Dive Ontario Agm

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Dive Ontario Agm


PRESENT: Josie Josten, BJ Shields, Ellen MacGregor, Mary Ann Cormack, Mike Lang, Rob Fournier, Fernando Henderson, Brian Anderson, Mark Rourke, Roland Lipki, Rob Wells, Janice Moore, Joel Madden, Ioana Marinescu, Misha Kordyukov, Luda Zakharenko, Paul Wouters, Brian Metzger, George Tinnerman, Robyn Bate, Bernie Olanski, Bev Lauder


The meeting was called to order at 12:45 pm.


Josie Josten, President, welcomed those present.


The votes were as follows: Brantford 1 Capitol City 1 Dive Toronto 2 Etobicoke 3 Forest City 3 Gatquatic 1 Kitchener-Waterloo 2 Nepean-Ottawa 3 Scarborough 1 Thunder Bay 1

MOTION # 1 Tinnerman/Zakharenko Move to accept the voting credentials as presented. Passed.


MOTION # 2 Wells/Shields Move to ratify the agenda Passed.


MOTION # 3 Anderson/Wells To accept the 2006 AGM minutes as written. Passed.


There was a general consensus that it is difficult to approve the board actions without being provided the minutes of the board meetings. 2

ACTION: Bev will ensure that all board meeting minutes are posted on the website

MOTION # 4 Wells/Fournier To accept the board’s actions Passed.


. Officials Policies & Procedures to be added to tech regs . Selection criteria of provincial team to be reviewed . Treasurer to provide comparison report at next AGM . Board of Directors to discuss spending up to $50,000 to deliver the Dive ON mission . Club Presidents to hold meeting at Provincial Championships to follow up on AGM issues . Dive Ontario to retain a consultant to prepare and review grants

The Official Policies & Procedures have been added to the Dive Ontario Technical Regulations. The selection criteria of the provincial team were not reviewed; however, this was brought up at the previous board and coaches meeting and will be looked at this coming year. The financial reports were provided to all those present. The Board did not discuss spending $50,000. Club Presidents did not hold a meeting at Provincials. A consultant was retained but no grants were applied for this past season. Janice indicated that she would be willing to write the grants; however, what is needed is someone to manage the entire grant process.

Dive Ontario will apply to Trillium for a provincial grant for new equipment at the clubs. Dive Ontario would be the sole owner of this equipment, which would then be leased or loaned to a club. ACTION: Each club will submit a list of needed equipment and accompanying quotes to Janice Moore within the next 2 weeks.

MOTION # 5 Tinnerman/Wells To accept business arising from 2006 minutes Passed.


The club presidents were strongly opposed to DPC’s consideration that Age Group Nationals be rotated between Edmonton & Montreal. They feel that Dive Ontario should take a strong stance against this consideration, as there should be equal opportunity for all provinces to take part in hosting this event. They requested that Josie report our position at the next DPC AGM.


Mike Lang has updated the technical regulations and reviewed the changes with those present. The changes will be documented and new regulations will be sent out to all clubs by the end of this month.

Quest for Gold Selection This year Dive Ontario will be in the first selection. Divers will receive some funds in the first quarter and the remaining funds in the second quarter. The following athletes will receive funding: Brennan Villemaire, CJ Moore, Brett Gillis, Austin Mix, Lacey Truelove, Siobhan Vanderkley, Paige Sawyer, Celina Toth. Jessica Whelan has been named alternate. 3

Quest for Gold Training Camp Dive Ontario has received a Canada Games/Q4 Gold grant in the amount of $7500.00 to send the pre- selected team to a training camp in Florida at the end of January 08. One coach, one manager and one official will also be funded. The total cost of this camp will be approximately $12,000.00.

Athlete Incentive Awards The budget for the incentive awards has been increased from $6,000 to $10,000 and every athlete who qualified will receive a portion of the allotted amount. The selection criteria will be reviewed and changed for the 08/09 diving season by Misha and Joel.

Level 2,3,4 Dive Requirements Roland Lipki has reviewed and revised the requirements and the changes will be documented in the technical regulations.

DPC has removed the back dive half twist (5211) for a group 1 or 2 event, level 1 divers. The coaches would like Dive Ontario to petition this rule at the upcoming DPC AGM to have this dive reinstated. Josie will also have this issue placed on the agenda at the upcoming Provincial Presidents meeting. In addition, the coaches expressed their opposition to the consideration that Age Group Nationals be rotated between Edmonton and Montreal as it is unfair to all other provinces that would like to host this event.

Promotion of Learn to Dive The coaches would like financial assistance from Dive Ontario to help promote learn-to-dive in their clubs. They suggested that a ltd pamphlet, much like the coloured one produced by DPC a few years ago, be designed. Clubs would be able to place their contact information on the back of the pamphlet. Mike Lang offered to spearhead this project and Brian Metzger is willing to assist and help with the design. A mock- up brochure will be presented to the Board for approval before production. Josie advised that she could get low printing rates.

