Chfam 3790: Supervised Practice in Early Childhood Education

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Chfam 3790: Supervised Practice in Early Childhood Education


Instructor: Dr. Louise Pavia Office: 3048 Cushwa Office Phone: (330) 941-3345 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: By Appointment

Course Description A culminating practicum designed to provide beginning teachers clinical experience with children in the early childhood years. Students will apply developmental theories and appropriate practices in settings for young children. 210 hours of field/clinical experience. PrerequisitesCHFAM 3733L; CHFAM 2664

Text 1. Bredekamp, S. & Copple, C. (Eds.) (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs. Washington, D.C.:NAEYC. 2. Handouts for CHFAM 3790, available from the YSU bookstore 3. Access:

Practicum Sites Only sites approved by the Prekindergarten Associate Advisory Committee will be used for placements. University liability insurance is applicable only for students working in contracted sites. Cooperating professionals who supervise and evaluate students must have an appropriate degree. Transportation to the site is the responsibility of the student.

Objectives Knowledge 1. Defines developmentally appropriate practices in all areas of the early childhood program. 2. Articulates theory underlying DAP. 3. Applies principles of appropriate curriculum planning and knowledge of early childhood development to promote learning. 4. Demonstrates the ability to systematically organize and manage an effective early childhood program. 5. Applies anti-bias principles in the classroom. Skills 1. Selects and appropriately uses experiences and materials in each of the developmental domains. 2. Helps children become socialized through routines such as eating, sleeping, toileting, personal cleanliness and classroom cleanup. 3. Observes and records behaviors of children and uses these anecdotes in assessing children and planning activities. 4. Plans for individual activities and for whole or half day sessions. 5. Facilitates development of self control in children. 6. Organizes learning experiences and a classroom environment that meet the needs and interests of diverse children. 7. Applies knowledge of child development to program practices. 8. Helps each child to know, accept and take pride in self and family and to develop a sense of independence. 9. Organizes an attractive, healthy, safe, and developmentally appropriate environment. 10.Takes advantage of opportunities for professional growth. Dispositions 1. Recognizes that young children are active learners. 2. Believes children’s play is the primary vehicle for and indicator of their mental growth and serves important functions in children’s physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social, and creative (aesthetic) development. 3. Supports child-initiated, child-directed, teacher-supported play. 4. Believes parent involvement is critical to optimum development of children, and that parents will benefit from this involvement. 5. Recognizes the teacher’s role as a facilitator of children’s learning. 6. Recognizes the importance of ongoing reflection as a means of evaluating and subsequently modifying or improving practice within the classroom.

Ohio AAS standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1, 5.1, 5.4, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 NAEYC standards: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CAMPUS SUPERVISOR 1. Arrange placement. 2. Orient student and cooperating professional to the practicum requirements. 3. Serve as a resource person for both student and cooperating center. 4. Visit the student at the site, observe progress, and confer with the cooperating teacher. Arrange dates with the student and center. Each student will receive two 1 hour visits and one 2 hour visit. 5. Conduct evaluation conferences with the student and professional. 6. Provide feedback to the student through written observation reports, individual conferences, and seminar discussions. 7. Plan and conduct seminars for the students. 8. Assign final grades, considering recommendations of the cooperating center. 9. Collect data to continually improve the quality of the practicum experience. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COOPERATING PROFESSIONAL 1. Prepare staff, children, and parents for participation of the practicum student. 2. Orient the student to the center and its policies such as: a. Dress code b. Reimbursable expenses c. Procedures for reporting off sick d. Discipline policy 2. Provide the student with access to the materials and equipment normally available to the staff. 3. Be a model for the student. 4. Provide frequent, prompt feedback on performance through oral and written evaluations of 12 individual lessons and nine (9) session plans. 5. Allocate some time for a weekly planning conference with the student. 6. Complete midterm and final evaluations of the student. 7. Meet with the student for a midterm and a final conference and as needed.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STUDENT 1. Seminar attendance and participation is required. Students who must be absent due to an emergency situation must contact the campus supervisor as soon as possible. Students are expected to be prepared for discussion and to share experiences and ideas at seminars

2. Laboratory attendance. Students must complete at least 210 hours of practicum experience. All but a few hours of this time must be spent working directly with children. In addition to time spent with the children, a few hours may be spent in activities such as the following: staff meetings, planning time with the cooperating teacher, professional meetings, parents’ night or conferences, and time before children arrive or after children leave when preparation or clean up take place. Writing of lesson plans, etc. is to be done on the student’s own time. The student is not permitted to work for pay at the center at the same time as completing practicum hours.

