T006 Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 3/13/2015

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T006 Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 3/13/2015

T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018

Name: ______ANSWERS ______DUE: WED. 21 JAN. 2015 TEST: Europe 1800 - 1945 Global History 2 H – Version 1

NEW QUESTIONS (not seen before)

1. Which headline is most closely associated with the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (1) “Japan Signs Treaty of Kanagawa” (2) “Nuclear Bombs Dropped on Japan” (3) “Japan Invades Korea” (4) “Japan Hosts Discussion on Greenhouse Gases” [ August 2012 ]

2. The leaders in this 1936 cartoon are depicted as “spineless” because they (1) signed the Treaty of Versailles (2) wanted to avoid global conflict at any cost (3) depended on economic measures to stop aggression (4) recognized the communist government in the Soviet Union [ August 2012 ]

3. What was one factor that caused Napoleon’s invasion of Russia and Hitler’s invasion of Russia to be unsuccessful? (1) poorly trained military forces (3) a lack of alliances

PAGE 1 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 (2) harsh winter climate (4) mountainous terrain [ August 2012 ]

4. The unification of Italy and the unification of Germany show that (1) socialism was an effective way of organizing the economy (2) nationalism could be used to consolidate political interests (3) colonialism could be used to spread European civilization (4) interdependence was a significant obstacle to waging war [ June 2012 ]

5. Which sequence of events is in the correct chronological order? (1) rise of Nazism → Treaty of Versailles → German invasion of the Soviet Union (2) Treaty of Versailles → rise of Nazism → German invasion of the Soviet Union (3) German invasion of the Soviet Union → rise of Nazism → Treaty of Versailles (4) Treaty of Versailles →German invasion of the Soviet Union → rise of Nazism

[ June 2012 ]

6. The immediate cause of World War I was the (1) assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (3) Japanese alliance with Germany (2) treaty agreement at Versailles (4) German invasion of Poland [ January 2012 ]

7. What was one geographic characteristic of Germany that influenced the outcomes of both World War I and World War II? (1) Mountainous topography protected Germany from the opposing side. (2) A lack of navigable rivers in Germany slowed transportation. (3) Excellent harbors allowed Germany to defeat Great Britain’s naval forces. (4) Its central location in Europe resulted in Germany having to fight on two fronts.

[ January 2012 ]

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8. Which concept is represented in these World War I recruiting posters? (1) justice (2) diversity (3) nationalism (4) humanism [August 2011]

Base your answer to the following question on the excerpt below and on your knowledge of social studies.

. . . No one in this country [Great Britain] who examines carefully the terms under which Hitler’s troops begin their march into Czecho-Slovakia to-day can feel other than unhappy. Certainly the Czechs will hardly appreciate Mr. Chamberlain’s phrase that it is “peace with honour.”. . . — “Return from Munich,” Guardian, October 1, 1938

9. The author of this excerpt is reacting to Prime Minister Chamberlain’s policy of (1) self-determination (3) containment (2) ethnic segregation (4) appeasement [August 2011]

10. Disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, creation of new nation-states in central Europe, and Germany’s loss of colonies were all consequences of (1) the Napoleonic Wars (3) the Franco-Prussian War (2) World War I (4) World War II [August 2011]

11. Which event is considered the immediate cause of World War I ? (1) signing of the Treaty of Versailles (2) invasion of Poland by Germany (3) assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand (4) use of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany [June 2011]

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12. Which political leader gained power as a result of the failing economy of the Weimar Republic? (1) Adolf Hitler (3) Benito Mussolini (2) Francisco Franco (4) Charles de Gaulle [June 2011]

13. The slogan “Blood and Iron” and a united Germany are most closely associated with (1) Confucius (3) Camillo Cavour (2) Louis XIV (4) Otto von Bismarck [January 2011]

14. The rise of fascism in Germany between World War I and World War II is often associated with the (1) promotion of ethnic diversity (2) appeal of the doctrine of nonviolence (3) establishment of a strong parliamentary system (4) impact of the global economic depression [January 2011]

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15. Based on the information provided by this map, how did adopting the policy of appeasement at the Munich Conference in September 1938 change Europe? (1) The Rhineland was occupied by France. (2) The Sudetenland was given to Germany. (3) Germany transferred control of Memel to Lithuania. (4) Austria became an independent state. [June 2011]

16. The invasions of Russia by France in 1812 and by Germany in World War II were unsuccessful in part because of the (1) Russian alliances with China (2) harsh climatic conditions in Russia (3) inexperience of French and German military leaders (4) failure of France and Germany to develop modern weapons [August 2010]

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17. Which ideology best completes this graphic organizer? (1) socialism (2) democracy (3) capitalism (4) fascism [August 2010]

18. The Nuremberg Trials are considered an important event in the 20th century because they (1) brought an end to genocide (2) condemned the use of nuclear weapons (3) ruled on provisions for the postwar occupation of Germany (4) established principles of responsibility for human rights violations [June 2010]

. . . In his classic defense of freedom of speech in, On Liberty, John Stuart Mill wrote that if a view is not “fully, frequently, and fearlessly discussed,” it will become “a dead dogma, not a living truth.” The existence of the Holocaust should remain a living truth, and those who are skeptical about the enormity of the Nazi atrocities should be confronted with the evidence for it. . . . — Peter Singer (adapted)

19. Which statement is consistent with the author’s point concerning the Holocaust? (1) The evils of the past are best ignored and forgotten.

