Solano County Community College District

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Solano County Community College District




A meeting of the Solano County Community College District Governing Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m., on Wednesday, June 16, 2004, in the Administration Building, Room 626, Solano Community College, 4000 Suisun Valley Road, Fairfield, CA 94534-3197, by James M. Claffey, President.


At the request of Board President Claffey, Dr. Willard Wright led those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.


Members Present:

James M. Claffey, President Denis Honeychurch, Vice President Pam Keith Phil McCaffrey Willie McKnight Bill Thurston Lisa LaFarga, Student Trustee Paulette J. Perfumo, Ph.D., Secretary

Members Absent:

Jerry R. Wilkerson

Others Present:

James Bracy, Vice President of Student Services Kathryn Campbell, Ed.D., Vice President of Academic Affairs Willard Wright, Ed.D., Vice President of Administrative and Business Services Judy Spencer, Executive Assistant, Academic Affairs

4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Solano County Community College District Governing Board Unadopted Minutes— June 16, 2004 Page 2

Dr. Perfumo indicated that a request has been made to remove item 10. (e) for further study.

Moved by Trustee Phil McCaffrey and seconded by Trustee Bill Thurston for approval of the agenda, as amended. The motion passed unanimously.


There were no comments from the public.


(a) Superintendent

President Perfumo reported that:

--she was pleased to announce that Dean Bob Myers has been selected as the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) Athletic Director of the Year for the Community College West Region. He was recently recognized at the NACDA’s 39th Annual Convention in Texas. Across the country, there are four geographic regions. While the membership is separated into six categories, there is only one athletic director of the year per category; thus, making Dean Myers one of twenty-four (24) honorees for this prestigious award. Dr. Perfumo announced she will hold a formal reception honoring Dean Myers this fall. A round of applause was extended to Dean Myers congratulating him on this award.

--there has been a lot of activity concerning the Bond. Coming before the Board this evening is a bid to resurface the tennis courts. Two different architectural firms are working with campus committees, e.g., the Vallejo Center and the Student Learning Center. The educational administrators met at the Vallejo site this morning and walked the Vallejo property. They then met at the current center with KMD Architects to review the needs for the new center itself. Last Monday, the Vallejo Interagency Committee met. Mayor Tony Intintoli and others are very excited about what is happening in Vallejo and the activity occurring around the center. Conceptual drawings are being put to paper now. Kitchell CEM expects to have the Web site working in the fall which will apprise both the campus and the community of the progress of the remodel projects. Town hall meetings are expected to begin in Vallejo and Vacaville which will give a more tangible sense of operation.

--the Executive Council’s annual retreat will be held Thursday, June 24, 2004. Part of the agenda will be to discuss in more detail the status of the various Bond projects on campus.

--in an e-mail from Scott Lay, Community College League of California, that in a press conference held June 15 Governor Schwarzenegger was asked whether community colleges could serve the students being redirected from U.C. and CSU. He responded that he knew for a fact that we could accommodate them, citing that Santa Monica College had room for 7,000 students. While Santa Monica may have room for students (as they are reporting a decline of 6,580 FTE students after significant course reductions), it doesn’t alleviate the need to provide Solano County Community College District Governing Board Unadopted Minutes— June 16, 2004 Page 3 additional enrollment growth funding in the budget. The Governor’s administration is currently opposing the legislature’s augmentation of funding for an additional 7,000 students to accommodate the redirected students. Some Senate version talking points include: the community college system currently has 20,000 unfunded students; the Governor’s 3% enrollment growth proposal funds 33,000 new full-time students, which covers traditional community college students; and the augmentation of $27 million to fund an additional 7,000 full-time students will cover about one-third of the total students expected to be turned away from U.C. and CSU this year.

Dr. Perfumo encouraged all who are concerned to contact State Senator Wesley Chesbro to support the Senate version that includes an increase in enrollment growth from 3% to 3.65%. If additional information is needed prior to calling Senator Chesbro, Dr. Perfumo encouraged that she be contacted.

The Governor still expects to have the budget completed by June 30.



(a) Minutes for the Meeting of June 2, 2004

The minutes of June 2, 2004, were amended. Added was the following language to Item 9 (i.): “Moved by Trustee Bill Thurston and seconded by Trustee Pam Keith for approval of the Solano Community College Student Equity Plan. The motion passed unanimously.”

