienced seabird observer, but this description of a flying bird was very sparse and incomplete.

Crested Auklet Aethia cristatella 018-85-01 1.5 mi offshore and 2.5 mi south of Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 on 1 September 1985. Not accepted as description did not fit this species.

018-10-02 Port Orford, Curry Co., 1 bird on 14 October 2010. Poor photos did not adequately identify the species. There were no written details.

018-12-03 Boiler Bay, Lincoln Co., 3 birds on 17 December 2012. Flying birds passing 200 yards offshore. Sighting very brief and at some distance. There appeared to be some hesitation by the observer on the accuracy of the identification.

Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus 055.1-77-01 Sunset Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 on 27 June 1977 (photos). This record had been accepted but was rejected upon reconsideration.

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055.1-82-03 Shore Acres SP, Coos Co., 2 adults in basic plumage on 11 November 1982.

055.1-90-04 Boiler Bay SP, Lincoln Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 26 November 1990. Not accepted as sighting was too brief, and description lacked sufficient details.

Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus 060.1-78-02 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 on 20 August 1978.

Ross’s Gull Rhodostethia rosea 061-93-02 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 immature bird on 18-19 April 1993. The description of this individual was of a bird in transitional plumage. It was seen at a distance and many identifiable field points were not seen and some that were described could well have been distorted by lighting and distance. This report did not completely eliminate other species of small gulls.

061-95-04 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 adult on 26 March 1995. Not accepted as the Committee felt there were too few details for such a rarity. The description was brief and did not fully rule out similar species.

Laughing Gull Leucophaeus atricilla 058-76-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 29 May 1976.

058-80-02 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 on 4 May 1980.

058-80-03 Clatsop Co. (Ilwaco, Washington, pelagic trip), 1 on 8 June 1980.

058-81-04 Seal Rock, Lincoln Co., 1 on 2 January 1981

058-68-06 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 17 July 1968. Not accepted because Franklin’s Gull and other juvenile gull species were not eliminated by the description. The sighting was of a bird in flight; key field marks were not described.

058-96-07 Heceta Bank, Douglas Co., 1 first-winter bird on 17 September 1996. The bird was seen as it flew past and away from the observer. The sighting was rather brief and at an odd angle. The possibility of a misidentification was too great for the Committee to accept this report.

“Common” Gull Larus canus 55a-05-01 4.5 mi west of Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 immature on 2 January 2005. Not accepted as description did not completely rule out Mew Gull.

Yellow-footed Gull Larus livens 049.1-84-01 Manzanita Beach, Tillamook Co., 1 adult on 15 October 1984.

“Vega” Herring Gull Larus argentatus vegae 052-96-01 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 adult on 1 December 1996. Not accepted as description incomplete and did not rule out other gull species.

052-14-02 South Jetty Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., one adult on 27 October 2014. Although the bird showed a reddish eye-ring details and photos did not entirely rule out similar species.

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Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides 043-76-01 Sunset Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 on 6 March 1976 (photos).

043-77-02 Yaquina Head, Lincoln Co., 1 on 25 December 1977.

043-80-03 Tillamook, Tillamook Co., 1 on 10 May 1980 (photos).

043-82-04 Cannon Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 on 18 April 1982 (photos).

043-90-05 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 adult bird on 21 January 1990. Not accepted as there were not enough details in the report to eliminate Thayer’s Gull or a hybrid.

043-91-06 Sauvie island, Multnomah Co., subadult bird 10-11 March 1991. Not accepted as details did not eliminate other gull species and photo appears to be a hybrid bird.

043-93-08 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 13 March 1993. Not accepted as details did not rule out similar species.

043-91-09 Yachats, Lincoln Co., 1 on 23-24 March 1991. Not accepted as details did not rule out similar species.

043-91-10 7 mi south of Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 15 March 1991. Not accepted as details did not rule out similar species.

043-91-11 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 on 21 April 1991. Not accepted as details did not rule out similar species and best fit a Glaucous Gull.

043-96-13 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 2 March 1996. Not accepted as details did not rule out similar species.

043-94-14 Winchuck River mouth, Curry Co. 1 bird on 19 March 1994. Not accepted as details did not rule out similar species and photos indicated a hybrid bird.

043-03-16 Mouth Siuslaw River, Lane Co., 1 first-cycle bird on 22 February 2003. Not accepted as description did not completely eliminate similar gull species.

043-07-17 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 imm. on 23 February 2007. Not accepted as Thayer’s Gull not ruled out.

Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus 050-82-01 Fern Ridge Reservoir, Lane Co., 1 on 23 October 1982.

050-16-06 4 mi. west of McMinnville, Yamhill Co., 1 adult on 4 February 2016. Details and rather poor photos did not eliminate California or other gull species.

