I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Sue Young at 7:40 p.m. in the law offices of Allred, Bacon, Halfhill & Young, PC. Present were President Sue Young, Vice President Bonnie Arms, Treasurer Mark Hendrickson, Secretary Donna Romito, Directors-at-Large Loren Kropat, Fran Mong, Pamela Alfano, David Barna, and Jason Potter. II. Reading and Consent of Prior Month Minutes and Fourth Quarter General Membership Meeting Minutes: Approved as amended. III. Treasurer’s Report: Mark Hendrickson presented the Treasurer’s Report. The balance is $18,080. With no further discussion, the Treasurer’s Report will be filed for audit. IV. Standing Committee Reports: A. Audit: No report. B. Dance Committee: Pamela Alfano reported that two workshops on Saturday will be given by Charlie and Jackie and that we would teach a line dance or something else on Friday at the 2017 Classic. C. Music: Fran Mong reported that the mystery DJ for the Shag-a-Thon will be Kathy K and Jim Rose will be the DJ for the Christmas Party on December 3, 2016. D. Social Committee: Sue Young and the Board agreed that the Halloween Party was a good party and the decorations provided by Jason and Jeanne Potter were great. E. Charity Fundraising: Sue Young announced for the Board to check the Hello Shagger for Sherri Wildoner’s flyer on the Shag-a-thon. F. Membership: Bonnie Arms reported that the current membership stands at 244. G. Public Relations: Jason Potter reported that Jeanne Potter has placed an ad for our Club in the Burke Connector and the Fairfax Connector. Also, there is an ad in the Fairfax Times and the Washington Post. H. Nominations & Elections: No report. V. Other Committee Reports: No report. Communications: No report. VI. Old Business: A. New Member Retention Idea Review of Introductory Membership Rate: The Board agreed to continue the rate of $10.00 off first year membership to new members only past December 31, 2016. . B. Jackie and Charlie Event/2017 Classic: Fran Mong and Pamela Alfano are

working on a flyer and a theme for this event. C. Charity Wine Event on October 9th: Sue Young announced that we made a profit of $139.80 which was donated to Capital Caring. D. Charity Fashion Show TBD: The Charity Fashion Show has been postponed until the Spring of 2017. E. Shag Rag/New Editor: Adele Robey will be the new Editor and Designer of the Shag Rag starting on January 1, 2017. F. Halloween Dance Review on October 26th: A donation of $108.00 from the 50/50 has been made to the Central Virginia Junior Shaggers. G. Elections for New Board Minutes: The elections will take place on November 16, 2016. VII. New Business: A. Election Ballot Procedure: Loren Kropat will propose a current and fair procedure on mail-in ballots for the election ballots next year. B. Shag-a-Thon: Donations are needed for prizes and wine basket. C. Purchase an Ad in the Golden Gazette for the Club: No decision was made to purchase an ad in the Golden Gazette. D. Holiday Party on December 3, 2016: Need volunteers to make turkey and ham. E. Approve ACSC January and July 2017 Meeting Expenses: The expenses for the January meeting are approximately $423.00 and for July $600.00. Jason Potter made a motion for the January expenses not to exceed $500.00. Motion was carried. Pamela Alfano made a motion for the July expenses not to exceed $650.00. Motion was carried. VIII. Other Announcements: The next Board Meeting will be on December 5, 2016, IX. Adjourn: The Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Romito Secretary