PAGE 6 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 (2) Frequent and full discussion of the historical evidence of certain events is desirable. (3) All eras of history include individuals that reject existing values. (4) Every generation must apologize for the failures of earlier generations. [August 2010]

20. Which war is most closely associated with this cartoon? (1) Boer War (3) World War II (2) Russo-Japanese War (4) Cold War [August 2010]


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21. All the elements identified in the illustration contributed to German 1. interdependence 2. Unification 3. Imperialism 4. Apathy

22. An immediate effect of this notice was to intensify concerns about 1. the ineffectiveness of the League of Nations 2. military intervention by Russia in Eastern Europe 3. the need for nuclear disarmament 4. freedom of the seas during World War I

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23. In the time line, the rise of aggressive fascist governments in Europe occurred during the period represented by letter (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

24. The cartoon illustrates the tension that led to which war? 1. Franco-Prussian War 3. World War II 2. World War I 4. Cold War

PAGE 9 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 “Bombardment, barrage, curtain-fire, mines, gas, tanks, machine-guns, hand-grenades — words, words, but they hold the horror of the world.” — Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

25. This quotation best describes the effects of the 1. technological developments used during World War I 2. formation of alliances in World War II 3. tension between the superpowers during the Cold War 4. protests against reforms during the Indian independence movement

26. The Treaty of Versailles contributed to the economic collapse of Germany after World War I by 1. mandating economic reforms in Germany 2. requiring that Germany pay for war damages 3. placing a quota on goods exported from Germany 4. devaluing German currency

“Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Form Triple Alliance” “Serbian Nationalism Grows in Balkans” “Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated in Bosnia”

27. The events in these headlines contributed most directly to the 1. beginning of World War I 2. outbreak of the Cold War 3. development of communist rule in Europe 4. strengthening of European monarchies

28. During World War II, which geographic features contributed most to the Soviet Union’s defense against the German invasion? 1. deposits of many natural resources 2. size and climate 3. Atlantic ports and rivers 4. mountainous territory and desert areas

29. Many historians believe that the harsh terms found in the Treaty of Versailles helped lead to 1. Italy’s unification 2. Turkey’s modernization 3. revolutions in Russia 4. World War II

30. Which idea was included in the provision of the Treaty of Versailles to show the intent of the Allies to punish the Central Powers for their role in World War I? 1. All nations shall maintain open covenants of peace. 2. Freedom of the seas will be maintained. PAGE 10 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 3. Germany will accept full responsibility for causing the war. 4. Territorial settlements shall be made along clearly recognizable lines of nationality.

31. Which action illustrates the concept of genocide? 1. the British negotiating peace with Adolf Hitler during the 1938 Munich Conference 2. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin signing a non-aggression pact in 1939 3. the Nazi armies eliminating the Jews and other groups as part of Adolf Hitler’s Final Solution 4. German generals plotting against Adolf Hitler

A. Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. B. Allies invade Europe on D-Day. C. Germany invades Poland. D. Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.

32. Which sequence shows the correct chronological order of these World War II events, from earliest to latest? 1. A → B → C → D 2. B → A → D → C 3. C → D → B → A 4. D → C → A → B

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33. Based on information shown in these maps, the change in the Balkan states between 1914 and 1930 is a result of 1. the end of World War I and the treaties of 1919–1920 2. the role played by the Catholic Church to stop the advance of Islam 3. economic competition and development of new capitalistic markets 4. movement of people to escape earthquakes and droughts


34. When did World War I occur (begin & end)? 1. 1095 - 1291 2. 1337 - 1453 3. 1789 - 1799 4. 1914 - 1918

35. When did World War II (2) occur (begin & end)? 1. 1095 - 1240 2. 1789 - 1799 3. 1914 - 1918 4. 1939 - 1945

36. What occurred on December 7, 1941? 1. Germany invaded Poland 3. the Allies evacuated 300,000 troops from Dunkirk

PAGE 12 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 2. the 1st Atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima 4. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

37. Why was the Balkan region referred to as the "Powder Keg of Europe" prior to World War I? 1. The aggression of the Ottoman Empire was disrupting the balance of power. 2. China was invading its neighboring countries. 3. Nationalistic and imperialistic rivalries were increasing. 4. The area was the leading supplier of military equipment to the rest of the world.

