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Contents SNC Measures 2 The Online Clearing System 3 Process Overview 4 Online applications 7 Entry requirements 7 Overseas applications 10 Tests & Interviews 11 Clearing Events & Drop Ins 12 Opening Hours 13 Additional Reminders & Miscellaneous 14 2
SNC Measures
As you are aware, student number control is still very much at the forefront with the University therefore the measures below that were introduced in 2011 will remain in place for 2012.
All applicants must have a valid email address in order to both apply and enrol for a course this September.
All HOME/EU UNDERGRADUATE FULL TIME applicants will already need to be in the UCAS system for 12/13 entry and be eligible for clearing (i.e. not holding any offers with other institutions) before an application can be submitted and considered via the helpline. They can still apply to UCAS up to the 20th September.
We will not accept any paper applications for HOME/EU UNDERGRADUATE FULL TIME applicants (see above). All other applicants should be encouraged to apply either by phoning the Clearing Helpline, applying via the online application form or in the case of postgraduate applications, applying via UKPASS. (application details will be on the Universities HOW TO APPLY web page).
HOME/EU UNDERGRADUATE FULL TIME applicants that meet the University’s entry requirements and submitted as offers through the online clearing system will be held until the Heads of Departments have assessed availability of places.
Any offers made to HOME/EU UNDERGRADUATE FULL TIME applicants will have a 48 hour deadline in which to accept their offer after the offer email has been sent. If this is not met, their offer will be withdrawn and they will lose their place.
HOME/EU UNDERGRADUATE PART TIME students must not be allowed to transfer from part time to full time mode.
Progressing students (including those on agreed progression routes e.g. Foundation/Extended Degrees onto Degrees and HND’s to Degree) should re-enrol as usual and not be offered places in clearing.
• SNC monitoring reports will include a University-level and faculty- level
summary, will be updated for the monitoring meeting each morning.
______3 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012
The Online Clearing System
The University collects most of its clearing application data via a web portal database called the Online Clearing System and this is where you will be viewing applications and recording your decisions.
Applicant data will be collected by our telephone operators or submitted by applicants via our online application form.
The system will be pulling and pushing data to and from the QL student record system so that we can accurately report on our application numbers.
If you were unable to attend a training session this year then you should visit the online tutorial at http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/osdt/oc/launch.htm and acquaint yourself with it.
When working in the helpline operation the homepage of the PC you are working at will default to login page of the system. If you need to work from your office the url for the system is: http://clearing.lsbu.ac.uk:2012 This will only be available from the 16th August 2012. 4
The clearing and late recruitment operation will take place on the 2nd floor (South) of the LRC Building (B/Rd) commencing at 8am, Thursday 16th August 2012 .The process itself remains relatively the same as in 2011 which includes the use of the Online Clearing System.
When you arrive at the LRC you can sit at any workstation within your own faculty area (see appendix A). Each workstation will have a phone extension number clearly marked. At the end of your desk you will see a large list of subject areas covered by your faculty on the wall and some moveable cards with extension numbers printed on them that correspond to your faculty workstation. Please place your workstation ext number against the subject area that you are dealing with so that the phone operators can get the appropriate callers through to you.
Applicants will be advised to phone in on a dedicated phone number – 020 7815 7676. If they come through on 020 7815 7815 they will still get through in exactly the same manner.
The telephone calls will be received in the LRC by ‘frontline’ operators acting as a switchboard. The online clearing system will determine if the applicant already exists on our student record system and will pull through some existing biographical data together with their student ID which will become their helpline reference number (prefixed with a C). If the applicant does not already exist the system will generate a new student ID and create a record back to the student record system. 5 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012 Using a course database and a keyword search they will also determine the course the applicant is applying for and input their email and contact number in to the online clearing system. This creates the start of an ‘electronic’ record.
Each Faculty area will have a number of designated 2nd line operators .The telephone call is transferred from the frontline to the 2nd line operator within the Faculty area who will locate the applicant record on the system. The operator will then input the rest of the application form, recording the applicant’s personal details, academic qualifications and work experience.
