Public Safety & Legal Affairs Committee s1

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Public Safety & Legal Affairs Committee s1


Also present: Representative Clark, Board Chair


John Muehl requested approval for Stacy Osborn to purchase 120 gas cards for clients at $20 each totaling $2,400. Gas cards are used for client travel related to investigations. Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Rothenberger. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. John Muehl requested approval for two Sheriff Investigators to attend Cyber Technology training June 4-6 in Albany at a total cost of $782 (Hotel $416, Per Diem $366). Representative Rosenthal moved for approval. Seconded, McCarty. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

OTHER – NY SAFE ACT (Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act)

Rich Devlin read a prepared statement outlining reasons for supporting the repeal of the NY Safe Act. Representative Powers asked the Committee to support and sponsor a Resolution to repeal the NY Safe Act. A lengthy discussion followed that included Representatives Rosenthal and Rothenberger supporting to amend provisions of the Act instead of repealing. Representative McCarty moved for approval of a Resolution that the Governor and State Legislature repeal the NY Safe Act. Seconded, Rosenthal. Total: 5; Ayes: 5 – Powers, McCarty, Rothenberger, Rosenthal, Clark. Motion carried.


Rich Devlin stated that Blue Wing has located and is licensing a High Band paging frequency for the County. This is the preferred paging option and will provide better coverage over UHF. Rich Devlin stated that Mid-State has repaired all the shelter tie down issues. Rich Devlin stated that all the old towers are down with the exception of the NOAH site, which should be down February 15. Rich Devlin stated that SVA wants $2,400 monthly rent for tower space, not including site work, utilities and other associated costs. He said current towers in Chenango County do not benefit Otsego for radio coverage and they would want $2,000 just for an engineer analysis. He suggested it would be beneficial for the County to look at building its own tower. The Committee agreed that he should explore that option. Rich Devlin stated that Blue Wing is scheduling a meeting with Verizon for a site inspection in Springfield. Verizon will not give a cost estimate for the County to use the Tower until the inspection is complete. Representative McCarty stated that the use of the tower by the County was to be at no cost. Rich Devlin will follow up. Rich Devlin asked, that due to time constraints, does the Committee want to proceed with preparing the Worcester site for acquisition and prep for spring, estimating the cost for prep at $2,000 - $3,000. The Committee was in agreement that he should move forward. Rich Devlin noted that he is continuing to work with SUNY to identify if we have a viable location, or not, with their new building relating to the County placing a microwave there as part of the option to not having a Southside Tower. Brian Pokorny gave an update on the option to the Southside Tower of running fiber on utility poles from Blend Hill to West Street to the Public Safety Building to 242 Main Street. An approximate cost of $223,000 would be part of the COPS grant funds, which puts a time constraint on building the infrastructure because COPS deadline is September 10, 2013. Mr. Pokorny said due to the time constraint, some concerns are that there is a 1.5 mile stretch where utility poles would need to be set, an easement is needed from the Town of Oneonta, and the possibility of needing to have other wires moved because of priority placement of our fiber on the poles. He also said that COPS projects must be shovel ready because the cost to move dirt is not covered by that funding. Rich Devlin stated the importance of a Southside Tower to neighboring Delaware County. A property owner of a possible site in Delaware County for this tower will be approached. There also is property that was foreclosed for non-payment of Otsego County taxes which will be explored. Grant Update: SICG – Psalm Wyckoff reported that Otsego County did not receive an award for SICG Grant Round 2. Funding would have been used for IP network with other counties in the consortium. SICG Round 1 funding to build Southside Tower and connect with microwaves and to build Worcester Tower expires December 20, 2013. COPS – expires September 10, 2013. Psalm Wyckoff will explore the possibility of a second extension. IECGP – May 31, 2013 deadline PSAP – application has been submitted

Psalm Wyckoff stated that she has been given conflicting information on whether leasing radio system equipment would be allowed with grant funds. She was told previously that funds could be used to cover leasing cost, but not Bonds, however she is now told the opposite. Rich Devlin stated that the radio system RFP responses are due March 13.

Rich Devlin requested approval to purchase two (2) replacement dispatch chairs at a cost of $2,065.98. Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Powers. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Rich Devlin requested approval to purchase GPS equipment and software for 911 addressing at $5,748. Representative Rosenthal moved for approval. Seconded, Rothenberger. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.


