BIOL 1010: Human Anatomy

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BIOL 1010: Human Anatomy

BIOL 1010: Human Anatomy Sections 301, 302 Summer 2017 Pr. Eylana Goffe

Course Description: This course is a study of the human organism with respect to the gross and microscopic anatomy of the organ systems. Laboratory work includes dissection of the cat and appropriate isolated organs.

Course Delivery Mode: Lecture and Laboratory

Prerequisites: ENGL 0890 with grade of “B” or better or ACCUPLACER exemption from reading and MATH 0500 with grade of “C” or appropriate test score. Recommended: Take BIOL 1002 before taking BIOL 1010

Phone: 455-6106 e-mail: [email protected] * You must write BIOL 1010 as the subject heading of your e-mail or it may not be read Webpage:

Office Hours: Official office hours are not held over the summer, but I am happy to meet with you before or after class if needed. I encourage all students to request a meeting to get extra help or clarification on lecture material that they are having trouble with. Don’t wait until it’s too late to ask for help!!!

Biology Department Contact: Karen Bouchard ([email protected]) Warwick Campus: 825-2340

Required Texts: 1) Drake, R., Vogl, W. and A. Mitchell. 2015. Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 3rd edition. Elsevier Inc. (ISBN# 978-0-7020-5131-9) 2) Goffe, E. and H. Townsend. 2015. Human Anatomy Photo Atlas of Cat, 1st edition (ISBN# 281-8-4400-6843-0) 3) Goffe, E. 2016. Lab Manual for Human Anatomy. 4) Goffe, E and H. Townsend. 2016. Human Anatomy Lecture Powerpoints

You will understand the lectures best if you have done the assigned reading for that class BEFORE the lecture. This way the terms and concepts will not be completely new to you. There is a copy of the text available on 2-hour reserve at the Liston Building library

Grades: 3 Laboratory Practical Exams 35% Prelab Assignments 5% 3 Written Lecture Exams 40% Lecture Quiz Average 20% Please refer to Anatomy Syllabus for number of points needed to obtain each letter grade. There is no extra credit offered at any time during the semester (please don’t ask)

Attendance: Attendance is not recorded and does not count towards your final grade. A lot of material is covered in lecture that is NOT in your power points or the text. Therefore it is in your best interest to attend lectures. You are permitted to make an audio recording of the lecture. Feel free to place your recording device up by the podium I am lecturing from! Remember 1 summer class = 1 week of classes during regular semester!

Quizzes: There will be a quiz almost every lecture class. They will be given at the beginning of class (so be on time) and will take about 20 minutes. If you come to class late, you will miss the quiz. Each student will be allowed to make-up only one quiz during the semester, regardless of the reason for absence. Once you take a make-up, you will receive a zero for any other quizzes you miss. You are expected to take the make-up quiz the following day. You will not be allowed to make up a quiz after the lecture exam for that material has been taken. Make-up quizzes can be different than the original quiz given. Extra credit points given to the class during a quiz or exam are not guaranteed for make-ups. Each day’s quiz will cover some or all material discussed since the previous quiz. I will drop the lowest quiz grade at the end of the semester. Your first quiz begins with the list of zoological roots located on my website!

Reading Assignments: Reading assignments will be due at the beginning of class. If you come in late and drop it on my desk after I have begun lecturing or the class has started taking a quiz, you will automatically lose 5 points. I will not accept them after lecture. You can find the detailed set of guidelines for completing these assignments on my website, under the “Anatomy” tab, “Course Information”, “Guidelines for Text Assignments” link.

Lecture Exams: The lecture exam schedule is printed on the calendar handout. I will do my best to stick to this schedule. Exam dates are subject to change with notice, as necessary. In the event of an emergency, make-up exams can be given if arrangements have been made BEFORE the scheduled exam time or within a day of missing the exam. Voicemail and e-mail are acceptable ways of communication. Make-up tests may be different than the original. You may not receive extra credit questions on a make-up exam.

It is your responsibility to check over quizzes and exams for grading and calculation errors and to keep all graded papers. If you have a question about your final grade, I will gladly check my grade book against the graded papers I have returned to you. If you do not hang on to old quizzes (which you should do for studying purposes), then the grades I have recorded will stand and you will have nothing to argue your case!

Academic Dishonesty (a.k.a. cheating): I have a zero tolerance policy for cheating on quizzes and exams. This includes plagiarism. Therefore, if I see you cheating or even suspect you are cheating, I will give you a zero on the quiz/exam in question. I DO NOT need proof beyond my own observations to take action against students acting dishonestly in my class. This refers to both the student TAKING information and the student GIVING information. If it happens more than once, you will receive a failing grade for the semester. Cheating is not only an insult to me as your instructor, but also to your fellow classmates who are working extremely hard to learn the material and pass the course. Your fellow classmates will not tolerate this kind of behavior.

Classroom Behavior: Cell phone use is prohibited in lecture and lab. Please turn your phones off or set them to silent. If you must use your phone, please do so outside of the classroom. This applies to texting as well. Texting is NOT permitted in the classroom. You will be asked to leave if you are texting during class. Headphone use is also prohibited in lecture and lab. Laptops are not allowed to be used during lecture without permission.

