Brecksville United Methodist Church

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Brecksville United Methodist Church

Application for Use of Church Facilities

Brecksville United Methodist Church Living in Christ, Serving in Love

Contact Information (please print or type)

Today’s Date Name of Organization/Event Mailing Address City, State, ZIP Code Contact Person Telephone (home) Telephone (business) E-Mail Fax

Facility Requested Sanctuary Chapel Fellowship Hall Kitchen Parlor Classroom Other Room Requested Date(s) Requested Start & End Time of Event Set Up/Clean Up Time Needed Nature of Activity Expected Attendance Room Set Up Requirements The sponsor/organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Brecksville United Methodist Church (BUMC) from any liability for damages to any person or property resulting from the organization’s use of the BUMC facilities. The sponsor/organization will be responsible for the proper conduct of the activity. The sponsor/organization understands that the facility will be examined carefully after use and agrees to assume the cost of any loss or damage to the building or furnishings resulting from the organization’s use of the building. Any deposit paid by the sponsor/organization will be used to offset any costs related to repairs to or replacement of BUMC property. The Trustees or designee will be the sole judge as to the extent of any damage. Determinations will be made within 3 business days of the activity, with any deposit balance being returned within 5 business days of the event. The sponsor verifies he/she has read and understands the BUMC Building Guidelines and Fees and attached Policies and agrees to abide by these policies. For a full cancellation of charge, group must cancel at least one week before the scheduled event.

Acknowledged and Agreed

Signature(s) Date

Brecksville United Methodist Church 65 Public Square, Brecksville, OH 44141 440-526-8938 e-mail: [email protected]

Please complete and return both pages. Note that a signature is required on each page. Brecksville United Methodist Church 1 of 3 September 2012 Building Guidelines & Fees Costs Associated with Room Use. Fees based on up to 3 hours of continuous use. Room Max. General Use Non-Profit or Capacity Member Use Sanctuary 300 $750 Weddings Recitals/programs: $100 plus custodial plus set Weekend: $300 + $100 custodian’s fee up fees as required Weekday (Mon – Thurs): $200, no custodian’s fee All recitals/programs: $25 to move the piano Parlor 60/40 $50 Reception/Program $40 Routine Use (i.e. monthly) $25 Chapel 40 $100 Wedding/Funeral $25 Fellowship 175/160 $300 Hall only $400 Hall and full kitchen $75 Hall only Hall $125 Hall and Kitchen ($100 Routine/Weekly) Kitchen $125 Full kitchen $50 Ovens Only $50 ($25 ovens only) 301 100/75 $75 program/meeting $60 Routine use (i.e. weekly) $40 Recovery Groups: $35 /mo Classroom Varies $35 program or mtg Recovery Groups: $35 per month $15 Tables, chairs, furnishings, dishes, etc. are not available for off premises rental or usage. Changes to the existing room set up will incur a $25 custodial fee. Weekend, holiday, and extensive set up rates higher. Overview Scheduling & Fees The Brecksville United Methodist Church (BUMC) is a Christian All groups need to arrange for building use in advance. community with the purpose of “Living in Christ, Serving in Scheduling is on a “first come, first serve” basis. The pastor Love.” The building and property of the church should be and/or Trustees may cancel or reschedule any event (except used to further this purpose and to benefit the community weddings) up to 30 days prior to the event. The pastor where possible. No use should be in conflict with our and/or Trustees have the final determination in resolving principles and purpose. All groups should understand that scheduling conflicts based on a priority system giving church they are meeting in a church and treat the building with and member-related events first preference. respect. All cancellations and changes should be communicated to the The building and property are owned by the United Methodist Office Manager. If a group cancels or changes a date one Church and managed by the Board of Trustees of the BUMC. week or more prior to the scheduled date they will not be The Trustees have final authority in decisions about use. The charged a fee for use. Cancellation with less than 24 hour Senior Pastor, Office Manager and Facility Manager help to notice will incur the full use fee and cancellation with less manage building use by all groups, ministries, and activities. than one week and more than 24 hours will have a fifty Questions should be directed first to the Office Manager. percent charge. Decisions regarding weddings and funerals are made by the Senior Pastor. Building use fees are used to defray the actual costs of General Guidelines maintaining, cleaning, heating and cooling, lighting, and so Alcoholic beverages, smoking and gambling (including on. This is to allow the church to use our resources for raffles or drawings) are strictly prohibited on all ministry and not as rental property. church grounds. The rates quoted above are a general guideline. The Office Manager, in consultation with the Senior Pastor and Trustees, Non-profit, Recovery and Member groups receive a will begin with these rates, but may adjust according to time, discounted use rate in keeping with the mission of the regular use, custodian requirements, special set ups, church church. For this discounted rate these groups are required to conflicts and actual costs. leave the room in a condition as clean as it was found. This includes wiping down all table surfaces when food or Rooms will be set and ready 30 minutes prior to the beverages have been served. Failure to properly clean the scheduled start time. Groups should not arrive more than 30 areas used will result in a cleaning fee of at least $25. All minutes prior to the scheduled start time and should leave furnishings should be put back to the same within 15 minutes after the schedule end time. Building use arrangement/setup as it was found. Non-Profit and Recovery must end by 9:45 pm. Groups in the building after 10:00 pm Groups are responsible for set up of the room space unless will incur a $50 late fee. An additional $25 will be charged for otherwise arranged through the office. Special room set-ups each additional 15 minutes in the building after 10:15 pm. A required of the custodian will incur an additional fee. group can schedule an ending time after 10:00 pm for a charge of $50. (See BUMC Closing Policy) Care in handling tables, chairs and other equipment should be used to assure there is no damage to floors, furniture or walls. If damage is done the group responsible must report it BUMC Smoking Policy immediately and the Board of Trustees will assess costs. If Brecksville United Methodist Church prohibits smoking the kitchen or kitchenette area is used all posted kitchen on all property and grounds. Groups using the church rules must be followed. must make sure this policy is strictly followed.

