New Mexico Prek Observational Assessment

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New Mexico Prek Observational Assessment

New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Physical Development, Health and Well-being E.I. # 2.2a Indicator: Coordinates Rubric Rating eye-hand movements (Circle the appropriate number) using beads, laces, pegs, puzzles and other manipulatives and small objects, and when dressing and undressing. Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for K) (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) Works simple “insert” Uses larger beads or Uses smaller beads, Uses a variety of Uses smaller manipulatives to create or complete puzzles (e.g., completes puzzle pieces but does pegs or manipulatives manipulatives with small designs, structures, art or puzzles with guidance simple puzzles, uses not work with smaller with guidance and pieces most of the time and support from adults shape sorter box) pegs or items support from adults

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 2 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Physical Development, Health and Well-being E.I. # 2.2b Indicator: Coordinates Rubric Rating eye-hand movements (Circle the appropriate number) using beads, laces, pegs, puzzles and other manipulatives and small objects, and when dressing and undressing. Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for K) (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) Independently unzips, Attempts to zip, button Independently snaps, Consistently succeeds Attempts to tie shoes with guidance and support unbuttons, unties, or or snap clothing with buttons or zips clothing in zipping, buttoning or from adults unsnaps clothing most guidance and support most of the time snapping clothing of the time from adults

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 3 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Literacy

E.I. # 5.1 Indicator: Listens with Rubric Rating understanding to (Circle the appropriate number) directions and conversations

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K) . Follows through with Follows through with Follows through with Follows through with Follows through with more than 2 directions that one clear, simple one clear, simple two clear, simple more than two become increasingly complex and may be direction with adult help direction (i.e., put directions that directions that accomplished over longer periods of time and (i.e., put this in the this in the trash; get involve a sequence involve a sequence responds to one part of a conversation trash, get your coat) your coat) of actions. of actions. appropriately

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 4 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Literacy E.I. # 5.3a Indicator: Hears and Rubric Rating discriminates the (Circle the appropriate number) sounds of language in words to develop phonological awareness

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Repeats rhyming words Recites simple and Makes up own chants Is starting to recognize When presented with three different pairs of in songs, poems or familiar chants and or rhymes rhyming sounds words, identifies those that rhyme, with some stories rhymes adult assistance

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 5 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Literacy E.I. # 5.3b Indicator: Hears and Rubric Rating discriminates the (Circle the appropriate number) sounds of language in words to develop phonological awareness

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Can repeat word Repeats alliterative Knows the beginning Is starting to make With adult assistance, makes simple letter-sound patterns in songs, language sound of his or her letter-sound associations with beginning consonants poems or stories name associations

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 6 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Literacy

E.I. # 6.1 Indicator: Converses Rubric Rating effectively in his or her (Circle the appropriate number) home language, English, or sign language for a variety of purposes relating to real experiences and different audiences

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Combines 3 signs or Uses 3-4 word Uses 5-6 word Uses complex Uses 2 connected sentences to express ideas words following the sentences to express sentences to express questions and/or and reply with relevant information to questions subject-verb-object self ideas statements of 7 or more and comments of others word order words to present and get information

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 7 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Literacy

E.I. # 7.1 Indicator: Rubric Rating Demonstrates an (Circle the appropriate number) interest and enjoyment in books, listening to stories read aloud, and/or looking at books using illustrations or familiar text.

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps//Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 8 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Asks to listen to or look Listens to an adult read Listens to an adult read Listens to an adult read Selects a book to read or listen to, based on at the same story again a book or chooses to a book or chooses to a book or chooses to favorite author or topic of interest. Gives reasons and again look at books alone or look at books alone or look at books alone or for liking or disliking a book with others less with others almost every with others almost every frequently than every day, making comments day and/or looks at day about illustrations books using the illustrations to tell the story and/or following along with familiar text (may not be accurate)

DOMAIN: Literacy E.I. #7.2 Indicator: Rubric Rating Demonstrates (Circle the appropriate number) comprehension of a story read aloud by asking relevant questions or making pertinent comments

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 9 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Uses own experiences Listens to stories Listens to stories Listens to stories and Role plays main events of a story with puppets or to make comments that and responds by and responds by responds by asking other props may or may not follow pointing to pictures, asking related related questions and along the story line turning pages, questions and/or making predictions or and/or asking simple making pertinent retelling stories read. questions. comments.

