West Parley Parish Council
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DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 19th October 2016 Main Hall, MS Centre, Church Lane, West Parley. Present: Cllrs: Jonathan Heath (Chair); Diana Penwill (Vice); David Allen; Phillip Bamborough; Kay Bundy; Mary Court; John Dinsdale; Barbara Manuel (District); Malcolm Plascott In attendance: Cllr Andrew Parry (District); Linda Leeding (Clerk) & 1 members of the Public Prior to the meeting the Chairman welcomed back John Cullen and provided a potted history of John’s contribution to the village whilst Vice and Chairman on the Council over the last 5 years, incorporating Heritage, Parley Wood, working with local organisations, keeping residents informed, his work towards the South and South East in Bloom entries (Silver Gilt Award) and most recently the acknowledgement of John’s work with the Resident Association volunteers when entered into the Dorset Best Kept Village Awards, where West Parley was awarded ‘Runner Up’ in the Large Village category and also won the Environmental Award for improvements made to Parley Wood. The Chairman awarded John Cullen with a voucher and the annual Achiever’s Award for his exceptional contribution to West Parley. John Cullen thanked the Council and stated that ‘it’s not what you get but what you put into life’. John C left the meeting at 19.43hrs. The Meeting started later than scheduled at 19:45hrs. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE County Cllr Lugg 2. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None. 3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 21st SEPTEMBER 2016 The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting and were accepted as an accurate record. (Pages 11186 to 11188) 4. PRESENTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. Cllr Bundy declared a Non Pecuniary interest re item11. 5. REPORTS BY DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS The meeting was adjourned at 19.53 Hrs for County & District Councillor briefings and reconvened at 20.08 Hrs. 6. CLERK’S REPORT The report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Reference was made to the new village signs, overhanging hedge information on the website before residents contacted, Councillor Training and Recreation Ground improvements to enhance security. ITEMS FOR DECISION 7. APPROVE EXTERNAL AUDIT The Clerk updated Councillors that the External Audit undertaken by BDO, confirmed no anomalies or advisories. Cllrs unanimously passed the motion to approve the External Audit; proposed by Cllr Heath, seconded by Cllr Penwill. 8. CONSULTATION ON UNITARY CONTROLS ON EAST DORSET The documentation was circulated prior to the meeting detailing the proposal and varying options. Cllrs have been updatedthroughout the process by District Councillor Manuel. Cllrs discussed the options and impact on the Parish Council and felt that the favoured option was 2B. Cllrs voted to show preference to option 2b and a motion passed (1 abstention). 9. LOCAL PLAN Cllrs discussed the Local Plan and agreed that West Parley has no more Greenbelt left following the Core Strategy and this response should be given. 181 10. RECREATION GROUND (Security & T&Cs) Cllr Penwill explained the costings for the variety of options discussed at last month’s meeting, and Cllrs were invited to comment. Some funding may be possible through the District Council Ward Budget, however Cllrs passed a motion to set aside £3000 of the budget for improvements to security. A motion to install a more robust gate at the main entrance with rhino posts at both front and rear entrance was passed (Vote 7 in favour and 2 abstentions). Along with enhancements to the bund through EDDC liaison.
Cllr Bundy left the room. 11. MS DONATION The Clerk explained that a donation request had been received from the MS Society for funds towards a new mini bus. Cllrs discussed the level of donation and the importance of the centre to the whole district. Cllrs passed a motion to donate £1000 to the centre. Cllr Manuel added that the centre should write to all District Cllrs as the centre is widely used. Cllr Bundy returned to the room. 12. CHEQUE SCHEDULE The document was circulated at the meeting and Cllrs invited to comment prior to authorisation. Agreed unanimously. 2413 Kaptivate £99.14 Headed paper 2414 MS Society £35.00 PC Meeting (Sept) 2415 War on Waste Ltd £70.80 Dog Bins (Sept) 2416 RBL Poppy Appeal £38.00 2 wreaths (WPPC & WPMH) 2417 BDO LLP £360.00 External Audit 2418 Linda Leeding £815.67 Salary less Pension conts & NI & tax 2419 Dorset County Council Pension Fund - Fund Account £242.37 Clerk's Pension ee £50.15 & er £192.2 2420 HMRC £17.20 PAYE tax deducted October 2421 HMRC £164.00 Quarterly Ni (ee £78.71 / er £85.29) 2422 Linda Leeding £80.15 Clerk's Expenses (mileage, stationery, Dictaphone etc) total £1,922.33
Bank Account Balance End September £60,701.54 Less Community Fund £14,204.44 Less Outstanding Cheques £735.92 Less this month's cheques £1,922.33 Less Ringfenced Funds £15,000.00 £28,838.85 13. PLANNING MATTERS The Chairman passed the meeting to the Planning Chairman, Cllr Court. The Clerk talked through the recent refusals & permissions made by EDDC and Cllr Court talked Council through the following applications:
Ref: 3/16/1757/HOU The Firs, Barrack Road, West Parley To Form Dormer In Roof Slope for 2. No Bedrooms and Ensuite In Roofspace West Parley Parish Council discussed the application and understand there was previously a 50% increase in development on the original dwelli ng. As this is greenbelt, no further development is permissible. Comment only. (Vote 8 in favour and 1 abstention)
Ref: 3/16/1672/HOU 9 Dane Drive, West Parley Remove Bay Windows from Bedroom, Lounge and replace. Also renew garage roof. West Parley Parish Council discussed the application and offer no objection to the proposed development (Vote 8 in favour and 1 abstention)
Ref: 3/16/2056/HOU 167 Golf Links Road, West Parley Raise the roof and install front and rear dormers to provide first floor accommodation West Parley Parish Council discussed the application and wish to object to the proposed development as it would cause overlooking and feel it would be overbearing to the neighbouring properties, along with the site being within a Special Character Area of West Parley. (Vote 8 in favou r and 1 abstention)
Ref: 3/16/1865/HOU 23 Dudsbury Road, West Parley Erection of boundary fence adjacent to highway West Parley Parish Council discussed the application and wish to offer an objection. The tall fence adjacent to the highway would be out of kee ping in this 'special character area' of West Parley. Other properties have fences set back within their boundary, with vegetation to cover the fence. . (Vote 8 in favour and 1 abstention)
Cllr Court passed the meeting back to the Chairman, Cllr Heath.
14.To exclude members of the press and public in accordance with section 1, subsection (2) of the Publ ic Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960. District Cllr Parry left the meeting. 15. PARLEY SPORTS CLUB 182 Matters were discussed and confidential minutes taken.
ITEMS FOR INFORMATION Standing Orders were suspended at 22.09hrs. 16. MEDIA ISSUES: News for October/November The Chairman asked if there were any articles to be submitted to the press this month, Cllrs said none to report. 17. COUNCILLORS LEAD AREAS Cllr Penwill read a thank you card from Lyn Cheshire, following her award at the Volunteers’ reception and explained that a lot of time was being spent on reviewing the security of the rec ground and work around the children’s play area. Cllr Dinsdale provided an overview of work undertaken and scheduled by the volunteers (separate document). 18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next Full Council meeting was set as Wednesday 16th November 2016 at 19:30 hrs (7.30pm). There being no further business the meeting closed at 22.33 hrs.