The University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI

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The University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI

SARAH E. HOWES 224 Rankin Avenue, Providence, RI 02908 (508) 918-9008 [email protected]

Education The University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI Ph.D. Candidate Psychology- Behavioral Science 2007- in progress Dissertation: Exploring the variables in the socioculturally based pathway model of disordered eating in female athletes and non-athletes M.A. The University of Rhode Island 2009 Thesis: Testing the predictors of the socioculturally based dual-pathway model in the development of disordered eating in athletes. The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN B.A. Women’s Studies-Summa Cum Laude 2006 B.A. Psychology-Summa Cum Laude 2006

Employment History September 2010- Present University of Rhode Island Department of Psychology  Adjunct Faculty Member-Full responsibility of teaching Introduction to Psychology- Psychology 113, Theories of Personality- Psychology 235, and Undergraduate Quantitative Methods- Psychology 300 August 2010- Present Rhode Island College Department of Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology  Adjunct Faculty Member- Full responsibility of teaching Quantitative Measurement and Test Interpretation- CEP 534, and Research Methods in Applied Settings-CEP 554 December 2009-Present University of Rhode Island  Statistical Consultant for the Dean of University College- Dr. Jayne Richmond September 2009-Present Wellesley College  Statistical Consultant for Dr. Elissa Koff (Psychology) September 2009-Present University of Rhode Island  Statistical Consultant for Dr. JoAnn Hammadou (Languages- French) July 2009-Present: Senior Research Assistant and Project Coordinator- Body Dysmorphic Disorder Department Rhode Island Hospital/ Department of Psychiatry Description: Assist in running a randomized clinical trial examining the effects of interpersonal therapy on patients diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Project coordinator, run statistical analyses, grant writing for submissions, re-submissions, and progress reports, assist in editing and writing manuscripts for publishing, recruit participants, data collection and processing, IRB liaison, deliver phone screens and assessments to patients who meet inclusion criteria for body dysmorphic disorder. Supervision: Dr. Elizabeth R. Didie September 2008-May 2009: Graduate Teaching Assistant- Psychology 301 The University of Rhode Island, Kingston Description: Instructed 2 lab sections of undergraduate research methods under the supervision of Dr. Charles Collyer. Responsible for writing a syllabus, composing lesson plans, creating power points and handouts as guides for students, holding office hours, constructing lab projects as well as grading assignments. Supervison: Dr. Charles Collyer

1 September 2007-May 2008: Graduate Teaching Assistant- Psychology 113 The University of Rhode Island, Kingston Description: Instructed 8 sections of a core psychology course under the supervision of Dr. Su Boatright-Horowitz. Responsible for writing and grading quizzes in addition to entering quiz and assignment grades. Held 3 office hours a week as well as by appointment for students unable to make the scheduled times. Tutored and assisted students as needed. Supervisor: Dr. Su Boatright- Horowitz August 2004-December 2006: Proctor for Psychology Department The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee Description: Administered and was responsible for grading exams, papers, and quizzes for a total of nine Psychology 110 Classes Supervisor: Dr. Richard Saudargas

Research Experience December 2009-Present University of Rhode Island  Statistical Consultant for the Dean of University College- Dr. Jayne Richmond September 2009-Present Wellesley College  Statistical Consultant for Dr. Elissa Koff September 2009-Present University of Rhode Island  Statistical Consultant for Dr. JoAnn Hammadou (Languages- French) July 2009-Present Body Dysmorphic Disorder Department Supervisor: Elizabeth R Didie, Ph.D.  Project Coordinator and Independent Evaluator for an NIMH funded grant.  Responsible for running statistical analyses for numerous studies involving patients with Body Dysmorphic Disorder.  Data entry in addition to assisting in preparing and editing manuscripts for Dr. Elizabeth R. Didie March 2009-May 2009 Hasbro Children’s Hospital Supervisor: Jack Nassau, Ph.D.  Statistical consultant and contributor to Christina Tortolani’s dissertation (Ph.D. counseling psychology candidate at Northeastern) on the longitudinal comparisons of restrictive eating disorder patients and patients with Type I diabetes. January 2009-May 2009 Hasbro Children’s Hospital Supervisor: Jack Nassau, Ph.D.  Trained to give cognitive interviewing and administer the IBQ (Illness Belief Questionnaire) to parents upon intake at the Hasbro outpatient children’s partial hospitalization program.  This work has been given a 2 year grant from the NIH. September 2008-May 2009: Master’s Thesis University of Rhode Island Major Professor: Charles Collyer, Ph.D.  Proposed Masters Thesis titled Testing the predictors of the socioculturally based dual-pathway model in the development of disordered eating in athletes  Was approved by the URI IRB on 2/26/09 and currently collecting data via questionnaire Posted online (surveymonkey)

