1.) Define the Following Terms s2

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1.) Define the Following Terms s2

1.) Define the following terms

a. Community

b. Community structure

c. Competition

d. Predation

e. Herbivory

f. Symbiosis

g. Parasitism

h. Mutualism

i. Commensalism j. Competitive Exclusion Principle

k. Ecological Niche

l. Fundamental Niche

m. Realized Niche

n. Trophic Structure

o. Keystone Species

p. Dominant Species

q. Succession

2.) Describe, step by step, the type of communities that would form after a lava flow covered an area. What type of succession is this? 3.) Describe the types of communities that would form after a fire swept through an area. What type of succession is this?


1.) When needed resources are unevenly distributed, organisms show a(n) ______dispersion pattern

a. Clumped b. Random

c. Uniform d. Exponential

2.) Herring gulls fiercely defend the areas around their nests in breeding colonies. Within the colony they would show a ______dispersion pattern.

a. Uniform b. Random

c. Dense d. Clumped

3.) The sum of all Earth’s ecosystems is called the… a. Stratosphere

b. Hydrosphere c. Biosphere

d. Troposphere 4.) Bat colonies in a cave during the day would illustrate a ______dispersion pattern.

a. Uniform

b. Even c. Random d. Clumped

5.) When the per capita birth rate equals the per capita death rate… a. A population grows rapidly

b. The size of a population remains constant c. A population is in danger of extinction

d. A population undergoes up-and-down cycles 6.) A population will always grow exponentially…

a. If it is limited only by density-dependent factors b. Until it reaches carrying capacity

c. If there are no limiting factors d. If it shows logistic growth

7.) Which of the following populations exhibits exponential growth? a. A protozoan population in a sealed glass culture

b. A fruit fly population that recently arrived on an island previously occupied by only plants

c. A population of deer in an area with many hungry wolves d. A queen ant that moves to a new area to start a new colony

8.) No population can grow indefinitely. The ultimate size of any population is limited by…

a. Its birth rate b. Its death rate

c. The carrying capacity of its environment d. Reproductive isolation

9.) A population that is growing logistically… a. Grows fastest when density is lowest

b. Has a high r c. Grows fastest at an intermediate population density

d. Grows fastest as it approaches carrying capacity 10.) Which of the following would most likely be an example of a density- independent factor limiting population growth? a. Food availability

b. Diseases c. Parasites

d. Daily temperature extremes 11.) The cyclic growth exhibited by populations of showshoe hares in the North America taiga most likely results from… a. Predation by lynx

b. Fluctuations in the hare’s food c. Hunting by humans

d. A and B 12.) The niche of an animal is…

a. The number of individuals of the species the environment will support

b. The same as its habitat c. The way the animal fits into its environment

d. Its den or nest 13.) When goats were introduced to a new island, the goats inhabited the same areas and ate the same plants as the native deer. The deer population dwindled and finally disappeared. This is an example of…

a. Commensalism b. Succession

c. Herbivory d. Competitive exclusion

14.) A leech that attaches itself to a swimmer is an example of… a. Prey

b. A parasitoid c. An endoparasite d. An ectoparasite

15.) Certain species of acacia trees have hollow thorns that house stinging ants, which attach anything that touches the tree. The ants feed on nutrients produced by the acacias. This is an example of… a. Mutualism

b. Predation c. Competitive exclusion

d. Commensalism 16.) What is the key difference between a keystone species and a dominant species? a. There is no difference. The two terms are synonymous.

b. Dominant species alter the structure the or dynamics of the environment; keystone species are the most abundant

c. Dominant species are the most abundant; keystone species exert control through important roles or niches

d. The removal of a dominant species from a community has more impact than removing a keystone species

17.) In the North Pacific, sea otters are keystone predators. A reduction in their numbers has resulted in what changes in the marine community?

a. Competitive exclusion reduced species richness b. Mutualism among prey species maintained species diversity

c. The absence of a keystone species decreased community diversity d. Resource partitioning allowed otherwise competing species to coexist

18.) Which statement below correctly describes conditions on a glacial area during the reign of pioneer species?

a. Aldars predominate the landscape b. Sphagnum moss becomes established and kills trees by acidifying the soil c. The landscape is covered by lichens, liverworts, mosses, and fireweed

d. The area is dominated by members of the genus Dryas 19.) Temperature, precipitation, sunlight, and wind are the major components of… a. Biomes

b. Dispersal c. Climate

d. Ecosystems

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