MOTION #6: Bate/Anderson Dive Ontario will spend $5,000.00 to fund marketing items to promote learn-to-dive and recreational programs in the clubs. Passed.

Club Incentive Program

The coaches would like Dive Ontario to establish a club incentive program to help with individual club development. This would only apply to clubs that fulfill the “definition of a club” as outlined in the Dive Ontario technical regulations and are registered with Dive Ontario by October 24, 2007.

Distribution of these funds will be as follows: 50% of the fund to be allocated equally amongst all clubs (as defined above) after Oct 24, 2007. 25% of the fund to be allocated based on each club’s diver registration numbers after AGN.’s 25% of the fund to be allocated based on a club’s diver results (high performance divers that make finals)

Allotment of these funds will be based on each club’s 2007/2008 competitive diver registrations and diver results. In order to be eligible for any funds, every Club must report to Dive Ontario (by October 24/07), the names of the club executive. There must be a minimum of 3 executive, other than the coach and divers.

The first year of this incentive program will be on a trial basis, at which time a review will be undertaken.

MOTION #7: Kordyukov/Anderson Dive Ontario will budget a $20,000.00 club incentive program for individual club development Passed. 4

Pan Am Junior Championships Two divers (B. Villemaire, NODC and CJ Moore, KWDC) have made the Canadian team that will be going to this meet in San Juan, Puerto Rico in early November. Luda Zakharenko and Rob Wells, their coaches will both receive funding for travel to this event.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT Josie congratulated the divers and coaches for their great performance at Nationals this year. She also thanked the board members and officials for their contributions and hard work this past season. She will continue to send grant opportunities out to all clubs.

OFFICIAL’S REPORT Rob Fournier reported that the number of officials has increased and that there was a good supply of judges at meets this past season so that very little judging by coaches was required.

He would like to run level 1 and 2 clinics this year and asked that clubs put forth the names of people interested in attending. He also asked that clubs let Dive Ontario know if they are able to host a clinic.

Clubs should check their scorecards and if needed, replace them. New scorecards can be ordered through the office.

He suggested that it would be beneficial if judges could take a “1-minute” break to stretch after 20-25 minutes of judging.

Jeremy Comfort apprenticed at Age Group Nationals and BJ Shields is applying to apprentice this season.

The judging eligibility criteria set out by DPC is felt to be very strict and rigid. Rob advised that there is an Ontario official who has judged internationally but is deemed ineligible to judge at senior events in this province. He will contact DPC regarding this issue and copy Josie.

ADMINISTRATION The revised by-laws were distributed to all present and Ellen MacGregor reviewed some of the changes. The title “VP Communications” will be changed to “VP Marketing & Communications”. Ellen will ensure this change is added to the by-laws.

MOTION #8 Rourke/Kordyukov To accept the revised by-laws. Passed.

TREASURER’S REPORT Copies of the budget and financial statements were distributed. Janice reviewed these reports.

MOTION#9 Marinescu/Madden The penalty for allowing a non-registered diver to participate at a sanctioned meet will increase to $100.00 and will be charged to the diver’s club. The $100.00 penalty and full diver registration fees must be immediately paid before the diver is allowed to compete. Passed.

MOTION# 10 Bate/Lang To reinstate the $10.00 one-time competition fee for a diver attending their first competition. Full registration will be required for participation at subsequent meets. Passed. 5

MOTION# 11 Lang/Bernie Move to accept the budget. Passed.

TECHNICAL ISSUES Mike Lang advised that the technical regulations have been reviewed and many changes have been made. These changes will be distributed to the Clubs in the next few weeks for coaches to review and comment on. It would be helpful if all coaches used “reply to all” when emailing comments on any technical issue, so that all coaches are involved.

MOTION# 12 Madden/Tinnerman To remove the eligibility rule for the Tier 2 Provincial Championships that states a diver must have participated at one meet in the past year to: any registered diver may compete at the Tier 2 Provincial championships Passed.

NEW BUSINESS Thunder Bay Diving Club will be hosting the 2008 Age Group Nationals.

ELECTIONS Returning directors were: Josie Josten President Ellen MacGregor VP Administration Janice Moore VP Finance Rob Fournier VP Officials Joel Madden VP Athete Programming Alex Brown VP Club Services

Nominated to the Board were: Brian Metzger VP Marketing & Communications Brian Anderson VP Coaching Luda Zakharenko VP Competitions Bernie Olanski Director-at-Large

MOTION# 13 Tinnerman/Bate To accept the Board of Directors as presented Passed.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING Next year’s AGM will be held on September 6th & 7th, 2008

ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 pm.

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