38. Which statement best describes Europe just before World War I? 1. The formation of opposing alliance systems increased international distrust. 2. European leaders resorted to a policy of appeasement to solve international disputes. 3. The communist nations promoted violent revolution throughout Western Europe. 4. The isolationist policies of England and France prevented their entry into the hostilities.

39. Which was the major result of the Nuremberg War Trials? 1. National leaders were held personally responsible for war crimes against humanity. 2. The State of Israel was created as a home for victims of the war. 3. Soldiers were required to pay for the property damages they caused during the war. 4. Prisoners from all countries were immediately released from captivity.

40. Many historians believe that the harsh terms found in the Treaty of Versailles helped lead to 1. Italy’s unification 2. Turkey’s modernization 3. revolutions in Russia 4. World War II

41. What was one reason that totalitarian dictatorships gained power in Europe between World War I and World War II? 1. Famine and AIDS spread throughout Europe. 2. Trade was banned between western and eastern Europe. 3. Monarchies were reinstated in many nations. 4. Governments failed to meet the needs of the people.

42. Fascism in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s is best describes as a 1. demonstration of laissez-faire capitalism that promoted free enterprise 2. form of totalitarianism that glorified the state above the individual 3. type of economic system that stressed a classless society 4. set of humanist ideas that emphasized the dignity and worth of the individual

43. During the 1930s, the Nazi (National Socialist) Party received support from the German people because it promised to 1. abide by the Versailles Treaty 2. utilize international organizations to solve Germany's problems

PAGE 13 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 3. improve economic conditions in Germany 4. promote policies that insured ethnic equality

44. Which action illustrates the concept of genocide? 1. the British negotiating peace with Adolf Hitler during the 1938 Munich Conference 2. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin signing a non-aggression pact in 1939 3. the Nazi armies eliminating the Jews and other groups as part of Adolf Hitler's Final Solution 4. German generals plotting against Adolf Hitler

45. Which situation was a direct result of the Holocaust and other atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War II? 1. development of the Cold War 3. separation of Germany into Eastern and Western zones 2. war crimes trials in Nuremberg 4. formation of the League of Nations

46. The Holocaust 1. was an attempt by Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany to eliminate the Jewish population. 2. gave universal suffrage to all women for the first time. 3. established 200 years of Roman peace in Europe. 4. marked the beginning of the French Revolution.

“ In class” QUESTIONS

47. Before World War II, Great Britain adopted a policy of appeasement in order to 1. form an alliance with Italy 2. promote democracy in eastern Europe 3. avoid war with Germany 4. demilitarize the frontiers of France and the Soviet Union

48. Napoleon, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Mao Zedong, and Fidel Castro all came to power in their countries during periods when 1. the people were fighting to end an absolute monarchy 2. a series of land reforms had been unsuccessful 3. existing governments were unable to solve political and economic problems 4. the people were ready to overthrow their totalitarian governments

49. During the 1930s, the Nazi (National Socialist) Party received support from the German people because it promised to 1. abide by the Versailles Treaty 2. utilize international organizations to solve Germany's problems 3. improve economic conditions in Germany 4. promote policies that insured ethnic equality


50. The Risorgimento was the name of PAGE 14 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 1. the emergence of a prosperous Europe from the ashes of World War II 2. the movement to unify Italy 3. the high cultural achievements of the Italian Renaissance 4. Napoleonic rule in Italy 5. the movement to unify Germany

51. Which state existed in 1918, but NOT in 1914? 1. Poland 2. Denmark 3. Switzerland 4. Belgium 5. Sweden

52. What is the social significance of women working in factories during World War 1? 1. due to the wartime shortage of male workers, even the supervisors were women. 2. women were found to be more adept than men at close detail work. 3. universal suffrage had been granted with the outbreak of war, and women used the vote as leverage for getting industrial jobs. 4. the vital contribution of women to the war effort helped in their liberation from narrow social roles. 5. only women in those days would accept such tedious, menial work.

53. The most visible effect of World War I on European society was 1. an end to street crime. 2. a new positive outlook by young people. 3. an end to unemployment. 4. a dramatic increase in church attendance. 5. a dramatic increase in unemployed workers.

54. Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Treaty of Versailles? 1. Germany accepted sole responsibility for starting World War I. 2. Austria was required to pay reparations to the Allies. 3. Germany was effectively disarmed. 4. the Rhineland was demilitarized. 5. Germany was to pay the cost of damage done to the property of Allied civilians.

PAGE 15 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 55. A major reason for the failure of the democratic government in Germany after World War I was the 1. failure of the government to solve Germany's economic problems. 2. threat of a communist revolution. 3. war destruction of German farms and factories. 4. illiteracy of the masses. 5. threat of attack from neighboring nations.