When the 2nd line has collected all of the information the telephone call will be transferred to the academic member of staff together with the reference number and name of the applicant. The academic picks the applicant off the screen to view details and continues to interview. If an academic is not available the applicant will be informed that they will be called back and the record is then held as unprocessed on the system ready for you to deal with it at a later time.
The academic member of staff must verify all the information collected on the application form, in particular the applicant’s academic qualifications. A decision about whether to offer a place should be reached at the end of the telephone interview and the applicant notified of that decision. There are three possible outcomes:
Unconditional offer* Invitation to attend a test/interview Reject
* When making an unconditional offer there will be a field in the system to record the basis of the offer (e.g.1 A level at Maths Grade C and 5 GCSE’s at grade C including English). Please note that this will go out in the offer email so please word it carefully.
Please note:
We cannot make any conditional offers.
We cannot defer offers.
Whenever possible, please speak to the applicant and inform them of your decision.
Once a decision has been made: 6
The communications that are sent out and the reply process for accepting offers will be dependent on the student type.
UNDERGRADUATE FULL TIME HOME/EU offers: By default, these applicants will go into a holding area on the system and initially be sent a ‘keep warm’ email within 15 minutes of you submitting the decision. A formal offer email will then be sent subsequently after your head of department has double checked they have met the University’s requirements and there are places available.
If an offer is made, applicants will be instructed via their offer email to log onto their UCAS TRACK account and nominate London South Bank as their clearing choice. UK admissions will then formalise the acceptance through the UCAS system. The applicant will be informed that they have a 48 hour deadline to accept.
Please note that all Home/EU applicants will need to be already in the UCAS system prior to any offer being made.
POSTGRADUATE, UNDERGRADUATE PART TIME and ALL INTERNATIONAL offers will automatically be sent an offer email within 15 minutes of you submitting the decision.
Home/EU Postgraduate and Undergraduate Part Time applicants will only need to click a link contained within their offer email which will take them to a web page where they can confirm their place. They will be given a 5 day deadline in order to encourage them to respond though obviously a far greater degree of discretion can be taken.
International student offer emails will be provisional as they will be required to submit additional documentation directly to International Admissions in order to comply with the UKBA Tier 4 regulations. Any formal offer and instructions for accepting will then be sent directly and handled by International Admissions.
REJECT & INTERVIEW TEST emails will be sent within 15 minutes of you submitting a decision.
Before rejecting any applicant, you must ensure you have fully considered them for an alternative level or mode of a related course.
The decision/reply process and the emails sent (which may be subject to minor change) are attached in appendix B
______Examples of the decision/reply process and the emails sent can be found at 7 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012
Online Applications (via the LSBU homepage)
Throughout the duration of the clearing and late recruitment period applicants will have the facility to apply online via our web page. This is a particularly useful alternative when the phones are very busy on the first day and for out of hours applications.
These applications are viewed and processed on the online system in exactly the same way as a phone application though you will need contact the applicant .You will be alerted that it is an online application as it will state ‘WEB’ (as opposed to PHONE) at the top of the student record.
All web applications submitted will have to be manually checked by the clearing admin team to see if the applicant already exists on the QL student record system therefore there will be a small delay before they are made available to you.
Entry Requirements
Below are the University’s minimum entry requirements for undergraduate applicants.
Please check with your Faculty Clearing Coordinator or Head of Department as to what grades you will be accepting during the clearing period.