Slaty-backed Gull Larus schistisagus 048-89-01 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 third cycle on 23 October 1989. Not accepted because description did not rule out similar species or hybrids.

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048-00-07 Hammond, Clatsop Co., 1 adult 4-6 November 2000. Not accepted as photograph of bird indicated Western X Glaucous-winged Gull with predominantly Western Gull features.

Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus 047-82-01 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 in first-cycle plumage on 26 December 1982.

047-91-02 Moolack Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 first-cycle bird on 30 January 1991. Details did not rule out hybrids or other gullspecies.

Least Tern Sternula antillarum 074-78-03 Newport pelagic trip, Lincoln Co., 1 on 30 September 1978. This record had been accepted but was rejected upon reconsideration.

Aleutian Tern Sterna aleutica 073-14-01 112mi. W. of Coos County, Coos Co., one apparent subadult bird. Very detailed and extensive details did not entirely rule out similar species. Very poor photos were not convincing.

Elegant Tern Thalasseus elegans 066-92-21 Curry County, muliple sightings of many individuals 23 June-19 August 1992. Record not reviewed as the species was removed from the review list.

Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto 315.4-98-02 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 22 May 1998. Not accepted as video and voice did not rule out Ringed Turtle-Dove.

315.4-99-06 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 19 June 1999. Not accepted as description very poor and did not entirely rule out other dove species.

Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis 315.1-69-01 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 in February 1969 (photo). Origin questionable.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus 387-89-13 8 mi west of Mt. Vernon, Grant Co., 1 calling bird on 28 May 1989. Not accepted as incomplete song heard only once insufficient to identify species.

387-16-27 Bend, Harney Co., 6 September 2016., 1 bird. Incomplete description, no vocalization heard.

Black-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus erythropthalmus 388-78-01 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 on 3 September 1978.

388-80-02 Adrian, Owyhee River Bridge, Malheur Co., 1 heard on 5 July 1980.

388-82-03 Powder River along Highway 7, Baker Co., 1 on 17 June 1982 .

Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus 385-85-01 Roxy Ann Butte, Jackson Co., 1 bird on 13 September 1985. Record withdrawn by observer.

385-85-02 Near Talent, Jackson Co., 1 in December 1985.

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Northern Hawk Owl Surnia ulula 377-78-02 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 on 25 November 1978.

377-76-04 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 adult on 24 January 1976.

Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus 371-96-06 Minam St. Pk., Union Co., 1 calling bird on 25 October 1996. Not accepted as description of calls did not rule out other bird species.

371-01-07 Three Sisters Wilderness, Deschutes Co., 1 calling bird on 17 September 2001. Not accepted as description of calls did not rule out Saw-whet Owl.

Lesser Nighthawk Chordeiles acutipennis 421-10-02 Krumbo Reservoir, Harney Co., 1 bird on 5 June 2010. Not accepted as photographic comparisons of the exceptionally poor photos of this bird to photographs of known Lesser Nighthawks were not conclusive.

Chuck-will’s-widow Antrostomus carolinensis 416-11-01 Fields, Harney Co., 1 calling bird on 10 June 2011. Although report indicated the call was loud and definitely of a Chuck-will’s-widow there was the possibility of sources other than this species. The call was not recorded.

Whip-poor-will Antrostomus vociferus 417-77-01 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 on 8 October 1977.

Magnificent Hummingbird Eugenes fulgens 426-72-01 Saunders Lake, Coos Co., 1 all-white bird 2-15 September 1972. This previously-deferred record was not accepted because the moton pictures of this bird did not provide sufficient information for accurate identification.

426-78-02 Gold Beach, Curry Co., 1 on 3 June 1978.

426-04-03 Lincoln, Polk Co., 1 bird 1-3 May 2004. Rather poor photos were suggestive, but on examination the bird showed characteristics that best fit Anna’s Hummingbird.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris 428-99-01 Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co., 1 male October to second week of December 1999. Not accepted as report was too brief and did not eliminate similar hummingbird species.

428-04-02 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 23 May 2004. Photo did not clearly show diagnostic field marks of the species. Very difficult to separate female Ruby- throated from the more regular Black-chinned Hummingbird.

Costa’s Hummingbird Calypte costae 430-83-07 Roseburg, Douglas Co., a male from 8-15 June 1983 (photos).

430-94-28 Agate Beach, Lincoln Co., a male from 10 November-13 December 1994. The descriptions submitted did not completely describe a Costa’s Hummingbird. The feeder attracted a good number of Anna’s Hummingbirds and there was considerable confusion and discussion during the period of observation about a

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Costa’s actually being there. Bercause of the doubt raised the Committee did not accept this record.

Broad-billed Hummingbird Cynanthus latirostris 441-83-01 Charleston, Coos Co., 1 immature male on 18 October 1983. Not accepted as description incomplete and not sufficient to eliminate other hummingbird species.

