2243 Burbank Avenue (Corner of Rose & Burbank) s1

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2243 Burbank Avenue (Corner of Rose & Burbank) s1

FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH BULLETIN May 15, 2011 2243 Burbank Avenue (Corner of Rose & Burbank) Nashville, TN 37210

Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Services 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship Services 6:00 p.m. Church Website: http//www.faithmbcnashville.com/

Pastor: Elder Barry Armour 615-822-4681– 615-812-6204 Pastor Email: [email protected] Music Director: Bro. Bert Lanier Sunday School Supt.: Bro. Terry Parker Clerk: Bro. Billy Clemons Deacons: Bro. Jimmy Hicks Bro. Bert Lanier Bro. Don Langford Bro. James Quinn

ANNOUNCEMENTS God With Us Women’s Fellowship April Meeting – Tuesday, May 19, 2011, 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Jean Dyer will be the speaker. The DO RE MI SINGING SCHOOL meeting will be in the. Faith Missionary Baptist The Do Re Mi Singing School will hold its Church Basement . Please make plans to join us. summer session the week of June 12-17. We will not have a meeting in June due to our The church has voted to send anyone Revival. connected with the church to this school God Bless you All! Cindy Clemons and pay the costs. [email protected] REVIVALS & CHURCH EVENTS OF Dillon’s Preaching Schedule FAITH CHURCH AND SISTER Dillon will preach Sunday morning, May CHURCHES 29, at Faith. He will preach Sunday Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Nashville – night, May 29, at Harvest Missionary Revival Baptist Church – 192 Curtis Cross Beginning Sunday, June 19, Bro. Barry Roads, Hendersonville, TN – 6:00 p.m. Armour, Pastor, assisted by Bro. Mick Dillon will assist Bro. Armour and Bro. Woodard and Bro. Dillon Clemons. Mick Woodard in Our June Revival at East Carthage Missionary Baptist Church - Faith, beginning June 19, 2011. Revival beginning Sunday, May 15, 7:00 p.m. – 228 McGinnis Ave., Carthage, TN. Pastor, Eld. Van Mathis, assisted by Elder James (Pee Wee) Massey Green Valley Missionary Baptist Church - Horseshoe Bend, Elmwood, TN. (Near Carthage) – Revival, Beginning Sunday, May 15, 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Eld. Charles Allen Gentry assisted by Eld. James Gibbs. The 7 th Annual Nicholas Crosby Memorial Singing Please join us on Sunday, May 15, 2011, at 2:00 p.m. at Rocky Mound Missionary Baptist My Special Friend By Debra Olds Church, Westmoreland, TN., for a Convention-Style Singing Fundraiser to Lord, you are a special friend when trouble is all I benefit The Nicholas Crosby Memorial Fund. see. Nicholas was saved in June 2000 while When I’m alone and in despair, I know you’re here with me. attending a singing school. The memorial fund was established for scholarships to the area When no friends down here can I find, I know One singing schools in his memory. up above, You’re always here when I ‘m In need; you’re One Please feel free to join us for worship service I’ll always love. at 11:00 a.m. with lunch to follow in the Your friendship means so much to me, there’s fellowship hall. We would love to have you as nothing else so dear, our guests. As the love and kindness you have shown when troubles I face down here. Also, if you or your group would like to Tomorrow, a new day dawns, more problems I perform at this event, please contact: Alan will face; Pedigo 931-698-4276 or Melvin Pedigo 615- Although I have some friends on earth, NO ONE 644-3136 can fill your place!

