First of all we would like to thank you for enquiring about our venue for your special day.

The Lakeside is the perfect location for your function, whether you are looking for a small intimate collection of family and friends or a more elaborate event, then the Lakeside Restaurant is the perfect place for your most special of days.

With facilities for up to 130 guests, a relaxed, soft seating area, and a delightful Covered terrace allowing guests to spill out into the gardens and down to the lake, We’re sure you'll agree the Lakeside Restaurant is the place for your Special Function

Room Hire Charges The room hire charge for the Large Restaurant is £750 all day or £300 evening only Room hire for the Small Restaurant £350.00 all day or £200 evening only.

Booking Procedures Come and discuss your requirements, numbers to be catered for, etc. We will then check available dates and help you plan your special day. We will hold a provisional booking for 14 days, having made a definite decision A non-refundable deposit of £300.00 is required along with our terms and conditions To be signed and returned to us Lakeside Restaurant Function Booking Form Date Of Booking:______Room booked (Large or Small Restaurant) ______

Name Of Booking : ______Type of event ______Address: ______

Daytime Tel Evening Tel No: No:______Email Address ______

Date Of Function : ______

Evening No Of Guests: Menu Choice: Drinks Package: ______

Additional Requirements i.e. special dietary requirements/ vegetarians etc ______

Decorational Requirements: ______

DJ @ £240.00 Yes/No

Deposit due is £300.00 has this been paid upon booking?  Deposit of £300.00 paid on ______Please attach receipt to booking form

When confirmation of booking has been sent tick box 

Please also attach a signed copy of the Terms and Conditions to confirm your booking, Thank you.

Terms & Conditions

Booking Once a provisional booking has been made the date will be reserved for 14 days, after which time the reservation will be released if a deposit has not been received. Deposit of £300.00 required to book the room. We require final numbers, menu & wine choices, timings etc for your function 2 weeks prior to the event. This will be the number charged for unless the numbers increase.

Payment A pro-forma invoice will be issued within 14 days of your reservation. The final invoice will be based on the numbers given by the client and will cover the cost of room hire, entertainment, food, drinks and wine etc. Payment of the main account for your function is to be paid in full 2 week prior to the event. Any extras must be settled on the day. Corkage No wines, other beverages or food may be brought into the Restaurant or grounds by customers or their guests for consumption on the premises.

Customer Property Whilst every effort is made to safeguard clients property, the restaurant does not accept any liability for any loss or damage however caused

Restaurant Property The client will be held liable for the cost of repairs carried out as a result of any damage caused to any part of the Restaurant or equipment by the negligence, wilful act or default of any person invited by the client or on his behalf, to the restaurant.

Cancellation Policy 12 months prior to the event – No other charge (deposit non refundable) 6 months prior to the event – 50% of the total booking. 4 months prior to the event – 75% of the total booking. Less than 4 months prior to the event – 100% of the total the booking.

I/We have read and understood the above terms and conditions and agree to these as part of our booking and contract with the Lakeside Restaurant.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Name: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Name: ______