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2011 MEMBER HANDBOOK The 2011 “Incomparable” Golden Rams Marching Band A Note from the President

To Members of the Golden Rams Marching Band,

Welcome to the start of the 2011 season with the “Incomparable” Golden Rams Marching Band! I hope you are all enjoying a relaxing and productive summer so far. I, along with the rest of the Executive Council and Field Operations Council, are very excited that you will be performing with us this year. All of us are very excited to announce that our show for the 2011 season is Rush In! – A Celebration of Romantic Russian Composers. We will be featuring the music of several Russian composers (Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov, to name a few), some familiar Russian folk tunes, and a surprise twist towards the end as we RUSH IN during a climactic ending! As you prepare for the start of the marching season, it is important that you realize you are joining a tradition of excellence that the Golden Rams Marching Band is known for and very proud of. We perform at regularly scheduled football games, participate in homecoming activities, and have the privilege of performing exhibitions at high school level competitions every fall. In addition to these events, the band has also been honored with invitations to play at many special events. These include the Macy’s Holiday Parade, the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade, and performing on the set of “Hardball with Chris Matthews” during his interview with President Barack Obama. Most recently, in November of 2009, the band traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana for the Bands of America National Championships in the Indianapolis Colts’ Lucas Oil Stadium. We were honored to perform for some of the best high school marching bands in the country. With such a distinguished past and promising future, your commitment allows the Golden Rams Marching Band to continue being truly incomparable. Joining such a large organization can be slightly intimidating; but, it would be hard to find another organization on campus with such a sense of community and friendship. To help kindle those friendships, I would encourage you to get in contact with your section leaders and other members of your section before coming to band camp. They will be glad to hear from you. If you have any questions or concerns at all, please feel free to contact myself, the members of the Executive Council, or your section leaders. We will all be more than happy to help!

Welcome to the 2011 West Chester University “Incomparable” Golden Rams Marching Band!

Lawrence Major President West Chester University Incomparable Golden Rams Marching Band

The 2011 West Chester University Incomparable Golden Rams Marching Band Officers

President: Lawrence Major – [email protected], 570-581-3991 Vice President: Samuel Saltzburg – [email protected], 215-421-5330 Secretary /Treasurer: Katie Stahl – [email protected], 484-788-3970 Historian: Robbie Enagbare – [email protected], 610-573-1117 Parliamentarian: Kevin Horne – [email protected], 973-508-9380


Dr. Andrew Yozviak Office: Swope Hall 256 Email: [email protected] Office Phone: 610-430-4188 Office Hours: MW 12-3 PM, TR 12-2 or by appointment

Course Objectives

The course will introduce students to the fundamentals of performing in a marching band. Major topic areas will include:

● Basic Marching Techniques ● Warm-up and Ensemble Playing Techniques ● Rehearsal Structure and Procedures ● Programming for field shows, parades, and other miscellaneous events ● Performing music of diverse styles and time periods ● Leadership development

Marching Band Constitution

The Marching Band constitution is published on the marching band website – www.wcubands.org/marchingband

This syllabus and the Constitution are your governing documents. Take a moment to read through the policies and procedures listed therein.


Your attendance is expected at all performances and rehearsals. Absences from any rehearsal or performance are unacceptable. The Marching Band Constitution states the following regarding attendance:

4.2 Attendance Policy 4.201 Rehearsals will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3:15–5:15 PM. All members are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. Any unexcused absence will be reflected in the member’s grade.

A) If a member is going to be absent for any reason, he/she must notify the Band Director in advance. The band director will excuse the absence at his/her discretion.

B) Rehearsals will begin promptly at 3:15. Tardiness will not be tolerated. Three tardies will be considered an absence. Uniform

All members will report to all functions in full uniform. The uniform consists of the following:

● Black Dinkle Marching Shoes ● Black socks ● Marching Band Pants ● White T-shirt (your Marching Band T-shirt will be white) ● Uniform Jacket ● Black Gloves ● Gauntlets ● Shako ● Plume ● Hair cut above the collar or ‘put up’ under your shako in a natural color

The purpose of wearing uniforms is to look the same. No other clothing, jewelry, or body markings will be permissible.


