Rotary Club of North Canton

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Rotary Club of North Canton

Rotary Club of North Canton Board of Director’s Agenda September 28, 2011 In attendance: Gerry Baker, Joan Cauley, Brent Fatzinger, Chris Goldthorpe, Dennis Huffman, Ellen Kutz, Dan Lahaie, Dave Mathie, Jeff Pelot, Jeannine Shambaugh

I. Minutes from last month’s Board meeting: Motion to approve-C. Goldthorpe, 2nd-D. Huffman. All in favor II. Treasurer’s Report, August: Motion to approve-D. Huffman, 2nd-D. Lahaie

III. Attendance - 74.36% August

IV. Membership  Dave Milam (Dennis) - remove, Steve Wilder (Dennis), Dan Griffith (Chris), Mark Ceretta (Steve)

Brad Huffman (Dan), Paul Hubble (Steve/Jerry), John Robinson – Mohler Lumber (Dee),

Tammy Altmayer - First Merit (Chris)

V. Committee Reports a. Club Service – Holiday Party December 15th – Ellen: Fairways, check if they have a piano b. Chili Open – Committee emailed, S. DePriest co-chair with G. Nicely? Brent’s idea – Winter Warrior Run, PR/Sponsors – D. Lahaie and D. Wright? c. Vocational – No report d. Community i. Habitat with Plain October 29th 8:30-3:00, Steve will try to get Interact students to volunteer ii. Flag Project – Need new chairperson, Jim Dansizen? e. International – No report f. New Generations i. FaceBook – Joan (Interact): Joan has set up basic page, Brent suggested Karcher Group to speak at meeting about FaceBook ii. Interact Conference: November 12 in Salem iii. World Affairs – November 18

VI. Old Business a. Club Service (Dee) recommendation for members leaving our organization: No report b. Recommendation for “Senior Status” (BOD to bring recommendation) 1. Designate as Honorary Member – effects membership & attendance 2. Designate as excused absence – age 65 plus Rotary years must equal 85 3. No requirement to purchase event tickets 4. Pays weekly for meals when attending meetings c. Mathie Memorial/Bench (Jeannine): Met with Tom Shufar and D. Mathie, selecting location, Dave has volunteered to spruce up park site with stone wall, columns at entrance, Sandy Prentiss has offered to donate a tree in Bud’s name. Suggestion to beautify bench areas and entry with plantings, rotate members monthly for maintenance d. Picture of N Canton businesses: no report e. Gift for speaker’s donation: BOD to bring suggested recipient for 2011-12. Brent suggested water bottles w/filter to show Rotary’s involvement in world clean water, or a Rotary subject book for speakers. Joan will research Rotary books, pricing. Brent research water bottle pricing. f. NC Community Fall Festival 10/22: No action g. Interact Club: have no funds, want better communication with our club, involvement in projects, attend our meetings and Steve & Paul attend their monthly meetings, involve in RYLA, Ellen look into connection with Character Counts VII. New Business a. Youth Exchange Sponsorship 2012-13: Discuss with members at club assembly on need for host families. Steve & Paul contact Interact about outgoing student possibility. b. Boy Scout Buckeye Council: Motion to donate same as last year-D. Lahaie, 2nd-D. Mathie, all in favor c. Stewart house (cancer): motion to donate $100 and pass donation jar when they speak at meeting-D. Huffman, 2nd-B. Fatzinger, all in favor

VIII. President’s Report a. Member resignations: Dick Rogers, motion to accept with regret-D. Huffman. 2nd-J. Shambaugh, all in favor, and Randy Compton, motion to accept-C. Goldthorpe, 2nd-D. Lahaie, all in favor b. Foundation Celebration Nov 5th c. Audit bank records: D. Lahaie, J. Pelot, B. Fatzinger and J. Shambaugh to meet after a weekly meeting d. Club Assembly: October 6, Chili Open, FaceBook, exchange student hosts

IX. Next Board Meeting – October 26th

X. Adjournment: 8:40am

Respectively submitted – Joan M. Cauley, Secretary

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