REMEMBER IN PRAYER My Church and Ministerial Brother Armour talked to a man recently who Relations confessed to be an atheist. Remember to pray By Elder J.H. Grime’s “Recollections of a Long for this man. Life

Virginia Clemons told of a friend of her I was converted in December, 1868, in grandson’s who lived through a tornado. The a meeting conducted by Elders J.R. Bowman family gathered in a bathroom and when they and Mansfield Howell in Boiling Spring church came out there was nothing left but the house, Putnam County, Tennessee. This bathroom. meeting was held Christmas week. The Someone was watching over them! weather was severely cold, and the ground covered with snow. Yet the people came, Mary Jo Whaley has been able to be with us in mostly on foot, and we had a great meeting, our services and nineteen conversions. I united with the Frequently lately and we are glad that she is church that same night. I was baptized by J.R. getting better. Bowman, the second Sunday in January, 1869, Continue to keep Mary Jo in your prayers. in Cane Creek, with nine others. The weather was cold and my clothes were frozen almost Bro. Leon White continues to recuperate from as soon as they hit the air. I became active in recent surgery. Pray for his recovery. church work from that day. I was exceedingly timid and bashful, hence did practically On Mother’s Day, several members expressed nothing in a public way, but always filled my appreciation for their good mothers seat, and did what I could in a private way. I might say just here before passing, that even Please remember the families of the three before my conversion, I never indulged in any Trousdale County Students who were killed dissipations. I was never drunk, never during the past few days. indulged in profanity, and my record is absolutely clear in all my relations with womanhood, from my youth up. From my conversion there was a never heard aught against his moral or longing within, and break a restlessness to Christian character from that day to the do something I was not doing. But my timidity present. He came back to the church and for held me back. Matters drifted this way for many long years he has been a faithful something like eight years. During this time I minister of Jesus. made the Lord many promises, only to them. Finally the church licensed a bosom friend of mine to preach. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I revealed my situation to Cicadas or Locusts him, and then begged him not to tell anyone. No one up to this time ever dreamed that a Information from Pen Stat Website and the Creation timid, bashful boy like me dreamed of Museum anything in a public way. This brother, after promising to keep the matter between us, had Periodical cicadas are commonly called or referred to let it out without my knowledge. At our next as"17-year locusts." Early American colonists had business meeting, to my surprise, a deacon never seen periodical cicadas. They were familiar made a motion that I be licensed to preach. I with the biblical story of locust plagues in Egypt and begged him to withdraw it, but they did not Palestine, but were not sure what kind of insect was listen to my entreaty, and the motion went being described. When the cicadas appeared by the through unanimously. Then came the battle. I millions, some of these early colonists thought a said, “Lord, you are my master; I am your "locust plague" had come upon them. Some servant. I Put the matter in your hands.” American Indians thought their periodic appearance From that day to the present my fear has been had an evil significance. The confusion between of the Lord, not of man. cicadas and locusts exists today in that cicadas are I made my first effort at preaching July commonly called locusts. The term "locust" is 26, 1875, in Macedonia church house, White correctly applied only to certain species of County, Tennessee. Text. Genesis 24:49. We grasshoppers. The 17-year cicadas are generally went from there to Pistole’s, my home church, northern, and the 13-year cicadas southern with where I tried to preach five times within the considerable overlap in their distribution. In fact, first week. About the third or fourth time I both life-cycle types may occur in the same forest. tried to preach, a man who had made The periodical cicada is a native North American profession in years gone by was passing the species. It is the longest-lived insect in North church with a wagon. On learning that I was America. No other insect in North America generates to preach, he stopped his wagon, and just as I as much interest and curiosity as do periodical arose he stepped in at the door in his work cicadas when they make their sudden, springtime garb and his wagon whip in his hand, and sat emergence. They are widely distributed over the down by the side of the door against the wall, eastern half of the United States and occur nowhere intending to slip out and leave us as soon as else in the world. Explaining the evolution of he heard me start off. H had backslidden and such an unusual life strategy is one of the most feigned at wickedness, possibly running from difficult problems for periodical cicada biologists,’ a call to the ministry, as did Jonah. I according to the University of Michigan Museum of announced my text: “Awake thou that Zoology. sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” (Ephesians 5:14) I made The challenge is not to explain why there are so two points in my talk, if I remember aright, in many broods of cicadas. Despite the difficulty of which I touched up the unsaved and the studying these insects, which reproduce so rarely, backsliders, that they were all asleep, and all biologists have learned that their life cycle dead, some in sin and some in indifference. sometimes accelerates and they emerge 4 years This is what I wanted to say, but I would not early. Eventually, this can lead to several broods— vouch for what I did say. I was thinking about and even new species, because the cicadas are no my man, and trusting the Lord to direct the longer able to mate No, the question is how the message. Anyway, he did not leave and by the nymphs, separated by hundreds of miles, know when time I was through he was shaking like an to burrow out of the ground at the same time. This Aspen leaf. I went back and spoke to him. He amazing skill points to programmed design. fell face foremost on the floor and began to confess his sin, and beg the Lord to forgive him. An hour or more he lay there in agony, ‘Why do certain insects take only one year to develop, begging the Lord for mercy. Finally the cloud and others take two or three? It’s just part of their genetic lifted and the light burst through. We had a programming,’ said Greg Hoover, senior extension season of rejoicing, after which he said, “I entomologist for Penn State University. The cicadas cannot ask you to trust me; you cannot afford follow an ‘inborn, biological clock,’ says Chris Simon, a to trust me, but try me and help me.” I have professor of ecology and evolutionary biology who has been studying cicadas for over 25 years. While nymphs the honeycomb. 11Moreover by them is thy servant warned: sometimes reach maturity years apart, ‘All the adults and in keeping of them there is great reward. 12Who can come out within two or three days of each other,’ she understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults. says in amazement.