Also, please be aware of your environment. Feel free to raise your hand and ask appropriate questions during lecture. However, talking during lecture is disruptive to both your fellow students (trying to listen to lecture) and to your instructor who is trying to present material.

I expect students to behave professionally in class. That means that students should not be arriving late or leaving early during class. This is extremely disruptive. Understandably, occasions arise that require you to arrive late or leave early, but if you are consistently unable to attend class during its scheduled hours then you should withdraw from the course. It is always polite to inform your instructor of any schedule conflicts when possible.

E-mail Communication: There may be times during the semester when I will send the class e-mail messages through their CCRI accounts (e.g. schedule changes due to snow storms, etc). You are EXPECTED to check your CCRI account daily. If you miss a message about changes to an exam time or quiz material because you did not check your email, you are going to be held responsible. If you do not know how to access your CCRI account, contact the CCRI Help Desk for assistance.

It is a CCRI policy that instructors are prohibited from communicating with students about grades through e- mail. Therefore I will not e-mail students grades during the semester or at the semester’s end. I will post lecture and lab exam grades on Blackboard.

If you are absent from class it is your responsibility to find out what you missed (e.g. quiz information, etc). The best way to get this information from me is via e-mail, (which I check more frequently than voicemail) or ask a classmate.

The Long Haul: Many students find that anatomy is one of the most challenging classes they will take. It requires a significant amount of time both in class/lab and outside, especially during the accelerated summer session. If you are registered for several other courses this semester, you may find that you do not have the time and energy you will need to devote to this class. If you intend to drop this course, please do so as soon as possible and make sure that you are following registration deadlines. Before making these decisions, please consult the financial aid office as your financial aid may be affected. If you do decide to withdraw or drop at any point during the semester, please let me know as a courtesy. The academic calendar can be viewed at:

Anatomy Lab: We will review all of the rules of the lab at your first lab class, but please be aware that shorts or skirts that expose the knee when sitting or standing are not permitted in lab. Also, your shoes must fully cover and protect your toes. Sandals (with or without socks) or other shoes that expose all or some toes are not permitted in lab. Also, midriffs must be fully covered. Anyone breaking the dress code will not be allowed to enter lab and will have to make up the missed class on their own time. Finally, you should come to every lab with your own latex-free gloves.

Please Note: Menthol products (e.g. Vick’s Vapor Rub, Blistex) are prohibited from lab! No eating or drinking in lab! Packaged food and cups should not be brought into lab!

Anatomy Prelabs: Prelabs are available through Blackboard (BB). Three times a semester, they will be paper assignments you must hand in at the start of lab in addition to or instead of the BB prelab. If you hand it in after the start of lab, you will lose points. Prelabs are mandatory and count for 5% of your semester grade. The on- line prelabs are all available now, but each is due on the day of the corresponding lab activity. Prelabs close down at 9:00 am on the day of your lab.

When you log-in to Blackboard (BB), you should see BIOL 1010 listed among any other classes you have that use BB. Once you click on BIOL 1010, you should see a list of available options (Homepage, Practice Quizzes, Prelabs, etc) on the left side of the page. You can then choose “Prelabs” and complete the activities for the week.

The prelabs are set-up so that you can complete them multiple times until you have received a perfect score (10 out of 10). Please be aware that if you start to take a prelab and then stop in the middle, it will replace your last recorded grade with an incomplete grade (i.e. instead of the 8 you had, you will receive a 0). It is your responsibility to get your prelabs done on-time. Do not wait until the last minute to complete them. If you have technical difficulty, you need to seek help immediately and resolve your issues. Technical difficulty will not be accepted as an excuse for a late prelab assignment. All CCRI students have access to the computer labs on campus, therefore there are no excuses for not having your assignments done on time! Blackboard may not work properly from your phone or ipad!!

Disability Services: Any student with a documented disability is encouraged to contact me early in the semester to facilitate your success in this course. If you have not already done so, you should contact the Disability Services for Students coordinator on your campus. (

Other Resources: There are many great resources available to anatomy students outside of the classroom and lab. I have put together a short list of such resources. If you have any trouble accessing these, please feel free to ask for help during office hours or before or after class.

1) Student Success Center: The SSC is located next to the library on the second floor. They have many resources to help anatomy students prepare for lab exams. They have microscopes for histology, multiple sets of the bones, models and various other resources that you can use on the premises with an ID. Peer tutors may be available at the SSC. It is best to put in your request for a tutor ASAP! Check the SSC for their hours.

2) I have prepared practice lecture quizzes and posted them on my Blackboard, which you are automatically registered for. I do not keep track of who uses them or the grades. They are for practice purposes only.

3) As you can imagine, there are many great anatomy websites available for your use. I have a list of direct links to some of them on my homepage. There are hundreds of others. If you explore the internet you will find them. Be aware of your source! Try to stick to sites put out by publishing companies, colleges/universities or other educational organizations.

4) Learning objectives and lecture outlines are available on my CCRI webpage and/or Blackboard.

Course Learning Outcomes Available On-line at: %20learning%20outcomes.htm

Please keep this syllabus to refer to during the semester. You are responsible for all of the information on these pages and any changes that are made to it during the semester!

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