Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council Held On s1

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council Held On s1

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 14th January 2013 7pm, Dickleburgh and Rushall Village Centre, Dickleburgh

PRESENT: Cllrs Terence Blacker, Chris Davy, Terry Clarkson, Julie Munnings, John Adlam IN ATTENDANCE: Ann Baker (Clerk), Members of the Public: Cllr. M Wilby, Keith Moore, Paul Baker, Judi Ingram, Andrew Barlow, Rachel Hillier

18.45 Paul Baker and Keith Moore – Presented information on the possibility of faster broadband, via wireless/airborne; need for rural sustainability - generally any Company providing such a service requires 25 persons to be interested. Dickleburgh Church has already signed up to Wirespire – Keith Moore to contact Cllr Adlam. Norfolk County Council have plans to roll out faster broadband over the coming years. The Parish Council Agreed to support further investigation.

Cllr Wilby - requested that the signage for car park exit was problematic - at end of school day, there is a safety issue pulling out past school hedge, also in the evening - Cllr Davy agreed to talk to Gerald Seaman; Cllr Wilby conveyed his congratulations to the local RBL; a revised plan from TCI has been received along with a consultation and public exhibition at Pulham Market Memorial Hall, January 23rd , 3.30-7.30 ; SNC are working with LGA, visits had been made to Swale CC, Sittingbourne, with return visits to the Glebe Meadow project & Pennoyers centre to show good practise; Cllr Wilby would be attending the opening of the Jobs Club at Wymondham; the next meeting would be at Earsham Village Hall on March 11th ; the South Norfolk summer show would be held at SNC on 14th July

163. To consider accepting apologies for absence  Paula Mason – work commitments, Sue Dodd, Keith Ambrose – family commitments  Apologies accepted

164. To receive information from East of England Ambulance NHS Trust – Judi Ingram, Andrew Barlow, Rachel Hillier (a responder for Diss Group, 30/40 calls per month including our villages) C’PAD sites are positioned at shops, pubs, toilets, easily accessible, with a keypad, power supply to keep kit warm, strip light illuminates case when opened, s/s cabinet or mild steel cabinet, as time is of the essence in cardiac arrest. How does it work - dial 999, control works through instructions (compressions only) with caller, second person goes to location, given key code, collect defibrillator, returns to incident and uses; if person is alone, told to do compression, mobilise responder group. It has been proven that defib + CPR works to improve survival rate. Once the project is mobilised, Rachel & Judy would become custodians and at appropriate time re-stock the defibrillator; Andrew would be prepared to provide a free training session of 4hours + a booklet. Cost of cabinet £800/£950 + power supply, wire up by qualified electrician, annual running cost £30-£50, battery £160 over 4yrs, pads £25. Agenda Item for February

165. To propose and elect an interim Chair of the Parish Council - Cllr Blacker proposed, Cllr Adlam seconded that Cllr Clarkson become the Chair of Dickleburgh and Rushall Parish Council. A letter of thanks was to be sent to

Cllr Leeder. Clerk to contact SNDC re Cllr Leeder’s resignation+ note in the Parish magazine

166. To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 10th December 2012 - approved

167. To receive any declarations of pecuniary and other interests from members on any item to be discussed  None 168. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting – for information purposes only including:  A letter supporting Dickleburgh Village Society had been sent to Mr. Tinsley  Dickleburgh Youth Club’s plans are moving forward - committee formed, training started, paperwork progressing . £1258.01 - DYB has no money at all, but 6Vill may have – Cllr Adlam will provide a copy of the statements, to try and trace the funds; Clerk to Action  Update on Highways Rangers – the work was only completed on 11th January 2013. Langmere Hall, ditch under road needs rodding - Clerk to Action

