Page 3-8: Team Member Application

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Page 3-8: Team Member Application


The following information pertains specifically to the Totus Tuus Program of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Kevin Feyen at [email protected]

Page 1-2: Application Information Page 3-8: Team Member Application Page 9-10: Referral Form


Job Description: 1. Catechesis to grades 1–12 in eight different parishes within the Archdiocese of Dubuque 2. Grades 1–6: Teaching in a classroom and large group setting, performing skits, playing games, and leading music for daily Mass (if applicable). 3. Grades 7–12: Instruction through large group talks, witness talks, leading small group discussions, fellowship and playing games. 4. Meet and great parishioners at weekend Masses and speak about Totus Tuus at Mass. 5. Commitment to daily payer – Liturgy of the Hours (Morning, Evening, & Night Prayer), Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Mass and personal prayer time. 6. Openness to discerning one’s vocation. 7. Adhere to a rigorous schedule. a. A typical day begins at 7am and ends around 10pm. There is approximately two hours of free time each afternoon, but it is typically spent with the team. b. Typical schedule while in parishes begins Saturday afternoon and ends Friday late afternoon. c. Must be able to commit for the entire summer, please see important dates below. 8. Work within a team environment. 9. Make sacrifices and be flexible. 10. Work well with adults at parishes and host families. 11. Read and study material and information necessary to be effective in your ministry.

Requirements & Qualifications: Being a Totus Tuus missionary is an opportunity and privilege with great responsibilities. Missionaries are chosen from amongst faithful, energetic, and creative Catholic college students and seminarians. To be considered for this position, the applicant must have the following requirements: 1. Confirmed and practicing Catholic 2. Completed one year of college studies by May 2015 (minimum age 18) 3. Working knowledge of the Catholic faith 4. Desire to work with the youth

Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 1 Application Process: 1. Read and complete the Totus Tuus application. 2. Send completed application and two reference forms to the Office of Adolescent Faith Formation of the Archdiocese of Dubuque prior to the due date of January 15, 2015. Applications can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to: Archdiocese of Dubuque Adolescent Faith Formation (Totus Tuus) 1229 Mt. Loretta Ave Dubuque, IA 52003 3. If applicable, the Archdiocesan Office will contact you to set up an interview. Interviews will be held at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center, 1229 Mt. Loretta Ave, Dubuque, IA. If you cannot make it to an interview due to distance, phone/virtual interviews can be arranged. 4. If accepted, you will be sent more information regarding the upcoming summer (what to study, calendar of events for the summer, packing list, etc).

Pay: Each team member will be paid $2,000.00 for the entire summer program. Remember there are very few expenses for the summer (which may include: meals during off hours, personal effects, etc). Housing and meals will be provided by the parishes during teaching weeks, and provided by the diocese during training weeks.

Travel: During the summer, the one team member who drives their own car will receive reimbursement for miles driven. Reimbursement will only be given to travel pertaining to Totus Tuus, personal trips taken during the program will not be reimbursed.

Important Dates for 2015: Training: May 24 – May 30, 2015 Personal Days (off): May 31 – June 2, 2015 Team Retreat and Preparations: June 3- June 6, 2015 Totus Tuus Team Picnic: June 6 Summer Program in Parishes: June 6–July 3, 2015 Week Off: July 4 - July 10, 2015 Summer Program in Parishes: July 11 – Aug 7, 2015

Contact Information: Kevin Feyen Director of Adolescent Faith Formation Archdiocese of Dubuque 1229 Mt. Loretta Ave Dubuque, IA 52003 [email protected] 563.556.2580 x253

Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 2 TOTUS TUUS Team Member Application

1. Read through the entire application before you begin. 2. Answer all the questions. Please type or print legibly. 3. Be honest; there are no right answers. We simply want to learn who you are. 4. Application is due January 15, 2015.

Applicant’s Information


Current Address______


Phone (_____)______Cell (_____)______

I can be reached at the address above until____/____/______. Then write to:




Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 3 EDUCATION

School Name Location: City & State Years Graduation Degree/Certificate ( I.e. BS, BA, etc .) Attended Date (mo/yr) and Field(s) of Study High School:


Graduate School:


EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1. Please document your last two paid positions of employment.

Business’ Name______Business’ Name______Address ______Address ______City______State______Zip______City______State______Zip______Phone(_____)______Phone(_____)______Supervisor______Supervisor______Duties______Duties______VOLUNTEER HISTORY 2. Please document your last two volunteer positions you held.

Organization’s Name______Organization’s Name______Address ______Address ______City______State______Zip______City______State______Zip______Phone(_____)______Phone(_____)______Supervisor______Supervisor______Duties______Duties______PARISH INVOLVEMENT 3. Please check all that apply.

I have… ____ taught or assisted in a religious education program at a parish. ____ assisted in a youth ministry program in my post high school years. ____ served as a reader, Eucharistic minister, altar server and/or choir member at a parish. ____ served in a parish in other capacities.