A form for documenting the hours is included in the course packet and is to be submitted at the end of the semester. The cooperating professional’s signature should be secured at the end of each day in the practicum site.

Laboratory hours generally should be scheduled at least three mornings a week. Under no circumstances should a student be asked to, or be permitted to, work in the center at the time they have another class scheduled. If a student is going to be absent, the center must be notified as soon as possible. The only acceptable reasons for absences are unavoidable circumstances such as illness. In any case, the student must complete a minimum of 210 hours. Time of the practicum may be extended through finals week for this purpose. An “Incomplete” will be issued if the student is unable to meet this requirement due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. In other cases, an F may be given.

3. Professional Portfolio: Each student must compile a professional portfolio. Include a resume, a copy of your high school diploma, three references, documentation of education, awards, and certified training. The Professional Portfolio should include samples of outstanding work completed during the semester. Pictures and samples of the children’s work should be included to augment the documentation. The Professional Portfolio should also include all the Practicum work completed during the semester. The following components should be included: a. Six domain sections: One section for each of the six developmental domains (affective/emotional, cognitive, creative/aesthetic, language, physical, and social). Each of the 6 domain sections is to be labeled with the domain name. Two lesson plans must be completed and implemented in each domain. These lesson plans must be written using the lesson plan format included in the handout packet. The implementation of these lessons should be scheduled with the cooperating professional. The lessons implemented in each domain must be evaluated by the cooperating professional using the evaluation forms provided in the handout packet. (See below for further information concerning the lesson plans.) An evaluation of each of the lessons must also be included with each lesson. The evaluation will include a reflection of the lesson following the reflection format in the handout packet. Each lesson must be followed by the cooperating teacher’s evaluation and your reflection/evaluation of the lesson. b. Session plans for nine (9) full teaching sessions. Assume total responsibility for nine full teaching days/sessions (2 -3 per week during the last weeks of the semester). The specific dates/days must be arranged with your cooperating professional. For each of these days prepare a session plan(grid with schedule) and gain the approval of your cooperating professional. Your cooperating professional will complete a written evaluation for SIX (6) of these sessions. It is suggested that the first week or two be the three “practice” sessions and that the 6 sessions evaluated by the cooperating professional be during the last two to four weeks. After the three “practice” sessions, please meet with your classroom teacher and discuss what worked and what needs to be added or changed. This discussion needs to be written up by you and signed by you and the teacher. Also, you will need to write an evaluation of EACH teaching session as a whole, not each individual lesson for the day. c. Developmental sketch: Include your typed developmental sketch, as well as the developmental checklist/s or other assessment documents and notes regarding other information obtained about the child. “Work samples” provided by the child should also be included as an additional source of information about the child’s development. Anecdotal records: 2 anecdotal records in each of the six domains: affective/emotional, cognitive, creative/aesthetic, language, physical, and social. d. Weekly and special journal: A weekly entry that summarizes primary events and your reflections about your participation and the site. Pose and answer questions about the experience, address concerns you might have, etc. Also, include special journal entries as assigned (see your assignment schedule and the practicum packet for specific details). e. Parent project: Include documentation and a reflection of your parent participation project. Include your plans, publicity, photos (optional), and any other materials to illustrate your project. Your project should be based on the needs of the children and the families in the class. Discuss ideas for the project with the cooperating professional and complete the project early in the semester. Projects should involve the parent and child at home. Projects need to be approved by the cooperating teacher. Be prepared to discuss your project with the class including documentation and reflection of the project. f. Classroom schedule of the field site g. Log of practicum hours h. Midterm and final evaluations completed by the cooperating teacher i. Site evaluation j. Summaries of meetings, seminars, workshops, etc. attended (either at the center or elsewhere). Also attach any handouts/materials received during these meetings. Plan to attend at least one on-site or external professional meeting, seminar, workshop, class, etc. during the semester. k. Self evaluations: Complete evaluations of skills at the beginning and end of the semester. Use forms provided in handout packet. l. All required ODJFS licensing forms. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Your completed Professional portfolio is to be submitted to the YSU supervisor at the seminar held during the final week of the semester. Please see the assignment/seminar schedule for the specific date.