Your grade will be based on the memory and performance of all music, knowledge and execution of drill, basic marching technique, adherence to band policies, and attendance. The 2011 “Incomparable” Golden Rams Marching Band Field Operations Council (FOC)

The Field Operations Council are the student leaders of the marching band who are responsible for teaching technique, music, and drill during marching band rehearsals. They are the Marching Band’s Coordinators, Drum Majors, and Section Leaders. These students will be in touch with you at various times throughout the summer. They should be your first contact with questions regarding the operations of the band.

COORDINATORS Andrew Bower [email protected] 570-687-3967

Jordan Fisch [email protected] 732-513-5014

Jason Moore [email protected] (856) 906-7599

Michael Roche [email protected] 732-947-1144

DRUM MAJORS Kaylee Black [email protected] 973-534-9886

Douglas Groft [email protected] 717-586-1192

Matthew Wolf [email protected] 908-510-0206

FLUTE Kaysey Davis [email protected] 717-649-7469

Jayme Guenther [email protected] 610-698-0632

David Stoverschlegel [email protected] 717-659-1863 CLARINET Elizabeth Remelius [email protected] 610-731-8073

Matthew Rothenberg [email protected] 302-331-3628

Brian Tracey [email protected] 610-850-4653

ALTO SAXOPHONE Brian Cox [email protected] 732-947-2754

Christopher Kefer [email protected] 717-799-0015

Joseph Luciano [email protected] 215-900-7678

TENOR SAXOPHONE Lawrence Major [email protected] 570-581-3991

Taylor Osborne [email protected] 443-848-3205

TRUMPET Richard Beem [email protected] 215-915-2822

Kyle Risch [email protected] 973-229-5631

Casey Powell [email protected] 215-870-7431 MELLOPHONE Elizabeth Korp [email protected] 610-637-8761

Nicholas Lepkowski [email protected] 215-531-0686

Alyssa Young [email protected] 484-437-5575

TROMBONE Adam Bish [email protected] 717-965-6687

David Meashey [email protected] 610-804-7106

Brian McDonie [email protected] (717)-471-5671

Christa Sipes [email protected] 717-496-1408

BARITONE Michael McGuiness [email protected] 717-818-0052

Zack Travis [email protected] 570-877-5344 TUBA Christopher Burky [email protected] 484-650-7830

Lauren Casserly [email protected] 908-251-4542

William Davis [email protected] 717-830-6580

Jonathan Hebert [email protected] 610-999-3328

PIT PERCUSSION Molly Diggory [email protected] 215-410-1290

Matthew Schriver [email protected] 717-676-3091

Courtney Wilcox [email protected] 908-528-4243

BATTERY PERCUSSION Brad Schoener [email protected] 484-354-7283

COLORGUARD Stacy Andrews [email protected] 908-635-6857

Madelyn Lauver [email protected] 484-437-8500

Kimberly Kinden [email protected] 610-357-6615 The 2011 Incomparable Golden Rams Marching Band Professional Staff

Dr. Andrew Yozviak – Director Dr. M. Gregory Martin – Associate Director Todd Marcocci – Color Guard Design Amy Walp – Color Guard Coordinator Amy Buddock, Chris Cromwell and Jon Kreamer – Color Guard Instructors Darren Hazlett, Nick Buddock and Kelly Howell – Battery Instructors Sara Benson – Pit Instructor Greg Martin – Drill Design Andrew Yozviak and Darren Hazlett – Music Arrangements MEMBER INFORMATION SHEET Return this sheet with Shoe money, Raffle Ticket Money, and Ticket Stubs on or before August 12 to ensure your spot

Name ______Section ______

On campus/Local Contact Information:

Address/Dorm______Cell phone _____ - _____ - ______

______Off campus Email ______

______Commuter yes no

Major ______Honors Program yes no

Birthday ______

Uniform Information:


T-shirt Size S M L XL XXL (cost included in Raffle Ticket Sales) Glove Size S M L XL XXL (cost included in Raffle Ticket Sales) 2011 Audio CD (cost included in Raffle Ticket Sales)

Marching Shoes Size ______Width Narrow Normal Wide ($28)

Return this form along with the appropriate fees on or before August 12, 2011 to:

Marching Band Registration Form Swope Music Building - 256 817 South High Street West Chester, PA 19383

Marching Shoes ______

Total Amount Enclosed ______Make checks payable to “SSI 935” THE 2011 Incomparable GOLDEN RAMS BAND CAMP SCHEDULE

Sunday, August 21, 2011 “Move In Day” Welcome to West Chester University – Move in, unpack, and get ready for camp!

12:00 – 2:00 p.m. EVERYONE check into their respective housing 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Registration in Swope Lobby and Friends and Family Cookout on Swope Lawn 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. Meeting for all members in the Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre (MWAT) 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Music Rehearsal – MWAT Percussion – Swope Instrumental Room (141) Colorguard location TBA 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Section time There will be an FOC meeting at 2:00 PM in MWAT prior to Cookout

Monday, August 22, 2011 “Class Pride Day” Everyone wear a T-shirt with the respective colors of your class:

Freshmen: Yellow Sophomores: Green Juniors: Red Seniors: Blue Super Seniors: Purple and Gold

7:30 a.m. Breakfast at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 8:30-10:30 a.m. Sectionals: Percussionists – Swope Lawn Colorguard – Matlack field Brass and Woodwinds – Swope Music Building (room locations TBA); auditions for split parts 10:30-11:30 a.m. Stationary marching basics – Matlack Field 11:30 a.m. Lunch at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 1:00-2:00 p.m. Brass and Woodwinds –sectionals in Swope Music Building Percussion – TBA; Guard – Matlack Field 2:00-3:00 p.m. Music Rehearsal – Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Percussion – Room 141 Colorguard – Matlack Field 3:00-4:30 p.m. Marching Basics – Matlack Field 4:30 p.m. Dinner at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 6:00 p.m. Music and Drill at Matlack Field 9:00 p.m. SIGMA night in Choral Room (320) Tuesday, August 23, 2011 “Russian Day” Cossack hats and Faberge egg toss!

7:30 a.m. Breakfast at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 8:30 a.m. Everyone at Matlack field for Basics, Music, and Drill 12:00 p.m. Lunch at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 1:30 p.m. Brass and Woodwinds –sectionals in Swope Music Building Percussion – TBA; Guard – Matlack Field 3:00 p.m. Large Ensemble Rehearsal – MWAT or Swope Courtyard Guard at Matlack Field 4:30 p.m. Dinner at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 5:30 p.m. Music and Drill at Matlack field Sectional social time – each section will plan their own events!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011 “Section Spirit Day” Show your section pride in your clothing and/or actions!

7:30 a.m. Breakfast at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 8:30 a.m. Basics, Music, and Drill at Matlack field 12:00 p.m. Lunch at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 1:30 p.m. Sectionals: Brass – Instrumental Room; Woodwinds – Choral Room Percussion – TBA; Guard – Matlack Field 3:00 p.m. Large Ensemble Rehearsal – MWAT or Swope Courtyard Guard at Matlack Field 4:30 p.m. Dinner at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 5:30 p.m. Music and Drill at Matlack field Free Night! Get some sleep!

Thursday, August 25, 2011 “Twins Day” Find a friend and dress the same!

