Weekly Newsletter for the Week Of
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Weekly Newsletter for the week of September 30th- October 4th Here’s what we did: Language Arts: We have been working this week on practice tests for the Reading OAA. There is a link on my website, and it is http://ohio3-8.success- ode-state-oh-us.info/practicetest/testselect.aspx??nav=student This way students can practice on actual 3rd grade reading tests from years past. In Writer’s Workshop we have been reading through Our House by Pam Conrad to get inspiration for small moments with people, places, objects and emotions. Next week we will chose one of our stories to “publish.” Although this has been on pause this week, we have been working through, Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices by Paul Fleischman. We have read through some poems, discussed the meanings behind them, and are beginning our first sample project- retelling the poem without using any words, in comic strip form. Math: This week we focused a lot on multiplication and double digit multiplication. Students re-tested on Thursday and corrected any problems they got wrong the first time around. In addition to this re-test, there will be many more opportunities to show growth, improvement and understanding in multiplication. I feel that this first test was VERY HARD but am very pleased with the progress we have made so far and will continue to do over the course of this year.
I highly recommend work on multiplication and division facts at home. I have links on my website for flashcards and other games. Unfortunately, I think math facts are one of those things you just have to memorize and then be able to move forward from. A little work at home never hurts! AdaptedMind.com is a great resource to use as well. Please let me know if you need your log in sent home again. I have also added Math Fact Café on my website, in the math folder, under multiplication. Science: We are busy typing our animal reports and hope to have them finished on Wednesday of next week so that we can begin the next step in this project. We are focusing on the writing by adding transition sentences to link each paragraph together. I am excited to read these soon! The computers have been acting up a lot this week though, so the deadline has been extended due to not being able to access our papers! We used the science time for more math practice. Social Studies: We are on a roll with our “Ziplocking” project. The boxes have been in the cafeteria all week and we are busy collecting, cleaning and now planning on what to do next? We have a lot of great ideas brewing and will be producing some great results soon!
Here’s what’s coming up: Fall OAAs for third grade will be the week of October 7th-11th. More information will be coming home about that soon. The 100th anniversary of Lincoln is coming up very soon. Our wing of the hallway will be focusing on the 1930s. Look for more information and details about our plans soon! Important Information: Our library day is Tuesday. I will remind students on Mondays to bring their books back, but please, also help remind them. We’re still waiting on 100% book returns! Let’s make next week be the first of many! Please check the website daily! I list any/all homework for the day. Homework will almost always be any work that was not finished during the school day. The link for the website is: http://www.lakewoodcityschools.org/olc/teacher.aspx?s=2520