DOMAIN: Literacy E.I. #7.4 Indicator: Progresses Rubric Rating in understanding and (Circle the appropriate number) using concepts of print

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5 1 2 3 4 5 Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK (Making Progress FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 10 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for for 3’s) K) (Making Progress for K)

Identifies own name as Recognizes that Recognizes some of Recognizes letters in Recognizes and names most upper and lower a whole letters of the alphabet the letters in his or his or her own name case letters can be individually her own name and in those of named classmates as well as in environmental print.

DOMAIN: Literacy

E.I. #8.3 Indicator: Rubric Rating Increasingly attempts (Circle the appropriate number) to represent meaningful words and print in the environment using the early stages of writing

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5 1 2 3 4 5 Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 11 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

for PreK (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Makes marks or Makes marks or Purposefully makes Shows increasing Writes own first and last name and many scribbles in response to scribbles and marks, scribbles control of the writing additional letters of the alphabet adult suggestions for identifies them as and/or letter-like tool as seen in the writing writing shapes identifying formation of letter-like the writing as words shapes, or forms of or print in the pretend cursive environment writing and some letters. May write some words or names.

DOMAIN: Numeracy

E.I. #9.2 Indicator: Uses one- Rubric Rating to-one correspondence (Circle t he appropriate number) in counting increasingly higher groups of objects.

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 12 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Lines up or sorts Begins to assign a Correctly assigns a Correctly assigns a Child correctly assigns a number to each item objects, one by one number when pointing number to each item number to each item while counting 10 objects using one to one without assigning any to each item while while counting five or while counting six to correspondence number (i.e., setting the counting fewer items using one nine items using one table, organizing to one to one several bears by putting correspondence correspondence each one on a block)

DOMAIN: Numeracy

E.I. #10.1 Indicator: Rubric Rating Recognizes, names, (Circle the appropriate number) describes, compares and creates familiar shapes

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 13 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Sorts simple two- Distinguishes familiar Identifies some Describes and Compares and sorts objects of familiar geometric dimensional shapes in shapes from one familiar shapes by compares shapes by common attributes and states reasons sorting boxes and other another. name in various characteristics of for grouping (e.g., shape, size, number of materials with adult help circumstances shapes and creates corners) them with a variety of materials.

DOMAIN: Numeracy

E.I. #11.3 Indicator: Rubric Rating Demonstrates emerging knowledge of (Circle the appropriate number) measurement

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 14 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Identifies objects that Sorts objects that are Sorts objects that are Uses words to Uses words to compare two objects on a are similar in size or similar in size and similar and different describe a measurable property (e.g.; bigger/smaller, longer length length in size, length, measureable property or taller/shorter, heavier/lighter, more full/less full weight, or capacity (e.g.; size, length, weight or capacity)

DOMAIN: Numeracy E.I. # 12.1 Indicator: Sorts, Rubric Rating classifies and groups (Circle the appropriate number) materials by one or more characteristics

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 15 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Identifies two objects or Sorts or matches Sorts items into small Given a collection of Recognizes and creates simple alternating pictures that are the objects that are number of groups items, determines a patterns (example: blue block/red block/blue same and eliminates identical based on similar classification scheme block/red block) ones that are different attributes that creates a group from this group for every item and tells about the groups

DOMAIN: Aesthetic Creativity

E.I. #13.1 Indicator: Communicates ideas and/or feelings through Rubric Rating creative activities (for example, making up a song, acting (Circle the appropriate out a story, creating a piece of art work or a set of number) movements).

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 16 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

See the portfolio for the ways that this child shows his or her creativity.