56. All of the following groups were particularly singled out by the Nazis for extermination EXCEPT 1. Jews. 2. homosexuals. 3. the physically handicapped. 4. Christian clergy. 5. gypsies.

57. Which statement expressed a defense used by some Nazi was criminals at their trials in an attempt to justify their actions during World War II? 1. in a war, loss of lives cannot be avoided. 2. the end justifies the means. 3. a person should be held personally responsible for his or her own actions. 4. one's behavior is not accountable when one is following orders. 5. those who hold power have the right to exercise it in any way they see fit.

58. The immediate cause of World war I was the assassination of 1. Bismarck 2. Archduke Franz Ferdinand 3. Octavius Augustus 4. Adolph Hitler 5. Louis XIV

59. The Munich Agreement (1938) was significant because it 1. halted Japanese aggression in Manchuria 2. prevented the German annexation of the Sudetenland 3. brought about the creation of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis 4. represented the appeasement of the Nazis by France and Great Britain 5. resulted in the collapse of the French Popular Front government

60. The term "Final Solution" refers to

PAGE 16 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 1. Napoleon’s conquest of Russia in 1812 2. the Allies plan to invade mainland Europe 3. Hitler's suicide as Allied forces stormed Berlin 4. the attempted extermination of Europe's Jewish population 5. the allied demand that German surrender unconditionally


61. Which statement most accurately describes how geography affected the growth of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia? (1) River valleys provided rich soil to grow plentiful crops. (2) Large deserts provided many mineral deposits. (3) Access to the Atlantic Ocean provided trade routes. (4) Large savanna areas provided protection from invaders.

62. A similarity of the rule of the Persians, ancient Greeks, and the Romans is that they 1. protected the human rights of the peoples they controlled 2. destroyed the civilizations they defeated 3. remained isolated and peaceful for centuries 4. established vast empires and spread their cultures

63. The Age of Pericles in Athens, the Gupta Empire in India, and the Tang dynasty in China all experienced a “Golden Age” with (1) advancements in the principles of democratic governments (2) outstanding contributions in the arts and sciences (3) the end of foreign domination (4) the furthest expansion of their borders

64. The ideals developed in the Athens of Pericles and in Republican Rome influenced the development of (1) absolute monarchy (3) monotheism (2) democracy (4) polytheism

65. Judaism and Christianity are similar because they 1. base their beliefs on the Koran 3. stress belief in reincarnation 2. are monotheistic 4. promote the practice of polygamy

66. In traditional India, the caste system and the Hindi beliefs in karma and dharma most directly resulted in

PAGE 17 T006 – Version 1 Europe 1800 - 1945 4/27/2018 1. the establishment of a set of rules for each individual in the society 2. the rapid industrialization of the economy 3. a strong emphasis on the acquisition of wealth 4. a strong belief in the importance of education

67. Which was an important teaching of Confucius? 1. intellectual knowledge is secondary to one's emotions 2. the family group can often hinder the smooth functioning of the society 3. all persons must accept and perform their duties in society 4. those who have military power have earned the right to govern

68. A major result of the Crusades was the 1. conversion of the majority of Europeans to Protestantism. 2. weakening of the power of the middle class in Europe. 3. growth of trade between Europe and Asia 4. development of feudalism in Europe.

69. Which was a characteristic of feudalism? 1. Land was exchanged for military service and obligations. 2. Government was provided by a bureaucracy of civil servants. 3. Power rested in the hands of a strong central government. 4. Unified national court systems were developed.

70. Which point of view best represents the philosophy of the Renaissance? 1. The Greek and Roman civilizations are worthy of study. 2. Class distinctions in society should be abolished. 3. Religious doctrines are the only subject of value. 4. The glorification of human beings is sinful.

71. Which statement best describes the change that occurred during the Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment? 1. Feudalism became the dominant political system. 2. The use of reason and logic was discouraged. 3. Technology and science were considered unimportant. 4. A new questioning spirit and attitude emerged.

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72. The Magna Carta was important to the development of democracy because it 1. limited the power of the monarch. 2. took land away from the nobles. 3. created a bicameral legislature. 4. extended the right to vote to peasants.

73. The Enlightenment philosophers believed that the power of government is derived from (1) divine right rulers (3) the middle class (2) a strong military (4) the consent of the governed

74. Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power during the French Revolution shows that 1. change is usually orderly and well-planned. 2. most revolutions achieve their intended goals. 3. people want a leader who can achieve order in times of swift change. 4. the military usually plays a small role in revolutions.

75. An essential feature of industrialization is 1. having a democratic government. 3. eliminate private property. 2. replacing hand labor with machines. 4. using nuclear energy.


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