White-eared Hummingbird Hylocharis leucotis 440.1-83-01 Neskia Beach, Curry Co., 1 on 28-29 November 1983.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius 402-69-01 Nyssa, Malheur Co., 1 in September 1969.

402-87-06 Catherine Creek State Park, Union Co., 1 on 4 June 1987. Not accepted because details were not sufficeint, considering the variation in plumage of the closely related sapsucker species.

402-83-07 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 on 30 September 1983. Not accepted because details were not sufficient considering the variation in plumage of the closely related sapsucker species.


Toledo, Lincoln Co., 12 April 2008. Photos appeared to be of a Red-naped Sapsucker as observer suspected.

Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 359.1-08-01 Tualatin NWR, Washington Co., 1 bird on 20 July 2008. The sighting was rather brief and the details of the sighting were not as extensive as would be needed for such a rare bird. Possible captive origin was not covered.

Gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus Removed from the Review List April 13, 2002 354-91-08 Nehalem Sewage Ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 dark brown bird on 21 May 1991. Not accepted as description did not rule out Peregrine Falcon.

354-91-11 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 gray bird on 30 November 1991. Not accepted as the description was too brief and did not rule out an immture Peregrine Falcon.

354-91-12 Record Withdrawn.

354-92-13 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 adult gray-morph bird on 16 October 1992. Not accepted as description did not rule out Peregrine Falcon.

354-96-20 Bayocean Spit, Tillamook Co., 1 subadult gray-morph bird on 1 January 1996. This record was very brief and did not give enough detail to completely eliminate a Peregrine Falcon. A large falcon in flight is very difficult to identify to species.

354-95-21 Baskett Slough NWR, Polk Co., 1 dark bird on 9 November 1995. Details of this sighting were of a flying bird and were based more on size and coloration than any other field point. As the description did not eliminate other large falcons the record was not accepted.

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354-95-23 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 brown immature on 31 December 1995. Not accepted as description was too sketchy and did not rule out similar appearing species.

354-97-25 Netarts Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 gray bird on 27 November 1997. Not accepted as description was very brief and did not describe key field points for Gyrfalcon, and did not adequately eliminate other hawk species.

354-98-31 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 light-morph bird on 21 February 1998. Not accepted as details were incomplete and confusing. Key field points were missing.

Eastern Wood-Pewee Contopus virens 461-01-03 Owyhee State park, Malheur Co., 1 bird on 12 June 2001. Not accepted as distinctive song not heard and description did not rule out Western Wood- Pewee.

461-09-04 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 24 May 2009. Details and photos did not adequately eliminate Western Wood-Pewee.

Alder Flycatcher Empidonax alnorum 466.1-80-01 Wallowa Fish Hatchery, Enterprise, Wallowa Co., 1 singing on 21 June 1980.

466.1-82-02 P Ranch, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 from 13-16 June 1982

466.1-82-03 Tiller, Douglas Co., 1 on 9 July 1982.

466.1-82-04 Tumalo SP, Deschutes Co., 1 on 2 October 1982.

466.1-83-05 1.5 mi northeast of Red Bridge State Park, Union Co., 2 birds and nest with 4 eggs. Nest and 3 eggs collected. Nest and eggs at ODFW Regional Headquarters in LaGrande. 4 June to 2 July 1983.

466.1-83-06 P Ranch, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing on 3-4 June 1983.

466.1-84-07 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 singing bird on 10 June 1984.

466.1-84-08 1.5 mi northeast Red Bridge State Park, Union Co., 1 singing bird on 16 June 1984.

466.1-84-09 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 singing bird on 2 June 1984.

466.1-92-10 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 singing bird on 5 June 1992.

466.1-06-11 15 mi east of Joseph, Wallowa Co., 1 singing bird on 24 June 2006. Record not accepted as no voice recording was made. Voices of Alder and Willow Flycatchers are so similar separation can not be verified without voice recording.

466.1-07-12 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 25 May 2007. Bird was identified by song, but no recording was obtained. Local Willow Flycatchers give a similar song. Species determination can only be made by sonogram analysis.

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Least Flycatcher Empidonax minimus 467-82-05 Wickiup Campground, Grant Co., 1 on 23 July 1982.

467-83-06 Mouth of Ladd Creek, Union Co., 1 on 9 September 1983.

467-87-14 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 15 August 1987. This record was not accepted due to insufficient details and because other Empidonax were not eliminated.

467-88-17 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 30 May 1988. Not accepted because description did not rule out similar species.

467-90-19 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 1 June 1990. Not accepted as Committee felt the bird was a Hammond’s Flycatcher.

467-85-27 Thornton Creek, Lincoln Co., 1 bird seen 13 August 1985. This bird was in heavy molt and gave only one call that was inconclusive. Record not accepted as a silent bird in this plumage would be extremely difficult to correctly identify to species.