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 17 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Scientific Conceptual Understanding

E.I. #14.1 Indicator: Uses Rubric Rating senses to investigate (Circle the appropriate number) characteristics and behaviors in the physical and natural worlds and begins to form explanations of observations and explorations Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Plays with materials of Uses obvious Uses one sense Uses 2 or more Conducts small hands-on/multi-sensory different textures (e.g., sensory information (such as sight only or senses (such as both experiments with adult guidance and uses sand, water, leaves) to explore the world, smell only) in a sight and smell, or observation and verbal questioning and and conditions (wet, reacting more sensory experience, hearing and touch) to comments to investigate and draw conclusions dry, warm, cold, etc.) physically than making 1-2 simple explore the world and with adult verbally. comments describing makes 1 or more encouragement the experience detailed comments describing sensory

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 18 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______


DOMAIN: Scientific Conceptual Understanding

E.I. # 14.3 Indicator: Makes Rubric Rating predictions and forms (Circle the appropriate number) hypotheses

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 19 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Asks “why” and other In a science or nature In a science or In a science or nature Develops plans with teacher assistance for testing simple questions for experience, guesses nature experience, experience, makes prediction or hypothesis, and tries out ideas adult explanations at what will happen makes a prediction one or more about things observed next with no relation or guess that is predictions and gives and explored through to the experience related to the reasons for predicted additional senses experience result

DOMAIN: Self, Family and Community

E.I. #17.4 Indicator: Expresses Rubric Rating cultural influences from (Circle the appropriate number) home, neighborhood and community

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 20 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Names family members Shares information Shares information Begins to share Frequently shares information about his or her about his or her about his or her information about his family’s cultural knowledge, beliefs, values and/or family members community (such as or her family’s cultural customs (beyond common holiday traditions) school, knowledge, beliefs, neighborhood, values and/or and/or church) customs (beyond common holiday traditions)

DOMAIN: Self, Family and Community

E.I. #19.1 Indicator: Cares Rubric Rating for personal and group possessions (Circle the appropriate number)

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 21 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Responds to directions Places personal Places personal items Places personal items Routinely demonstrates responsibility for care of from adults to put items items in own cubby in own cubby without in own cubby without classroom environment away or be careful with (backpack, jacket, assistance (but may assistance and group possessions most shoes, etc.) and need reminding) and participates in clean- of the time participates in clean- participates in clean- up time independently up time with adult up time with some (without adult help) help. independence and almost every day. some adult help.

DOMAIN: Self, Family and Community

E.I. #20.1 Indicator: Plays and Rubric Rating interacts with various (Circle the appropriate number) children sharing experiences and ideas with others

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 22 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Observes and imitates Plays alongside other Interacts with other Interacts with other Develops and/or extends themes in cooperative other children’s activities children (rather than children, sharing children, sharing work/play activities most of the time interactively) most of objects and talking objects, conversation, the time. back and forth as and ideas to they play for several cooperate in play minutes without activities. cooperative idea sharing.

DOMAIN: Self, Family and Community

E.I. #20.2 Rubric Rating Indicator: Uses and accepts negotiation, (Circle the appropriate number) compromise, and discussion to resolve conflicts

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5 1 2 3 4 5 Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 23 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

for 3’s) K) K)

Can wait for something Uses and accepts With teacher Tries to work through More frequently initiates and successfully he or she wants to have negotiation, guidance, generates conflicts with peers in completes conflict resolution with minimal adult or do without adult help compromise, and own ideas of appropriate ways assistance some of the time discussion to resolve appropriate ways to (may or may not end conflicts only when handle conflicts and up needing teacher mediated by teacher comes to an help) talk and assistance agreeable solution

DOMAIN: Approaches to Learning

E.I. #23.2 Indicator: Shows Rubric Rating interest in exploring (Circle the appropriate number) the environment, learning new things and trying new experiences.

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5 1 2 3 4 5 Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 24 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

for PreK (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Explores new objects Shows interest in Shows interest in Shows interest in Initiates an ongoing interest in finding out more while playing and exploring the exploring the exploring the about own environment and trying new identifies favorite, environment, often environment, environment, often experiences familiar activities choosing favorite, choosing favorite, trying new familiar activities, familiar activities and experiences without trying new trying 1-2 adult encouragement experiences only with new experiences adult encouragement without adult encouragement

DOMAIN: Approaches to Learning

E.I. #24.2) Rubric Rating Indicator: Develops increasing (Circle the appropriate number) independence during activities, routines and play

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 25 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Starts activity after a Needs extensive adult Needs less adult help Self-initiates activities Demonstrates independence during activities, caregiver makes help during activities, during activities, and play and shows routines, classroom transitions and play most of suggestions, some of routines and play. routines and play. increasing the time the time independence in routines calling on adults when help is needed.

