CSA Leadership Discernment

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CSA Leadership Discernment

2017-2018 Campus Ministry Leadership Discernment Guided by the Spirit

On behalf of Fr. Steve, Carmen and the entire University Parish Newman Center community, thank you for taking this precious time to pray and reflect upon God’s call in your life. The parish staff, in concert with select outgoing student leaders, will gather to prayerfully discern where the Spirit may be leading you and CSA as a new school year approaches. As you reflect on your own experiences, dreams and faith journey, may you remember the words of Pope Francis: “God calls, and that’s what we see in the vocation of great leaders. In our tradition, a mission always starts with a calling.” Together, let us listen for God’s voice and respond faithfully!

Peace to you,

Mary Lynn Delfino Pastoral Associate for Campus Ministry [email protected] ______Personal Information Name: ______E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: ______DOB: _____/_____/______

Summer Address: ______City, State, Zip: ______

Cumulative GPA: ______Fall ‘17 Credit Hours: _____ Major: ______CSA leaders must have a 2.25 GPA or higher to serve.

Class: Fr So Jr Sr 5th year Grad/PhD Anticipated Graduation Date: ______

The summer CSA Leadership Retreat is mandatory for CSA Officers. It has been traditionally held the week of August 20th at an off-campus location. Please share any potential conflicts you may have during this time (e.g. other student organizations, RA training, employment, family vacation, etc.).


1.) Take a few moments to prayerfully and honestly reflect upon the following reflection questions. Start here! Resist the urge to jump ahead to the position descriptions. Type your answers (2-to-4 pages) on a separate sheet of paper. Single- or double-spaced. No handwritten reflections or novels, please. 2.) Select the positions you feel called to. Remember, this is not a job application. 3.) Staple everything and return this form to Mary Lynn Delfino in person or via e-mail at [email protected] no later than Tuesday, April 4. 4.) Participate in a small group interview process with other discerners, staff, and selected student representatives. 5.) Selection of positions will be completed by April 28.

A Note on Campus Ministry Leadership In Empowered by the Spirit, the U.S. Catholic Bishops write, “All the faithful on campus, by virtue of their baptism, share in the task of bringing the humanizing light of the Gospel to bear on the life of the academic community. They are called to live out Christian values while engaging in the teaching, learning, research, public service, and campus life that constitute the academic world. They are united with other believers in this work but make their own unique contributions, according to their personal talents and specific circumstances. ‘As generous distributors of God's manifold grace, put your gifts at the service of one another’ (1 Peter 4:10).”

What does this mean for us? All forms of leadership, rooted in Christ, are vitally important and necessary at the University Parish Newman Center and in the Catholic Student Association. CSA Officers and Ad Hocs serve the same mission. The type of commitment each person makes differs based on the needs of the community and the gifts one brings to the table (and realistically, the time needed). Though our gifts and our type of commitment may differ, CSA leaders are one in the Spirit. One position or one group of positions is not more important than another.

Therefore, all CSA leaders, rooted in a strong relationship with God and the Church, commit themselves to building up the Body of Christ through generous hospitality, servant leadership, and authentic evangelization. *** Reflection Questions These reflection questions are meant to assist everyone involved in the discernment process. At the core of each question, we invite you to consider how the Holy Spirit is moving within you and within our faith community. Your honesty is more important than your attempts to impress. Be real. Be you.

1. Discuss your motivations for wanting to serve as a CSA leader this year. a. What has influenced your desire to lead? b. Who has influenced you? c. What specific ministries at the University Parish Newman Center and within CSA (events, programs, liturgy, etc.) have been most fulfilling? d. Which ministries have been most challenging or you have not participated in? e. Why do you want to be more involved?

2. Describe your understanding of servant leadership within the context of a religious organization, such as the Catholic Student Association. Please pray with John 13 if you are feeling lost with this question. a. How do you practice it? b. Who is your model? c. What graces come from being a servant leader? d. What challenges does practicing authentic servant leadership present?