LESSON PLANS: Tentative lesson plans and session plans must be submitted to your cooperating teacher at least three days before the plan is scheduled to be taught . You may revise the plans based on suggestions from the teacher and university supervisor. You will be graded on the final revised lesson plan. The first twelve lesson plans are submitted to the university supervisor for comments and suggestions before implementation. These lesson plans should be typed and completed in detail. Remember that you must carefully evaluate each lesson plan following implementation of the experience.

All lesson plans submitted must be plans based on your ideas or ideas derived from various teaching resources (REMEMBER to cite sources used). You may not write detailed lesson plans for activities or routines that normally take place within the classroom or activities that you have observed your cooperating teacher implement.

GUIDELINES FOR CENTER PARTICIPATION: Assist in the center according to the following add-on progression: a. Assist in routine activities: observe program. Weeks 1-4 b. Assist teacher in conducting the program. Weeks 3-6 c. Teach 12 lessons that have been approved. Weeks 5-10 d. Serve as lead teacher for nine sessions. Weeks 11-15 IMPORTANT! YOU MAY PROGRESS MORE QUICKLY THAN THE SCHEDULE INDICATES, BUT DO NOT LAG BEHIND.

Visits by the YSU Supervisor: Visit 1 YSU Supervisor will expect to see the student involved in center routines and assisting cooperating teacher. Supervisor may conference briefly with student and teacher and resolve any problems or questions. (approximately 1 hour) Visit 2 Supervisor will expect student to do some teaching. Copies of lesson plan and evaluation form are to be given to the supervisor on arrival. (approximately 1 hour) Visit 3 Student is to assume the role of lead teacher, which will cover all aspects of the day, including assigning some of the responsibilities to the classroom professional. When the supervisor arrives, student should provide a copy of the day’s session plans. This third visit will last approximately 1 ½ -2 hours and may include discussion between the cooperating professional and the YSU supervisor while the student is conducting the program. (Discussion between the cooperating professional and the YSU supervisor will be dependent upon the cooperating professional’s availability during the visit-classroom operation will not be disrupted.)

Practicum Evaluation 12 lesson plans (10 points each) 120 points (2 in each of 6 domains)

Practice teaching sessions 15 points

Session plans 60 points GRADING SCALE Journal A 436-484 Weekly entries 25 points B 392-435

Special journal entries 40 points C 353-391 D 317-352 Developmental sketch 40 points F Below 317

12 Anecdotal records 24 points

Parent project 40 points

Seminar attendance/participation/ professionalism 15 points

Professional meeting 5 points

Professional Portfolio 40 points

Final evaluation by cooperating 20 points professional

Performance evaluation by 40 points university supervisor

Total 484 points

Please be aware that unprofessional conduct will be grounds for lowering of the final grade. Failure to complete each and every component and requirement of the practicum experience will result in failure of the course. CHFAM 3790 – Supervised Practice Seminar and Assignment Schedule

**All work is due at the weekly seminar. Please use a pocket folder for submission of weekly assignments and journal entries.

**The recommended center activities are intended to be a guide-please DO NOT FALL BEHIND this schedule. You may, however, proceed more quickly in assuming classroom responsibilities, provided your cooperating teacher and you agree that this is appropriate.

Week 1/1-14 Seminar: Overview of syllabus. Completion of information cards and the Pre-Practicum Self Evaluation. Discuss Resource Presentations. Center: Call teacher, visit and set schedule.

Week 2/1-21 Center: Begin. Seminar: Discussion of any assignments not yet reviewed, review lesson plan design, discuss professionalism and confidentiality; share letter of introduction. Due: Special journal entry #2 (introduction letter draft), initial self evaluation.

Week 3/1-28 Center: Learn children’s names and become familiar with classroom and its operation. Discuss parent project ideas with cooperating professional Seminar: Discuss lesson plans; share resources. Due: Weekly journal #1. Resource Presentations.

Week 4/2-4 Center: Assume responsibility for at least one classroom routine. Begin facilitating various housekeeping activities within the classroom. Select a child to be observed in completing your developmental sketch. Observe and begin to record anecdotes on a child. Seminar: Discuss Parent Project; share philosophy.. Due: Special journal entry #1; weekly journal entry #2, and 4 lesson plans.