(b) Donations

Human Resources

(c) Employment 2004-05; Request for Unpaid Leave of Absence; Resignation; Employment 2003-04; Gratuitous Service; Request for Unpaid Leave of Absence-Family Leave

Administrative and Business Services

(d) Warrant Listings

(e) Authorization to Increase General Fund Budget, Resolution No. 03/04-38

(f) Resolution to Authorize Signatures on Orders for Payment of Expenses and Payroll, Resolution No. 03/04-39

(g) Authorization to Increase Board Approved Limit for Cal Cards

Academic Affairs Solano County Community College District Governing Board Unadopted Minutes— June 16, 2004 Page 4

(h) Consultant Services Agreement between Solano College Small Business Development Center and the City of Fairfield

(i) 2003-04 Local Agreement for Child Development Contract GCTR-3455

Moved by Trustee Pam Keith and seconded by Trustee Bill Thurston for approval of the Consent Agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously.


No items were removed from the Consent Agenda.



(a) Contract for Legal Consultant Services – Zampi & Associates

Dr. Paulette J. Perfumo reported that a subcommittee of the Governing Board met to review proposals for legal services. Three firms were interviewed and the recommendation was made to approve Zampi & Associates as being the most qualified to serve as the District’s new legal counsel.

Moved by Vice President Denis Honeychurch and seconded by Trustee Phil McCaffrey for approval of the contract for legal consultant services with the Law Firm of Zampi & Associates. The motion passed unanimously.

(b) Resolution and Order of Consolidated Governing Board Member Election – Solano County and Yolo County, Resolution No. 03/04-40

Dr. Perfumo reported that Dee Alarcón, Superintendent of Schools, Solano County Office of Education, orders an election for the purpose of electing persons to fill the office of Community College Trustee. Dr. Perfumo stated there are four members of the Solano County Community College Governing Board up for election from Areas No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4. Superintendent- President Perfumo referred to Attachment A outlining the abbreviated election calendar. The city of Winters, which is located in Yolo County, is part of Trustee Area No. 1. This resolution recommends adoption by the Board that we order the election for November 2, 2004.

Moved by Trustee Willie McKnight and seconded by Trustee Phil McCaffrey to adopt Resolution and Order of Consolidated Governing Board Member Election – Solano County and Yolo County, Resolution No. 03/04-40. The motion passed unanimously with the roll call vote as follows: Solano County Community College District Governing Board Unadopted Minutes— June 16, 2004 Page 5

STUDENT TRUSTEE ADVISORY VOTE: Lisa LaFarga concurred. AYES – Vice President Denis Honeychurch, Trustee Bill Thurston, Trustee Pam Keith; Trustee Phil McCaffrey, Trustee Willie McKnight, and Board President James M. Claffey NOES – None ABSENT – Trustee Jerry R. Wilkerson

Administrative and Business Services

(c) Public Hearing and Adoption of GANN Appropriation Limit for FY 2004/05, Resolution No. 03/04-41

Dr. Wright explained that this resolution is a “boilerplate” report submitted annually. We must show that our appropriation will not exceed our FTES or COLA growth.

Board President Claffey recessed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing at 7:24 p.m. There were no comments from the public. Board President Claffey closed the public hearing and reconvened the regular meeting at 7:25 p.m.

Moved by Trustee Pam Keith and seconded by Trustee Phil McCaffrey to adopt the GANN Appropriation Limit for FY 2004-05, Resolution No. 03/04-41. The motion passed unanimously with the roll call vote as follows:

STUDENT TRUSTEE ADVISORY VOTE: Lisa LaFarga concurred. AYES – Trustee Bill Thurston, Trustee Pam Keith, Trustee Phil McCaffrey; Trustee Willie McKnight, Vice President Denis Honeychurch, and Board President James M. Claffey NOES – None ABSENT – Trustee Jerry R. Wilkerson

(d) Authorization to Bid for the Repair and Resurfacing of the Tennis Courts Bid No. 04-002

Dr. Perfumo introduced Tom Berger of Kitchell CEM. Mr. Berger, on behalf of Ray Ogden, advised we are seeking authorization by the Board to bid for the repair and resurfacing of the tennis courts, which is the first major project for Measure G. The scope of the construction schedule is to perform the work during the summer with the expected completion date being approximately two weeks into the fall semester. The total estimated cost of the project is $380,000. Dean Myers advised he has canceled the scheduled fall tennis course and will reschedule the class as a “late start” class in October.

Moved by Trustee Bill Thurston and seconded by Vice President Denis Honeychurch to approve authorization to bid for the repair and resurfacing of the tennis courts, Bid No. 04-002. The motion carried unanimously. Solano County Community College District Governing Board Unadopted Minutes— June 16, 2004 Page 6

Academic Affairs

(e) Consultant Services Agreement with Diablo Valley College to Support a Planning Grant for an NSF Application

Director Chuck Eason of the Small Business Development Center presented the consultant services agreement with Diablo Valley College to support a planning grant for a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant. The consultant services agreement in the amount of $5,792 covers faculty and staff expenses for travel, meals, etc. Director Eason advised the specific programs have not been defined as yet.