Undergraduate courses: level 1 entry
(a) passes at GCE or VCE Advanced (‘A’) level in two subjects;
(b) pass at GCE or VCE Advanced (‘A’) level in one subject, passes at GCE or VCE Advanced Subsidiary (‘A/S’) level in two subjects;
(c) pass at VCE Vocational Double Award (‘VDA’); 8
(d) pass at GCE or VCE Advanced (‘A’) level in one subject, pass at GCE or VCE Advanced Subsidiary (‘A/S’) level in one subject and pass one key skill at level 3;
(e) Pass NQF BTEC National Certificate (12 unit) at PP or above or NEW BTEC National Diploma (18 unit) at PPP
(f) Pass QCF BTEC Diploma (12 unit) at PP or above or QCF BTEC Extended Diploma (18 unit) at PPP
Plus: 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English and Mathematics.
Higher National Certificate/Diploma Courses
(a) pass at GCE or VCE Advanced (‘A’) level in one subject;
(b) passes at GCE or VCE Advanced Subsidiary (‘A/S’) level in two subjects;
(c) Pass NEW BTEC National Award (six unit) at P or above
Plus: 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English and Mathematics.
Key skills level 2 in application of number and communications can be accepted in lieu of GCSE English and Mathematics at grade C or above.
A 14 - 19 Diploma at Higher Level (L2) can be accepted in lieu of GCSE English and Mathematics at grade C or above and is equivalent to 7 GCSEs
A pass in an Advanced Subsidiary (‘A/S’) subject cannot be considered if the applicant passes the same subject at Advanced level (‘A’).
Entry Requirements for Curriculum 2000 Qualifications
Normally, applicants are required to have gained 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including Maths and English. Key skills level 2 in Application of Number and Communications can be accepted in lieu of GCSE grade C passes in Maths and English language respectively.
A pass mark in an Advanced Subsidiary (A/S) subject cannot be considered if the applicant gains a grade in the same subject at Advanced level (‘A’). 9 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012 The VCE Double Award (which supersedes the GNVQ Level 3) can only be achieved with following grades: AA/AB/BB/BC/CC/CD/DD/DE/EE. They cannot achieve AE/BD/etc.
NQF BTEC National Award or QCF Subsidiary Diploma (6 Units) graded overall as P, M or D and regarded as equivalent to 1 A level. Entry requirement: Pass or above for entry to HND level only. The National Award does not satisfy entry to degree level.
NQF BTEC National Certificate or QCF Diploma (12 units) double graded as PP,MP,MM,DM,DD and regarded as equivalent to 2 A levels. Entry requirement: PP or above for entry to degree level
NQF BTEC National Diploma or QCF Extended Diploma (18 units) triple graded as PPP,MPP,MMP,MMM,DMM and regarded as equivalent to 3 A levels .Entry requirement: PPP or above for entry to degree level
14- 19 Diplomas The Advanced Diploma (Level 3) is equivalent to three and a half A levels and includes principal and generic learning, six personal learning and thinking skills (PLTS), functional skills, a project, work experience and a choice of additional and specialist learning (ASL).
The Progression Award (Level 3) is a smaller award equivalent in size to two and a half A levels. It includes the principal learning and generic learning sections of the full Advanced Diploma, but excludes the additional/specialist learning.
NB. Both these awards are gained by the inclusion of the Higher Diploma (L2) which is equivalent to seven GCSEs at grades A* – C.
University Foundation Entry Requirements 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English and Mathematics, with either responsible work experience for mature students or 1 A-level or equivalent. We also consider applications from those who have gained relevant skills through a wider range of vocational qualifications or responsible experience.
If you are unsure about any other qualifications you come across please liaise with your senior academic in the first instance or contact your Admissions Officer. 10
Alternatively, at the top of the online system you will see a link to ‘Qualifications’. This will take you to a UCAS menu where you can find information on UK Qualifications, Access programmes and the UCAS Tariff. If you want to acquaint yourself beforehand please see UCAS - Qualifications Paper copies of the UCAS UK Qualifications can be found on your workstation in the LRC. ______
Overseas Applications
You will be seeing a fair amount of applications from overseas and sitting their dumbstruck looking at qualifications you have never seen before. Don’t panic, there is help at hand.
The International Office will supply a guide of International examination equivalents that relate to our main markets and this should be your first source of reference.
