Village Board February 5, 2013

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Village Board February 5, 2013

VILLAGE BOARD FEBRUARY 5, 2013 The Village Board of Combined Locks was called to order by President John Neumeier. Trustees in attendance included: Rick Strick, Justin Krueger, Ruth Wulgaert, Beth Sewall, and Jim Ponto. Roger Kirch was present via telephone conference call. Also in attendance were: Village Administrator Sean Hutchison, Fox Valley Metro Police Chief Erik Misselt, residents Dennis Williams, Karlann Hutchison, Racquel Shampo-Giese, Dave Wagner of Ehlers & Associates, and Judy Hebbe of the Times Villager. The first item on the agenda was to review the minutes and bills from the previous month. J. Krueger made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. R. Strick seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. R. Strick made a motion to approve the bills as presented. R. Wulgaert seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. The next item discussed was an overview of potential advanced refunding of 2003 debt. Mr. Dave Wagner provided the information. If the Village chooses to refund by 04/15/13, the net savings over 10 years is $178,051, beginning in 2014. If the Village chooses to wait and refund on 02/15/15, the net savings over eight (8) years is $323,573 if rates remain the same. The net savings over eight (8) years is $179,935 if rates increase up to 1% between now and 2015. The matter was discussed. Mr. Wagner explained that there are opinions among experts that interest rates are not likely to rise much more than .25% per year. Other opinions state the opposite; that the rates will increase more than .25% per year. The consensus of Board opinion was to leave the debt as is but asked the Mr. Wagner contact the Administrator should he receive information that could encourage the Board to make a decision sooner. The next item on the agenda was the Administrator’s report. He reported that preparations are being made for the 02/19/13 election and the 2012 Annual Report for the Heart of the Valley is complete and has been submitted to Donahue and Associates. He also explained that he completed the annual review for the Public Works Foreman and the Clerk-Treasurer, spent a considerable amount of time working on the CMOM Plan for the Sewer Fund and reviewed options to fund the Street Improvement Program. The Administrator reported that he will continue work on the CMOM Plan, begin preparing the Annual TIF Report and will attend the Public Finance Seminar hosted by Ehlers & Associates.

The next item on the agenda was the Police Chief’s report. He reported that the department has opened charge accounts at Kwik Trip for fueling the squad cars. The information compiled shows that there will be some substantial savings with the discounts Kwik Trip is able to provide. Tracking of mileage and gallons used via Kwik Trip’s report options will also be an asset for budgeting purposes. He thanked Combined Locks staff for sharing the Kwik Trip information.

The next item on the agenda was Public Works Foreman’s report. The Administrator provided the report. Approximately 15.7” of snow fell during the month of January for a winter total, so far, of 39” as compared to 14” in 2012. This caused the street crew to be called out six (6) times 1 for snow plowing. Approximately 47 tons of salt was used in January, which leaves about 72 tons on-hand. The crew also spent time removing snow from corners, hydrants and cul-de-sacs, repairing six water main breaks, adding stepping rungs and safety backings to the bleachers at Memorial Park, reviewing the sanitary sewer flow monitoring with Badger Labs, and completing emergency management reports, NR216 reports and water supply cross connection reports. Anticipated projects include: cold-patching streets and other winter maintenance tasks, tree trimming and dead tree removal throughout the trail system, safety training, and continuing work on the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan and the NR 216 reporting. Mr. Dennis Williams raised a concern about the street crew not clearing the streets early enough after some January snowfalls. The Administrator explained that the street crew typically starts to clear the streets by 3:30am – 4:00am when there is less traffic. He also explained that the Village strives to keep the overtime as low as possible without hindering resident travel.

The next item on the agenda was to discuss the options available for residents to use credit and debit cards through Point and Pay. Point and Pay is a third party vendor that manages credit and debit card transactions with major credit card companies. The Village is ready to launch this payment option to the residents. The Board was asked to consider allowing in-person credit and debit transactions as it does not increase the Village’s liability. All of the customer’s data is stored by Point and Pay, and Village employees are only able to see the last four digits of credit and debit card numbers. The consensus of Board opinion was to allow the in-person transactions.

The next item on the agenda was to discuss short-term borrowing options for cash flow purposes. The Administrator reminded the Board that the Village has borrowed roughly $350,000 per year for the last two years from the Village of Kimberly. The debt was repaid each year after receipt of the November shared revenue payment from the State. The projection for 2013 is that the Village can borrow from its own reserve funds or sewer fund if there is a cash flow issue. The matter was discussed briefly.

The next item on the agenda was to discuss options to fund the Street Improvement Program. The Village President asked to table the matter until more information can be compiled for Board review. The matter was tabled.

R. Wulgaert made a motion to move into closes session per Wis. Stat. 19.85(1)(c) to discuss issues relating to employment, promotion, or compensation information of employees. B. Sewall seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

In other general business, the Administrator reported that the Open Book session dates are Monday, May 13th and Tuesday, May 14th both from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. The Board of Review is scheduled for Monday, June 3, 2013 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. He also reported that Mr. Dennis Williams has approached him with an idea for a wood pellet manufacturing business, possibly at

2 the current Ryan’s Bar property. The Administrator was instructed to have Mr. Williams present a business plan so the Board can check into the zoning and plausibility for the site.

R. Wulgaert made a motion to adjourn the meeting. J. Krueger seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Village Board 3

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