169. To receive and discuss the Clerk’s Report where appropriate  Letters: An e-mail had been received from Mrs. Joyce Hammond regarding dog fouling in Rectory Road – the problem is increasing, evident all around village footpaths; Clerk to investigate cost of more signs; raise awareness possibly via fliers delivered by Diss Mercury paper boys, Parish Village magazine; Brian Leeder – would he be prepared to scoop and empty into bin - possibly 2hrs. work per work - Cllr Davy to approach Glasden catalogue – check for signs, scoopers etc. - Clerk to Action Agenda item for February  NCC Planning transportation, small improvements budget, bids submitted by March 2013 – advice sought from Paul Donnachie and Gary Overland re crossing on Rectory Road – best route would be to approach SN Planning on the back of Saffron’s plans to develop the site nearby, stating was a long-standing issue and concern for both the Parish Council and Dickleburgh School - Clerk to Action - contact Cllr Ambrose & Saffron Housing

170. To receive the Monthly Financial Report from the RFO including notification of payments made over the last month  To approve the final Draft Budget for 2013-2014 - calculations accurate, submitted to SNC - Agreed  To approve Dickleburgh PCC grant - Cllr Blacker & Cllr Munning approved the payment DRPC has the power to maintain closed churchyards under the Local Government Act 1972, s215  £5,000 still earmarked for YC  Quarterly reconciliation agreed & signed by Cllr Clarkson  Cllr Clarkson congratulated and thanked Cllr Davy for his diligent work

171. Planning Applications as received from South Norfolk Council, incl:  Planning Application 2012/2301 - Land at the Green, Dickleburgh - reduction of London Plane canopy by 30%  Planning Application 2013/ 0029 - 27 Rectory Road, Dickleburgh - to erect cart lodge with one opening car space and store listed planning consent - approved

 Planning application 2012/1777 – Land To Rear Of Mount Pleasant, Norwich Road – development of 15 affordable residential units - pending - Cllr. Clarkson will attend the planning meeting (when it is arranged) to speak on behalf of the Parish Council  The Beeches 2012/1805 - pending

172. To receive consultees reports of planning decisions made by SNC  None approved to date

173. To confirm the winners of the ‘Litter’ poster competition held at Dickleburgh Primary School - regarding litter generally – the factory road is appalling, contact needs to be made - Agreed that Cllr Blacker would draft a letter and circulate - Clerk to Action Litter Posters – short lists for both KS1 & KS2, with some highly commended for each Key Stage, winner chosen from each Key Stage and overall winner selected. It was agreed that Cllr Blacker would contact the Head teacher, arrange a date for the presentation, inviting the Diss Express to attend the presentation Agreed payment of cheque to Dickleburgh Primary School

174. To consider the proposal from the Village Management Committee regarding the purchase of the container - currently the Village Management Committee pay £41.60 per month to rent, the cost of the container would be £1,835 – the Parish Council are VAT exempt, necessary to establish if the money already paid will be taken into account Agreed that the Parish Council could purchase at a reasonable price. Cllr Adlam will research prices to compare

175. To agree amendments to the meeting dates for 2013 -2014 - Feb 18th, March 18th - Cllr Adlam apologises in advance

176. To receive matters of information from Councillors: -  Cllr Blacker - the turbine issue has resurfaced - it would be prudent to find what community/enabling fund could be paid to the Parish Council; Ben Potterton – Cllr Blacker and Cllr Davy would be interested to meet with him – Clerk to Action  Dickleburgh Surgery update - suggestion to write to PCT to move forward any of suggestions from the meeting, felt there was scope to bring in clinics; contact to be made with Alistair Wilson who was practice manager until recently in Southwold, who may be able to provide information necessary for setting up and bringing in clinics to the village  Cllr Davy – Brian Leeder has rung about cutting the hedge down the side of Village Centre, possible pipe/fill ditch down side - requires three quotes - contact Robbie Loyne’s, Trevor Leeder; RBL item in magazine about the May fair event – need to establish type of event, linked to Parish Council insurance - Clerk to Action  Cllr Adlam - Discussed with the PCC the provision of burial, agreed that the Church should apply to Diocese to move burial stones to edge - Cllr Adlam to update at February meeting  Dickleburgh FC – James would like to arrange a further meeting - February/March - Clerk to Action

177. To receive items for the next agenda and confirm the dates of the next meeting: Monday 18th February 2013, at 7pm  ‘Contact Care’  Defibrillator action to be taken following presentation  Dickleburgh FC – James would like to arrange a further meeting - February/March - Clerk to Action

There being no further business the meeting ended at 21.25



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