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Spruce Pine UMC s1

Spruce Pine UMC 11090 South Highway 226 Spruce Pine, NC 28777 Church: (828) 765-7446 Pastor: (828) 467-8743 (c); Parsonage (828) 765-2723 Web: www.sprucepineumc.org Email: [email protected] (office); [email protected] (Pastor) Facebook: Spruce Pine United Methodist Church October 20, 2013 Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost Jeremy I. Troxler, Pastor Kathey Hollifield, Music Director Kathy Miller, Organist

WELCOME TO WORSHIP! The word “worship” comes from the old English word for “worthy.” When we gather to worship God, we are declaring that God alone is “worthy” of our lives and our praise. As we gather for worship this morning, we recall last week’s story of Jesus’ healing of the grateful Samaritan leper. Spend a few moments before worship listing all of the things, big and small, which you love and are grateful for. GATHERING TO WORSHIP AND OFFERING OUR PRAISE

Chiming of the Hour

Welcome and Announcements Bruce Ikard

Prelude Stephen McKinney Entry of the Light of Christ please use this time to focus your whole self – mind, body, and spirit – on worshipping God, The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

^Song of Praise “Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpet” TFWS 2020 ^Psalter PSALM 119:97-104 Oh, how I love your laws, Lord! I think about them all day long. Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are my constant guide. Yes, I have more insight than my teachers, for I am always thinking of your laws. I am even wiser than my elders, for I have kept your commandments. I have refused to walk on any evil path, so that I may remain obedient to your word. I haven’t turned away from your counsels, for you have taught me well. How sweet your words taste to me: they are sweeter than honey. Your commandments give me understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life.

^Opening Prayer Bruce Ikard ^Sharing the Peace of Christ “The peace of Christ be with you.” “And also with you.”

(Through the gift of Jesus Christ, we have been granted forgiveness and peace with God and with one another. As a sign and celebration of the peace we have been given, we invite you to turn to your neighbors, extend your hand, and greet/bless them with the words, “The Peace of Christ be with you.”)

^Hymn “Take Time to be Holy” UMH 395

Sharing of Praises and Prayers of the Congregation – Pastoral Prayer – The Lord’s Prayer

Offering Our Gifts to God

Offertory “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” Vernon Coulter - Piano

^Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” UMH 95


Children’s Time & Children’s Change Offering Bruce Ikard ^Gospel Reading Luke 18:1-8 NT Page 77 Proclamation of the Word “The Widow Wins” Rev. Jeremy Troxler


Meditation on the Word Improvisational Music by Stephen McKinney ^Invitation to Christian Discipleship

^Sending Hymn “Prayer is the Soul’s Sincere Desire” UMH 492 ^ Benediction ^ Postlude ^ If able, please stand Announcements

 WE INVITE EACH FAMILY TO BRING AT LEAST ONE CAN OF FOOD EACH WEEK for the Shepherd’s Staff food assistance ministry. There is a box in the Welcome Center…let’s fill it each week! Please check the “Best Used Before” date on the items you donate and make sure it is more than 30 days before expiration. Thank you!  PLEASE FILL OUT THE PEW REGISTRATION PADS located next to the windows at the end of each pew. Pass them to the inside and the ushers will pick them up after they receive the offering.  NAME TAGS Please, let’s get into the habit of wearing them. If yours is missing or there is an error, please contact the church office.  OUR OCTOBER CHILDREN’S OFFERINGS will go to replenish our Church’s Community Assistance Fund. If you wish to contribute to this special cause, please do so during the children’s offering.  UNITED METHODIST WOMEN’S COOKBOOKS! The Nightingale Circle will be selling the remaining 2010 cookbooks Recipes & Remembrances for 5.00 each. They can be found in the welcome center!  CHARGE CONFERENCE TONIGHT Our church will be hosting the other United Methodist Churches in our area for our joint Charge Conference, an important annual meeting that will take place tonight, October 20th at 6:30 pm.  HABITAT FOR HUMANITY In honor of the national Make A Difference Day there will be a Habitat work day Saturday October 26th at the 46 Longview St. home in Burnsville. Work begins at 9:00 AM and continues until lunch time, 12:30. There may be outside work, but mostly inside work is expected. Please contact Marvin Walker 765-0663 to volunteer.  THE PHARMECEUTICAL DRUG TAKE-BACK PROJECT is sponsoring an event on Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm at the following locations: CVS Pharmacy Parking Lot, Spruce Pine - Bakersville Pharmacy, Bakersville - The Prescription Pad, Burnsville. Help us keep pharmaceutical and controlled –substance drugs off the streets and out of the rivers. No questions will be asked, and any prescription and over-the-counter medications and medical supplies can be turned in anonymously. Please leave the medications in the original prescription bottles for the purpose of identifying the medication only. Please mark out personal information found on the label. For more information contact: Jessica Farley (765-2239 ext.14) in Mitchell County or Liz Elkins (678-3914) in Yancey County.  UNITED METHODIST MEN BARBECUE The United Methodist Men are planning a barbecue chicken dinner with baked beans, potato salad and dessert. This event will take place in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, October 26th from 4-7 PM. The cost is 10.00 per plate, and take-out is available!  FALL FESTIVAL IS COMING! On October 27th, beginning at 5:00 pm, we will have games, snacks and fellowship. At 6:45, we will have Trunk-or-Treat. This celebration is for children of all ages. Feel free to wear your favorite costume and invite friends and family!  UNITED METHODIST WOMEN CRAFT NIGHT will be Monday, October 28th here at the church. The craftiness begins at 6 PM in the educational wing. WEEKLY EVENTS  Blue Ridge Bridge Club Mondays 10:00 am – 4:00 pm  Girl Scouts Mondays 6:00 – 8:00 pm  Weight Watchers Tuesdays 5:00 – 6:00 pm  Choir Practice Wednesdays 7:00 pm  Girl Scouts Thursdays 2:45 – 4:15 pm