467-87-28 Thornton Creek, Lincoln Co., 1 bird seen 1 September 1987. This bird also showed signs of molt and was silent. Hammond’s Flycatcher regularly molts prior to migration but Least Flycatchers do not molt until they reach their wintering areas. Record not accepted as a silent bird in molt would be extremely difficult to correctly identify to species.

467-90-29 Thornton Creek, Lincoln Co., 1 bird observed 24 August 1990. The plumage description provided was not complete enough to identify a Least Flycatcher and eliminate other Empidonax species. A persistently calling bird in late August is highly unusual and raised questions on what was actually heard. There were enough questions for the Committee to not accept the record.

467-97-36 West of Burns Junction, Malheur Co., 1 adult bird 19-20 June 1997. Not accepted as details did not eliminate other species of Empidonax flycatchers.

467-98-33 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 18 May 1998. Description of the bird was brief and not complete enough to entirely eliminate other Empidonax flycatchers.

Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe 456-76-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 14 May 1976.

456-94-03 Sage Hen Hill Rest Area, Harney Co., 1 on 29 May 1994. Not accepted as description and habits of bird were similar to Willow Flycatcher seen the next day.

456-02-10 Malone Springs, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 6 June 2002. Details did not completely rule out other similar species. Observer did not see distinctive tail-pumping behavior.

456-08-14 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 bird on 31 August 2008. Poor, dark photo was inconclusive as to species. Details did not rule out similar flycatchers.

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Great-crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus 452-81-01 Smith Rocks SP, Deschutes Co., 1 on 30 June 1981.

Cassin’s Kingbird Tyrannus vociferans 448-99-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird 29-30 May 1999. Not accepted as bird not well described and description did not eliminate Western Kingbird.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus forficatus 443-87-02 North Bend, Coos Co., 1 immature on 10 August 1987. Not accepted because description did not rule out immature Western Kingbird.

443-93-06 South Jetty Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 immature bird on 12 November 1993. Not accepted as details did not rule out Mockingbird or some other similar species.

443-04-18 Beaverton, Washington Co., 1 bird 18 July 2004. The rather brief description did not entirely rule out other long-tailed species.

Bell’s Vireo Vireo bellii 633-85-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 26 May 1985 (photo).

633-91-03 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 4 May 1991. Not accepted as details did not rule out similar species.

633-95-04 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 22 May 1995. Not accepted as details did not completely rule out similar appearing species.

Plumbeous Vireo Vireo plumbeus 629.1-99-01 Stukel Mountain, Klamath Co., 1 bird on 19 June 1999. This species is notoriously difficult to separate from Cassin’s Vireo. This report did not mention key field points that would have identified it as a Plumbeous Vireo.

629.1-01-02 Indian Ford Creek, Deschutes Co., 1 bird on 25 May 2001. Not accepted as details did not adequately eliminated Cassin’s Vireo.

629.1-05-07 Portland, Multnomah Co., 21 April 2005. The description did fit a Plumbeous Vireo, but did not entirely rule out a very pale Cassin’s. More detail was needed to accept this very early migrant bird.

629.11-14-11 McCully Creek, Wallowa Co., one bird on 25 May 2014. Details and photo did not rule out very similar faded Cassin’s Vireo.

Blue-headed Vireo Vireo solitarius 629-98-02 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 9 September 1998. Not accepted as details and photos did not adequately rule out Cassin’s Vireo.

Philadelphia Vireo Vireo philadelphicus 626-78-01 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 on 18 August 1978.

626-83-02 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 on 7 June 1983.

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629-07-07 Oregon City, Clackamas Co., 1 bird on 1 September 2007. Fall vireos can be very difficult to identify. This description was too sketchy to eliminate Warbling Vireo or other species.

629-09-08 Headquarters Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 5 September 2009. Not accepted as photo did not show field marks of a Philadelphia Vireo and appeared to be a very bright Warbling Vireo.

Yellow-billed Magpie. Pica nuttalli. 476-85-01 Near Fort Klamath, Klamath Co., 1 on 4 June 1985.

476-87-02 Three mi west of Redmond, Deschutes Co., 1 on 1 February 1987. Several members of the OBRC considered the identification was probably correct but the bird would have been of questionable origin; others felt it may have been a Black-billed Magpie with yellow food or other matter in its beak. This species is not known to wander from the central California region where it is indigenous.

476-94-03 Summer Lake SWA, Lake Co., 1 bird on 18 September 1994. Not accepted as key field marks of yellow skin about eyes were not seen.

Verdin Auriparus flaviceps 746-82-01 Painted Hills SP, Wheeler Co., on 2 February 1982.

Sedge Wren Cistothorus platensis 724-08-03 EE Wilson State Wildlife Area, Benton Co., 1 bird on 4 November 2008. The observation was brief and the description incomplete and did not rule out other species.

