Club Sport Policy and Procedures

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Club Sport Policy and Procedures

Club Sport Policy and Procedures August 2017

 Club sports are any sports that compete competitively with other universities or colleges, but are not regulated by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The club should belong to a national organized governing body for the sport. o The Sport Club program provides students the opportunity to participate in competitive sports against other intercollegiate teams and represent Luther College, as a means to enhance their collegiate experience and provide a vehicle for a well-rounded education through physical, social and leadership development. In season, teams practice and play an average of four to five times a week and must compete in a league and/or compete in at least three tournaments. The commitment made by a competitive club participant is closer to that of varsity athletes.  Each club must have a constitution on file with the Student Activities office and Recreational Services office.  Each member of the Sport Club must be a full-time Luther College student.  Clubs are simply joined by contacting the officers of each club or the Recreational Services office.

Rosters  A current list of members that are in good academic standing with the college must be on file with the Coordinator of Club Sports within TWO weeks of the start of each season. Any member that joins the team after that two week period must have their waiver and proof of insurance on file in the Recreational Services office BEFORE they are allowed to practice with the team.  Individuals who are not players of the club team may NOT travel with the team in the vehicle, nor will the individual be reimbursed for mileage.

Waiver Forms  Each member of the club sport must sign the waiver forms BEFORE they are allowed to practice, play or tryout. Waivers must be filled out in their entirety and members must be able to show proof of health insurance. Forms are signed electronically and sent to the Recreational Services office. (  Waivers are good for one academic year and will be on file for five years in the Recreational Services office.  Proof of medical insurance must be on file in the Recreational Services office for each player seven days prior to his or her first competition. Medical insurance forms are good for one year only and will be kept on file for five years.  A scanned copy of each member’s health insurance card, driver’s license, and valid auto insurance card should be sent to the Recreational Services office. (Please place all on one sheet as it will be filed with their individual waiver).  Trainer/first aiders should be present at all contests. At least two members of each club sport team should hold a current CPR and first aid certification. A copy of the certification card should be on file in the Recreational Services office. There will be a CPR/1st aid class at the beginning of each semester for anyone needing to be certified. The club is responsible for payment of fees.

Visiting Team Waiver  All teams competing in club tournaments on the Luther College campus must have a team waiver form upon arrival. The electronic waiver should be sent out to the visiting team captain at least two weeks prior to the tournament. They should print it up and have their players sign and present a complete waiver upon arrival to Luther’s campus. (See Appendix C for waiver forms). The waivers must be on file in the Recreational Services office on the first weekday following the tournament.

Injuries  Participation in the club sport program is voluntary. The college is not responsible for injuries incurred while participating in club sports. Each student is required to carry personal health and accident insurance.  An injury report form must be completed for all individuals incurring injuries during a sport club activity. These reports will be completed by the first aid personnel at the field and turned into the Recreational Services office within 24 hours following the accident. (See Appendix A for Injury Report forms) In the event of a serious injury, contact the Club Sports Coordinator the same day.  Injury reports will be on file in the Recreational Services office for five years.

Practice and Contests  Practice on the outdoor fields must not interfere with other college activities.  The Assistant Director of Wellness and/or the Assistant Director of the Athletic Facilities must approve practices in the Sports Recreation Center (SRC) of the Regent’s Center.  A Sport contest schedule must be given to the Assistant Director of Wellness two weeks prior to the first competition. If schedule changes occur, the Assistant Director of Wellness should be notified via email.  Publicity for scheduled contests may be advertised on campus as long as the Student Activities stamp on them for approval.  The Assistant Director of Wellness will not schedule “out of season” practices during the week. Space is limited indoors and club sports may need to find “off” hour space time for their team to play. There will be scheduled practices as space becomes available.