Simon believes this cycle evolved millions of years ago as a phenomenal survival strategy. But where did the programming come from? Nobody has a clue, but these biologists still believe in the millions of years. And why would the periodic cicadas bother to evolve such a strategy when the annual ones survive just fine? What were the gradual steps and what selective advantage did they have? The doctrine of ‘millions of years’ is a belief, not subject to negotiation or scientific investigation

No mystery to the Creator Murfreesboro Missionary Baptist Church Amazing programming is no mystery to anyone who believes that an infinitely wise Creator designed the infinitely complex DNA that we observe all around us. Information comes from information, and design points to a Designer Recognizing a designer is common sense, and we see examples of it every day—for instance, automobiles, watches, and computers point to intelligent BIRTHDAYS, designers, not random processes. WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES OF OUR FAITH FAMILY In contrast, does nature provide examples of (May 15- May 22)) complex, self-replicating information arising randomly? No. Those who reject the infallible history of the Bible Matthew Lester – May 15 – ‘have some explaining to do.’ They choose to believe— Birthday a priori—that millions of years and random processes E. W. Hassell – May 20 – 89th gave rise to all the complex programming we see in DNA BD today. Jennifer Herlein – May 20 – Birthday At the Creation Museum, on the other hand, we want people to see that the world makes sense if you HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU begin your thinking with the Bible. Christians can look ALL! at nature, such as the 17-year cicadas, and wonder at the Creator (Psalm 19). Faith’s New Website Psalm 19 http://www.faithchurchnashville.com/ Terry Parker, Website Manager 1The heavens declare the glory of God; and the Included here are: firmament sheweth his handywork. 2Day unto day uttereth Bro. Armour’s Sermons speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 3There Sunday School Lessons is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Typed text of 4Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their Bro. Russell’s Bible Studies of Revelation, words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a The Book of Daniel and The Man of Sin tabernacle for the sun, 5Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a Bulletin Committee: race. 6His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his Joyce Callis 352-3070 circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the [email protected] heat thereof. 7The law of the LORD is perfect, converting Betty Coon- 773-5250 [email protected] the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise Jean Langford-758-7431 Langford @tds.net the simple. 8The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing Lisa Parker-274-2783 [email protected] the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, Please contact one of the committee members if enlightening the eyes. 9The fear of the LORD is clean, you have news to share, especially if you know of enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and illness or death in our church family. righteous altogether. 10More to be desired are they than and I didn’t have any luck.” gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and

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