The Man with a University Education Is in Honor Bound to Take an Active

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The Man with a University Education Is in Honor Bound to Take an Active

The man with a university education is in honor bound to take an active part in our political life, and to do his full duty as a citizen by helping his fellow citizens to the extent of his power in the exercise of his rights of self-government” Theodore Roosevelt, The Free Citizen

Governor Chafee,

My name is Joe Allen, resident of West Greenwich and faculty member at CCRI. I have read Director Richard Licht’s report “Administration of Higher Education” (i.e. The Licht Report). As a concerned Rhode Islander who understands the value of higher education, I would like to offer a few thoughts with respect to the report.

The Higher Education Workgroup Members list in the Appendix does not include Dr. Paula Dominguez, Director of the Legislative Research staff. If Dr. Dominguez was not consulted during the four month preparation of this report, it is an unfortunate oversight that needs to be remedied. I will explain.

Dr Dominguez is currently supporting the House Commission on Public Higher Education Affordability and Accessibility. Her previous work during the Carcieri Administration on the PK-16 Council is of great value to the Commission. In one of the first Commission hearings, Commission members heard testimony from Pat Callan, the President of The National Center for Public Policy and Higher education. Mr. Callan noted that “the legislature and governor, as the only two entities involved in oversight of both areas of education, have a key role to play in establishing such alignment.”[Meeting Minutes for April 7, 2011].

The importance of coordination between the Governor and the Legislature cannot be overemphasized. The following quote is taken from chapter 6 of States, Schools, and Colleges, a report from The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, November 2009:

“It is impossible to over-state the ways in which political tensions between the governor and the Legislature limit the effectiveness of the council. The governor, viewing the council as a management tool, believes that the process and the participants are appropriate and that the challenge lies in finding the best strategies and interventions to promote reform. This view is completely at odds with the view from inside the Legislature. Joseph McNamara, chair of the House Committee on Health, Education, and Welfare, believes that the council should have members from the Legislature, unions, business, and industry—the latter apart from state officials who work in the business arena. He questions the effectiveness of a council that is not accountable to the Legislature, asking “where’s the beef?” in a council without commitments to goals, outcomes, timelines, and overall accountability to produce results.”[page 125]

Further down on the same page, Dr. Dominguez is referenced:

“According to some, however, the lack of legislative participation is a consequence of the establishment of the council as part of the governor’s administrative body. Paula Dominguez, senior education policy analyst in the House of Representatives, acknowledges the lack of higher education champions in the Legislature. She believes that the governor’s strong leadership over the council has contributed to the partisan rift over education policy and discouraged legislators from engaging in the issues themselves.” [page 125] The fact that the Licht Report recommends a Joint PK-20+ Advisory Committee which excludes legislators is unfortunate. The House Commission on Public Higher Education contains a number of “higher education champions” that should be included on the PK-20+ Advisory Committee. In addition, the committee should have an objective liaison between the General Assembly and the Governor’s office. I recommend Dr. Paula Dominguez for that position. As stated above, she knows the legislative history of higher education reform. She also has the professional background to coordinate workshops jointly sponsored by the Legislature and the Governor’s Office.

Rhode Island ’s public educational system should not be used as a pawn in a political power game. The public educational system is the heart and soul of the citizenry of this state and the nation. The public higher educational system in particular is the guardian of the ideals that citizens should aspire to live by. The primary caretakers of these ideals are the faculty of the colleges. Unfortunately they have been excluded from the discussions of the state’s restructuring initiatives. These caretakers need to be included in the planning discussions.

Governor, I encourage the Executive and Legislative branches of Rhode Island ’s republic to continue to build on the positive relations developed during the Pension Reform crisis. The charge given to the Director of the Department of Administration in Article 9, Section 15 of the FY2012 Appropriations Act is very similar to the enabling legislation for the House Commission on Public Higher Education, H5193. Since the Commission is not set to expire until July 30, 2016 , there is no rush to enact legislation which restructures public higher education. In addition, this aligns nicely with the full implementation of the Common Core Standards in 2016. The impact of these educational initiatives can be fully vetted with all stakeholders, informing policymakers of the PK-20+ system requirements.

Thank you for your service to Rhode Island .


Joe Allen, Ph.D. Resident/West Greenwich , Faculty/CCRI

“And this brings us to …the higher branches of education, of which the Legislature require the development; …To form the statesmen, legislators and judges, …To expound the principles and structure of government…To harmonize and promote the interests of agriculture, manufactures and commerce,… To develop the reasoning faculties of our youth, … To enlighten them with mathematical and physical sciences,…And generally, to form them in the habits of reflection and correct action, rendering them examples of virtue to others, and of happiness in themselves.” Thomas Jefferson, Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Fix the Site of the University of Virginia, Crusade Against Ignorance

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