Brecksville United Methodist Church 2 of 3 September 2012 Fire Evacuation If you group needs to use the building past 9:45 PM you must make special arrangements with the Church Office. Any group The safety of all persons who enter Brecksville United Methodist in the building after 10:00 PM will be charged a $50 after hours Church is very important. Fire evacuation procedures fee (unless after hours use has been scheduled in advance). An are posted in various areas throughout the building. All additional $25 fee will be charged for each additional 15 minutes groups using the church should be familiar with the in the building past 10:15 PM. procedure and the location of exits. If you discover a fire: We ask that the last group of the day make sure all lights you 1. Activate the building fire alarm by pulling the handle on a have used - including inside bathrooms -are turned off. Two red fire alarm pull station located near exit stairways. security lights remain on at each end of the administrative hall 2. Exit the building immediately. The church has an exit and west stairway at all times. stairway on the east and west end of the building as well as the main center stairs. Normally the only open door in the evening is the center door to (If possible close the room door behind you after the last the parking lot. If you are the last group out, please make sure person has exited the room the door is locked. If you are not familiar with how the “hex Do not use the elevator in the event of a fire emergency. ~ wrench” key works, we will be happy to demonstrate. Doors should be checked after closing to be sure the latch has been 3. Call 911 from a safe place. Important: Do not attempt to engaged. extinguish even a small fire unless you have activated the building fire alarm and called 911. BUMC Kitchen Policy

If you hear the Fire Alarm but do not see a fire: Church kitchens are used by many groups. When a kitchen area 1. Exit the building immediately. is used it should be left as clean or cleaner than it was found. 2. Call 911 from a safe place. The main first floor kitchen is a commercial kitchens that must Following a fire alarm do not attempt to reenter the church or comply with Health Department rules. The following kitchen reset (silence) the fire alarm until the Fire Department indicates rules MUST be followed: that it is safe to do so.  Wipe down all counter and cooking surfaces that were used. If any person is having trouble exiting the building due to handicap or infirmity, please do your best to help them out of  All dishes used must be washed in hot soapy water or run the building safely. through the dishwasher.  Dishes must be dried and put back in the cupboards. In the event it is not possible to remove a person from the building, if possible the person should be placed in a smoke free  Wash cloths and towels must be taken home and laundered room with a large window on the parking lot side of the church. and returned promptly. Outside groups must bring their If this cannot be done the person should “shelter in place” in a own dishtowels. smoke free room with the door closed for rescue by the Fire  Sinks must be rinsed and free of debris. Department. The Fire Department should be notified as soon as possible of the exact location of any person left in the building.  Coffee pots are to be rinsed and coffee grounds placed in the trash. BUMC Snow Removal Policy  Non-church groups must supply their own coffee. The parking lot has regular snow removal when there are two or more inches of snow. Salting of the parking lot is done only  Trash cans should not be over filled. Spare trash bags are in during icy conditions. the cupboard as labeled.

Sidewalks are cleared Monday through Friday during regular  WE RECYCLE. Please place metal, glass and plastic in the church office hours (8:30 – 4:30), Sunday morning, and during recycling bins with blue bags. special church events. There is no sidewalk snow removal after  Items should not be stored in the refrigerators or freezer office hours or on Saturday. without permission.

If you require special arrangements to have the parking lot  Items stored in the refrigerator or freezer must be plainly plowed or sidewalks shoveled and salted this can be done for an marked with name and date. Unmarked items will be thrown additional charge. Contact the Office Manager at 440-526-8938 away. to arrange.  If griddle is used, it must be thoroughly cleaned.

BUMC Closing Policy  Anything spilled on the floor should be wiped or swept. For the security of the Brecksville United Methodist Church, a  Be certain that all cooking equipment/appliances are turned off Building Closer (a church volunteer) locks the building after the when you leave the kitchen. last scheduled use each day. To allow the building to be secured, all groups should make arrangements to leave the Acknowledged and Agreed building by 9:45 PM. Signature(s) Date

Brecksville United Methodist Church 3 of 3 September 2012

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