You will also find a copy of UCAS International Qualifications on your workstation which you will find helpful.
Entrance requirements for EU students can be found here http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/international/europe.shtml
A representative from the International Office may also be on hand within the LRC. Failing all of the above, you will find a link at the top of the online system called INT SPECIALISTS which will list country specialists from the International Office that you can contact for advice.
To find out information on specific overseas colleges and universities you should refer to NARIC (National Recognition Information Centre).
You will see a NARIC button at the top of your screen on the Online Clearing System to go straight to the site.
You must have a NARIC account to log in and will need to be set up before the helpline begins. Please contact Gloria Linton, [email protected] stating your name, position, dept, email, and phone no and she will set the account up for you.
Please note that international applicants will usually require entry visas, will have to submit scanned documents of qualifications and will also need to pay a £2,500 deposit. All of this is a lengthy process and should be taken into consideration when making offers. The International office will supply guidance throughout the operation as to when last offers can be made for particular countries 11 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012
Tests & Interviews
All applicants invited for an interview/test by the Online Clearing System will be asked to report to Admissions & Recruitment Centre (ARC), Technopark where you will need to collect them.
You can find and print a daily list of applicants for interviews /tests by going to our Crystal reports site http://qlreports.lsbu.ac.uk/rassamples/en/asp/rPortfolio/reportListing.asp and choosing the Clearing Interview/test report within the applications folder.
You can also find the Crystal Reports link at the top of the page on the Online Clearing System.
Interviews can be held within the ARC providing interview rooms are available.
If you have invited them for a test you will need to collect the candidates and take them to your test venue which you or your Faculty will have needed to pre-arrange. If you have pre-arranged test and interview dates please let your colleagues know.
Having interviewed the applicant you can then take them for tour around your respective building if you so wish.
When you have finished interviewing/testing remember to update the online clearing system with your decision.
Clearing Events
A daily advice centre will be located in the Course Enquiries area of the Admissions & Recruitment Centre (ARC) in Technopark and manned by Student Ambassadors. This will be the first point of contact for personal callers who wish to discuss general course advice and information on the clearing process. The entrance can be found on the corner of London Road and Ontario Street.
No appointment is necessary.
The opening hours will run in conjunction with the Clearing and Late Recruitment Helpline( below).
Opening Hours
The Clearing & Late Recruitment Helpline will be operational at the following times below. Please ensure you arrive in the LRC helpline in good time for when the phones go live.
Thur 16 Aug 8am – 8pm Fri 17 Aug 8am – 8pm 13 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012 Sat 18 Aug 10am – 4pm
Mon 20 Aug 8:30am – 6pm Tue 21 Aug 8:30am – 6pm Weds 22 Aug 8am – 8pm Thurs 23 Aug 8:30am – 6pm Fri 24 Aug 8:30am – 6pm
Mon 27 Aug CLOSED (Bank Holiday) Tue 28 Aug 8:30am – 6pm Weds 29 Aug 8am – 8pm Thurs 30 Aug 8:30am – 6pm Fri 31 Aug 8:30am – 6pm
Mon 3 Sept – Fri 28 Sept 9am – 5pm
The above times are when the helpline is operational and are not indicative of your working hours. Your Faculty Clearing Coordinator will inform you of the dates and times that you have been allocated to cover the helpline operation.
The last day for making an application will be Weds 26th September.
You must ensure that all applications after this date have been dealt with no later than noon, Friday 28 th September.
Additional Reminders
Scholarships & Bursaries 14
UKBA Requirements As you are no doubt aware, the University must abide with the UKBA Tier 4 regulations in the recruitment of international students. It is vital that we adhere to these rules in order for us to maintain our license to recruit from overseas.
If a student identifies themselves as currently being on or needing a student visa then we will flag these applicants as Overseas for fee paying purposes. Subsequent to any direction from the international office, you should go ahead and make your decision. A provisional offer will be sent in which they will be requested to contact the International Office who will then request futher details and complying to UKBA requirements.