Tournament Entries and Hotels:  The Assistant Director of Wellness shall send in requests for tournament fees. The office of financial services only cuts checks two times a week so it would be appreciated to have as much notice as possible for tournament fees.  When requesting money to be sent for tournaments, please list name of tournament on the email “Hallowina” as well as the address of where the check is to be mailed, etc. Luther will NOT issue checks to an individual so there needs to be a team name listed “Winona Men’s Rugby” and then sent to an individual. This will prevent an individual from cashing unauthorized checks.  Hotel Reservations need to be made by individuals on the team. Payment of hotels will be reimbursed after the tournament if a receipt is turned in within two weeks of the stay. Funds:  Purchases must have receipts to be reimbursed. When submitting receipts, please have name, SPO and ID# on them.  Fundraising purchases must be approved PRIOR to purchasing and if possible, go through Luther. (tax exempt).  Funds will be taken from the GIFTS accounts, followed by the agency accounts followed by any Luther monies. If there is budgeted money available, all other sources must be at ZERO balance (gifts, agency).

Travel Guidelines:  Use of a college vehicle is limited to a 200-miles radius of Luther College. The drivers of the vehicle must be certified through Campus Facilities. All travel guidelines established by Campus Facilities must be followed.  The Assistant Director of Wellness must approve of travel outside the 200- mile radius of Luther College before any commitments are made. The team MUST have a Luther staff member traveling with the team outside the 200-mile radius.  We encourage using Luther vehicles for travel to limit the amount of vehicles traveling. First preference would be the use of Luther van but if none are available, teams may travel in private vehicles. If a team travels without a staff person, all fees incurred will come out of the player’s pockets as there will be no use of agency, gift or budgeted accounts.  Private vehicles may be used only when the owner of the vehicle has proof of automobile insurance on file with the Recreational Services office. The owner of the vehicle must also have a copy of his/her current driver’s license on file in the Recreational Services office. The proof of insurance is the responsibility of the team to keep current. If a driver is assigned to drive and doesn’t have a current copy of his/her auto insurance on file, it is the responsibility of the team captain to obtain that prior to assigning travel duties. If a driver does not have current information on file prior to the trip, there will be NO reimbursement of funds.  Drivers shall not drive for more than 10 hours per day without taking proper rest periods. Multiple drivers may not exceed more than 16 hours per day. Driving all night is never permitted. Fatigued driving is very similar to driving while impaired. When rest breaks are necessary, be sure the vehicle is pulled off the road at a safe location  A travel itinerary must be filed with the Coordinator of Club Sports ONE DAY before the departure of the club. (Appendix B for travel itinerary form)  The owner of the vehicle may be reimbursed for gas when they follow these guidelines. o Fill up car BEFORE leaving Decorah for the contest. o Fill the car in Decorah AFTER arriving home from the contest. . The car must be filled up within six hours of arriving home from the contest. Bring the dated receipt to the Recreational Services office within 48 hours of the contest. There will be no reimbursement for vehicles that are not filled up within six hours of arriving home. . The club funds may not be used to reimburse travel outside the tournament mileage. If a team is traveling for spring/fall breaks and not returning directly home after the tournament, the mileage will only be reimbursed for the miles TO the tournament. Returning mileage can be split between the members traveling in the individual’s car but no club funds will be used.

Annual Report  Each Club Sport is required to submit an Annual Report at the end of the academic year. This Annual Report should include the club activity and accomplishments for the year; updated Equipment Inventory lists (Appendix D for inventory form) along with the names of the new officers for the following year. (Appendix E for annual report form). It is the club’s responsibility to maintain all club equipment. Services and supplies needed to maintain the club equipment can be paid for with club funds once approved by the Club Sports Coordinator.

Assistant Director of Wellness’s Role:  Schedule meeting of officers of club teams at the beginning of the fall and spring season.  Track waiver/insurance forms for each club sport member.  Put current schedule on college website.  Send in entry forms and fees to respective matches/tournaments.  Keep budgets balanced and notify officers when funds are depleted.  Assist in fundraising.  Insures clubs abide by college policies and procedures.  Administers discipline if necessary.