724-13-04 EE Wilson WMA, Polk Co., 1 skulking bird on 5 January 2012. Although details suggest Sedge Wren they do not entirely rule out Marsh Wren.

Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe 765-78-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 25 May 1978 (photo).

Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum 705-79-03 Monument, Grant Co., 1 on 22 June 1979.

Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 696-02-03 Summit Diamond Peak, Lane Co., 1 adult on 16 October 2002. Description did not entirely rule out a bright Pipit. Location would be highly unlikely for the species.

696-14-05 Near Halsey, Linn Co., one calling bird on 5 February 2014. Brief sighting of a flying calling bird. Very detailed and extensive description did not rule out similar species. Identification based primarily on calls.

Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni 698.2-06-01 Hines, Harney Co., 1 bird on 8 March 2006. Not accepted as description and photos did not rule out other similar species.

Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus

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699-00-01 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 2 birds on 21 April 2000. Not accepted as photos and descriptions did not rule out Savannah Sparrow or some other species of pipit.

699-03-03 N. Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 23 September 2003. Identified mainly on calls with poor looks at plumage. Description not detailed enough to accept.

Sprague’s Pipit Anthus spragueii 700-81-01 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 on 22 September 1981.

700-88-02 Double O Ranch Road, Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 4 June 1988. Not accepted as description did not rule out similar species.

700-90-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 21 May 1990. Not accepted as photo appears to be of immature Horned Lark.

700-94-04 Lower Pit Lake - Lamola Lake area, Douglas Co., 1 juvenile bird on 8 July 1994. Not accepted as description describes juvenile Horned Lark.

Phainopepla Phainopepla nitens 620-61-01 Medford, Jackson Co., 1 male on 15 March 1961, In: Murrelet 47: 76, 1966.

620-87-04 Talent, Jackson Co., 1 bird 11 November 1987 to 19 February 1988. Not accepted as photo indicated bird was possible Steller’s Jay.

620-06-07 Headquarters Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 11 May 2006. Brief and incomplete description did not adequately describe a Phainopepla.

Smith’s Longspur Calcarius pictus 537-76-01 Yaquina Head, Lincoln Co., 1 on 17 October 1976 (photos).

Chestnut-collared Longspur Calcarius ornatus 538-87-05 South Jetty of the Columbia River, Clatsop Co., 1 on 6 October 1987. Not accepted because the description did not eliminate McCown’s Longspur.

538-01-11 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 26 October 2001. Not accepted as description much too brief to identify to species.

538-99-17 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird 7-8 November 1999. Not accepted as details were brief and incomplete and did not eliminate other species.

538-09-19 Zumwalt Prairie Preserve, Wallowa Co., 1 bird on 24 May 2004. Although the observer was experienced with the species the report was brief and lacked details. It did not eliminate similar species.

McCown’s Longspur Rhynchophanes mccownii 539-05-06 Lower Klamath NWR, Klamath Co., 1 winter plumage female on 6 January 2005. The description was very brief and did not give enough detail to eliminate similar species. The distinctive tail pattern was not apparently observed.

Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapillus Removed from the Review List January 11, 19868 674-80-04 Three Mile Ranch, Harney Co., 1 on 3 June 1980.

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Blue-winged Warbler Vermivora cyanoptera 641-70-01 Elk Lake, Marion Co., 1 on 27 August 1970.

641-84-02 Near Elk Meadows trailhead at the base of the southeast side of Mt. Hood, Hood River Co., 1 adult (probably a male) on 5 August 1984. Record had been accepted, but was rejected on reconsideration for unconvincing details.

641-92-03 10 mi west of Burns, Harney Co., 1 bird on 18 May 1992. Not accepted as details unconvincing and did not rule out similar species.

Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia Removed from the Review List December 4, 1982 636-79-05 Washburn Wayside, Lane Co., 1 on 10 June 1979.

636-82-16 Salem, Marion Co., 1 on 20+ November 1982. Not reviewed because the species was dropped from the Review List.

Tennessee Warbler Oreothlypis peregrina Removed from the Review List December 4, 1984 647-77-04 Red Bridge Campground, Union Co., 1 on 27 August 1977.

647-80-09 La Grande, Union Co., 2, presumably an adult and an immature, on 20-22 August 1980. This record had been accepted, but was rejected on reconsideration because of insufficient and confusing details.

647-80-10 Davis Lake, Klamath Co., 1 adult on 4 September 1980.

647-81-12 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 on 3 May 1981. This record had been accepted, but was rejected on reconsideration because of insufficient details.

647-81-14 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 or 2 adults on 14 May 1981. Record had been accepted, but was rejected on reconsideration as description did not rule similar species.

647-82-18 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 27 April 1982. Record had been accepted, but was rejected on reconsideration as details did not rule out similar species.