 SAVE THOSE WESTERN SIZZLIN RECEIPTS! Please save your receipts for the church – Spruce Pine location only – there is a box in the Welcome Center and remember to say “thank you” to the steakhouse for their generosity.  WORSHIP LEADERSHIP SCHEDULES: (If you are unable to serve on the date scheduled, please exchange dates with someone and let the church office know.)  LECTOR: October 27th , Kathey Hollifield - November 3rd, Marvin Walker  GREETERS: October 27th, Norma & Jim Smith - November 3rd, Carolyn & Jack Burleson  CHILDREN’S TIME: October 27th , Alice Houser – November 3rd, Gloria Hoeppner  WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY: November 20th - Missions Committee Our Community Covenant When a person becomes a professing member of the body of Christ at Spruce Pine United Methodist Church, he or she covenants to participate faithfully in the ministries of the congregation and in life in the world by their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness.

PRAYERS AND THANKSGIVINGS: For all who do not know of the love of God in Christ Jesus the Lord; all who know but have not acknowledged that love. Our community; educators; high school seniors; local; state; national; world leaders; those seeking employment; those struggling with long term illness Nancy Moody; Beth Wyatt; Daren Rodgers; Brian Center staff, residents, and families; Brookside residents and staff; our homebound members; caregivers of the seriously ill; Audrey Davenport; Rev. Lynda Briggs; Tim Hollifield; Bretta Walker; Charlene Greasamar; The Richard Long Family; Elma Riddle; Pat Ford; Becky & Marvin Walker, Sr; Mae Fortner (hip); Marcheta Pendley; Deidre Wood; Marie Willis; Family of Carol Ingram; Family of Ashley Parks; Family of Clifford Pittman; Deb Stanbery’s sister Lisa; Faye Rowland’s friends Karen and Rayna; Perry Rowland; Julie Bantley (cancer); Barbara Gouge; Tipton Hill Food Pantry; First UMC of Baton Rouge; Unicoi UMC Congregation & Pastor; Men and Women serving in the Military, for a just end to violence in the Middle East. We want to join with you in prayer for your concerns and needs. Simply contact Pastor Troxler or the church office and tell us about your prayer concern. Please submit names to the church office by Thursday morning to be included on the weekly list. Birthdays this Week: October 20 - Ernie Wells, Jr.; October 22 - Glen DeVos & Jo Ann Prendergast; October 23 - Savannah Stanbery

PRESENCE: October 13th, 2013: 9:00 Service - 31 11:00 Service - 84

GIFTS: October 13th, 2013: General Fund – $2,980.00 Rich Long Memorial (Parsonage) – $75.00 Bill Ball Memorial (Parsonage) - $500.00 Children’s Offering (Community Assistance) – $99.81 Community Assistance - $5.00 9 food items donated to Shepherd’s Staff

SERVICE: Thanks to those who are serving in special ways throughout the past week and today … Lector: Bruce Ikard Offertory: Vernon Coulter - Piano Children’s Time: Bruce Ikard Usher: Vernon Coulter Greeters: Margarett McGraw & Ima Conroy

WITNESS: Before our recent New Members Sunday, our new folks were asked how they first came to our church. Several of them shared how important it was that someone had invited them to come and worship with us. The simple act of offering an invitation is a witness that may change someone’s life. Who is one person that you could be praying for and then simply invite to come and visit our congregation? Here’s a tip: try to make your invitation specific instead of general. Instead of just saying, “Come and see us sometime,” say, “We have worship this Sunday at 9am or 11am – why don’t you come and give it a try this Sunday?” Some people also keep last Sunday’s bulletin in their car as something they could hand to a friend. Let’s not only be a welcoming congregation: let’s be an inviting one!

** Next Week’s Scripture October 27th, 2013** Joel 2:23-32, Psalm 65, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18, Luke 18:9-14

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