If you are in touch with an international student we advise that you inform the student that the International office will be in contact before they receive any formal offer correspondence.
If you have any queries regarding international students and the UKBA requirements then please contact Gloria Linton, [email protected], ext 8017 or Nuria Prades, [email protected] ext 6719.
ELQ (Equivalent or Lower Qualifications)
Home/EU students who already hold a qualification at the same or higher level as they are planning to study at LSBU are generally referred to as Equal or Lower Qualification (ELQ) students.
LSBU will charge any ELQ students (new and continuing) the new Home rate of fee.
Please note: Students who already hold an undergraduate qualification (or the equivalent) studying for an additional undergraduate qualification will generally not be eligible for funding via Student Finance England. However there are some exceptions. Please see the direct.gov.uk website for more details
If you are talking to an applicant and have noticed that they are ELQ, it would be a good time to highlight it to them even though all offer letters will include information. 15 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012 Fees Checker Please note that we have an Online Fees Checker which you may find helpful during this period. A link will be available on the Online Clearing System screen. This page is specific for LSBU staff use. If want to direct an applicant to their fees checker page you should give them the following URL: http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/applicantsearchfees/
If you wish to stop recruiting to a course, or indeed re-open a course for 2012 entry then this must be requested either through Andrew Fisher (Registrar) ext 7415 / [email protected] or Phil Cardew (Pro Vice chancellor) ext 6010 / [email protected] .
As in previous years, refreshments will available throughout the clearing operation and sandwiches will be supplied for clearing staff for the first few days. Rest room facilities are close by and the building is fully air conditioned. We are very much ‘guests’ of the LRC and would ask that extra care be taken with food and drink and use of their hardware.
Fax and photocopier facilities will be available as will the provision to phone out to applicants based overseas. Please remember NOT to give your LRC clearing extension number out to external callers as they will not get through.
Your PC’s will have the normal University build on them (MS Word, Excel, etc) and you are welcome to do any other work on them. However, please note that you will not be able to save anything on them or print, therefore you would need to equip yourself with some form of external drive (memory stick, etc).
If you are approached with any interest from the media could you please direct them to Anna Cureton [email protected] / 0207 815 6717 in the Marketing department.
Your Ref No: C Dear
Re: Thank you for your recent application for admission to the above course for September 2012.
After careful consideration by the Admissions Tutor we regret to inform you that your application for this particular course has been unsuccessful. This may be due to a number of reasons such as not meeting the University’s general entrance requirements, not responding to a request for further details or that the course is now full.
If you are considering re-applying for next year, 2013 entry, please visit our website for prospective students which gives details of all our courses and application procedures. Alternatively you can contact our Course Enquiries Team on (freephone) 0800 923 88 88.
We would like to thank you for your interest in London South Bank and please accept our best wishes for the future.
Kindest Regards London South Bank Admissions
Please note that you will not be able to reply to this email. If you have any queries please contact our helpline on 0207 815 7676 17 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012
Your Ref No: C
Re: Application for
Thank you for your recent application for the above course.
Before the Admissions Tutor is able to make a decision on your application, you are required to visit the University to attend the following:
This will take place at on the
Please report to the Admissions & Recruitment Centre based in the Technopark building (Ontario Street entrance).
A map of the University campus and transport links can be found here.
If you have applied for a design or architecture course you are required to bring a portfolio with you.
Please ensure that you arrive promptly and bring this letter with you.
Please note that if you are attending a maths or english test you will need to bring some form of photo identification which incorporates a photo of yourself such as a passport or driving licence and that calculators will not be permitted for use in the maths test.
If you are unable to attend, please call our helpline on 020 7815 7676 immediately and we will 18 do our best to arrange another appointment for you.
We look forward to meeting you.
Kindest Regards London South Bank Admissions
Please note that you will not be able to reply to this email. If you have any queries please contact our helpline on 0207 815 7676
Your Ref No: C
Re: Application for
Thank you for your recent application for the above course for September 2012 entry.