Rich Devlin requested approval to purchase K-9 equipment at $3,500 with Homeland Security grant funds. Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Rosenthal. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Rich Devlin requested approval for the following budget modification: Increase 0000-2707-A Donations $30,000 Increase Sheriff 3110-2400-A Vehicles $30,000 Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Rosenthal. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Rich Devlin requested approval to purchase one unmarked patrol vehicle under state contract with funds relating to the above budget modification. One (1) 2013 Chevy Tahoe Special Services Vehicle (Police) at $29,783.76 from Hoselton Automall, East Rochester NY, and also to purchase Emergency Warning Equipment for the vehicle at $6,500. Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Rosenthal. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.


Rich Devlin distributed the STOP-DWI 2012 Annual Report, which is on file with the Clerk of the Board.

Rich Devlin requested an executive session. Cathy Rothenberger moved for an executive session to discuss matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person. Seconded, McCarty. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.


Neal McManus distributed the January 2013 Revenues Report and the 2012 Year End Report of Revenues. Neal McManus requested approval to fill a Temporary Inspector position to perform transient rental inspections. $13,000 has been budgeted for this purpose. Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Rosenthal. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.


Kevin Ritton distributed vehicle log mileage reports for January 2013.

Kevin Ritton requested approval for a correction to a previous budget transfer as follows: On November 14, 2012 the Committee approved the transfer of $5,625 from 0002.0899A Reserve to 2987.4800A Handicap Parking Education. This transfer needs to be reversed because these funds were already available. Representative Rothenberger moved for approval. Seconded, McCarty. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Kevin Ritton requested approval for three (3) JFIP personnel to attend training: 2013 JFIP Public Educators Conference, to be held in April, at $250; and one (1) to attend JFIS II training at $125. Representative Rosenthal moved for approval. Seconded, Rothenberger, McCarty. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Kevin Ritton requested approval to purchase one (1) Walkthrough Metal Detector from NYS contract at $3,846.50 with 2011 Homeland Security funds designated for EOC building security. Representative Rosenthal moved for approval. Seconded, Rothenberger. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Kevin Ritton requested approval to accept awarded Homeland Security funding to be added to the 2013 budget as follows:

Increase Homeland Security 2010, 0000-4319A $102,536 Increase Homeland Security 2011, 0000-4320A $85,398 Increase Homeland Security 2012, 0000-4321A $57,000 Increase HAZMAT 2011, 0000-4317A $104,170

Increase Homeland Security 2010, 3642-4811A $102,536 Increase Homeland Security 2011, 3642-4812A $85,398 Increase Homeland Security 2012, 3642-4813A $57,000 Increase HAZMAT 2011, 3642-4820A $104,170

Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Rothenberger. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Kevin Ritton requested approval to purchase two (2) portable remote light system units at $4,711.50 and one (1) portable remote light system unit at $588.50 with Homeland Security grant funds. Representative Rothenberger moved for approval. Seconded, Rosenthal. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.


Otto Rothermel requested approval for a Resolution that the courts use the 2013 Poverty Guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services as a guide in determining eligibility for assignment of counsel. Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Rothenberger. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Otto Rothermel requested Conference Trainings as follows using OILS grant: Kelley Eckmair to attend Annual Metropolitan New York Trainer, New York City, March 16, 2013: Registration at $95; Hotel for two nights at approx. $279 per night; Parking/Tolls at approx. $80; Meals at approx. $100; Mileage at approx. $200. Michael Trosset to attend Basics of Criminal Law for Criminal and Civil Law Attorneys, New York City, March 15, 2013: Registration at $150; Hotel at approx. $225; Mileage to Train at approx. $81.36; Train $120. Representative Rothenberger moved for approval. Seconded, Rosenthal. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried. Otto Rothermel stated that the Office of Court Administration takes no official position relating to the proposed Conflict Defender Office.


Kristen Leahy distributed the department travel logs. She reported that one vehicle is out for repair due to a deer accident. Kristen Leahy stated that she wanted to make the Committee aware that she is looking to utilize a small office space in the basement of 242 Main Street so her officers can meet with probationers in the evening. She said the office they currently use at the Oneonta Public Safety Office is closed to them at 3:30. Ms. Leahy said Doug Czerkies would bring the discussion to the Public Works Committee.


Representative Rosenthal asked the status of the Public Information Officer position. A job description will be requested of the Personnel Officer for discussion at the next meeting.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Friday, March 15th at 9:15 a.m. at the County Office Building.

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