An Investment in Knowledge Always Pays the Interest

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An Investment in Knowledge Always Pays the Interest

Metro High School Personal Finance 2017-2018

“An investment in knowledge always pays the interest.” - Benjamin Franklin

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” - Warren Buffet

Mr. Thomas Rohlfing Email: [email protected] School Phone: 314-534-3894 Free Periods: 3rd and 6th

Course Description:

First and foremost, the goal of the Personal Finance course is to empower students through financial literacy. Financial “knowhow” will increase students’ ability to meet personal goals and decide how to best use their resources.

But as a citizen and member of a community, it is important to develop responsible and conscientious financial, manufacturing, and consumer skills that are ethical. To reach that end, the course develops student understanding and skills in areas which include money management, budgeting, the use of credit and financial institutions, insurance, investments, and consumer rights and responsibilities.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, students should feel comfortable with the following themes and skillsets:

1) Be able to create and maintain a budget to meet one’s realistic financial goals 2) Understand the impact of financial institutions and the services they provide 3) Be able to identify economic and market trends to help guide financial choices 4) Understand different approaches to responsible consumerism 5) Do one’s taxes on the most basic level (1040 EZ form) 6) Understand the role of insurance and insurance systems

Course Outline:

One semester, 10 themes:

Theme 1: Money and an introduction to Personal Finance Theme 2: Introduction to Economics and Economic Systems Theme 3: Consumerism- Responsible and Protections Theme 4: Banking and Credit: Institutions and Services Theme 5: Financing Housing Theme 6: Financing College/Education Theme 7: Investing and Financial Resources Theme 8: Taxes and Tax Strategy Theme 9: Insurance

Assessment Types:

1) Article/Podcast Analysis 2) Quiz 3) Small Projects


1. Respect Other: The class is based on sharing ideas. Students should refrain from talking while their fellow classmates and teacher are speaking because it is disrespectful to those sharing their thoughts. 2. Late Assignments/Absences: If you miss a class, you are responsible for the information. If an assignment was due on the day you had an excused absence, you must turn it in the next class period. Late assignments are: - One day late = 10% off - Two days late or more = 50% off - Papers are to be turned in by hand. Not email unless otherwise directed. If emailed, you still need to hand in a paper copy. 3. Removal from class: If you are asked to leave a class because of behavior, your last assignment could be changed to a zero. You must come back at the end of that class even if you have been dismissed. 4. Cellphones/Hats: No cellphones or hats (both boys and girls) in the classroom unless directed to utilize them by administration or myself. - 1st Offense: cellphone or hat will be confiscated until the end of the day - 2nd Offense: cellphone or hat will be confiscated, and student will only have it returned after they sign a contact with me explaining how they will not bring it back to school. - 3rd Offense: cellphone or hat will be confiscated until a parent comes to me personally for it. - Note: if there is a real emergency, please let me know before class so that I can work with you and respect that need to handle that emergency. 5. Language: Specific language is appropriate for specific situations/environments, and school is not the place to use all language. Please refrain from using mainstream “unacceptable” language. 6. Tardy: You are expected to be in your seat and ready to engage at the school scheduled times (anything less is a tardy). If you are tardy due to another teacher, ask for a note. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will be marked as a cut unless you talk with me after class. - Three tardies in a five week grading period will result in a detention or an extra assignment. I get to choose. 7. Cheating and plagiarism: Metro students should pride themselves on their character, and cheating is the theft of ideas and lying of our students to our faculty. I consider cheating: - The copying of answers from other students’ assignments (working together and copying another’s ideas word-for-word are two different ideas) - Sharing assessment questions with students who have not taken the assessment. - Using another’s work, and claiming it as your own thoughts (plagiarism). 8. Refer to the student handbook about school rules as a whole.

Remember: While these rules are universal, every student is different. Teachers may apply them differently from time to time. Don’t worry about other students except for yourself, and if you have a problem with the teachers application of the rules, speak with him/her about the situation. If there continues to be a problem, discuss the situation with your administrators. Rules exist so that each student can get the most enriching experience


Each assignment will be given a designated number of points. Weights of the assignment are determined by the type of assignment (effort, time, skillset). Your grade is the sum of your scores divided by the possible points (a running total of points throughout the semester.

100-90 = A 89-80 = B 79-70 = C 69 and under = F The Big Short Permission Slip

To Parent(s):

I would like to show the film The Big Short for my Personal Finance course because it creates an opportunity for the students to understand the 2008 Financial Crisis that is both academic and entertaining. The film is rated R due to language and brief nudity (which I will skip over).

If you are permitting your child to watch this film please sign this permission form. If you have any questions, please email me.

Student Name: ______

Parent signature: ______

Syllabus Signature

To Parent(s):

Welcome back to another great year at Metro Academic and Classical High School! Along with the above permission slip for the viewing of The Big Short, I want ensure that you were able to review and have no concerns with the Personal Finance syllabus. Please read over the document located on my website @: and sign the following:

I have read the Personal Finance syllabus (either a physical copy or electronic copy) located at on Mr. Rohlfing’s website. I agree that the rules and policies outlined in the course syllabus are fair and just, and will agree to abide by those policies and support those policies if my child violates them.

Student’s name (Printed): Student’s name (Signature): Parents’ Signature(s):

If there are any issue please notify me so that I can discuss any concerns.

Thank you,

Tom Rohlfing Metro Academic High School Social Studies- [email protected]

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