3. Forming the faith community is an essential part of campus ministry as outlined by the U.S. Bishops’ pastoral letter Empowered by the Spirit. With that in mind, what has been your experience of sharing and receiving hospitality at the Newman Center and with the Catholic Student Association? Please be honest. How would you extend hospitality to others, especially new students?

4. Give an honest assessment of your gifts, talents, and strengths. Give an honest assessment of the areas in which you would like to grow as a person and as a leader.

5. What specific ideas do you have to further the parish mission of “serving as a strong Catholic presence at Kent State University,” and the organization’s mission of “fostering the spiritual, intellectual, and social interests of the students of Kent State University, thereby bringing them into a common union”?

In what areas does CSA have potential to grow and how would your presence help effect that growth? 2 Officer Positions All officers are expected to work collaboratively with the other officers, ad hoc positions, and campus ministry staff; be visible at CSA events; and be an active participant in parish life (e.g. regular Mass attendee, liturgical minister, choir member, etc.). Please check the positions you are interested in (more than one but no more than three, please). These are not complete position descriptions and are subject to change depending on your creative spirit and ideas as well as the needs of the organization.

___ President: The President works closely with the Newman Center staff and CSA Officers to set the vision for the organization. The President plans the agenda for the weekly CSA leadership team meeting and the monthly CSA General Meeting, facilitates those meetings, and develops creative uses/ways for the meeting to inform and motivate students to practice their faith. The President is the primary contact with the Newman Center staff, Kent State University, and as a primary liaison to other campus organizations. This position requires excellent communication, organizational, and conflict management skills. A willingness to support and mentor others is a must. The President is expected to attend all meetings, be visible at Newman Center and CSA events and participate in the liturgical life of the parish.

___ Vice President of Leadership Development: A new position for this year, the Vice President of Leadership Development takes an active role in recognizing the many gifts and talents of CSA members and invites them to greater leadership within the organization. The VP is the dedicated point-person between the CSA Officers and individual ad hoc leaders, facilitating communication, and providing support and resources. This does not mean ad hocs may only communicate with the VP and vice versa. Rather, the VP is the go-to person to resolve any issues ad hocs may have in their leadership roles, working with ad hocs and the officers to develop effective leadership strategies, programming, publicity, recruitment, etc. The person in this position must be a self-starter and interdependent leader, an excellent relationship builder and communicator, and a problem solver. Persistently asking all ad hocs "How can I help? How can the officers help? What issues are you having? What accomplishments are worth celebrating?" is a must. Additionally, the VP ensures that all ad hoc positions are filled.

___ Catholic Relief Services Officer: Since 2015, CSA has been a Catholic Relief Services Student Ambassadors chapter, which gives CSA access to global resources for teaching about social justice, building solidarity, and creating opportunities for legislative advocacy. New for this academic year, the CRS Officer advocates for the mission of the agency within CSA; establishes goals and programming to meet that mission; and ensures that CSA completes the minimum requirements set forth by CRS to be a chapter in good standing. This person works collaborative with other officers, especially the Service and Social Justice Officer, and with the CRS Ambassadors to host CRS-specific events. The intention in creating this position is to incorporate CRS’ vital mission into CSA events and outreach as much as possible and to help CSA develop a global perspective.

___ Communications Officer: The Communications Officer has a pulse on the activities of CSA and informs students and the parish community about the programs, events, and activities the Newman Center and CSA offer through the savvy and consistent use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others), the parish website, weekly e-mail newsletter, bulletin announcements, residence hall flyers, on-campus flyers, chalking, apparel, and other media. This person supports other leaders and our Catholic Relief Services Student Ambassadors chapter by helping them to promote their initiatives. Creativity, collaboration, good written and oral communication skills, and some technological skill are important in this position. Graphic design experience would be a bonus, but it is not a requirement.

___ Community & Social Events Officer: The Community & Social Events Officer works collaboratively with other officers to enhance their events as well as plans activities which bring students together for food, fun and fellowship, such as downtown outings, off-campus activities, movie nights, socials, dinners, and large parties for Halloween and the Super Bowl. This position allows for a lot of flexibility and is only limited by one’s creativity and imagination.