7:30 a.m. Breakfast at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 8:30 a.m. Music and Drill at Matlack field 12:00 p.m. Lunch at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 1:30 p.m. Brass and Woodwinds –sectionals in Swope Music Building Percussion – TBA; Guard – Matlack Field 2:30 p.m. Large Ensemble Rehearsal – MWAT or Swope Courtyard Guard at Matlack Field 4:30 p.m. Dinner at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 5:30 p.m. Music and Drill at Matlack field Ice Cream Social following rehearsal

Friday, August 26, 2011 “WCU Spirit Day” Wear purple and gold, or any other West Chester clothing, to be INCOMPARABLE! Freshman will NOT need to attend campus orientation

7:30 a.m. Breakfast at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 8:30 a.m. Music and Drill at Matlack field 12:00 p.m. Lunch at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 1:30 p.m. Music and Drill at Matlack field 4:30 p.m. Dinner at Lawrence Center Dining Hall 5:30 p.m. Music and Drill at Matlack field Free Night! Get some sleep!

Saturday, August 27, 2011 “Family Band Day!” Wear a white shirt and khaki shorts for our Family Band 2011 performance day!

7:30 a.m. Breakfast in SWOPE! 8:30 a.m. Everyone at Matlack Field 11:30 a.m Lunch, meal plans will be in effect! 1:00 p.m. Family Band and demonstration for family and friends – invite everyone you know!

Band Camp Checklist – You will need:

● Your instrument and all equipment ● Three-ring binder large enough to hold all of your music ● Plastic sheet protectors for music (otherwise it may get wet) ● Multiple pencils and a highlighter ● Music – MUST BE MEMORIZED BY BAND CAMP!! ● Marching Lyre ● Socks and Sneakers (bare feet, sandals, or boots are NOT permitted) ● Hat & Sunglasses ● WATER BOTTLE OR JUG (it is very important to keep yourself hydrated). Water will not be provided during all breaks, so be sure to have your own supply ● Sunscreen – also bring any sunburn, headache, and allergy medication ● A dry towel (sometimes it rains and there are no paper products in Swope!) ● All clothing that is mentioned in the band camp schedule ● Snacks (you will be hungry at night) ● A fan (some dorms do not have AC) Dear Band Parent or Guardian,

As you know, the summer will be over before we know it and the 2011 Incomparable Golden Rams Marching Band season will soon begin. As you may be aware, band camp can be very hot and is the first college experience for some; so why not help them through it? To support your loved one, the Sisters of Tau Beta Sigma, a National Honorary Band Sorority that helps support the collegiate band program, have created band camp “survival kits.” The kits will be available for pick up on the first day of band camp. The Band Camp Survival Kits include:

A Water Bottle






Snacks (breakfast bars, popcorn, etc.)

Other Assorted Goodies

Please detach the order form below with your payment postmarked by Monday, August 8th, 2011. The Sisters of Tau Beta Sigma thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you at band camp.

Please deliver______survival kit(s) to______(students name) in the______section of the 20011 Incomparable Marching Band.

______Survival Kit(s) at $15.00 each

Send to: TBS Survival Kits

c/o Kaitlyn Galtere

11 Nancy Circle

Reading, PA 19606 Total Amount enclosed______Please make checks or money orders payable to Tau Beta Sigma.

WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY INCOMPARABLE GOLDEN RAMS MARCHING BAND 2011 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE N.B. Start times of football games are tentative. These often change due to Athletic Department Scheduling.

Date Event Report Time Start Time

July 17 and August 7 Guard and Percussion Mini-camp 10:00 AM end @ 4:00 PM

August 21-27 Band Camp (see provided Band Camp Sched.)