Week 5/2-11 Center: Assume responsibility for group time, storytelling, and another activity in the classroom. Seminar: Individual meetings to discuss lesson plans. Due: Weekly journal entry #3, 4 anecdotal records, child’s progress at a glance#1, outline of plan for parent project. Week 6/2-18 Center: Assist in all aspects of the program. Begin Parent Project. Share lesson plans with teacher that will be implemented the next week. Seminar: Classroom environments; share special journal entry #4. Due: Weekly journal entry #4, Special journal entries #3 (observation of children), # 4 (environment); 4 lesson plans, 4 anecdotal records and selected child assessment form.

Week 7/2-25 Center: Continue to increase the level of classroom planning and participation. Implement 3 lessons that you have planned. Be sure cooperating professional has reviewed lesson plans in advance. Seminar: Explain/discuss teaching sessions; curriculum/share special journal entry #5. Due: Weekly journal entry #5, Special journal entries #5 (curriculum) and #6 (group observation), 4 lesson plans, 4 anecdotal records and selected child assessment form.

Week 8/3-4 Center: Continue to assume classroom responsibilities. Implement 3 lessons that you have planned and that cooperating professional has reviewed. Meet with cooperating professional about mid term evaluation. NO Seminar Due: Special journal entry #7 (parent participation), Special journal entry #8 (guidance). Weekly journal entry #6. Child’s progress at a glance #2 and selected assessment form; any completed individual lessons with reflections and teacher evaluations. (Please put in Dr. Pavia’s office mailbox.)

Week of 3-9 YSU Spring Break

Week 9/3-18 Center: Continue to assume teaching responsibility. Implement 3 lessons. Seminar: Classroom challenges and guidance issues; developmental sketch. Due: Weekly journal entry #7, 3 full day teaching sessions, any completed individual lessons, and cooperating teacher’s mid term evaluation.

Week 10/3-25 Center: Implement last individual lessons. Discuss themes and/ or ideas for whole teaching days with cooperating professional. Continue to gather information about child for developmental sketch. END Parent Project. NO Seminar: Individual times (3-24 & 3-25) to discuss university professor’s observation and full day teaching plans. Due: Weekly journal entry #8; any completed individual lessons, child’s progress at a glance #3.

Week 11/4-1 Center: Implement “practice” teaching sessions and discuss with cooperating professional. Seminar: Managing the daily schedule. Due: Any completed lesson plans, weekly journal entry #9, and 3 teaching session plans.

Week 12/4-8 Center: Implement “practice” and/or regular teaching sessions. Give your cooperating professional the final evaluation for her to complete. Seminar: Discuss classroom issues and guidance. Due: Weekly journal entry #10, child’s progress at a glance #4 and selected assessment on child, 3 teaching session plans. Parent Project report.

Week 13/4-15 Center: Implement teaching sessions. Seminar: Discuss selected issues. Due: Weekly journal entry #11; completed “practice” teaching sessions with summary of teacher feedback and own reflections.

Week 14/4-22 Center: Implement teaching sessions. With your cooperating professional, plan for closure with the children. Seminar: Discuss selected topics.

Week 15/4-29 Center: Implement teaching sessions. Conduct closure with children. Seminar : Wrap-up. Due: Completed portfolio (no late portfolios will be accepted). Be sure to include completed developmental sketch, completed practicum self-evaluation, final evaluations, and cooperating professional final evaluation.

Week of 5-4 Finals week Final conferences to be arranged with each student. PRACTICUM TALLY SHEET


Seminar attendance (15 points) 0 attended X did not attend 8/30 9/6 9/13 9/27 10/4 10/11 10/18 10/25 11/8 11/15 11/29 12/6 4/26

Weekly journal (10 points) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R__ R__ R__ R__ R__ R__ R__ R__ R__ R__

Special journal (40 points) 1 philo 2letter 3 ob child 4 ob environ. 5 curric. 6 group. obs. 7 parent part. 8guide R___ R___ R___ R___ R___ R___ R___ R___

Developmental Sketch (40 points)

Review of resources due (15 points

Domain anecdotal records (4) (4) (4)

Assessment forms and Child’s Progress at a Glance

Lesson plans (120 points) 12 total (2 in each domain) (detailed) (3) (3) (3) (3)

Parent project (40 points)

Professional Portfolio (40points)

Supervisor visits (40 points)

1______2______3______PRACTICUM SITE DAYS AND TIMES


To be handed in to the University Supervisor

Teaching classes, days and times







12 lesson plans (10 points each) 120 points ______(2 in each of 6 domains)