Officer Role:  Administer the club meetings. Inform members of policies and procedures.  Serve as a liaison between club and college.  Complete all college forms.  Keep updated membership list.  Keep copies of waiver and insurance forms for each player.  Approve expenditure of funds in accordance with the member’s desire and college policy.  Make all travel arrangements.  File travel itinerary with Coordinator of Club Sports 24-hours before departure.  Publicize club activities.  Update club constitution for approval by the membership.  Collect dues (if any). Those should be deposited into their college budgeted account.  Meet financial obligations incurred as a club.  Injury reports are filled out and turned in within 24 hours of an injury.  Appoint an individual to be in charge of checking inventory and equipment for safety (if applicable).  Insure club abides by college’s policies and procedures.  Fill out annual report.

Fund Raising:  The college development office needs to be involved/notified to assure such activities are in compliance with college policies and must approve all fund raising activities.

Possession or Use of Alcoholic Beverages

The statement below is taken from the Luther College Student Handbook. It is expected that club sport participants will be familiar with this stance and strictly abide by it. Also, please refer to the federally mandated drug/alcohol policy within the student handbook.

“The Code of Conduct broadly identifies prohibited behavior with respect to alcohol possession and/or use. Specific interpretations and policy situations with respect to the policy follow: • the possession, consumption, or sale of alcoholic beverages at any campus event is prohibited. Further, no college or residence hall funds may be expended for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. • The consumption of alcoholic beverages in the lounges, corridors, and other public areas of the residence halls, as well as in any other college buildings or on any college grounds, is prohibited. • Students living in residence halls who have reached the legal drinking age in the state of Iowa are allowed to make their own decisions in relation to the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in their rooms. However, no kegs or amounts of alcohol in excess of personal use are allowed. Alcohol must be transported to living quarters in closed containers. When in possession of or consuming alcohol, no students under the legal drinking age may be present. • Students are responsible for their own and their guests’ behavior at all times. The use of alcoholic beverages shall not impinge upon the freedom and rights of roommates, residents in neighboring rooms, and other students. All members of the Luther community should assume responsibility for referring persons who need assistance for alcohol-related problems to Student Life professionals. Disruptive, destructive, or illegal behavior related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages is subject to college disciplinary action and/or civil enforcement. • The alcohol policy includes alcohol-related violations. Students may be held accountable, even if they do not have actual possession of alcohol, when they are present at alcohol-related events; commit actions related to alcohol intoxication (i.e. excessive noise, harassing or disruptive behavior, vandalism); or are in “constructive” possession of alcohol (parallel to the Iowa Code on possession). • Possession of alcoholic beverage containers, either full or empty, may be taken as a presumption of use and possession, and as such, may be considered policy violations.

Hazing:  Please refer to student handbook for Luther College policy on hazing.

Disciplinary Process:  Violation or non-compliance with college policies, campus regulations, Club Sports procedures or Club Sport standard of conduct, may result in loss of Club Sports status or other disciplinary action to the Club Sport involved. The corrective discipline process has been developed to assist club leaders in correcting the mistakes that have caused problems for the club and the College.

Minor Infractions:  Examples of minor infractions include but are not limited to the following situations: o Failure to submit required forms and documentation. (Current membership roster, signed waivers, proof of medical insurance for each member, proof of insurance for drivers, auto insurance for drivers, travel itinerary)  If the violation is the club’s first during the academic year and the club is not under probation from violations committed the preceding year, the following steps are taken: o The club is placed on probation for a designated period of time or until the club corrects the problem. o The Coordinator of Club Sports will notify the club captains in email stating the following: . The reason for the probation . The length of the probation period . The possible consequences the club will face if additional infractions occur . The club’s right to appeal to the Co-curricular committee o If additional infractions occur: . The club’s funds are frozen and a part of the club’s allocation may be forfeited. . The Coordinator of Club Sports along with the Co-Curricular committee may take any action deemed appropriate, including determining the amount of allocation forfeited by the club. . The club is notified in writing of the action(s) taken. . The club is reminded of their right to appeal within 72 hours of disciplinary action.