Please elaborate on each of the items that pertain (including the name & location of parish and duration):

Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 4 CATHOLIC FORMATION 4. Please check and fill in all that apply. ____ I am baptized. ____ I was confirmed in the Catholic Church at the age of ______. ____ For the past 12 months I have met my obligation of attending Sunday liturgy and Holy Days of Obligation. ____ I converted to Catholicism at the age of ____ from the ______faith. ____ I attended Catholic schools in grades ______. ____ I attended a Catholic college/university for _____ years. ____ Other than in school, I attended religious education classes in grades ______. ____ I attended youth ministry programs in junior high or high school grades ______. ____ I attended Totus Tuus in grades______. ____ I attended summer Bible Camps.

Please answer the following questions in two or three sentences. 5. What was your primary reason for attending religious education of any sort?

6. Have you participated in any bible studies, religious education classes, Christian fellowship groups, etc?

7. What is your personal experience/feelings about the religious education you received?

MUSIC & LANGUAGE Please fill in the areas that apply (if applicable).

8. What instrument do you play? # of years skill level: beginner, intermediate, advanced



Please describe any experience you have had in playing/singing for liturgy and/or youth ministry events.

9. Spanish studied? # of years skill level: beginner, intermediate, advanced


Would you consider yourself fluent in Spanish? ______

Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 5 RETREAT AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE 10. Please check all that apply and fill in requested information.

____ I have attended approximately ____ retreats at the age(s) of ______. ____ I have helped conduct ____ retreats at the age(s) of ______. ____ I attended VBS approximately ____ years during grade(s) ______. ____ I have helped or assisted in teaching bible school.

If you helped conduct a retreat or taught/assisted in VBS please provide details. Include the name(s) of the retreat, the grades, and your involvement and position.

11. For each of the following items please indicate your experience by selecting a number between 1 and 5, with 5 being the most experience. If you have no experience with a particular item, indicate this with an “N”.

____Pray with others ____Develop and act out skits/dramas ____Small talk with retreatants ____Teaching religious education ____Given personal faith sharing ____Teaching non-religious subjects ____Plan prayer services and liturgies ____Care for young children ages 5-7 ____Maintain order during retreats ____Care for adolescent children ____Provide entertainment ____Experience with high school age students ____Lead small group discussions

SHORT ESSAY Please answer or complete the following questions.

12. How did you first hear about Totus Tuus?

13. I am applying to Totus Tuus at this time in my life because…

14. Other than church related activities, what are your interests and hobbies?

Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 6 15. Describe the role of your family in the development of your Catholic faith including prayer habits, Mass, etc.

16. Regarding relationships: When my feelings are hurt I tend to…

17. What do you value about being Catholic?

18. Do you consider yourself a leader? Would you like to be a leader? Explain.

19. How do you normally react to criticism, especially from a peer?

20. How do you handle conflict? Be sure to mention what role (mediator, aggressor, etc.) you usually take.

Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 7 21. Using the scale below, please rate (1-5) yourself in the following:

Almost always Frequently Sometimes Rarely Never 1 2 3 4 5

____determination ____procrastination ____loneliness ____dependability ____fault finding ____fatigue ____punctuality ____assertiveness ____fear ____opinionated ____happiness/joy ____self-confidence ____moodiness ____self-control ____friendliness

From the above list please elaborate on two strengths and two areas of needed improvement.

22. Have you ever considered to what state in life God is calling you, whether it be marriage, priest, religious brother, religious sister, or single? Explain your process of discernment.

23. Please indicate if you have a car and are willing to drive for the summer. You will be reimbursed for gas and mileage. Yes: ______No:______


On separate paper, please answer the following questions in brief detail.

24. Explain your journey of faith within the Catholic Church. 25. Describe your current life of prayer (when, how, what, etc.). 26. Are there any teachings of the Catholic Church with which you have difficulty? 27. Explain how we need you and how you need Totus Tuus. Simply, why should we hire you?

Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 8 REFERRAL FORM

The following information should be completed by the applicant before this form is forwarded to and completed by the referent.

Applicant’s Information


Permanent Address

City State Zip

Home Phone Cell

Email Address

The following is to be completed by the referent only. Please return this referral form to the Office of Adolescent Faith Formation, Archdiocese of Dubuque by January 15, 2015. Thank you for your time in completing this referral. Please know that all the information you present about the applicant will be held confidential.

Referent’s Information



City State Zip

Home Phone Work

Email Address

Email completed form to: [email protected] Or, mail to: Office of Adolescent Faith Formation (Totus Tuus) Archdiocese of Dubuque 1229 Mt. Loretta Ave Dubuque, IA 52003

Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 9 Describe your relationship to the applicant and how long you have known him or her.

How familiar are you with youth ministry or specifically with Totus Tuus?

Please comment on the applicant’s involvement in the Catholic Church.

Would this person be a good role model for a young person? Explain.

Please include any additional information we should know and take into consideration when making our decision.

Signature Date

Totus Tuus Team Member Application, 2015 Page 10

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