Virginia’s Warbler Oreothlypis virginiae 644-85-04 Spencer’s Butte, Lane Co., 1 adult in alternate plumage on 5 May 1985.

644-85-05 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 immature on 17 August 1985.

644-91-08 Indian Ford Creek, Deschutes Co., 2 birds on 25 May 1991. Not accepted as observation too brief, and details incomplete.

644-95-09 Hdq. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird on 22 May 1995. Not accepted as description did not eliminate similar species. Observer did not note yellow undertail coverts, which should have been present on Virginia’s Warbler.

Connecticut Warbler Oporornis agilis 678-82-01 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 20 May 1982. Record had been accepted, but was rejected on reconsideration for unconvincing details.

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678-97-02 Kelly Butte Park, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 5 May 1997. Not accepted as description was unconvincing and did not rule out other warbler species.

678-99-03 HDQ. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male on 16 May 1999. Not accepted as description did not describe characteristic habits and plumage details, and did not rule out similar warbler species.

Mourning Warbler Geothlypis philadelphia 679-02-06 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 28 May 2002. Details not totally convincing of this very difficult to identify species. The possibility of Common Yellowthroat was not ruled out.

679-03-07 P Ranch, Harney Co., 1 adult male on 18 May 2003. Not accepted as bird seen too briefly to obtain sufficient details for this very difficult to identify species.

Hooded Warbler Setophaga citrina 684-82-04 Wickiup Campground, Grant Co., 1 on 23 July 1982.

684-82-05 Winchuck Campground, Curry Co., 1 on 14 August 1982.

Cape May Warbler Setophaga tigrina 650-67-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 9 June 1967. In Auk 90: 682. This previously deferred record was not accepted because a description of the bird was not included in the publication and could not be obtained.

Cerulean Warbler Setophaga cerulea 658-12-01 Eugene, Lane Co., 1 alternate-plumaged male on 28 April 2012. Although details strongly suggest Cerulean Warbler not all field marks were covered. As a first state record the details in the report are not convincing enough to be accepted.

Northern Parula Setophaga americana 648-79-02 Smith Rocks SP, Deschutes Co., a male on 25 July 1979.

648-83-05 Independence, Polk Co., a pair on 25 April 1983.

648-93-23 Florence, Lane Co., 1 female on 21 August 1993. The observation of this bird was brief and the chance of misidentification great. The description of the bird was incomplete and did not fully eliminate other species of warbler.

Magnolia Warbler Setophaga magnolia 657-79-01 Salem, Marion Co., 1 on 6 May 1979. This record had been accepted but was withdrawn by the observer.

657-04-29 North Spit Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 bird on 28 September 2004. This sighting was very brief and the bird was only partially seen. The description did not rule out Townsend’s or hybrid warbler.

Bay-breasted Warbler Setrophaga castanaea 660-96-09 Fields, Harney Co., 1 in fall plumage on 15 September 1996. Not accepted as details too brief to eliminate similarly-plumaged fall warblers.

Blackburnian Warbler Setrophaga fusca

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662-82-01 Humbug Mt., Curry Co., an immature on 2 September 1982.

662-03-07 Nehalem, Tillamook Co., 24 September 2003. Incomplete and rather poorly written details did not entirely rule out other warbler species.

Chestnut-sided Warbler Setophaga pensylvanica 659-00-35 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 bird on 26 June 2000. Not accepted as bird seen too briefly to obtain sufficient details. Very poor photo not clear enough for verification.

Blackpoll Warbler Setophaga striata 661-75-03 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 12 May 1975.

661-77-05 Walton Lake, Crook Co., 1 on 27 July 1977.

661-83-08 Coos Bay, Coos Co., 1 male in alternate plumage on 4 and 5 September 1983.

661-93-30 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 2 birds on 9 October 1993. Not accepted as did not eliminate similar species in this hard-to-identify group.

661-01-36 Brookings, Curry Co., 1 fall bird on 9 October 2001. Not accepted as details did not completely rule out similar warbler species.

Black-throated Blue Warbler Setophaga caerulescens. Removed from the Review List May 10, 1994 654-86-09 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 female on 22 May 1986. Not accepted because a complete description of the bird was not obtained during the limited time of the observation. Records of this species, especially females, are improbable this early in the year.

Pine Warbler Setophaga pinus 671-82-01 Fields, Harney Co., 1 on 24 September 1982.

671-85-03 Yaquina Bay, Lincoln Co., 1 immature female on 27 October 1985. Record not accepted as observer did not describe the specific field marks that identify this obscurely marked plumage. The observer also failed to note how the other very similarly plumaged warbler species were eliminated.

671-05-04 Cape Meares Village, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 23 October 2005. Details and photo did not show the distinctive characteristics of this difficult-to-identify species.