Although you have met the University’s entry requirements, the course that you have applied for has been very popular and we need to assess as to whether we have still have places available.
As you can appreciate, there is a high demand for entry to London South Bank this year but we will do our upmost to find you a place on the course and we will contact you via email very shortly with a decision.
Thank you for your patience.
Kindest Regards London South Bank Admissions
Please note that you will not be able to reply to this email. If you have any queries please contact our helpline on 0207 815 7676 19 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012
Your Ref No: C
Re: Application for
Thank you for your recent application to London South Bank University.
We are very pleased to be able to make you an offer for the above course for September 2012 entry. This offer is made on the basis of the information you provided regarding your academic history and /or work experience which is listed below:
The offer is also subject to your acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in the 'The Contract - The University and you'. You must read these terms and conditions before accepting this offer.
In order to secure your place and receive details of your orientation and enrolment time you must confirm your acceptance within 48 hours of the above date via your UCAS track account (please see below). Failure to confirm within the deadline will result in this offer being withdrawn and losing your place.
The University will also withdraw your offer of a place if you do not meet one or more of the conditions for application and enrolment. For more details please click here: http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/current.student/admissionToUniverity.shtml
Please print this mail, keep it safe and bring it with you when you come to your enrolment. Details of your enrolment will be sent a few days after you have confirmed your offer.
Congratulations on gaining your place at London South Bank University and best wishes and success for your future studies. We look forward to receiving your confirmation and meeting 20 you shortly.
Kindest Regards London South Bank Admissions
Please note that you only have 48 hours to accept your place.
Log in to your UCAS Track account UCAS TRACK account and nominate London South Bank – L75 as your clearing choice and enter the details below. Your Course Code will be:**** Your Start Date will be: 2012 Your Entry Point will be: the year stated in the course applied for at the top of this email (i.e. Year1). When you have done this, London South Bank will then accept your UCAS choice and we will send you details of the date and time of your orientation and enrolment. Please remember that you will only be eligible providing you are not holding any other offers at another institution. If you are, then you will need to contact that institution and ask to be ‘released into clearing’ before you can proceed. If you encounter any problems with your Track account, please contact UCAS on 0871 468 0 468.
Having received this offer from London South Bank you may now be eligible for our National Scholarship Programme which could entitle you to a £1000.00 fee waiver.
For more details and how to apply please visit http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/fees/nationalscholarship.shtml
You should note that Home/EU students who already hold a qualification at the same or higher level as they are planning to study at LSBU are generally referred to as Equal or Lower Qualification (ELQ) students.
LSBU will charge any ELQ students (new and continuing) the new Home rate of fee. Please note: Students who already hold an undergraduate qualification (or the equivalent) studying for an additional undergraduate qualification will generally not be eligible for funding via Student Finance England. However there are some exceptions. Please see the direct.gov.uk website for more details
For more information which includes online fee checking, payment options and financial help, please visit the LSBU Fees Webpage.
Kindest Regards London South Bank Admissions 21 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012
Please note that you will not be able to reply to this email. If you have any queries please contact our helpline on 0207 815 7676
Your Ref No: C
Re: Application for
Thank you for your recent application for the above course.
We very much regret that owing to government restrictions on the number of applicants that we can accept, this course is now full for September 2012 entry and we are therefore unable to offer you a place.
We appreciate that this is disappointing news. However, you may like to know that many of our full time programmes also run part time, for which tuition fee loans may now be available. For more details please see http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/prospectivestudents/undergraduate- parttime.shtml
If you wish to be considered for an alternative course, please contact our helpline on 0207 815 7676 with your above reference number.
Kindest Regards London South Bank Admissions 22
Please note that you will not be able to reply to this email. If you have any queries please contact our helpline on 0207 815 7676
Ref No: C
Re: Application for
Further to your recent enquiry regarding admission to London South Bank University, we are pleased to be able to make you an offer for the above course for September 2012 entry. This offer is made on the basis of the information you provided regarding your academic history and /or work experience which is listed below.