___ Education Officer: The Education Officer is grounded in his/her Catholic Christian faith and is willing to continue learning about our Tradition so that its richness may be shared with the campus and parish community. Responding to the needs of the students and the signs of the times, the Education Officer works closely with the Newman Center staff and other CSA officers to develop programming and social media campaigns that appropriate the faith in a relevant and contemporary way. Potential programs might include Why Do Catholics Believe That?, lectures, book studies, and discussions on contemporary Catholic topics (i.e. vocation, saints, Faithful Citizenship, Vatican II, etc.). The creative use of social media, blogs, and videos allows for outreach beyond the Fireside Lounge.

3 ___ Prayer & Worship: All leaders are called to cultivate a prayer life for themselves and others, but the Prayer and Worship Officer plays an integral role in developing programming that nurtures our Catholic faith by planning and promoting retreats; assisting with Wednesday Night Mass ministry; facilitating Bible studies and other small faith communities; organizing prayer opportunities for the community (i.e. Rosary, Taizé, Stations of the Cross, Lenten Prayer Partners, Art Prayer, etc.); and encouraging students to take advantage of parish-sponsored activities. This person should be grounded in his/her faith and be willing to share that faith with others. The Prayer & Worship Officer works closely with the Newman Center staff and collaborates with other officers to intentionally integrate prayer into the life of CSA.

___ Service & Social Justice Officer: As Catholics, we are called to serve joyfully and minister to others, especially our most vulnerable sisters and brothers. The Service & Social Justice officer works collaboratively with the staff and members of CSA to organize and promote local service opportunities for the organization and the parish with a special emphasis on direct service to those in need. This leader will continue our longstanding relationships with Catholic Charities and Hattie Larlham and offer support to the CSA Breakfast coordinators to help choose a charity and corresponding service project. The Service & Social Justice officer finds creative ways to promote justice and peace causes to members and provides opportunities for prayerful reflection and advocacy so that we may we walk with the “two feet of social justice.” This person works closely with the CRS Officer to organize local initiatives that have global implications.

Ad Hoc Positions CSA always seeks to develop a broad base of leaders, drawing on the many gifts, talents, and time of its members. Ad Hoc positions are focused leadership positions within CSA that require a significant commitment of energy, time, and creativity. All of these positions work directly with the campus minister and receive additional peer support from the VP of Leadership Development. Ad Hocs often are leaders of their own sub-committees (one cannot lead alone!). Please select no more than three ad hoc positions in which you have an interest.

___ Alternative Spring Break Leader (September-April): Persons who serve in this position assist the campus minister in planning and leading service trips during university breaks. Leaders help select service locations and ministries, publicize the application process, offer wisdom in selecting participants, plan weekly preparation meetings, assist with group fundraising, participate in the trip, and lead reflections on the trip itself.

___ Bible Study Leader (all year): The person in this position need not be a biblical scholar, but is someone who possesses a strong interest in Scripture, makes a commitment to learning more about it, and shares it with others. The leader of this ministry coordinates a weekly Bible study of 10-20 students, at a time to be determined, setting aside time before the meeting for proper preparation using available, approved resources at the Newman Center and on the Internet. The role of the leader is to facilitate conversation around a selected topic for the evening. The leader must be open to different ideas, realizing that everyone’s level of knowledge varies, and be able to confidently handle tricky small group situations.

___ Collegians for the Colegio Coordinator (all year): Collegians for the Colegio is a student-led program that supports the Padre Nicolas Antonio Rodriguez Diocesan School in Agua Caliente, Chalatenango, El Salvador (aka “the colegio”). Collegians is run by one or two students who have a passion for service and justice, especially in meeting the educational needs of those who are less fortunate. Coordinator(s) develop publicity and pledge materials for the beginning of the year, send out monthly reminders, record monthly donations, and share regular updates about what is happening at the colegio with program participants. This position involves some marketing and public relations skills as well as the ability to keep good financial records.