Black-throated Green Warbler Setophaga virens 667-75-01 Indian Ford Campground, Deschutes Co., 1 on 12 May 1975.

667-85-04 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 immature female on 17 August 1985.

667-07-14 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 bird on 25 April 2007. The bird was identified as a Dendroica warbler, which may have possibly been singing a Black-throated Green Warbler song. The observer did not see or describe the underparts of the bird that would have eliminated a Townsend’s X Hermit Warbler.

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667-11-15 Fields, Harney Co, 1 female on 4 June 2011. Not accepted as photos show a probable hybrid Townsend’s Warbler.

Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis 686-04-06 Prineville, Crook Co., 1 bird on 3 September 2004. Description incomplete and did not rule out other warbler species.

Painted Redstart Myioborus pictus 688-77-01 Gateway, Jefferson Co., 1 on 6 June 1977.

Eastern Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus 587-05-02 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 6 April 2005. Not accepted as despite lack of back spotting, the description and photos did not completely eliminate Spotted Towhee.

587-08-04 Portland, Multnomah Co., 1 bird on 10 September 2008. The description was very brief and incomplete. The bird apparently showed only one white spot on the back “at the bottom of the wing” indicating a possible Eastern Towhee. The Committee felt this description did not rule out Spotted Towhee.

Clay-colored Sparrow Spizella pallida Removed from the Review List April 20, 1996 561-84-14 Fields, Harney Co., 1 immature on 23 September 1984.

561-87-20 Harbor, Curry Co., 1 on 25 October 1987. Not accepted because the description did not eliminate Chipping Sparrow.

561-91-27 Bandon, Coos Co., 1 on December 22, 1991. Not accepted because the description did not eliminate Chipping Sparrow.

Field Sparrow Spizella pusilla 563-83-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 2 October 1983.

Lark Bunting Calamospiza melanocorys 605-85-07 Near Lostine, Wallowa Co., 1 in flight on 4 July 1985.

Baird’s Sparrow Ammodramus bairdii 545-75-01 Falcon Cove Beach, Clatsop Co., 1 on September 25, 1975.

545-80-02 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 11 November 1980.

545-83-03 Nehalem sewage ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 immature on 23 September 1983.

Nelson’s Sparrow Ammodramus nelsoni 549-84-01 Tillamook Bay, Tillamook Co., 1 immature on 26 September 1984.

“Red” Fox Sparrow 585-94-01 Sutherlin, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 22 November 1994. Not accepted as brief description did not rule out other Fox Sparrow subspecies.

585-07-07 Bayocean Peninsula, Tillamook Co., 1 bird on 15 December 2007. Description did not entirely rule out altivagans or one of the slate-colored group of Fox Sparrows.

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Swamp Sparrow Melospiza georgiana Removed from the Review List April 6, 1985 584-81-04 Enterprise, Wallowa Co., 1 immature on 6 March 1981.

584-84-13 Finley NWR, Benton Co., 1 adult in basic plumage on 20 January 1984.

584-85-15 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 on 9 and 26 February 1985. Record not considered because of removal of species from the Review List.

Summer Tanager Piranga rubra 610-04-15 Fields, Harney Co., 1 bird on 9 September 2004. The bird was briefly seen in flight at a distance. The identification was made primarily on the color of the underparts. There was little or no description of the rest of the bird.

Scarlet Tanager Piranga olivacea 608-76-04 Lake-of-the-Woods, Klamath Co., 1 or 2 males in 1976

Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis 593-86-01 Talent, Jackson Co., 1 male on 6 April 1985. Origin questionable.

593-87-02 Baker, Baker Co., a pair on 31 March 1987. Not accepted because of questionable origin.

593-83-03 Cave Junction, Josephine Co., 1 adult male during spring 1983.

Blue Grosbeak Passerina caerulea 597-03-05 Colony Creek, Harney Co., 1 female on 25 May 2003. Not accepted as key field points were missed, including lack of wingbars.

Indigo Bunting Passerina cyanea 598-97-22 East of Milton-Freewater, Umatilla Co., 1 subadult male on 4 July 1997. Not accepted as details did not rule out hybrid Indigo X Lazuli Bunting.

598-01-25 Cape Blanco, Curry Co., 1 subadult on 28 April 2001. Not accepted as details were brief and did not rule out similar species.

Painted Bunting Passerina ciris 601-77-01 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 on 11 June 1977.

Dickcissel Spiza americana 604-96-10 HDQ. Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 bird 9-10 June 1996. One report did not describe the bird at all, and the second did not adequately describe it.

Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus Removed from the Review List May 2, 2014 509-79-02 Malheur NWR, Harney Co., 1 male in fall plumage on 15 September 1979. Not accepted as description does not rule out similar species.