Practice sessions 15 points

Session plans 60 points ______

Journal Weekly entries 25 points ______

Special journal entries 40 points ______

Developmental sketch 40 points ______

Anecdotal records 24 points ______

Parent project 40 points ______

Seminar attendance/participation/ 15 points ______Professionalism

Professional meeting attendance 5 points ______

Professional Portfolio 40 points ______

Final evaluation by cooperating 20 points ______professional

Performance evaluation by 40 points ______university supervisor

Total 484 points ______

A 484-451 100-93% B 450-416 92-86% C 415-349 85-72% D 348-315 71-65% F 314 and below MILEAGE FOR PRACTICUM SITES

Austintown Unit (Wedgewood) 16

Beginning Steps 12


Campbell Unit 10

Canfield Preschool 29

Churchill Preschool 10

H. S. of Lawrence Co. 46

Hillyer Children’s Center 37

Howland 24


Lockwood Unit 12

Lyon Plat Unit 14

MCJVS Head Start

OCCHA Even Start 9

Paradise Unit 32

Potential Development 4

Rayen 4

St. Rose Sunny Days 10

St. Paul’s Child Care 26

Serendipity 14

Trumbull 34

YACAC Learning Center 5 AlefBet (CHFAM 716) 5

Fairhaven (CHFAM 716) 22 CHFAM 3790



Youngstown State University Department of Human Ecology

Revised Fall, 2006


Documentation of hours 1 - 4

Guidelines for: Weekly journals 5 Special journals 6 – 7 Parent Project 8 Review of Resources 8

Lesson and session plan formats Lesson plan 9 Reflection of lesson 10 Session plan 11-12

Developmental sketch Outline 13 Evaluation criteria 14 Suggested forms 15 – 23

Anecdotal records 24 – 27

Evaluations Evaluation of learning experiences 28 – 39 Full teaching session evaluations 40 – 45 University professor visitations 46 – 49 Student evaluation scales 50 – 53 Initial student self-evaluation 54 – 58 Final student self-evaluation 59 – 64 Site evaluation 65 Final interview questions 66

Developmental domains guide 67 – 72 PARENT PROJECT (40 points)

Design and carry out a parent project. The project must be completed by Week 11 of the semester. Points will be based on the written report of the project and should include: 1. Written documentation of the project: what you designed, how parents were involved, parental feedback, handouts, photos, etc.

2. A sample of the project.

3. Discuss the parent project and reflect on the focus and success of the project. Identify challenges and how they could be addressed. What would you change? What would you keep the same? What type of learning and interactions took place? What did you use to get parental feedback and identify the learning that occurred? What do you think your parent project accomplished? Developmental Sketch As a teacher, it is important to know each child as an individual. An effective teacher must observe aspects of children’s development and behavior and use this information to plan appropriate classroom experiences and activities and guide interactions. To enhance your skills in observing the development of preschool children, you will complete a developmental sketch on one child in the classroom. You will also use the information gathered as a basis for planning for this child.

Use the following guidelines to complete the developmental sketch: 1. Anecdotal records: You should use anecdotal records to record your observations of one child’s development and behavior. Record at least TWO anecdotes in each of the six developmental domains (affective, cognitive, creative, language, physical, and social). You should have at least 12 different anecdotes. 2. Additional information: Compile additional information about this child. Include any forms used to gather this additional information. While you may not have access to all, the following sources may provide you with the information needed to get as complete a picture of the child as possible: a. The child’s teacher b. The child’s parents c. Informal or formal assessments d. Checklists or rating scales e. Anecdotal observations beyond those noted above. Some possible forms for gathering information are included in the handout packet. Note source below. 2. Developmental sketch: a. Introduction: This should include the child’s first name, age, birth date, family composition, length of time child has been in the program, and other basic information about the child that might be helpful in understanding the child’s development. b. Developmental domains: Discuss each of the SIX developmental domains using the following: i. Describe the domain characteristics of the observed child. Incorporate your findings from the all the sources used to gather the information, including anecdotal records. ii. Hypothesize where you think the child is in his/her development in each of the domains, referring to the general characteristics for a typically developing child of the same age. 3. Educational Planning: Develop an educational plan that identifies ONE skill within EACH of the domains that needs further development in the child. Suggest a related learning experience.

Nilsen, B. Week by Week: Plans for Observing and Recording Young Children. Cincinnati: Delmar Publishers, 1997.

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