2 August 2006-December 2006: Research Assistant University of Tennessee, Knoxville Supervisor: Lowel Gaertner, Ph.D.  Research Lab  Scored and entered data collected on numerous studies regarding the three senses of self- individual, relational, and collective May 2006-December 2006: Research Assistant University of Tennessee, Knoxville Supervisor: Cheryl Travis, Ph.D.  Read narratives by women who were abused in their childhood  Looked for instances of disguise and disclosure  Dr. Travis is working under a grant entitle NIH Women Thriving Survivors of Child Abuse co-PI (2002-2006) and will have her work published at the conclusion

SPSS Proficient- histograms, bar charts, frequency polygons, mean, median, mode, standard Deviation, variance, range, z scores, percentile scores, standard error of means, random Samples, correlations, confidence interval, linear regression, independent samples T-test, Dependent samples T-test, single sample T-tests, Analysis of Variance, Two-Way Analysis of variance, factor analysis, logistic regression, multiple regression, and chi square.

SAS Proficient - Proc freq, Proc means, Proc corr, Proc Plots, Multiple regression, ANOVA, MANOVA, ANCOVA, MANCOVA, Factor Analysis, Canonical Correlation, Logistic Regression

EQS Proficient- path analysis, confirmatory factory analysis, latent variable modeling, latent growth curve modeling, time series

Research Methodology and Statistics Courses- Experimental Design, Advanced Quantitative Methods, Methods of Psychological Research and Design, Small N Designs, Structural Equation Modeling, Program Evaluation, Power Analysis & Meta-Analysis

Clinical Experience July 2009-Present: Senior Research Assistant and Project Coordinator Rhode Island Hospital Supervisor: Elizabeth R Didie, Ph.D.  Served as Independent Evaluator on a NIMH funded grant examining the effects of interpersonal psychotherapy on patients with Body Dysmorphic Disorder.  SCID I and II trained  Delivered phone screens to potential patients who call in to the Body Dysmorphic Department at Rhode Island Hospital in Providence, RI.  Administer assessments including the SCID I and II to patients in a randomized clinical trial. January 2009- May 2009: Volunteer Hasbro Children’s Hospital- Partial Hospitalization Program for children with Eating Disorders Supervisor: Ana Santos  Volunteered in the teen milieu day program that was a community of teens and children seeking medical and psychological care. The range of illness of the patients included eating disorders, diabetes, conversion disorder, chronic pain, and cancer. These patients were often times from low socioeconomic status and disruptive households.  Responsible for maintaining an environment that promotes health; preparing and measuring snacks for patients (including restrictive eating disorder and diabetic patients), leading group activity, leading community meetings, sitting in on individual as well as group therapy.

3 May 2006-August 2006: Volunteer Lakeshore Mental Health Institute Supervisor: Ray Brewer  Supervised clinical patients in the Psychosocial Program  Led therapeutic groups including an information group, exercise group, and case manager’s group  Assisted in group outings, taking clinical patients into public settings, supervising their behavior, and teaching them activities for daily living  Participated in the implementation of the adult education program which includes assisting patients with GED preparation and computer skills

Publications Under Review or In Preparation Howes, S.E., Collyer, C. Testing predictors of the socioculturally based pathway model in the development of disordered eating in athletes. (2010). Under Review. Howes, S. E., Collyer, C. Exploring the variables in the socioculturally based pathway model of disordered eating in female athletes and non-athletes. (2010). Under Review. Didie ER, Howes SE, Kurahara L, Phillips KA. Pharmacotherapy non-adherence in body dysmorphic disorder: Rates, reasons, and predictors (in preparation). Didie, E.R., Kurahara L, Howes SE, Phillips, K.A. Interpersonal psychotherapy for body dimorphic disorder: A pilot study (in preparation). Didie ER, Loerke E, Howes SE, Phillips KA. Interpersonal problems and history of childhood abuse and neglect in body dysmorphic disorder (accepted for publication, Journal of Personality Disorders). Didie ER, Loerke E, Howes, SE, Phillips KA. Severity of interpersonal problems in individuals with body dysmorphic disorder (under review). Didie ER, Veale D, Kelly M, Howes SE, Scruggs J, Phillips KA. Validation of the Appearance Attitudes Scale in individuals with body dysmorphic disorder (in preparation). Kelly M, Didie ER, Obioha JO, Howes SE, Phillips KA. Social rejection sensitivity in individuals with body dysmorphic disorder (in preparation).

Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences Howes S, Collyer, C. (2010, June). Testing Predictors of the socioculturally based dual pathway model in the development of disordered eating in athletes. Paper accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Salzburg, Austria.

Posters Howes, S. (2011, April). The Sociocultural Model for Eating Disorder Development in Athletes. Poster accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Miami, FL. Howes S. (2011, April). The Sociocultural Model for Eating Disorder Development in Athletes. Poster accepted for presentation at the 19th Annual Women’s Health Congress, Washington, DC. Howes S. (2011, March). The Sociocultural Model for Eating Disorder Development in Athletes. Poster accepted for presentation at the 36th Annual Association for Women in Psychology Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Howes S. (2010, August). The Sociocultural Model for Eating Disorder Development in Athletes. Poster presented at the 118th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, San Diego, CA. Didie E, Howes S, Phillips K, Kelly M, Veale D. (2010, June). Development and validation of the Appearance Attitudes Scale in body dysmorphic disorder. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston, MA. Howes S, Collyer C. (2010, March). Testing Predictors of the socioculturally based dual pathway model in the development of disordered eating in athletes. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Women’s Health Congress, Arlington,VA.

4 Didie E, Howes S, Kurahara L, Phillips KA. Pharmacotherapy non-adherence in body dysmorphic disorder: rates, reasons, and predictors. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 48th Annual Meeting. Hollywood, FL: ACNP, 2009.

Workshops Howes S, Gorriaz, M, Williams, P. (2011, March). Recent research in Objectification Theory; Predictors of eating disorders and sexual dysfunction. Symposium accepted for presentation at the 36th Annual Association for Women in Psychology Conference, Philadelphia, PA. August 2007- Teaching Workshop held at the University of Rhode Island for new faculty.

Courses Taught University of Rhode Island Department of Psychology  Adjunct Faculty Member-Full responsibility of teaching Introduction to Psychology- Psychology 113 University of Rhode Island Department of Psychology  Graduate Teaching Assistant for Structural Equation Modeling Rhode Island College Department of Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology  Adjunct Faculty Member- Full responsibility of teaching Quantitative Measurement and Test Interpretation- CEP 534 Graduate Student Colloquium- University of Rhode Island, May 10, 2010. Content: Exploring the Variables in the Socioculturally Based Dual-Pathway Model of Disordered Eating in Female Athletes and Non-Athletes. Guest Lecture for Christina Tortolani, M.A., at Rhode Island College, Fall, 2009. Content: Applied factor analysis for a graduate level methodology course. 2 Labs of Psychology 301- Research methods, at the University of Rhode Island approximately 80 total students over the course of 1 academic year 8 Total Sections of Psychology 113 recitations at the University of Rhode Island approximately 350 total students over the course of 1 academic year.

Professional Organizations APA- APAGS Member APA Division 5- Evaluation, Measurement, Stats APA Division 052. Div05 - Sect: Evaluation, Measurement, Statistics APA Division 35- Psychology of Women APA Division 47- Exercise and Sports Psychology APA Division 48- Peace Psychology AED- Full Membership

Certification Human Subject Research Certified- Passed basic Biomedical course on 12/12/07

Awards and Honors University of Rhode Island Beaupre Hope & Heritage Travel Scholarship University of Rhode Island Graduate School Tuition Scholarship: 2010 - 2011 academic year Phi Beta Kappa Sigma Xi Summa Cum Laude Psi Chi: Honorary Society in Psychology, the University of Tennessee Professional Promise Award given by the Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee Dean’s List all semesters at the University of Tennessee Psychology department representative to the DSAC committee in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tennessee

5 References Dr. Charles Collyer Dr. Su Boatright Chafee 312 Kingston RI 02881 Chafee 310 Kingston, RI 02881 [email protected] [email protected] (401)874-4227 (401) 874-4231

Dr. Elizabeth Didie Dr. Richard Saudargas 1 Hoppin Street, Providence, RI 02903 307c Austin Peay Building, [email protected] 1404 Circle Drive (401)-444-9882 Knoxville, TN 37996-0900 [email protected] Dr. Lisa Harlow (865) 974-3423 Chafee 310 Kingston, RI 02881 [email protected] Dr. Cheryl Travis (401) 874-4242 303c Austin Peay Building 1404 Circle Drive Knoxville, TN 37996-0900 [email protected] (865) 974-6843


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