DOMAIN: Approaches to Learning

E.I. #25.3 Indicator: Role plays Rubric Rating to express feelings, to (Circle the appropriate number) dramatize stories, to try out social behaviors observed in adults, and reenact real-life roles and experiences. FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 26 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Adds dress-up clothes Imitates real-life roles Incorporates 1-2 Incorporates more Communicates feelings and tries out social or other items to and experiences in social behaviors than 2 social behaviors with increasing self regulation in pretend play simple role plays. observed in adults behaviors and/or dramatic play situations with other children and expression of expression of more 1-2 feelings in role than 2 feelings when playing real-life role playing real-life roles and roles and experiences. experiences so that a more complex story is dramatized.

DOMAIN: Approaches to Learning

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 27 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

E.I. #27.1 Indicator: Focuses Rubric Rating and completes a (Circle the appropriate number) variety of tasks, activities, projects, and experiences

Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Begins to show interest Stays with a task for Stays with a task for Stays with a task for Stays focused on an activity for more than ten in adult-initiated up to five minutes; five to ten minutes more than ten minutes and ignores most distractions activities may give up when and attempts to solve minutes and problems arise. problems that arise. attempts to solve problems that arise.

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 28 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Physical Development, Health and Well-being E.I. #1.1 Indicator: Exhibits Rubric Rating body coordination and (Circle the appropriate number) strength in activities such as climbing stairs with alternating feet, marching, running, jumping, hopping, dancing, riding tricycles and scooters Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Climbs familiar stairs Climbs on age Climbs on age Independently and Independently and confidently climbs on age and tries new appropriate playground appropriate playground confidently climbs on appropriate playground equipment and skips with stairs/ladders, equipment with some equipment with little age appropriate adult assistance and modeling progressing to adult assistance and adult assistance and playground equipment alternating feet and walks, runs, jumps and walks, runs, jumps, and walks, runs, jumps, runs, walks and jumps marches easily marches and hops marches, hops and easily easily gallops easily

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 29 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

DOMAIN: Physical Development, Health and Well-being E.I. #1.2 Indicator: Exhibits Rubric Rating balance and spatial (Circle the appropriate number) awareness in many situations (running and stopping, climbing, ball handling, and/or simple group games, i.e., “Duck, Duck, Goose”). Rubric #1 Rubric #2 Rubric #3 Rubric #4 Rubric #5

Not Yet Demonstrating First Steps Making Progress for Accomplishing for Exceeds for PreK for PreK PreK PreK Expectations for PreK 1 2 3 4 5 (Making Progress for 3’s) (Accomplishing (1st Steps/Ready for (Making Progress for for 3’s) K) K)

Walks along a line or Walks forward smoothly Walks forward and Shows balance in many Shows balance in many situations including play beam structure with along a wide beam or backward along a wide situations including play outdoors, ball handling and in simple group some success and line with minimal beam or line with outdoors, ball handling games and throws or kicks objects with increased attempts to catch a assistance and minimal assistance and and in simple group accuracy large ball maintains balance when coordinates throwing games throwing and catching and catching with a large balls variety of sizes of balls

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 30 Revised 7/1/2014 New Mexico PreK Observational Assessment Essential Indicators with Rubrics Child’s Name: Teacher’s Name:

Assessment Period: Fall ______Winter (if applicable) ______Spring ______

These ratings are not reported on the NM PreK website.

FIRST look at Rubrics 2, 3, and 4 when assessing NM PreK children as these rubrics describe performance that can be “reasonably expected” of a 4-year -old child. If the child’s performance is OUTSIDE (does not match) Rubrics 2-4, look at Rubric 1 or 5. If these rubrics do not match the child’s performance, refer to the ELG Continuum. Any performance that is before Rubric 1 on the Continuum will be scored as a “1” and any performance beyond Rubric 5 will be scored as a “5”. 31 Revised 7/1/2014

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