509-81-04 Nehalem sewage ponds, Tillamook Co., 1 in fall plumage on 10 October 1981.

509-88-08 Sauvie Island, Multnomah Co., 1 adult on 7 January 1988. Not accepted because the description did not eliminate Brewer’s Blackbird.

509-88-09 Commonwealth Lake, Washington Co., 1 adult female on 13 March 1988. Not accepted because the description did not eliminate Brewer’s Blackbird.

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509-89-10 Bandon, Curry Co., 1 female in basic plumage on 17 September 1989. Not accepted because description did not rule out female Red-winged Blackbird.

509-05-20 Enterprise, Wallowa Co., 1 bird on 15 January 2005. Description brief and did not eliminate similar species.

509-07-21 Stanfield, Umatilla Co., 1 bird on 10 November 2007. Description brief and did not eliminate similar species.

Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula 511-81-02 Hart Mt., Lake Co., 1 on 9 May 1981.

511-88-05 Ontario, Malheur Co., 2-3 birds on 4 May 1988. Not accepted because description did not rule out similar species.

511-91-07 Frenchglen, Harney Co., 1 birdon 24 May 1991. Not accepted as photo did not eliminate Brewer’s Blackbird. Not accepted on reconsideration as details and photograph were inconclusive.

511-93-10 Roseburg, Douglas Co., 1 bird on 22 May 1993. Not accepted, as details did not rule out other grackles.

511-99-25 Silver Lake, Lake Co., 1 male on 27 August 1999. Not accepted, as this brief report did not completely rule out other Icterid species.

511-00-28 New River, Coos Co., 1 bird on 2 June 2000. Very brief look at flyby bird. Description did not rule similarly plumaged birds.

Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus Removed from the Review List April 7, 2007 512-97-13 Fields, Harney co., 1 bird on 23 May 1997. Not accepted as brief description did not rule out Common Grackle or other blackbird species.

Orchard Oriole Icerus spurius 506-87-02 South Beach, Lincoln Co., 1 on 11 November 1987. The description of this female did not eliminate the similar Hooded Oriole.

506-92-06 Toledo, Lincoln Co., 1 adult male on 22 July 1992. Not accepted as description did not describe a male Orchard Oriole.

506-01-09 Newport, Lincoln Co., 1 bird on 14 October 2001. Descriptions very brief and did not give adequate describe distinctive characteristics of the species or rule out other similar species.

Hooded Oriole Icterus cucullatus 505-63-05 Ashland, Jackson Co., 2 males and a female or immature on 15 May 1963. In: Murrelet 47: 76, 1966.

505-64-06 Ruch, Jackson Co., a male and a female on 1 October 1964. In: Murrelet 47: 76, 1966.

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505-95-16 Page Springs CG, Harney Co., 1 first spring male on 21 May 1995. Not accepted as description, although lengthy and thorough, did not rule out first-spring male Bullock’s or other oriole species.

Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula 507-10-14 Hines, Harney Co., 1 male on 22-24 May 2010. Photos indicate the bird was a hybrid Baltimore X Bullock’s Oriole.

Scott’s Oriole Icterus parisorum 504-81-01 Bend, Deschutes Co., 1 adult and 4 immatures or females on 12 September 1981.

Lawrence’s Goldfinch Carduelis lawrencei 531-62-01 Talent, Jackson Co., 1 in fall of 1962 (photo).

531-01-05 Dallas, Polk Co., 3-6 birds on 14 April 2001. Report from memory submitted seven years after the fact. Identification made from field guides.

531-08-09 Oregon City, Clackamas Co., 1 bird on 15 May 2008. Description did not entirely rule out other goldfinch species.

531-13-14 Kirtland Road Sewage Ponds, Jackson Co., one bird on 17 May 2013. While possibly correct the details were very brief and incomplete.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 688.3-89-01 North Bend, Coos, Co., 1 adult bird from 17 July to 10 September 1989. Record not accepted because the origin is considered questionable.

688.3-89-02 Astoria, Clatsop Co., 1 adult bird on 2 December 1989. Record not accepted because the origin is considered questionable.


Several species appear on the official checklist of Oregon birds, and the OBRC lists them on the Review List, but the OBRC has not reviewed these reports: California Condor Gymnogyps californianus. Gabrielson and Jewett (1940, Birds of Oregon, Oregon State College, Corvallis, pages 180-181) report that California Condors were first recorded in Oregon by Lewis and Clark, but that there were no reliable accounts after 1904. Sharp-tailed Grouse Tympanuchus phasianellus. Once widespread in eastern Oregon, Sharp-tailed Grouse has not been reliably reported since 1969. Gabrielson and Jewett (above, page 217), foretold its extirpation: “ . . . continual persecution and shooting, combined with human encroachment on its alternate grounds, have so reduced it in numbers that its future as an Oregon bird is precarious.”


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