Office of the Collector & District Magistrate, Keonjhar
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No. 1246 Dated 23.07.2008
In pursuance of instructions of the Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd., Bhubaneswar communicated vide letter No.7312 dt.17.07.2008 & keeping in view of the notification No.14462 dt.09.07.2008 of the Govt. F.S & C.W Deptt., Bhubaneswar a stock of Q.46,448.00 of BPL Rice @ Rs.2/- per kg meant for the BPL families is hereby allotted in favour of the following Storage Agents as per details noted below @ 25 kg per card against the allocation of August’ 2008. The Storage Agents are directed to lift their allotted quota latest by 28th July’ 2008 positively, failing which action will be taken against the earring Storage Agents / Officials as the case may be. BPL RICE :- Qty. allotted No. of (in Qtls) Sl Name of the Place of BPL Name of the S.A. @ 25 Kg. No. Block /ULB Depot Card Per card/ tagged Per month 1 2 3 4 5 6 (A) ITDP BLOCKs 1 Keonjhar Sri Ranjit Kumar Sahoo Keonjhar 9553 2388.25 Sri Gadadhar Sahoo Palaspanga 8237 2059.25 Total 17790 4447.50 2 Banspal Smt. Soudamini Sahoo Banspal 4008 1002.00 Ramesh Ch. Sahoo Suakati 3208 802.00 Prahallad Sahoo Zatra 3231 807.75 Jadumani Behera (Tagged Tanna GP) 272 68.00 Ranjit Kumar Sahoo (Tagged Ambadahara GP) 5 1.25 Total 10724 2681.00 3 Telkoi Sri Jadumani Behera Telkoi 3851 962.75 Sri Akuli Sahoo Jharbeda 4820 1205.00 Sri Tapas Kr. Biswal Telkoi 3232 808.00 Total 11903 2975.75 4 Ghatagaon Smt. Suprasini Sahoo Pandapada 4226 1056.50 Laxman Pr. Sahoo Ghatagaon 5620 1405.00 Parsuram Prusty Pipilia 4790 1197.50 Total 14636 3659.00 5 H.C.Pur Sri Raghunath Sahoo Janghira 4673 1168.25 Sri Amiya Ku. Sahoo Bhagamunda 11456 2864.00 Sri Ramesh Sahoo (Tagged Kunda &Tankajoda GP) 56 14.00 Total 16185 4046.25 6 Patna Sri Abani Kumar Sahoo Kendeiposi 2618 654.50 Sri Iswar Ch. Sahoo Patna 2863 715.75 Sri Jugal Kishore Dash Chemna 3012 753.00 Sri Sashibhusan Sahoo Dumuria 2399 599.75 Total 10892 2723.00 7 Saharapada Smt. Arati Sahu Billa 2592 648.00 Smt. Snehalata Sahu Saharapada 2647 661.75 Sri Jatindranath Prusty Barbil 2847 711.75 Sri Kanchan Khatua Digiposi 3090 772.50 Total 11176 2794.00 8 Champua Uttam Kr. Kar Champua 3366 841.50 Dillip Kr. Sahoo Remuli 3075 768.75 Abhaya Kr. Das Champua 3366 841.50 Brundaban Ram Bhanda 3632 908.00 Total 13439 3359.75 9 Jhumpura Sri P. K. Behera Jhumpura 4835 1208.75 Sri Somanath Sahoo Balibandha 4797 1199.25 Sri Dayananda Ram Ukhunda 3867 966.75 Total 13499 3374.75 10 Joda D.Sahoo Joda 6142 1535.50 S.K.Tripathy Bhadrasahi 4500 1125.00 Total 10642 2660.50 G.Total 130886 32721.50 ( B) NON-ITDP BLOCKs 1 Anandapur Tusharkanta Das Anandapur 13048 3262.00 Total 13048 3262.00 2 Ghasipura Suresh ku. Sahoo Gohira 5568 1392.00 M.I., Ghasipura Ghasipura 9616 2404.00 Total 15184 3796.00 3 Hatadihi Jogendra Behera Salania 6936 1734.00 Smt. Nirmala Das Hatadihi 6656 1664.00 Total 13592 3398.00 Total 41824 10456.00 ( C ) U.L.Bs Anandapur Tusharkanta Das Anandapur 1 (M) 2115 528.75 2 K.Garh (M) M.F.P.S Maitree Keonjhar 4527 1131.75 3 Barbil (M) M.I., Barbil Barbil 3196 799.00 4 Joda (M) D.Sahoo Joda 3244 811.00 Total 13082 3270.50 G.Total (A+B+C) 185792 46448.00
Sd/- P.C. Pattanaik Sd/- S.N.Dalai 22.07.2008 20.07.2008 C.S.O-cum-D.M, Collector & Dist. Magistrate, Keonjhar OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar Memo No. 1247 /Dt. 23.07.2008 Copy to all Storage Agents / Sales Asst. Maitree, Keonjhar for information and necessary action. Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar Memo No. 1248 /Dt. 23.07.2008 Copy to All Block Development Officer / All Executive Officers of Municipalities / All Asst. Civil Supplies Officers / All Marketing Inspectors & Inspectors of Supplies for information & necessary action. They MUST submit quantity & date of lifting by 1st week of August’ 2008 Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar Memo No. 1249 / Dt. 23.07.2008 Copy to the Area Manager, FCI, Balasore / C.S.O,., Keonjhar / District Panchayat Officer, Keonjhar / DIPRO, Keonjhar for information & necessary action. THE VALIDITY OF THIS ORDER IS UPTO 28.07.2008 AFTER WHICH SPECIFIC REVALIDATION OF COLLECTOR IS NECESSARY.
Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar Memo No. 1250 / Dt. 23.07.2008 Copy to All Lifting Officers F.S.D, Keonjhar / Barbil & Ranital for information and necessary action.
Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar Memo No. 1251 / Dt. 23.07.2008 Copy to all Sub-Collectors for information and necessary action.
Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar Memo No. 1252 / Dt. 23.07.2008 Copy to Hon’ble M.P, Keonjhar / All Hon’ble M.L.As, Keonjhar/ President, Z.P, Keonjhar / All Z.P Members / All Chairpersons, Panchayat Samities / All P.S Members / All Gram Panchayats for information and necessary action.
Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjha Memo No. 1253 / Dt.23.07.2008 Copy forwarded to the Under Secretary to Govt., F.S & C.W Department, Orissa, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action. Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar Memo No. 1254 / Dt. 23.07.2008 Copy forwarded to the Managing Director, O.S.C.S.C Ltd, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action.
Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar Memo No. 1255 / Dt. 23.07.2008 Copy forwarded to all News Papers / A.I.R, Keonjhar for favour of publicity in their Newspapers / Bulletins for the information of general public.
Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar Memo No. 1256 / Dt. 23.07.2008 Copy to the D.I.O, NIC, Keonjhar to upload in District Website at once.
Sd/- C.S.O-cum-D.M, OSCSC Ltd., Keonjhar