Saturday, September 10 Away Game – Delaware 1:00 PM 7:00 PM

Saturday, September 17 Home Game – Slippery Rock 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Hempfield HS Cavalcade Show Depart after game TBA

Saturday, September 24 Home Game – East Stroudsburg 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Family Day

Sunday, September 25 Collegiate Marching Band Festival TBA TBA Allentown, PA (show starts @12:30)

Sat. – Tues., October 8-11 FALL BREAK

Friday – Sunday, Oct. 14-16 Overnight Mini-tour TBA TBA Friday Exhibition at High School Saturday USSBA Yamaha Cup at Giants Stadium

Friday, October 21 Pep Rally 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Saturday, October 22 Homecoming Parade 9:15 AM 10:00 AM Home Game – Bloomsburg 12:00 Noon 2:00 PM Thursday, October 27 West Chester Halloween Parade 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Saturday, October 29 Home Game – Kutztown 11:00 AM 1:00 PM

Saturday, November 5 USSBA State Championships TBA TBA Farrell Stadium

Saturday, November 12 Home Game – IUP 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Cavalcade Championships Depart after game

Friday, November 18 Band Banquet TBA TBA

Friday, December 2 West Chester Holiday Parade 7:00 PM 7:30 PM


ATTENTION MEMBERS OF SENIOR DRUM CORPS You will be excused from rehearsal on the following days – Saturday, August 27, Friday, September 2 and any events that may be scheduled on Saturday, September 3. No other requests will be honored. The 2011 Incomparable Golden Rams Marching Band Family Band XX

Dear Marching Band Parents and Families,

On behalf of the Golden Rams Marching Band, I thank you for your continuing support. Whether this is your first year with the Golden Rams or if you are now a Ram veteran, I invite you, your parents and family, for one day, to trade places with your sons or daughters. That is right! We are giving you the opportunity to participate in a marching band camp and to perform in front of hundreds of screaming fans. At the same time you will be greatly helping our fundraising efforts. I know what you are thinking, “Wow this sounds great, where do I sign up?” Or you are thinking along the lines of, “Ha, I send my kid to band to do this stuff. Why would I ever want to do that?” The answer is, it is A LOT of fun! You will have a great time. Also, when else do you get a chance to have your son or daughter cheer for you? In all seriousness, it is a lot of fun, for both the parents and the kids. The cost is only $25.00 for the whole day. The fee includes a T-shirt with the Family Band logo and a kazoo. The performance will take place on Saturday, the last day of band camp. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY!!! So even if you have never set foot upon a football field, you will have absolutely no trouble learning and performing your show. Our trained instructor will assist you with everything you will need to know. Please keep in mind that the Family Band program is open to everyone; parents, friends, relatives, and siblings. So round up as many of the troops as you can, send in the necessary form, and meet us on Saturday, August 27, 2011 in the Swope Music Building Instrumental Room at 9:00 a.m. Please return your form and money by August 12, 2011 so we can get a head-count and order the kazoos. We thank you for your continuing support and we look forward to seeing you all at the Twentieth Annual West Chester University Golden Rams Family Band!

Musically Yours,

Lawrence Major President The 2011 Incomparable Golden Rams Marching Band Family Band XX

Please return this form to: Family Band XX Swope Music Building West Chester University West Chester, PA 19383

*Please send no later than Friday, August 12, 2011* Please make all checks payable to “West Chester University Foundation”

Number of people wishing to participate: ______x $25.00

TOTAL $ ______

Name of student in the Marching Band: ______

Name of Participant T-shirt Size

1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______

Did anyone participate in Family Band last year: Y N

If yes, who? ______



Please check the contents of this packet for the following documents:

● Welcome Letter from our Band President, Lawrence Major

● Course Syllabus

● Field Operations Council and Staff Directory

● Member Information Sheet – RETURN BY AUGUST 12

● Band Camp Schedule and Check List

● 2011 Performance Schedule

● High Five Raffle Tickets and Information – RETURN TICKET STUBS AND MONEY BY AUGUST 12

● Family Band XX Information and Registration Sheet – IF INTERESTED, RETURN BY AUGUST 12

● TBS Band Camp Survival Kit Order Form – IF INTERESTED, RETURN BY AUGUST 8

● Golf Tournament Brochure – Join us for golf, food and fun!

● Pre-game show music and the Russian Show Opener will be available to download at www.wcubands.org/marchingband beginning Monday, June 13. Check back often for additional uploads!

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