The University of the Third Age

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The University of the Third Age



The University of the Third Age

Newsletter No 77______June/July 2016

I can’t believe that we are almost at the end of the U3A year and that this is my penultimate Newsletter to you. I have enjoyed doing the Newsletter and would like to thank my Team for making it so easy for me to do. Marion Victor will be taking over the Newsletter and I know that she will do a really fantastic job. As I said in the last Newsletter, we have had some volunteers come forward onto the Committee so are breathing a little easier. However, three very important portfolios remain unfilled as of the time of going to press – Chairperson, Course Coordinator and Publicity. Ann King, our present Chairperson, is prepared, if necessary, to take up the reins again after one year’s break which she is required to have in accordance with the Constitution. This Constitution requirement that one may only serve for a maximum period of three years is excellent as it means that the Committee remains fresh and enthusiastic with new ideas all the time. Anne Cooke, our present Course Coordinator, is willing to train the person taking over. She says it is not a difficult or onerous task as our Course Leaders do most of the work and are a very competent group. So, if you feel you are up to either of these positions please let Ann King know sooner than later because our Annual General Meeting will be upon us before we can say ‘Jack Robinson’ and the new people will need training by the present incumbents. We still have not had any men come forward! And that brings us to the next important notice –


This is your opportunity to have a say in the running of U3A, SO DON’T MISS OUT.

Yes, your Committee does listen to you and we heard you say that the poor turn-out at the last U3A Christmas Lunch was due to the fact that there are too many functions at the end of the year and also that costs are too high. It is, I’m afraid, impossible to reduce the cost if we have the lunch catered for at an outside venue so your Committee has arranged for us to have a Bring and Share Finger Lunch after the Annual General Meeting. 2

Marion Victor (043 741 2167) and Sandra Sterling (043 722 0246) are coordinating this function so please contact them and let them know if you will be attending and what SMALL plate of sweet or savoury eats you will be bringing. This is so we do not end up with only sausage rolls or sandwiches! Because St Andrews has a bar we may not bring liquor onto the premises but you will be able to purchase liquid refreshments from the bar at their very reasonable club prices. We do look forward to seeing you all there and it will be a great occasion to socialize with your fellow U3A-ers.

John Stoddard is celebrating the fact that after eighteen months of endeavour, SARS has granted tax exemption to U3A East London. However this will require a Special General Meeting to alter the Constitution and your Committee has decided that this, very short, meeting will take place after the AGM on 11 August. If any member would like to propose a change to the Constitution, or would like to have a copy of the Constitution, please contact John at [email protected] or 082 466 7095 asap. You deserve some French Champagne, John.

MEMBERSHIP NEWS: Shirley Baxter: (043) 721 3518. Margaret Baxter, (043) 721 2150. Surnames the same, but Shirley and Margaret are not related. We are sorry to report that Shirley has suffered a nasty break to her upper arm and so will be out of action for a while. So please direct your queries to Margaret. Our very best wishes go to Shirley for a complete and speedy recovery.

Condolences: Our deepest sympathy and condolence go to Toni Tonin on the passing to higher service of his wife, Nicolette.

Total number of U3A Members: 225

NEW MEMBERS: Please note that we will not be signing up new members until after the end of June which is the end of the U3A financial year. Any prospective new members may attend as visitors until then. Subscription fees can be paid as from the first General Meeting in July and the good news is that they remain the same as last year – R50.

Welcome to the following New Members: Thelma Jamieson, Sheila Killian, Anne and Paul Stamp. We hope you will have a long and happy association with U3A.


June: 2 Pearl Cox, 4 Pat Eloff, Golda Hundemark, 12 Jane Balfour, Hazel James, 14 Denise Fielding, Annegret Mostert, 15, Sandra Epstein, Esme Hall, Ella Heathcote, 18 June Lucas, 23 Ralph Anley, 27 Raymond Harry, 28 Noreen Zieman, 19 Gill Ansell. 3

July: 3 Joan Bosch, 5 Gillian Pieters, 7 Margaret Baxter, 8 Thembeka Mguli, Brian Philip, 9 Elaine Bourbon, 12 Pietie Cavanagh, Toni Tonin, 15 Jenny Evens, 16 Barbara Marshall, 18 June Cherry, 21 Ruth Volpe, 25 Basil Wingreen, 26 Jenny Alcock, 28 Biddy Braithwaite.

May you all enjoy your special day and have a good year ahead.

COURSE NEWS: Anne Cooke: 084 502 2055, (043) 735 2055, [email protected].

It is difficult to believe that we are half way through the year. I do hope the winter weather will not deter members from attending the courses we have arranged. Please do remember to inform your Course Leader if you are unable to attend a ‘Closed Course’.

Please put your thinking caps on as we need new Courses for next year. Remember a Course can run for any period such as, for example, three months. I know there is a lot of talent amongst our members. Don’t hide your talent or knowledge under a bushel but come along and share with your fellow members.

N.B. Management at Berea Gardens, Parklands and The Valley ask that all U3A members attending Courses held at any of the above venues PLEASE PARK IN THE STREET.


Walks of East London are on hold until further notice. This is due to Shirley’s unfortunate accident.

Music Appreciation: Deanne is still not available, but she will contact all her members when she will commence the Course.

Film Club: There is no film club for the months of June and July. We hope that Ralph and Rose enjoy hiking “en Provence”. We do appreciate the care and attention Rose gives to selecting the films for us. Thank you, Rose.

No Current Affairs in June as the 16th is a Public Holiday.

Getting to know the JSE … Will not take place in June and July as John and Doreen will be away. Again, we hope they will enjoy their break.

There will be no Line Dancing in July as Marion will be visiting her Aussie family. Do enjoy being with them, Marion. 4


General Meeting: 9 June, 09h30: Cyriel de Keyser will be speaking on “Oyster Farming”.

General Meeting: 21 July, 10h00: Maud Thorne’s talk is titled “Dropshots” on tennis, teaching and tots. Her book will also be on sale.

As 16 June is a Public Holiday, there will no Current Affairs meeting.

21 July – Still to be advised.

Armchair Travel: John Stoddard:

6 June: Birding in Kenya and East Africa by Peter Swift. Not one to be missed!

4 July: Peruvian Perambulations by Viv Mostert.

Book Club: Ann King:

22 June: To be held at Ann King’s home, 6 Lower Ridge Road. 27 July: Members will be informed.


John Stoddard would love to receive any photos taken of U3A’ers at Courses, so please take your cameras along and snap away merrily. Your photos might very well appear in the Newsletter and on the Web site.

TAILPIECE: I hope all Mothers had a wonderful Mothering Sunday. This tailpiece is for all of you …” A police recruit was asked during the exam, ’What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?’ He answered – ‘Call for back-up.’”

Until next time be well and enjoy our glorious Autumn weather.


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