Major Infractions:  Examples of major infractions include but are not limited to the following situations: o Displaying conduct that is incompatible with the college’s function as an educational institution and the purpose of the Club Sport program (unsportsmanlike conduct towards officials or opponents or disruptive behavior on trips).  Input from the Dean of Student Life or Director of Wellness is solicited when deemed appropriate.  Possible disciplinary actions that may be taken include, but are not limited to: a) probation; b) funds are frozen; c) loss of facility reservations; d) loss of funding; e) loss of club sport status. Notice of disciplinary action will be sent to the club captain(s), Dean of Student Life and the Co-Curricular Committee.

The Assistance Director of Wellness will handle all disciplinary action of the individual club or its members if deemed necessary. Individuals or clubs wishing to appeal the Assistant Director of Wellness’s decision regarding disciplinary action can appeal that decision in writing to the Director of Wellness, clearly stating the reasons for appeal and the circumstances related to the situation causing the disciplinary action. This must be done within 72 hours of the notice of disciplinary action. The Co-Curricular Committee, as well as the Director of Wellness will review the information presented and, if necessary, meet with the individual(s) or club representatives.

The Co-Curricular Committee and Assistant Director of Wellness shall determine the length of the probationary period during which the funds are frozen or when a club may submit an application to be a club sports again.

Contact information:

Vicky Jaeger Assistant Director of Wellness 104 Dahl Centennial Union Luther College 700 College Drive Decorah, IA 52101 (563) 387-2115 Email: [email protected]

We, the officers of Luther College ______Club have read the above policies and procedures covering club sport organizations and we agree to direct the organization in a manner which complies with the stated regulations.

Signature of each officer: (signature, position, date)



OFFICER’S NAME: ______SPO: ______Cell Phone Number: ______Home Address: ______Email Address: ______College ID #: ______Date Signed: ______OFFICER’S NAME: ______SPO: ______Cell Phone Number: ______Home Address: ______Email Address: ______College ID #: ______Date Signed: ______

OFFICER’S NAME ______SPO: ______Cell Phone Number: ______Home Address: ______Email Address: ______College ID #: ______Date Signed: ______

OFFICER’S NAME ______SPO: ______Cell Phone Number: ______Home Address: ______Email Address: ______College ID #: ______Date Signed: ______

Liability Release Regarding Sport Club Involvement (Appendix A) Luther College’s Sport Club Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk Form Please print: Team: ______Name: ______Age: ______Student ID#: ______Yr. In School: ______Campus Address: ______Home Address: ______

I am aware that playing or practicing to play/participate in any sport can be dangerous activity involving MANY RISKS OF INJURY. I understand that the dangers and risks of playing or practicing to play/participate in ______include, but are not limited to, death, serious neck and spinal injuries which may result in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and other aspects of the muscular skeletal system, and serious injury or impairment to other aspects of m y body, general health and well-being. I understand that the dangers and risks of playing or practicing to play/participate in the above sport may result not only in serious injury, but in a serious impairment of my future abilities to earn a living, to engage in other business, social and recreational activities, and generally to enjoy life. I understand that Luther College shall assume no responsibility or liability for me for accident or illness, and I acknowledge and do hereby assume all risks inherent in the play/participation of the sport of ______and I hereby hold Luther College and its respective officers, employees, agents and representatives harmless from any and all liability, action, claims, and damage of every kind and nature whatsoever including negligence.

My signature on this document is also intended to bind my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns.

I, the undersigned, am at least 18 years of age and have read this release and understand all its terms. If not 18 years of age, please have parent or guardian sign this form.