The offer is also subject to your acceptance of the terms and condition set out in ‘The Contract - The University & you'. You must read these terms and conditions before accepting this offer.
The University will also withdraw your offer of a place if you do not meet one or more of the conditions for application and enrolment. For more details pleas click here: http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/current.student/admissionToUniverity.shtml
If you applied to join a part time course, you should note that the University normally restricts entry to such courses to those that are ordinarily resident in the European Union for the past three years. An assessment of your eligibility to enrol on a part time course will be made at enrolment.
In order to secure your place and receive details of your orientation and enrolment time you must confirm your acceptance within 5 days. If for any reason you are unable to meet the deadline, please call our helpline on 0207 815 7676 quoting your reference number (above) and we will do our best to keep your place open for you.
To confirm or decline your offer of a place, please click here 23 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012
Please print this mail, keep it safe and bring it with you when you come to your enrolment. Details of your enrolment will be sent a few days after you have confirmed your offer.
Many congratulations on gaining your place at London South Bank University and best wishes and success for your future studies. We look forward to receiving your confirmation and meeting you shortly.
Kindest Regards London South Bank Admissions
You should note that Home/EU students who already hold a qualification at the same or higher level as they are planning to study at LSBU are generally referred to as Equal or Lower Qualification (ELQ) students.
LSBU will charge any ELQ students (new and continuing) the new Home rate of fee. Please note: Students who already hold an undergraduate qualification (or the equivalent) studying for an additional undergraduate qualification will generally not be eligible for funding via Student Finance England. However there are some exceptions. Please see the direct.gov.uk website for more details
For more information which includes online fee checking, payment options, financial help and the scholarships and bursaries that we offer, please visit the LSBU Fees Webpage.
Please note that you will not be able to reply to this email. If you have any queries please contact our helpline on 020 7815 7676 24
Ref No: C
Re: Application for
Congratulations on your provisional offer of a place at London South Bank University for the above course for September 2012 entry.
We now require you to send copies of the following documents and information so that we may confirm your qualifications:
1. Copies of certificates/transcripts/documents confirming the academic qualifications that you stated on your application (please note that for students holding a degree or a diploma qualification we require full degree/diploma transcripts as well the notification of result or final certificate).
2. Copies of certificates for any English Language qualifications stated in your application (students holding provisional offers for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes should submit the certificate detailing their English Language result.
3. Copy of passport (photo ID page) and all UK visas.
4. Documentation confirming any additional information provided to secure provisional offer (e.g. CV detailing work experience).
These documents should be sent by email or fax to International Admissions. Email: [email protected] Fax: 00 44 (0)20 7815 6199
In any correspondence please ensure that you state your full name, course applied for and the LSBU application reference number (above) together with your UCAS number if you have one.
Direct applicants:
Once the above documents are received and confirmed to be satisfactory you will be issued with a formal unconditional letter with details of the tuition fees, LSBU Deposit Scheme and an offer reply form.
UCAS applicants: 25 Clearing Guidance Notes 2012
UCAS applicants are advised that once the above documents are received and confirmed to be satisfactory, instructions on how to accept the offer via UCAS Track will be sent. You will also be sent information regarding the tuition fees and LSBU Deposit Scheme.
We look forward to receiving confirmation of your qualifications and passport details and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes, International Admissions Team London South Bank University
Your Ref No: C
Re: Application for
We recently sent you an email containing an offer for the above course stating that you would need to confirm your place within 48 hours. This deadline has now lapsed therefore we regret to inform you that due to the high demand for places on the course, this offer has now been withdrawn and will be offered to another applicant.
We are sorry that you will not be joining London South Bank this year but please accept our best wishes for the future.
Kindest Regards London South Bank Admissions
Please note that you will not be able to reply to this email. If you have any queries please contact our helpline on 0207 815 7676