Dr. Paulette J. Perfumo thanked Mr. Eason for his time and help in coordinating all the Colleges in the area to support this grant. His efforts are greatly appreciated.

Moved by Vice President Denis Honeychurch and seconded by Trustee Phil McCaffrey to approve the consultant services agreement with Diablo Valley College to support a planning grant for an NSF application. The motion carried unanimously.

Student Services

(f) Student Health Fee Proposal

Dr. Shirley Lewis presented the student health fee proposal of increasing the health fee to $13 per semester for fall and spring and $5 for the summer session. There was discussion regarding why the maximum amount of $13 was proposed as opposed to a lesser amount. Dr. Lewis explained that the maximum allowable amount is still insufficient to meet the costs of operating the Student Health Center and that the ASSC will be contributing the difference needed to operate the center. There is also an expectation of future increases, as the cost of the contract is expected to increase again next year.

There was agreement by the Board in general that it is disheartening to see continuous increases for students.

Moved by Trustee Phil McCaffrey and seconded by Trustee Pam Keith to approve the student health fee proposal. The motion carried unanimously.

(g) 2004-2005 Student Health Services Contract

Moved by Trustee Willie McKnight and seconded by Trustee Phil McCaffrey to approve the 2004-05 student health services contract. The motion carried unanimously.

10. INFORMATION ITEMS – NO ACTION REQUIRED Solano County Community College District Governing Board Unadopted Minutes— June 16, 2004 Page 7

(a) Tentative Budgets and Proposed Time and Place for the Public Hearing and Adoption of the Official Budgets for FY 2004-05 Dr. Wright presented the District’s tentative FY 2004-05 budgets and the date to establish the public hearing and formal adoption of the FY 2004-05 budgets. The tentative budgets to be adopted are the general fund budget in the amount of $47,576,345; capital projects budget in the amount of $1,516,093 and the bookstore fund budget in the amount of $4,370,334.

(b) Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Period Ending May 31, 2004

Dr. Willard Wright presented the general fund revenue and expenditure report for the month ending May 31, 2004. Vice President Wright drew the Board’s attention to the beginning balance and current revenue less expenses in the amount of $5,491,609. Dr. Wright stated we can survive in June without the state appropriation and that we are in better shape than most other colleges. We anticipated and prepared for this. Every K-12 district and all community colleges in the state will not receive their June appropriation which will create hardships for many.

(c) Proposed Beverage Vending Supplier Agreement with Pepsi Bottling Group

Vice President Willard Wright presented the proposed beverage vending supplier agreement with Pepsi Bottling Group. Dr. Wright, together with Dr. Lewis, Terri Martin-McCaffrey and Judy Anderson, conducted evaluations of proposals by representatives from Pepsi and Seven-Up. The more favorable bid came from Pepsi, based on commissions and additional incentives that would benefit the District, ASSC and the Physical Education Department. Pepsi’s aggregate commitment to the District for the next five years totals $585,450.

This item will be brought back to the Board for their approval at the July 21, 2004, Governing Board meeting.

(d) Revised Job Description of Offset Printer/Photographer to Offset Printer/Reprographics Technician

Vice President James Bracy, acting as Interim Director of Human Resources, presented the revised job description of Offset Printer/Photographer to Offset Printer/Reprographics Technician. The intent is to revise and update the job description to become more current with the technology needs of the department.

This item will be brought back to the Board for their approval at the July 21, 2004, Governing Board meeting.

(e) Proposed Job Description for Disability Services Coordinator/Counselor

This item was removed from the agenda and will be brought back to the Board for their approval at the July 21, 2004, Board meeting. Solano County Community College District Governing Board Unadopted Minutes— June 16, 2004 Page 8

11. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dr. Paulette J. Perfumo advised that Trustee Willie McKnight is celebrating a landmark event – “a special 39th birthday.” Trustee Phil McCaffrey will also celebrate his birthday next week. In honor of the celebrations, Dr. Perfumo provided birthday cake for all to enjoy. Best wishes for happy birthdays were extended to both members of the Governing Board. 12. ITEMS FROM THE BOARD There were no items from the Board. Board President Claffey adjourned the regular meeting of the Governing Board at 7:50 p.m. 13. CLOSED SESSION (a) Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9: 1 case (b) Conference with Real Property Negotiator Property: 60 acres adjacent to the Vacaville Center, 1990 Akerly Drive, Vacaville, CA 95688 Negotiating Parties: Dr. Willard Wright; Dr. Paulette J. Perfumo Under negotiation: Price and terms

Board President Claffey called the Closed Session to order at 8:00 p.m., and adjourned the Closed Session at 8:55 p.m.


Board President Claffey reconvened the regular meeting at 8:56 p.m.

15. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION Board President Claffey reported that the Board met in Closed Session and no action was taken on items 13. (a) or 13. (b).

16. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

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