______Date Signature

I understand that it is necessary to have medical insurance in order to play. The name of the company that I am insured with and the policy number are: ______Insurance Company Policy Number

Appendix A Luther College Club Sports ACCIDENT REPORT FORM


Name: ______Date: ______

Time of Accident: ______AM ______FM Location of Accident: ______

CLASS: FR_____SO_____JR_____SR_____ Sex: M_____F_____ ID#: ______

SPO# ______Campus Address: ______Phone: ______

Permanent Address: ______

In case of emergency, contact name and address: ______


A. Victim was involved in what kind of activity? B. Details of accident:

C. Cause of injury:

D. Type of injury:

E. What immediate first aid was administered?

F. Referred to health service? Yes ____ No ____ Sent to hospital? Yes ____ No ____

G. Transported by whom?

H. Will further treatment by necessary? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, give details:

I. Follow up Procedure after immediate First Aid (which emergency service was called, if any, etc.)

1. Witness ______Witness ______Address ______Address: ______Phone ______Phone: ______

Additional Comments:

Date: ______Signature of injured person: ______

Form submitted by ______Signature: ______Please attach additional information if insufficient space has been provided above


Club ______

Destination ______

Purpose ______

Date Departing ______Date Returning ______

Method of Travel ______

Lodging? Name/address/phone if applicable ______Contact Person at travel site ______Phone Number: ______

Please list all traveling club members, advisors and guests traveling. ______(Please use reverse side if more room is needed)

FUNDING BREAKDOWN: Gas or vehicle cost: ______Lodging: ______Registration Fees: ______Meals: ______Other: (list) ______Signature of person filing the itinerary Date APPENDIX C


Team or Club Name: ______

I am aware that playing or practicing to play/participate in ______Can be a dangerous activity involving MANY RISKS OF INJURY. I understand that the dangers and risks of playing ______include, but are not limited to: death, serious neck and spinal injuries which may result in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, serious injury to all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and other aspects of the muscular well-being. I understand that the dangers and risks of playing in the above sport may result not only in serious injury, but in a serious impairment of my future abilities to earn a living, to engage in other business, social and recreational activities, and generally to enjoy life.

I understand that Luther College shall assume no responsibility or liability for me for accident or illness, and I acknowledge and do hereby assume all risks inherent in the play in the sport of ______, and I hereby hold Luther College and its respective officers, employees, agents and representatives harmless from any and all liability, action, claims, and damage of every kind and nature whatsoever including negligence.

My signature on this document is also intended to bind my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns.

I, the undersigned, am at least 18 years of age and have read this release and understand all its terms.

Date of tournament: ______





Club Sport: ______

Date: ______

Equipment: ______

Person Doing the Inventory: ______



Club: ______Date: ______

Person Filing Report: ______

MEMBERSHIP ROSTER: Attach a current roster with name, and year in school of all members.

Membership Composite: Total Number of Members: ______Men: ______Women: ______


Number of team meetings ______x Number of members attending per meeting ______= TOTAL ______

Number of practices ______x Average Number of members attending ______= TOTAL ______

Number of competitions ______x Ave. Number of members participating ______= TOTAL ______


Regular Season: Won ______Lost _____ Ties _____

Tournaments: Won _____ Lost _____ Ties _____

(NEXT PAGE) FUNDRAISERS AND PROFITS List all activities that involved fundraising and profits from each activity (hosted tournament, etc.)

CLUB GOALS for next year:







I am aware that playing or practicing to play/participate in ______Can be a dangerous activity involving MANY RISKS OF INJURY. I understand that the dangers and risks of playing ______include, but are not limited to: death, serious neck and spinal injuries which may result in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, serious injury to all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and other aspects of the muscular well-being. I understand that the dangers and risks of playing in the above sport may result not only in serious injury, but in a serious impairment of my future abilities to earn a living, to engage in other business, social and recreational activities, and generally to enjoy life.

I understand that Luther College shall assume no responsibility or liability for me for accident or illness, and I acknowledge and do hereby assume all risks inherent in the play in the sport of ______, and I hereby hold Luther College and its respective officers, employees, agents and representatives harmless from any and all liability, action, claims, and damage of every kind and nature whatsoever including negligence.

My signature on this document is also intended to bind my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns.

I, the undersigned, am at least 18 years of age and have read this release and understand all its terms.

Date of tournament: ______



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