___ CSA Breakfast Coordinator(s) (all year): CSA Breakfast Coordinators probably have the tastiest of all leadership positions. They ensure that all aspects of the monthly parish breakfast run smoothly, from publicizing the event, recruiting student and non-student volunteers, purchasing food and supplies, and working with volunteers during the event to prepare the meal, set up, serve and clean up. In addition, the breakfast coordinators support the CRS Ambassadors in running the fair trade sale. Breakfast coordinators work closely with the service and social justice officer to decide on a local charity and accompanying direct service project with the recipient of the breakfast’s funds.

___ Formal Coordinator (short-term – dates TBA): The Formal Coordinator facilitates the overall planning of the event, including working with the staff and officers to select a date and forming a committee to assign leadership roles to handle such details as food, budget, music selection, theme selection, decorations, set up, clean up, publicity and ticket sales. This event is usually a fundraiser for a CSA project. The date has not yet been determined.

___ Freshman Retreat Team (April-October; retreat date: September 23 [tentative]): Team members (4-5) work collaboratively to plan and run the one-day Freshman Retreat, usually held within an hour’s drive of the Newman Center. The team develops the theme, schedule, large and small group activities, witness talks, and meals. Members should be enthusiastic and have the desire to engage freshmen in their Catholic Christian faith and the Newman Center and accompany them in their 4 transition from high school to college. Preparation for the retreat begins in the Spring semester with one meeting before the end of the year, and then requires 4-5 weekly meetings of 1 ½-2 hours each, starting during the first week of school until the retreat.

___ Homecoming Parade Float and/or Game Activities (September-October 14): CSA participates in the annual Homecoming Parade at Kent State University. The person in this position organizes CSA’s Homecoming Parade entry based on the selected theme (usually a truck that we decorate) and invites students to attend the football game in the afternoon. This person completes the necessary paperwork and communicates directives from the University with parade participants. Creativity and high energy is a must!

___ Intramurals Coordinator (all year): The Intramurals Coordinator has a passion for sports and the desire to be a team leader, literally. This person organizes CSA squads for the campus intramurals program at the Rec Center. Sports that CSA has played in the past include indoor and outdoor soccer, volleyball, and softball. The Intramurals Coordinator must also be able to meet registration deadlines and handle registration fees given to them by teammates and keep track of uniforms. The coordinator is expected to send out reminders for upcoming games and commit to being at the majority of CSA’s games.

___ March for Life Coordinator (September-January 19): The March for Life coordinator works with the Diocese of Youngstown or other nearby campuses to secure seats for the annual pilgrimage to Washington, DC. This person recruits students to attend and shares vital information with them in preparation.

___ Relay for Life (spring semester): The Relay for Life chairperson organizes the Catholic Student Association team for the event, including managing fundraisers and facilitating team meetings. Participation in a previous KSU Relay for Life team would be helpful but is not necessary.

___ Rosary (all year): The coordinator of this ministry leads a communal recitation of the Rosary on a date/time that reflects the desires of the student body. The Rosary leader ensures that rosaries and handouts are available for those who come to pray and invites others to share in leading the prayers. There is lots of room for creativity within this ministry.

___ Summer Letter Writing Outreach: Each year, the Newman Center receives the names of approximately 150 Catholic high school graduates who will continue their education at Kent State University. The person in this position will recruit students and non-student parishioners to write personalized letters to each incoming student, manage a spreadsheet with this data, and prepare a mailing with general campus ministry information to each individual from the Newman Center. The person in this position should be living in Kent during the summer months, as he/she is required to physically be at the Newman Center to complete this task.

___ Wednesday Night Music Ministry (all year): This position includes directing a small team of music-loving individuals who, with the guidance of the parish music director, plan music for the Wednesday 8:15 p.m. Mass consistent with the liturgical season and the Scripture readings. They also lead the choir during Mass and run a rehearsal at 7:30 p.m.

___ Other (please specify) ______


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